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Objectives of the lesson To get acquainted with the participants of entrepreneurial activity; To identify the features of the legal literacy of entrepreneurship; To contribute to the formation of knowledge on entrepreneurship and the skills of this activity, necessary in life situations; To promote awareness of the need for knowledge on entrepreneurship in modern conditions.

Entrepreneurial activity is one of the forms of participation of citizens in entrepreneurial relations. In accordance with Art.2. of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity or in the manner prescribed by law ...

Business entities Legal entities - organizations that own, in economic vision or operational management of separate property and are liable for their obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on their own behalf, incur obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court . The legal entities are commercial organizations and non-profit organizations (consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations etc.) A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity from the moment state registration as an individual entrepreneur. (Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Separately highlighted in paragraph 2. Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a subject of entrepreneurial law as the head of a peasant (farmer) enterprise, carrying out activities without forming a legal entity.

Forms of entrepreneurial activity The forms of entrepreneurial activity include: business partnerships and companies, general partnerships and limited partnerships (limited partnerships), limited liability companies, additional liability companies, joint-stock companies, production cooperatives, state ones. and municipal unitary enterprises; business organizations - associations (unions), holdings, financial and industrial groups.

Business Law Every entrepreneur has the right: to independently form production program, choose suppliers and consumers of their products, set prices for them within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and contracts, challenge in court in accordance with the procedure established by law the actions of citizens, legal entities, government agencies. Obligations of the entrepreneur: Fulfill obligations arising from the RFI legislation and agreements concluded by him; timely submit an income declaration and pay taxes in the manner and amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to organize your business? (training) Task: Think about what business you could open? Select legal form enterprises (justify your choice). Prepare a project employment contract with employees (mode of operation, terms of payment, responsibility). Sketch out a business plan.

Discussion on the studied topic. Task: 1. Can we answer the question posed in the topic of our lesson? 2. Do you have a desire to become an entrepreneur? 3. What do you lack for doing business? 4. What new concepts did you get acquainted with? 5. In what areas did you expand your knowledge?

Homework Prepare reports on topics (optional): - " Non-Profit Organizations and entrepreneurial activity- "Privatization and its role in entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation" - to develop a project of their own entrepreneurial activity.

Lesson: Entrepreneurship

Target: creation of conditions for the study of entrepreneurship as one of the integral components of the socio-economic practice of modern Russia.


    Educational: to form in students an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"entrepreneurship", its essence and role in the system of market relations; determine the qualitative characteristics of the entrepreneurial profession.

    Educational: develop communication skills when working in a group, develop cognitive interest, develop the ability to explain features, patterns, analyze, compare, develop text skills, help students determine the level of predisposition to entrepreneurial activity

    Educational: to cultivate a humane attitude towards others, to cultivate an attitude towards entrepreneurship not only as a way to make a profit (personal benefit), but also a way to meet the needs of society.

Equipment: presentation "Entrepreneurship", individual worksheets, didactic materials for group work, a questionnaire of personal entrepreneurial abilities, smile pictures for highlighting groups and reflecting mood.

New words:





During the classes

1.Motivational stage.

Hello guys, check if everything is on your desk, get ready, and now close your eyes, think about something good, open your eyes and smile, let this smile accompany you throughout the lesson.

I hope that our communication with you today will be not only useful, but also interesting.

Social science

Spheres of society

What area are we studying?

What key areas are united by the economy

Which item comes first


The basis of production is resources or otherwise factors of production. name them

Teacher: Students need to distribute the "harvest" into baskets


Labor Land Capital Entrepreneurship

Harvest: money, equipment, land, lathe, oil, equipment adjuster, technologist, forest, knowledge technological process, building, efforts aimed at finding new opportunities, lawyer, risk, ability to organize a case,)

Which of these factors do you think is the most important?


What do you know about this factor?

Initial assessment of students' knowledge on a topic. Scale on the board.

- Determine the level of your knowledge on the topic of the lesson: low, medium or high.

On the scale, students evaluate their own knowledge on a given topic and put a certain sign.

How would you rate your knowledge? High level or low?

What questions would you like to ask to learn about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship?

Formulate the purpose of the lesson:

Who is an entrepreneur?

What does he do

How does

Why is he doing business?

Who is an entrepreneur?

Questions on the screen:




For what?

Let's see: Who is an entrepreneur? and Who can be an entrepreneur? Surely each of you already has an idea of ​​​​an entrepreneur, each has his own image of an entrepreneur, which, I hope, we will supplement during the lesson.

To do this, we will work in pairs. Each couple will have their own task. Read the task, think, consult, come to a common decision, jointly select a speaker.


1. Task:

Work on the text of the textbook - Yakovleva and Grigorieva

Paragraph 13.

Page 85 The paragraph "Entrepreneur - ... with their wallet" and p 86 "Entrepreneur ... computer empire" and with a social science dictionary

2. task - the study of regulatory documents - find out who can be an entrepreneur. Yakovlev D. and Isaev V.

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Civil Code

How old are you? If you come to tax office, you will be registered as entrepreneurs?

Children's answers. story by regulatory documents. name documents

If any citizen of the Russian Federation can be an entrepreneur, why are there teachers, mechanics, drivers, salesmen?

Task 3 - study the text "Qualities of an Entrepreneur" and complete tasks - handout

After discussion and additions, a summary is summed up - the most important, according to students, qualities are called. Answers are recorded on worksheets.

Teacher: And now let's check which of you in the future can choose the profession of an entrepreneur.

Questionnaire for assessing personal entrepreneurial abilities

Please answer "yes" or "no" to the questions provided.

1. Are you able to complete the work you have begun, despite the obstacles that arise?

2. Can you insist on decision Or can you be easily persuaded?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, lead?

4. Are you ready to work from dawn to dusk without receiving immediate returns, rewards?

5. Are you able to convince and infect others with your confidence in the correctness of the chosen path?

6. Do you understand the ideas and thoughts of other people?

7. Do you enjoy the respect and trust of your colleagues and acquaintances?

8. Do you like to communicate and work with people?

9. Do you think that if you have already decided something, then nothing will stop you?

10. Starting something new is always scary. Are you one of those who will not be stopped by this?


Each positive answer gives you one point. Calculate, please, the sum of points.


If the score is 8 or more, you have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your determination, energy and faith in success will help to realize any worthwhile idea - the main thing is that the ideas really deserve it.

You scored from 5 to 7 points. Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so obvious, but anything is possible if you work hard on yourself.

If you have less than 5 points, you are unlikely to make a good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience, and before embarking on the path of free enterprise, again and again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

The students answer the questionnaire. Then the teacher is interested in the results. The first to raise their hands are those who can become an entrepreneur, then those who need to work on themselves, the last are those who are better off not starting, the teacher convinces the latter not to be upset, because there are many more professions where you can realize yourself.

As it turned out, not everyone has this quality.

O form on worksheets

What does an entrepreneur do?

What type of activity do you associate entrepreneurship with?

Listen to students' opinions.

Work on the text of the textbook p. 88 to "Example successful business»

An enterprise with more than 500 employees is a large enterprise

An enterprise with a number of employees from 100 to 500 is a medium-sized enterprise

An enterprise with less than 100 employees is a small business

Working with statistical data of the Urmar region

video sketches

What kind of business is developed in our area?

Small and medium

What sectors of the economy are covered by small and medium-sized businesses?

Students name according to the table

Distribute these sectors of the economy by type of business.

Calculate the share in%.

Why small business?

Why service industry?

Student responses

Why organize your business? What is the purpose of entrepreneurial activity?

Work according to the text of the textbook p.85 “The desire for profit ... 4 years”

So, the main income of an entrepreneur is profit. You all understand that it will differ significantly from the income of an employee.

Using the text, find the main difference between the income of an entrepreneur and the income of an employee.

AT economic theory labor as a factor of production refers to any mental and physical efforts made by people in the process of economic activity in order to produce a useful result. The price of labor services, the income of employees - wages. Wages are defined as remuneration paid to an employee for work performed. This is a guaranteed income for an employee of the enterprise.

An entrepreneur is an essential attribute of a market economy. Profit is one of the most important indicators financial results economic activity of business entities (organizations and entrepreneurs), for the sake of which entrepreneurial activity is carried out. According to Cantilom (18th century), an entrepreneur is a person with uncertain, non-fixed income (peasant, artisan, merchant, etc.). He receives other people's goods at a known price, and will sell at a price not yet known to him. A. Smith characterized an entrepreneur as an owner who takes economic risks for the sake of implementing a commercial idea and making a profit.

Students formulate the main difference between profit and wages- her fickleness. Be sure to record this on the worksheet.

The exercise "Colored pencils" is carried out.

Children are invited to take colored pencils placed on the desk.

Teacher: Let's say you are an entrepreneur. The end of the reporting period has come. You have your income in your hands. How do you distribute your income?

All this is the income of the entrepreneur (the teacher has pencils in his hands). After paying wages to workers, taxes, paying for electricity, renting premises, production costs, etc. (the teacher puts down his pencils), the entrepreneur has net profit(several pencils).

Teacher: It is for the sake of this small number of pencils - profit, that an entrepreneur must show all his abilities, initiative, take risks and be responsible for his risk, and most importantly, be an innovator. We congratulate successful entrepreneurs (children who have pencils left) with applause, think about those who did not have enough of them or did not have them left after paying all the costs.

“Each person should be given an equal right to pursue his own advantage, and the whole society benefits from this” (Adam Smith)

Why does the state encourage business development?

Whole society wins

The value of entrepreneurship for the state economy:

    The entrepreneur creates jobs.

    The entrepreneur pays taxes and thereby increases the welfare of the state.

    In an effort to make a profit, the entrepreneur innovates

into the production process (new goods, services, technologies, etc.)

So, we have already learned quite a lot of new things, we took something from your life experience, we heard about something for the first time. Let's create a complete image of an entrepreneur. Students performexercise on an individual worksheet. After the allotted time, chain check.

An entrepreneur is a ___________ citizen who is ready to show __________, to go on ____ creating and managing an enterprise, to introduce _______________ ideas and technologies, to take on ______________ for business decisions, to invest ___________, forces and means in order to obtain ______________ based on a combination of __________ benefits with _________________ benefits .

Back to scale

You and I have not remembered such a quality, without which the activity of an entrepreneur has become much more complicated - this is optimism. We started the lesson with a smile, if your mood has changed by the end of the lesson, if it is wonderful, raise a smiling image. I am very glad and wish that you start any business, even such a complex, risky and responsible one as entrepreneurship, with a smile and optimism, and then success and luck will definitely smile at you in return.

The teacher thanks and evaluates the work of the students.

Entrepreneurship it is not prohibited by law, associated with risk, independent, proactive economic activity aimed at making a profit.

Entrepreneur - a person who has come up with a new business that satisfies some need and makes a profit.

Business is any (not prohibited by law) activity aimed at making a profit. whether.

Profit - a generalizing indicator of the financial results of economic activity, one of the main economic categories; is the excess of revenue from the sale of goods over the costs of their production and sale.

Lesson #1

Topic: Entrepreneurship: essence, goals, tasks.

  1. The concept and tasks of entrepreneurial activity.
  2. The history of the formation of entrepreneurship in Russia
  3. The place and role of entrepreneurial activity in the economic
    what structure of society.
  4. Tests to identify predisposition to entrepreneur-
    sky activity.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Explain the essence, role and place of entrepreneurship in the system
    topic of market relations.
  2. To instill in students respect for entrepreneurship, self-
    frugality, frugality.
  3. Help students determine the level of predisposition
    to entrepreneurial activity.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, dispute, demonstration.

Equipment: posters, textbook, diagrams, tests.

Intersubject communications: technology, history.

During the classes:
I Organizing time.
Greetings. Examination payroll readiness for the lesson
II. Actualization.
Students are encouraged to ask a few questions in order to
grab their attention.
- What is entrepreneurship?
What qualities do you think an entrepreneur should have?

III. Explanation of the material.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
1) What is entrepreneurship? - This is an initiative, within the framework of
of the current legislation, activities for the creation, maintenance
and development of the enterprise, which has as its goal the production and marketing
products, making a profit. Law Russian Federation
“On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activity”, introduced
into effect on January 1, 1991, fixes the main features of this de-
activity and claims that the entrepreneur runs his own business:

  • first, on my own behalf,
  • Second, at your own risk
  • thirdly, under their own property responsibility.

In fact, all three conditions speak of the freedom of the entrepreneur
run your own business and take advantage of it, profit,
and about his freedom to either win or go broke, losing even his own
tainted property.
2) The development of entrepreneurship in Russia has a centuries-old
history. The first Russian entrepreneurs from the merchant class appeared
at the end of the XVIII century. A significant part of them became the owners of factories
and factories. Late 19th and early 20th centuries were for Russia years of economic
chesky growth. In all major cities exchanges existed, quickly
banking activities developed.

Before the revolution of 1917, more than 250
of them commercial schools, which trained future entrepreneurs
mothers. The natural course of development of entrepreneurship in Russia
was interrupted by the revolution of 1917. The policy of the Bolsheviks, aimed
on the elimination of private property, reduced entrepreneurship
to no. The situation was so critical that in 1921 the Soviet
The government was forced to announce a new economic
policy (NEP). Its essence was to introduce elements of a market
economy, and entrepreneurship was allowed. However, by 1928
The NEP was overthrown, the authorities took the path of centralized planning
rovaniya and management of the economy. This system existed until 1990.
Economic reforms carried out since the early 90s. direction-
us on the revival of the class of entrepreneurs in Russia.
3) When organizing his business, the entrepreneur must decide
a number of questions (Fig. 2).
Question 1: What to produce?
An entrepreneur must identify a potential consumer
for your product or service, i.e. the firm should be oriented
to the market and therefore produce those goods or services that
are in demand.
2nd question: How much to produce?
What will be the volume of production of goods or services? Produce
You need as many goods and services as you can sell profitably.
3rd question: Where to produce?
Where is the best place to locate a company? Three factors are taken into account:
Where is the consumer located? where is the raw material located? what are the transport
costs. The most economical option is selected.
4th question: How to produce?
The issues of technology and organization of production are being solved, which
to get the most profit.
4) The entrepreneur performs the following four interconnected
roles (functions):

  • an entrepreneur is an innovator, a person striving for commercial
    basis to introduce new products and new
    production technologies.
  • An entrepreneur is a person who takes responsibility for
    responsibility for making major decisions in the process of doing business
  • An entrepreneur is a person who takes on
    the initiative to connect the main decisions in the process of doing
  • An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks. He takes risks
    Not only business reputation, but also invested funds.

IV. Tests to identify predisposition to entrepreneurship
body's activities
Quiz: Are you determined? (Annex 4)
V. Homework.
Do you know any entrepreneur. What kind of
he possesses the necessary and business qualities, what he does and
Is his business on foot? Develop the components of your own image

Lesson #2

Topic: Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship

  1. Resources and factors of production.
  2. Types of entrepreneurial activity.
  3. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial de-
    activities (private enterprise, partnerships, companies,
    corporations, etc.)
  4. Didactic game "Profitable idea".

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To acquaint students with the main types and forms of business
    mindfulness in Russia.
  2. Cultivate entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. Develop the skill of economic analysis.

Teaching methods: Story, conversation, explanation, demonstration, self-
independent work, didactic game.

Equipment: Schemes, posters, game equipment.
Interdisciplinary communications: technology, social science

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment.

P. Checking homework.
Sh. Actualization.
Students are encouraged to ask the following questions:
- What are factors of production?
- What types of entrepreneurial activities do you know?
- What forms of entrepreneurship do you know?

1) The entrepreneur, as already mentioned, relying on his own
responsibility, establishes the production of goods or services. For anyone
production in any economic formation are necessary
resources. Resources are a collection of natural, material,
financial, social and spiritual forces that can be used
called in the process of production, to create goods and services.

All resources are divided into natural, material, labor
you and financial.

Natural, material and labor resources are the resources
without which no production can exist, therefore
they got the name basic . Financial resources generated
in market conditions, are called derivatives . What then means
What are the "factors of production"? What is their difference from “production resources”?

Describing the production resources, we note that this
everything that can be involved in the production process, and the factors
production denote the resources actually involved in the process
production. Therefore, "resources of production" is more
more important concept than "factors of production". Unlike resources,
factors become such only in the process of production, mutually
interacting with each other. Therefore, production is always mutual
the action of factors.

Factors is what is used in the production process
and on what the course of production and its results directly depend.
These include: natural resources (land and natural wealth);
production resources (buildings, equipment, machine tools, etc.);
labor resources (people, their physical and mental abilities).
In a market system, economists distinguish the fourth factor of production
leadership - entrepreneurial ability. businessman takes
take the lead in connecting natural, industrial and labor
new resources into a single process for the production of goods or services.

2) There are several types of business activities:

  • production,
  • commercial (trading),
  • financial,
  • insurance,
  • mediation.

Manufacturing entrepreneurship characterized by the
that the entrepreneur and his firm operate in the direct
production of goods and services, selling which make a profit.

In the field commercial enterprise entrepreneur
acts as a merchant, selling finished goods to the buyer,
acquired by him from others. Profit comes from selling
goods at a price higher than the purchase price.

financial entrepreneurship - a special form of commercial
entrepreneurship, in which, as a subject of sale and purchase
are money and securities. The entrepreneur's profit arises
no as a result of the sale financial resources with interest

Mediation - a specific type of entrepreneurial
activity, closely adjacent to other types, it is a
an integral part of the production, financial and commercial
entrepreneurship. An intermediary stands between the manufacturer
or the seller on the one hand and the buyer on the other, connecting
them into one chain of entrepreneurial transaction. The object of purchase and sale
zhi is the information that the intermediary receives from the manufacturer
body (seller) and transfers to the buyer. For the so-called service
he receives remuneration by agreement or established

Insurance business - here you are an entrepreneur -
acts as a seller of insurance services, offers personally or
cut of intermediaries - insurance agents - to purchase the services of a potential
new buyer. The object of entrepreneurial activity
becomes an insurance service that is sold for a fee.

It should be noted that all types of business activities
activities are interconnected, so that, being engaged in one kind,
le have to deal with other species.

3) There are several forms of private enterprise.
By type of property, they are divided into individual and number
. To individual forms of entrepreneurial de-
Activities include:

  • individual labor activity,
  • sole proprietorship and
  • family business.

Individual labor activity carried out without
changes wage labor. Carried out with the use of hired
labor, it is registered as a sole proprietorship.

Family business differs in that the funds for activities
The assets of the enterprise are formed from the assets of the family and all family members
are the owners of the enterprise, the profit is distributed in
depending on participation in activities or for previously agreed purposes.

Benefits of a custom mold:

  • complete independence;
  • efficiency of management and decision-making;
  • direct and immediate incentive for efficient performance
  • maximum incentives, etc.


  • difficulty in attracting large capitals;
  • uncertainty of terms of activity;
  • unlimited liability for debts;
  • a sole proprietor cannot be an expert in all matters
    production dews; supply, marketing, etc., which leads to
    making wrong decisions.

collective form entrepreneurship is carried out
a group of citizens on the basis of their own property and various
forms of attraction of property of others individuals. It includes-
Xia: companies, corporation partnerships, joint-stock companies, etc.
According to the nature of economic relations of society, there are two types:
with limited and unlimited liability.

Additional Liability Company - form of pre-
entrepreneurial activity, in which all members of the team are not
unlimited joint and several liability for obligations
firms with all their assets. This means that it is not necessary to
give the members of the collective equal parts of the capital and distribute the
well, income, but in case of failure, each of them is responsible
not only in proportion to its share, but covers losses and other

Limited Liability Company - it is established
economic company, chartered by one or several persons, chartered
whose capital is divided into shares, the size of which is determined
constituent documents; members of the company are not responsible for it
obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities
society, with their contributions.

Partnerships is an association of several persons for a joint
commercial activities but not capital. Distinguish complete
(open) partnership and limited partnership (on faith).

General partnership assumes that each partner participates
participates in the affairs of the partnership and bears full responsibility by obligation
not only invested capital, but also all property.

Limited partnership - an association consisting of
other comrades who are liable only within the limits of their
contribution (limited partners).

Benefits of partnerships:

  • easy to organize;
  • economic (material, labor, financial) possibilities
    the news is increasing;
  • there is an opportunity to recruit qualified
    nyh specialists;


  • limited financial resources;
  • ambiguous understanding of the goals of the activity;
  • unlimited liability of partners not only for their own
    own decisions, but also for the consequences of the actions of others;
  • the difficulty of determining the measure of each in the income or loss of the firm
    we, division of property;
  • unpredictability due to the exit from the firm of one
    from her partners;

Corporation is a legal form of business created for the joint
efficient conduct of business activities by combining capital
sold for the purpose of making a profit.

Joint-stock company is a company whose authorized capital
rogo is divided into a certain number of parts (shares) equal to no-
min value. There are two types of joint stock companies:
open and closed.

open joint stock company called a society
whose members can freely sell and buy shares
company without the consent of other shareholders.

Closed Joint Stock Company - shares are distributed
only among the founders (among a predetermined circle of persons).


  • members of society are limited liability;
  • the procedure for the sale and purchase of a participation interest (shares) is simple;
  • this form is more effective for attracting additional
    capital for the development of production, i.e. you can take a loan.


  • institution joint-stock company- it is a complex and laborious task;
  • is subject to double taxation
    how an independent legal entity pays income tax; secondly, a part of the profit distributed among the shareholders
    as a dividend, is taxed again as personal
    moves of citizens);
  • difficulty in making a single decision.

Each business form has its own advantages.
and shortcomings, (see Table 9) therefore, when opening a business, entrepreneurs
The clients themselves choose this or that form of activity, guided by
personal interests. Forms of ownership shown
in fig. 3.

I. Practical work: Didactic game "Profitable idea"
(see annex 5).
II. Homework: continue filling in the table. 9.
Make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Entrepreneurship". Choose
and justify the organizational and legal form of your enterprise.
III. Summing up the lesson, grading.

Lesson #3

Theme: Technology establishment of an enterprise

    Stages of creating an enterprise,

    The procedure for state registration.

    Registration with the State Tax Inspectorate and extra-budgetary funds.

    Charter and memorandum of association.

    Didactic game "Entrepreneurial idea".

    To form students' knowledge about the procedure for creating an enterprise

    Help students choose a promising direction in business
    justify your choice

    Cultivate the ability to self-organize.

Teaching methods: conversation, story, demonstration, explanation, game, independent work

Equipment: textbook, diagrams, posters, game equipment.

Interdisciplinary connections: technology, civics, mathematics.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment.
Greeting, checking the payroll, preparing for the lesson.

III. Presentation of new material.

Technology Entrepreneurship is a sequential pro-
the process of implementing an idea from the development of the initial idea to
production and sale of the final consumer product.
The entrepreneur must find new idea, evaluate it and bring
to a concrete result, overcoming those forces of resistance that
rye always prevent the emergence of a new one.

To create a private or collective small business
a novice entrepreneur or a group of like-minded people should
we go through certain stages of development of our idea and implementation
it into reality:

Stage 1 - analytical. At this stage, the initiative group
should identify the scope of the emerging enterprise.
You need to decide which form small business all more rational
to apply in this case. Form the main idea - what about

Stage 2 - adaptation to market conditions. Small businesses
contribute to the development of competition, which leads to a more complete
and flexible satisfaction of demand for goods and services, taking into account individual
visual needs.

An important role in the process of creating a small business
plays the availability of raw materials, production capacities
(premises, equipment). To ensure future sales
products, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of demand.

The quantity demanded is the quantity of a product of a particular
of the kind that buyers are willing and able to purchase in a particular
place and at a certain place and at a certain time at a certain
nominal price level of this product.

Stage 3 - study of regulations and execution of documents for
company registration.
Since January 1, 1991 in the territory
The Russian Federation put into effect the Law of the RSFSR "On enterprises and entrepreneurs"
telskoy activities”, which defines the general legal, economic
mic and social foundations establishment of enterprises in the conditions
variety of forms of ownership, regulates the rights and
responsibility of business entities, determines the measures of the state
protection, support and regulation of entrepreneurship

Stage 4 - sustainable economic development. After passing-
niya of a difficult stage of organization of an enterprise, its activity is read
ness for the production of goods and services.

2. An enterprise is considered established from the moment of its state
registration by a district, city or district head in a city

So, in order to do business,
However, state registration is required.

Participants regulated by civil law
relations are individuals and legal entities.

Individual any citizen of a country is considered
being the bearer of civil rights and obligations. The citizen is right
ve to engage in entrepreneurial activities as an indi-
visual entrepreneur from the moment of state registration
him in that capacity.

State registration of an individual entrepreneur
carried out by the registration authority at the place of permanent
registration of the entrepreneur on the day of submission of the application according to the
updated form and proof of payment of the registration fee.
The application contains the following information:

    surname, name, patronymic (in full);

    type (types) of entrepreneurial activity;

    passport data;

    place of work (if any).

An individual entrepreneur, as well as a legal entity.
The right to engage in any type of activity not prohibited by law
nom. Certain types activities, the list of which is determined by
prescribed by law, can only be practiced on the basis of a special
permits (licenses).

legal entity recognized as an organization that:

    passed the state registration;

    has separate property;

    is liable with property for its obligations;

    may, in its own name, acquire property and personal

    non-property rights;

    may be responsible;

    can be a plaintiff and a defendant in court;

    has its own bank account.

The procedure for registering a legal entity is somewhat more complicated.
To do this, the founders who create a legal entity must prepare
develop and submit to the local registration authority the following additional

    founder's statement

  • memorandum of association;

    certificate of payment of the state fee;

    document confirming payment of at least 50% authorized capital.

Thereafter local authorities authorities within 3 calendar days
from the date of submission of documents (or 30 days from the date of posting-
niya) are obliged:

    decide on the possibility of registration;

    issue a temporary certificate of registration;

    communicate registration data to the registrar of legal entities.

Refusal to register is allowed only if the account does not match
legal documents and the composition of the information contained in them is required

3. After receiving an interim certificate of registration
the entrepreneur must:

    be sure to register with the tax authority at the place of registration;

    open a bank account,

    pay a part of the authorized capital (fund) specified in the decision on
    creation of an enterprise or an agreement of founders; the rest
    authorized capital is contributed during the first year

    submit to the registration authority a certificate of payment for part
    authorized capital. Payment is due no later than
    30 days after receipt of the provisional certificate of registration.

Only after that the entrepreneur will receive a permanent certificate
certificate of registration.

4. The main documents of the entrepreneur's activity are
charter and memorandum of association.

The charter defines the relationship between the future enterprise
and society.

Charter is a set of rules and regulations governing the
enterprise activities. The statute states: type of enterprise,
its name, location, subject and purpose of activity, or-
ghana, management, their competence, distribution of profits, conditions
reorganization and termination of activities.

Memorandum of association defines relationships between members
team within the enterprise. This is a legal document that
reflects the basic rules of enterprise management, rights
and obligations of the founders, conditions for the distribution of profits,
solution of unforeseen circumstances, termination of the contract.

Despite the apparent resemblance, the charter and founding
contracts are different. The memorandum of association is a document
determining the relationship between the founders within the enterprise,
and contains confidential information. The charter applies
to the number open documents defining the relationship between pre-
acceptance and members of the business community as a whole. Samples
charter and memorandum of association are presented on pages 54 and 55.

IV. Consolidation of new material.
Students are asked to complete the following task:
Which of the following information should be included in the contract?
thief founders?

    Information about the name and legal status of the founders.

    The composition of the families of the founders and their passport data.

    Information about the location of the founders.

    Information on state registration (for legal entities)
    or passport details (for individuals).

    The amount of income of the founders.

    The amount of the authorized capital.

    Information about the shares of the founders in the authorized capital.

    Data of the state register of the enterprise.

    Application for company registration.

Answer: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7.
Didactic game "Entrepreneurial idea" (see appendix
5). The first part of the game takes place in the class, that is, students choose
yut their field of activity. The rest of the work is done at home.
in a written form.
V. Homework: Each student needs to complete
and complete the kit constituent documents with the help of instructions
ration cards.
VI. Summing up the lesson. Grading


Lesson #4

Topic: Management in the activities of an entrepreneur

    The concept of management, its functions in entrepreneurship

    Organizational structure of management

    Internal and external environment of the company

    Didactic game "Entrepreneur - head of the company"

Lesson Objectives:

    To form the concept of management, internal and external
    the environment of the firm.

    To educate the ability to manage production, people.

    Develop organizational skills.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, explanation, demonstration, game.

Interdisciplinary connections: technology, history, social science.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment. Greeting list check
II. Checking homework
III. Learning new material

1) Term management comes from English management
management, organization. In the field of entrepreneurship under the me-
management understand the production management system, applying
it in order to increase its efficiency and profit.

In a small business, all enterprise management solutions are usually
but the entrepreneur himself accepts. He controls the work of his
enterprises. In larger enterprises, these functions are performed
no manager is a professional manager. All entrepreneurs
whether they are managers, but this does not indicate the possibility
entrepreneurs to effectively manage the organization when
she gets bigger. Managers of an organization operating under conditions
in the conditions of environmental instability, must think and act as expected
hosts. Entrepreneurial manager actively seeks opportunities
and deliberately takes risks to achieve change and improvement. This
style was called entrepreneurial management.

The most important functions of modern management are
(see fig. 4):

    creation of an effective organizational structure of the enterprise;

    work with personnel and organization of its fruitful work;

    increase in labor productivity;

    improving the quality of manufactured goods with constant
    expanding and updating their range.

1.1) Consolidation and generalization on the first issue. Exercise
for students:
Compose detailed plan your actions to solve one
from problems:
?a) sell an old bicycle;
b) sew a skirt;
c) to receive guests on a birthday

2) Management is, first of all, the management of people who
carry out production and economic activities.

Organizational structure of management represents
a list of all positions in the enterprise with an indication for each
executor of the range of his duties and relations with other employees.
An effective organizational system must ensure that
bathroom activities not only all divisions of the enterprise,
but also all of its employees. The organizational structure is usually depicted
is compressed in the form of a scheme, which is very simple for small enterprises.

The difference between the new structure and the old one is not only
in the fact that there are more people at the enterprise, but in the fact that the increase
elk number of levels of management: part of the employees are subordinate to
already personally to the director or his first deputy, and representatives
the so-called intermediate level - managers, leading
certain departments. Each department also has its own organization
one structure. It may consist of sectors or groups (teams)
workers involved in the development of a specific problem.

There are two internal organic forms in an organization
division of labor.

The first is the division of labor into components, that is horizon-
thal division of labor

Second - vertical division of labor. It defines the work
top-down coordination.

The vertical division of labor leads to the formation of a level
its control, which may be several depending on the pa-
enterprise parameters. But regardless of the number of levels of management
leniya enterprise managers are divided into three categories, which
determined by the control functions. For example, in technical
level (grassroots level) managers are engaged in daily operational
radios and actions necessary to ensure effective
work without disruption in the production of products or the provision of services.

At the managerial level, leaders are in charge of managing
and coordination within the organization, they coordinate the various
forms of activity and efforts of various departments of the organization.
Managers at the institutional level are busy developing
long-term (long-term) plans, setting goals, adapting
tation of the organization to various kinds of changes, management of
between the organization and the external environment, society.
Linear structure management works on the line of direct subordination
from top to bottom. Line management ensures the unity of the
management of the enterprise from the director to the worker, consistency
actions of the administration and performers.

3) The successful functioning of the firm is influenced by external
and internal environment.

To the external environment include the following elements: relationships
with competitors, with financial institutions (banks), advertising
mi agencies, with customs and other government organizations
us, with customers, as well as the external environment are political
cue climate, upcoming orders, cultural and other traditions.

Internal environment of the organization are situational factors.
within the organization: goals, objectives, structure, technology and people.

Goals- these are specific final states or the desired result
that which the organization seeks to achieve by working together.

Tasks is a prescribed work, a series of works or a part of a work,
which must be carried out in a predetermined manner
within predetermined time frames.

Organization structure are the logical relationships of the levels
its management and divisions, built in such a form that
allows you to effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Technology is a means of transforming raw materials, whether they are people,
information or physical materials into the desired products or services.
People are central to any management model.
IV. Practical work.
To consolidate the material covered in practice by students
proposed didactic game "Entrepreneur - leader
firms" (see Appendix 5) and the test "Check your predisposition-
attitude to the activities of the manager” (Appendix 4).
V. Homework. Prepare an essay on various schools
management, for example, consider the American and Japanese schools.
VI. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Lesson #5

Subject: Labor collective.

    The relationship between the entrepreneur and employees.

    Formation of personnel potential.

    Recruitment and dismissal from work.

    productivity and wage system.

    Didactic game "Contract".

    To reveal the essence of the concept of a work collective, to tell
    about the conditions of employment; about productivity and wages.

    Develop the ability to communicate work collective, bring up
    efficiency, economy and responsibility.

    Learn how to write a contract.

Methods: story, conversation, explanation, game.

Equipment: methodological literature, instruction card,
game equipment.

Interdisciplinary connections: technology, mathematics, social science.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment. greeting, check, payroll
composition, preparation for the lesson.
II. Actualization.
Let's review what we've learned so far.

    What is a manager?

    What are the main functions of a manager in a modern pre-

    What is the organizational structure of
    acceptance and why is it being developed?

1. We spend most of our lives: among people,
in teams. When we work or study, we are constantly surrounded
people. What distinguishes a team from a simple accumulation: people
on the street?

First, the presence common purpose for which people unite
join the team.

Secondly, the existence of certain rules and norms according to which
lives in one group or another.

Thirdly, each team has its own organizational
structure that defines the relationship of subordination between
people - they are called a hierarchy.

Fourthly, in each team one or another way is established.
sob communications.

In the labor market, labor power is a commodity that owns it.
tvennik, the worker sells for a certain fee. There is an act
purchase and sale, and there is a relationship of hiring labor between
administration and employees. In this case, each side is free
in their actions, that is, the right to agree or disagree on
terms of sale. The law prohibits discrimination against
rones of the employer by gender, nationality, race.
Labor Relations during labor activity built on contact
operational principles and are regulated by an employment contract.

Contract is a contract (agreement) that defines mutual
rights and obligations of the contracting parties. The contract is stipulated
there is the nature, content and conditions of remuneration, mutual obligations
you worker and employer.

Usually the contract is concluded for a year or several years and at the end of
this period may be interrupted or extended by mutual
the decision of the parties. If the administration or an employee violates the conditions
contract, the injured party may bring a claim, transfer
take the case to court or arbitration commission, terminate the contract
according to established order.

2. Working with people is undoubtedly the most difficult process.
catfish in business. To the selection of employees and the organization of their work,
to be taken very seriously. In line with the already developed
organizational structure enterprises, a list of necessary
walking professionals. Then you need to decide what salary
you can pay them. Consult about the level of salaries
these categories of workers in other enterprises.

3. When selecting employees for specific positions, it is important
take them into account personal qualities, they all be decent and energetic

After a detailed interview and selection of candidates, they were told
call for their future responsibilities. Experienced Entrepreneurs
recommend setting a deadline for testing their abilities at a new stage
more than a place. Usually 3-4 months is enough to get better
get to know the person. Before starting work, it is necessary to
instruct new workers on what they should
what we should do, what we should not do, and what results are expected of them. If a
during probationary period accepted people cope with work
that - well, if not, then we must admit it, explain the wrong
shimsya their mistakes and find other people.

4. In the practice of organizing wages, two main
forms of wages - time and piecework, as well as their various
visibility, for example, piece-bonus, etc.

time-based is a form of wages in which
wages to the employee are calculated according to the established tariff
rate “whether on salary for actual hours worked. In business
motherhood, this form of remuneration is practiced, as a rule,
for administrative and managerial personnel - managers, de-
manufacturer, accountant. At the same time, it is important to foresee the
nye allowances and bonuses, which are directly related to the result of the
bots like individual worker and the entire enterprise as a whole.

At piecework wages wages to an employee (or their group)
pe) is charged in a predetermined amount for each unit
work performed or products produced. At the production
in enterprises, piecework wages are used
mainly to pay workers.
With a piecework form of remuneration, additional
fees and charges for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the norms of work
ki, for the lack of marriage and high quality work, for ideas
for quality improvement
V. Didactic game "Contract" (see Appendix 5).
VI. Homework:
1. Try to draw up an employment contract with your parent-
to do household chores.
2. Find out through the media and answer the following questions:

    what professions are most often offered in our region;

    what are the forms and amounts of wages;

    which of the proposed works are most in demand, and which are not;

    a specialist of what profession cannot find a job in his specialty.

Lesson #6

Topic: Marketing in the activities of an entrepreneur.

    The role and tasks of marketing in modern business.

    Search for a sales market and services

    Kinds marketing activities.

    To form students' knowledge about marketing, the market and advertising.

    Develop professional competence in students
    enterprise, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Teaching methods: conversation, story, debate, demonstration, game.

Equipment: textbooks, teaching aids, posters, diagrams,
crossword, game equipment.

Intersubject communications: technology.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment.
Greeting, checking the payroll, preparing for the lesson.
II. Actualization.
To capture the attention of students and engage them in work
you can suggest a task:

Which of the following should be included
in the marketing section of your business plan?

    Character of demand, final consumers, features of the market.

    The most significant risks.

    Income and expenses.

    The impact on the product of technological changes.

    Opposition of competitors.

    Justification of the price of products.

    Type of ownership.

    Raw materials: suppliers and prices.

    Graphic scheme of production.

    Information about the development of new products - competitors.

    Targets: what needs to be achieved in the next three years.

    Return of loans.

    Internal rate of return.

    Contracts for the sale of goods.

    Ensuring environmental safety.

    Location of production.

Answer: 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18.

III. Explanation of new material.

1. In the modern market of goods and services, marketing should
understand everyone - both the consumer and the manufacturer.

Knowledge of marketing will allow us to behave more intelligently in some
as consumers and make a profit as a producer.

Marketing is a production and marketing activity
acceptance, consumer-oriented and providing
thumping profit.

home marketing task– flexible and constant response
to a change in the market, and hence to a change in the conditions for the sale of the product.
His strategy– transfer of the control center to sales units
production. Decisions in the management of a company, production, dictates
market. The object of study and influence is consumers and competitors.
you, that is, the industrialists. Producing this or that similar
product, as well as the characteristics of the product itself and market conditions
(conjuncture - the current economic situation; as a
demand and supply, price level, commodity stocks).

Marketization– application, implementation of marketing in business
caring activity.
In modern business, the role of marketing is huge. He is studying:
1. Identification of consumers.
What products do we buy and why?
How many goods should be produced?
How much are consumers willing to pay for a particular product?
2. Customer satisfaction.
How to organize the sale of goods?
What needs to be done so that the goods reach the consumer
fast and cheap?
3. Renewal of consumers.
How to keep consumers' attention to the product?
How to encourage people to renew their purchase?

The functions of marketing are as follows:

    Obtaining the information necessary for marketing, conducting
    relevant scientific research. She assumes
    research and analysis in the field of the external environment of the company: economic
    mics, business, traded, consumer requests, sales, pro-
    duction, advertising, packaging, technology, competitors, segment-

    Planning a policy in the field of output.
    Development of a production policy, definition
    and further expansion of the range of manufactured products;
    improvement of product characteristics, development and production of
    output goods.

    Development of a pricing policy, drawing up a price grid for each product
    lie at different stages of his life cycle depending
    from markets.

    Development of a policy for the distribution of goods and services. Choice and packing
    management of distribution channels. Warehousing, packaging
    and transportation of products.


2. Formulation of a policy in the field of sales promotion
(sale by pre-orders, advertising and information
activities, the art of marketing, packaging).

3. Marketing has gone through three stages in its development: mass mar-
keting, product-differentiated marketing, target marketing.

At mass marketing entrepreneur is engaged in
production, mass distribution and mass incentives
sale of the same product to all buyers at once.

At product differentiation marketing entrepreneur-
The tel produces several variants of the same product, in different
design, with different properties, different quality, in different
packaging, etc.

At target marketing entrepreneur divides the market
into segments, selects one or more segments from them and develops
works out products and a marketing program for each of the
early segments. Target Marketing requires the implementation of three
new events:

    Market segmentation;

    Selection of target market segments;

    Positioning the product on the market

Market segmentation is the process of splitting consumers
into separate groups based on their differences in needs, characteristics
and behavior.

Selection of target market segments - evaluation and selection of one or not
how many market segments to enter with your product.

Positioning the product on the market - providing goods with con-
current position when selling on the market and in the minds of the target
consumers. As a basic principle of pot-
consumer market, acceptable for a novice entrepreneur,
can be divided into geographic, demographic and behavioral
principles (Table 10).
IV. Consolidation of new material.
Task 1. Who can become potential consumer follow-
current goods:
A) computers
B) detective novels;
B) gasoline
D) vegetables;
D) scuba gear;
Task 2.
Give three examples each of goods whose consumption will be
determined by each of the following factors:
A) age;
B) profession;
B) lifestyle
D) income;
D) belonging to a group of certain people;
E) family;
G) the identity of the buyer.
V. Didactic game "Advertising". It can be done with mi-
no-competition advertising (see Appendix 5).

VI. Homework:
For 2–3 days, observe and record with what species
marketing activities you encounter in life. results
write in the table. eleven.

Also, as a consolidation of the studied material for students
you can offer a crossword puzzle (see Appendix 3)
VII. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

?Lesson #7

Topic: Cost and price of goods and services.

  1. The concept of the cost of goods and services.
  2. Direct and indirect costs for the production of goods and services.
  3. Business pricing.
  4. Business game "Auction with a subsequent sale."

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Form the concept of the cost of production. To uncover
    students the meaning of the concepts of direct and indirect costs, prices.
  2. To educate students as an entrepreneur: economic
    ness, thrift, independence.
  3. Develop the ability to calculate the cost and price of products.

Teaching methods: story, explanation, conversation, demonstration,
independent work.

Intersubject communications: technology, mathematics.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment.
Greeting, checking the payroll, preparing for the lesson.
II. Checking homework.
III. Actualization.
Ask students questions about the concepts they need
to explain a new topic.
What is production?
What factors of production are involved in production
goods and services?
What do you understand by production costs? What are they
IV. Explanation of new material.

1) The explanation must begin with the definition of the cost.

Production cost is the amount of cash outlays
acceptance for production and sale of products.

The entrepreneur must have a complete understanding of
how much does it cost to manufacture and sell products.
This will help him:

  • set their prices and determine the availability of profits;
  • find out which business components cost the most
    Is there any way to reduce their cost?

The cost price is the initial base for pricing
and has a direct impact on profit, the level of rent
and the formation of the national budget.

2) One of the most important tasks solved with the help of the budget -
correctly calculate the costs of the company.

All production costs are divided into:

Direct costs is the cost of raw materials and materials, the main
wages, purchase of equipment, fuel and energy, technical
technological needs.

Indirect costs are the costs of maintaining and operating
equipment, general business and non-production

The sum of direct and indirect costs is called the cost:

PZ + KZ \u003d C

The cost is a general indicator,
which can characterize the maximum allowable total
nye costs for the production and sale of products. It is this
indicator plays the most important role in evaluating the effectiveness of research
use of material and labor resources enterprises.

Determining the cost of a unit of production (product, type,
groups) by item of expenditure is called calculation .

A calculation unit is a unit of measurement for the volume itself.
costing project: finished products, works, semi-finished products,
nodes, individual parts.

In a simplified form, the cost can be represented as:

C \u003d Mz + AO + Rpz + Basic + Zdr,

where: Mz - material costs - these are the costs of raw materials and basic ma-
materials, purchased products and semi-finished products, auxiliary materials
rials, for fuel, energy and other costs.

JSC - depreciation deductions - these are deductions for the full
restoration of fixed production assets.

Rpz - payroll costs - includes the main
and additional (bonuses, etc.) wages of production
th staff of the enterprise.

Main - contributions for social needs - these are obligatory
xovye contributions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. They are numbered
as a percentage of labor costs. Legal entities do from-
numbers in Pension Fund(28%), to the social insurance fund
(5.4%), to the Employment Fund (2%), to the Compulsory Medical Fund
Qing insurance (3.6%) Total 39%.

Individual entrepreneurs contributions to the pension fund
ut 20.6% and the fund of obligatory medical insurance 3.6%. Total

Zdr - other costs - these are taxes, payments on loans, expenses
for business trips in accordance with the norms established by law, paid
that communication services, banking, the cost of all types of repairs, advertising, etc.

The cost can be reduced by:

  • purchase of raw materials and materials at lower prices;
  • economical use of them;
  • reduction of production waste and elimination of defects in work;
  • saving fuel and electricity;
  • prevention of idle operation of machine tools and other machines;
  • preservation of objects and tools of labor

The cost does not include the following payments:

  • material assistance to employees;
  • remuneration based on the results for the year;
  • lump-sum allowances for retirees, labor veterans;
  • income from shares (devidents, interest), payments on shares,
    some, other payments;
  • payment of additionally submitted by the decision of the labor
    lectives (in excess of those provided for by law) vacations
    workers, women raising children, pension supplements.

3)Pricing is one of the most important questions facing the
ed entrepreneur. The price reflects the state of affairs in the market.
and the level of profitability of the enterprise (see Fig. 5).

Depending on the ultimate goals of the entrepreneur, (see Fig. 6)
the following pricing strategies can be used;
1. The low price strategy is used when pre-
the receiver hopes in this way to capture the greatest
part of the market for this product.
2. A moderate price strategy is chosen when a firm tries to
create an image of stable production.
3. The high price strategy is used to obtain the most
Shei arrived in the shortest possible time.

When determining the price of a product, the entrepreneur must
be guided by two main criteria:

  • the price should compensate for the costs of production and sale
    products to make the company profitable.
  • the price should be set in accordance with the demand for a given
    product (work, service).

C \u003d C + Po,

where Po is the expected profit

V. Independent work. "Product Cost Calculation".

Task: Determine the cost and price of products manufactured
linen in the school workshop.

On the topic covered, students can be offered a test task:

Which of the following taxes are included in the cost of

  1. Property tax;
  2. Transport tax
  3. Land tax;
  4. Special tax;
  5. Water tax;
  6. customs duty on export and import;
  7. Advertising tax;
  8. Fee for the right to trade;
  9. Sales income tax valuable papers;
  10. Tax on road users;
  11. Owner tax Vehicle;
  12. Fee from transactions for the purchase and sale of foreign currency, made
    on the exchange;
  13. Tax on the purchase of vehicles.

Answer: 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15.

VI. Business game "Auction with a subsequent sale" (see attached
position 5)

VII. Homework.
1) Solve problems;
A) Direct production costs amounted to 2 million rubles.
rub. Indirect equal to 0.4 million rubles. What is the production cost?
B) The cost of production is 500 thousand rubles. Expected profit -
10% of the cost. At what price will the manufacturer sell
your product?

2) Make a crossword puzzle on the topic covered.
VIII. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Lesson #8

Topic: Risks and insurance in entrepreneurial activity.

  1. Basic concepts and types of risks.
  2. Basic concepts and types of insurance.
  3. Business game "Board of Directors or how to avoid bankruptcy".

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To reveal the concepts of risks and insurance in business.
  2. Develop the ability to anticipate difficulties and work out in advance
    ways to overcome them.
  3. Cultivate business skills in students.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, explanation.

Equipment: textbook, teaching aids, diagrams.

During the classes:
composition, preparation for the lesson.
II. Checking homework.

1. Entrepreneurial activity is associated with risk. Any pre-
the recipient inevitably encounters certain
difficulties, many of which threaten the existence of his
acceptance. It is important to be able to anticipate these difficulties and work out in advance
ways to overcome them.

Large enterprises even keep specialists on their staff
on risks, whose responsibilities include identifying and analyzing
possible risks and finding ways to protect the firm from those that
can be prevented, as well as planning activities to reduce
minimizing losses. A small entrepreneur cannot,
pour yourself to hire such a specialist, so his functions are often
has to be done by the owner of the company. Some of the problems can
but to foresee or even plan and to a certain extent
roll. These issues include: expected sales volume,
payroll costs, taxes, cost of equipment
niya, raw materials, materials, etc.

Certain aspects of the enterprise's activities are largely unpre-
predicable and almost uncontrollable.

Among these risks are the following:

  • actions of competitors;
  • state of the country's economy;
  • changes in legislation;
  • changing consumer tastes;
  • fire;
  • disaster,
  • theft;
  • industrial accidents, etc.

According to experts, the greatest danger to business

  • property damage due to fire, natural disaster,
    theft, robbery, embezzlement, forgery, etc. Usually most of
    entrepreneurs are insured against such risks;
  • prolonged illness or death of the head of the enterprise or
    one of the leading specialists who can become the reason-
    mi serious problems for a small firm;
  • losses associated with compensation for injury, occupational
    diseases, death from accidents at work.

2. The most common way to protect against risks is
business insurance:

  • property insurance;
  • insurance of employees against accidents at work;
  • insurance of commercial and financial risks and other types

The entrepreneur needs to carefully study the programs
insurance offered by various insurance companies.
This can be sorted out by resorting to the services of an insurance agent, which
which will help to correctly draw up an insurance contract.

In addition, the entrepreneur must be aware that, in accordance with
with the law, he, as an employer, is obliged to:

  • guarantee the employee compliance with safety standards
    you at his workplace;
  • employ employees who are familiar with the rules of technical
    security ki;
  • provide them with safe working tools and serviceable equipment

Otherwise, the entrepreneur as an employer can
be prosecuted in a claim for mutilation caused by

IV. Consolidation of the studied material. Students are invited
answer questions on the topic covered;

  1. What factors can threaten the existence of the enterprise?
  2. Why is it recommended for an entrepreneur to think in advance about the
    measures to eliminate possible threats?

V. Business game "Board of Directors or how to avoid bankruptcy-
you” (see Appendix 5)
VI. Homework.

Identify the 4-5 biggest threats to your
enterprise. Think over your behavior, and measures to eliminate
mitigation of threats in case of their occurrence.

VII. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Lesson #9

Topic: Financial activity of the enterprise.

  1. Fundamentals of accounting and its meaning.
  2. Profit as a source of expansion of production, wages
    and entrepreneurial risk.
  3. Business game "Rational consumer budget or
    socially mature family"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Expand the concepts of finance, accounting and profit.
  2. To develop the qualities of employees of the financial structures of the market: speed
    reactions, operational thinking, accuracy, accuracy.
  3. Cultivate entrepreneurial skills
    business oriented, practical.

Teaching methods: explanation, conversation, debate, story.

Equipment: textbook, teaching aids, posters, charts.

Interdisciplinary connections: technology, mathematics, social science.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment. Greeting, list check
composition, preparation for the lesson.
II. Checking homework.
III. Explanation of new material.

1) The financial statements of the enterprise are the carrier through
extremely important information about the state of the enterprise.
Under financial accounting understand the information used
for reporting to external users (founders,
creditors, tax authorities, etc.)

A system that provides managers and specialists with pre-
acceptance of production information for the adoption of effective
decisions and providing investors with information to evaluate
activities of the enterprise (financial accounting), is called accounting

Accounting is a process of continuous, continuous inter-
interconnected monitoring and reflection of economic activity
enterprises in primary documents with the help of various
custodians. Every fait accompli, or operation in production,
documented is called a business transaction

Accounting as a whole is a system of records,
classification and summation in a certain way in monetary
expression of those interactions and events that are related
to finance, as well as the transformation of their results. This is a contact system
role in the economic activities of individual enterprises in order to
obtaining current and final data about them. Accounting information
This information is contained in documents called financial statements.

What are the main tasks facing accounting?

  1. Ensuring control over the presence and movement of property, used
    use of material, labor and financial resources
    in accordance with approved standards and estimates.
  2. Timely warning of negative aspects of the economic
    financial activities, identification and mobilization
    on-farm reserves.
  3. Formation of complete and reliable information about economic
    processes and results of the enterprise, necessary
    Dima for operational management them and provided in-
    vestors, suppliers, buyers, creditors, tax authorities,
    financial, credit institutions and other interested
    ny legal entities and individuals.
  4. In world practice, it is believed that a modern accountant should
    wives to deal not only with fixing business operations
    tions, but also other management functions: planning,
    control, development and preparation of various economic
    some decisions to improve the activities of the enterprise.

main form financial statements is balance. Even
a cursory reading of it may give an experienced analyst enough
complete picture of the current financial state of the enterprise,
institution, the stability of its position, possible changes
and areas of work.

The term "balance" in Latin means "two cups-
scales” and is used as a symbol of balance. Accounting ba-
lance is built on the basis of the classification of economic assets,
that is, it consists of two equal parts: one reflects
funds according to their composition, and in the other according to the sources of formation.
The first part of the balance is called an asset, the second is a liability (Table 12).

The most important feature balance sheet is
equality of the results of the asset and liability, since the asset and liability reflect
the same amount of funds is reaped in monetary value, but from different costs
ron: the asset shows the funds of the enterprise by their composition,
and in liabilities due to what sources they are formed. Each element
the ment of the asset and liability (type of funds or sources) is called article
Balance sheet items in assets and liabilities are divided into three
affairs. Each line of the balance has its own serial number, which makes it easier
works on the analysis of balance sheet items.

Relationships between individual sections of the balance sheet
ca are shown in fig. 7.

The totals for the asset and liability of the balance sheet are called balance currency.

To reflect the state of funds in the balance sheet,
two graphs:

“At the beginning of the year” and “At the end of the reporting period”. In the second graph
fe shows the state of the types of funds and their sources on the date
drawing up a balance sheet.

By the time of compilation, balance sheets can be;

  • introductory,
  • current,
  • liquidation,
  • separating,
  • unifying.

Opening balance made at the time of occurrence
enterprises. It shows the amount of material and cash,
with which the company starts its activities.

Current balances compiled periodically throughout
lifetime of the enterprise.

Liquidation balance compiled upon liquidation of an enterprise

Dividing balance sheets made at the time of division
large enterprise into several smaller ones or when transferring
some structural units of this enterprise to another enterprise.

Unifying balance is compiled upon merging (merging
nii) several enterprises into one when joining one or
several structural units to this enterprise. terms,
used in diagrams:

Current assets(working capital) are funds intended for
for short-term (current use) and convertible
my in cash during the business cycle (up to 1 year).

Liquid assets– assets that can be easily converted
in money (cash, non-cash).

Real estate(fixed assets). The balance reflects
in the I section of the Asset, assets. Designed for long-term use
use in the activities of the enterprise.

Real assets characterize production capacity

Commitments Sections I-VI of the balance sheet. Divided into current
current (short-term) and long-term, in addition, for financial
and operating rooms.

Financial obligations is the company's debt
on bank credits and loans received from other enterprises
return policy.

Operating liabilities are liabilities of a business
that occurs during operation.

Equity otherwise known as share capital.

2) Any firm is evaluated by its ability to provide
true story.

Profit is the most important source of funds for the development and expansion
niya production, meet social needs.

Net profit- profit of the enterprise, entrepreneur,
remaining at his disposal after paying taxes, payments to the state
state and local budgets.

To draw up a plan of income and expenses is necessary? before
just calculate the sales volumes per year as a whole and by months.

main source of income manufacturing enterprises
is the proceeds from the sale of products. It is about-
even determine other aspects of the enterprise, therefore
drawing up a plan of income and expenses begins with forecasting
sales volume. The basis for such forecasting should be
marketing plan. Using it, you need to carefully, a month
month by month, calculate sales volumes. In this case, it should be
mother taking into account seasonal fluctuations that may affect
on the activities of the enterprise.

After the expected sales revenue is planned, no-
it is necessary to paint by months all possible total costs

The next step in drawing up an income and expenses plan is to calculate
direct costs. These include the costs of labor force and mother-
als used in the manufacture of products.

Labor costs are defined as the product of piecework
wages for 1 unit of production for the number of planned
bathroom for production.

The cost of materials is calculated as the product of the cost
all materials used in the manufacture of 1 unit of product
tion, on the amount of this product.

In addition to direct costs in any production, there are many
your indirect costs (costs) that are not directly related
with the production of products, but which must be taken into account
when drawing up a plan of income and expenses. To indirect costs from-
costs are incurred for:

  • maintenance of administrative and managerial personnel,
  • advertising,
  • trading costs,
  • stationery,
  • insurance, telephone correspondence, travel expenses,
    electricity, water and other expenses.

When starting a business, an entrepreneur must know when to name
but he can expect to make a profit. To receive
were the enterprise must first reach self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency called the ability of the enterprise to compensate
cover all your expenses at the expense of the sales proceeds generated by

This is a kind of point of financial equilibrium of the enterprise,
in which total income equals total expenses.

The breakeven point can be calculated using the following formula

K \u003d SFZ: Tssht × PZsht

where: K - breakeven point (unit prod.)
TPS - total fixed costs (rub.)
Tssht - price per unit of production (rub.)
PZsht - variable costs per unit of production

fixed (fixed) are called such costs, ve-
the identity of which does not change with small changes in the volume of pro-
production. Total Fixed Costs (TFC) are determined
as the sum of all fixed costs:

SFZ \u003d F31 + F32 + ... + FZp.

Variables are called such costs, the value of which is me-
varies depending on the change in the volume of production. Variables
unit costs are calculated using the formula:


where SDR - total variable costs (rub.)
Q - the number of manufactured products (unit prod.)
Total Variable Costs (VVC) are defined as the sum
all variable costs:

SPZ = P31 + P32 + ... + PZp.

The biggest difficulty in calculating the breakeven point is
lies in determining which costs are considered fixed
mi, and which ones are variables.

IV. Business game "Rational consumer budget or
socially mature family” (see Appendix 5)

V. Consolidation of the studied material. Answer the questions:
What is included in a company's financial statements?
On what factors does a firm's profit depend?
What is a financial balance?
What do they mean when they say a business is

VI. Homework.
Make a plan for the income and expenses of the enterprise and analyze the semi-
data. Payback point calculation.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

Lesson #10

Subject: Tax Service.

    Types of taxes.

    tax benefits,

    Workshop "Exchange rate of the ruble".

Lesson Objectives:

    Familiarize students with tax system, order
    payment of taxes; talk about the types of taxes.

    Develop abilities for independence (manifestation of ini-
    initiative and creativity, the ability to take risks)

    Cultivate diligence, practicality, responsibility.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, demonstration.

Interdisciplinary communications: technology, social science, mathematics.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment. Greeting, list check
composition, preparation for the lesson.

II. Checking homework.

III. Actualization.
Students are asked to answer the question by choosing one of the
false answers. Taxes are:
a) gifts of citizens to the state as a token of gratitude for the protection of their in-
b) obligatory payments of legal entities and individuals to the budget
c) assistance to the government with money from citizens;
d) voluntary payments to the budget of legal entities and individuals
Answer: b).

IV. Explanation of new material.

1. In any country, everyone Kind of activity that generates income

Tax - one of structural elements market economy.
A tax is a government-imposed obligation
nye fees paid by the enterprise, institutions and the population.
The totality of taxes forms the tax system. Tax system
emerged and developed along with the state. In modern society
taxes are the main source of government revenue,
without which it cannot exist. Appointment of taxes and their
exchanges, their sizes, tax benefits are under the jurisdiction of the Federal
th meeting of Russia. General principles of the tax system, rights, obligations
the duties and responsibilities of those who pay taxes are contained
in the "Law of the Russian Federation on the fundamentals of the tax system of the Russian Federation".
There are at least two important principles for constructing a tax
howling system:

    the amount of tax should be the same for enterprises of different
    other forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms;

    the size of the tax should be correlated with the ability to pay it
    you are the payer - with his property and income.

If the tax exceeds the capacity of the enterprise, it may

According to the methods of collection, taxes are divided into:

Direct taxes charged directly from the physical
or a legal entity liable to pay tax.

Indirect taxes are taxes on goods and services levied
by setting a surcharge on their price or tariff. In the Russian Fe-
deration taxes are divided into federal and local, depending on
bridges from the one at whose disposal they come.

federal taxes charged throughout the state
and transferred mainly to the federal budget.

Local taxes introduced and levied on the territories of the subjects
Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions), as well as on the territory
torii of individual cities and regions and act accordingly
to their budgets. Consider some types of taxes, the most significant
for the entrepreneur.

Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect federation
tax on goods and services. VAT is charged at the rate of 18%.
For some food products and activities
VAT is not paid at all or is paid below 20%.

excises - these are federal indirect taxes, which are established by
are poured by the state as a percentage of the selling price for individual
groups and types of goods, as a rule, on highly profitable goods
for the withdrawal to the income of the state budget of the learned production
profit margins. The excise rate ranges from 10 to 90%.

Income tax from individuals, including citizens,
engaged in individual entrepreneurial activity, -
this is a direct federal tax (13%)

income tax from legal entities - direct federal
tax collected in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On income tax
enterprises and organizations". Income tax rate for patients
The majority of enterprises is set at 30%. For banking,
insurance and intermediary - 38%.

Land tax legal entities and citizens are calculated,
based on the area of ​​land subject to tax,
and approved land tax rates. This is a direct local tax.

Advertising tax enterprises and citizens pay. Implementing
advertising costs of own products, works and services. This is a cos-
venous local tax. The advertising tax rate is set
in the amount of up to 5% of the cost of advertising work and services from the advertiser.

In addition, there are many other taxes levied on fi-
physical and legal entities. The total amount of taxes is enough
great. In some regions of the Russian Federation, their number
reaches 60 or more. Of course, in each specific case, the enterprise
the owner will have to pay only a part of the established taxes,
nevertheless, it is easy for him to understand the tax legislation
necessary. In addition, he must consult with the tax
inspector and have a good accountant in your company.

With competent and conscientious conduct of financial transactions
an entrepreneur can, without violating the law, ease his tax
burden. The number and amount of taxes paid depends on the right
the right choice of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise
and type of activity, competent management accounting, knowledge
and the use of various tax incentives and other factors.

2. Tax incentives are an element of tax aimed at hourly
physical or complete release of individuals and legal entities
from paying taxes.

Tax incentives can be provided by the state for the most
different purposes:

    to stimulate scientific and technological progress, to force
    bathing development of promising industries;

    to alleviate the financial burden of the enterprise, which caused
    leno the need to comply with environmental requirements;

    for social support of the poor in society;

    to carry out a certain demographic policy.

Often the state supports start-up entrepreneurs,
freeing them at first from certain taxes.

The taxation of corporate profits provides for
a number of significant benefits for certain payers and objects,
from which they are taxed. Here are the main ones.

That part of the profit that is spent is not taxed
for technical reconstruction, re-equipment, expansion, mastering
production. This benefit applies to those enterprises that work
are melting in priority areas (oil and coal
laziness, production of medicines, etc.). 30% reduction
taxable income spent on the creation of environmental

Exempted from taxation is that part of the profit that
acceptance spends on the maintenance of its health care facilities,
education, culture and sports, children's and preschool institutions etc.

The funds allocated by the enterprise to the benefit of
creative purposes, to environmental and health funds.

Significant incentives are provided to small businesses
(with up to 100 people). They are exempt from tax
on profits directed to the development of these enterprises.

V. Workshop "Exchange rate of the ruble" (see Appendix 5).

VI. Consolidation of new material.
Students can be offered a test task;
What taxes are financed not by the enterprise, but by the consumer?

    income tax;

    Property tax;

    Transport tax;

  1. Fee for the right to trade;

    Tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants;

    Collection for needs educational institutions;

    Fee for the right of wine and vodka trade.

Answer; 3, 5, 7, 9.

VII. Homework.
Exercise 1:
Choose a firm of your choice and do your research:
a) What does the company do?
b) what taxes does he pay, what are the rates of these raids?
Task 2:
Talk to your parents to find out what taxes your family pays,
and then complete the table. 13:

Lesson #11

Topic: Sources of entrepreneurship financing.

  1. Start-up capital.
  2. Sources of financing.
  3. Workshop "Distribution of income, revenue and profits"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To reveal the meaning of the concept of business financing and start-up capital.
  2. To instill in students the feeling of a zealous owner.
  3. develop economic thinking.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, explanation, game, demonstration.

Interdisciplinary communications: technology, social science, mathematics.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment. Greeting, list check
composition, preparation for the lesson.
II. Checking homework.
Sh. Explanation of the new material.

1. In financial plan the entrepreneur must determine which
the amount of money he needs for initial stage while undertaking
yation will not reach the level of self-sufficiency. In other words,
he needs to calculate the amount of start-up capital.

In any business, start-up capital is indispensable. Primary
stage, money is needed for the creation and registration of an enterprise, experimental
design development, consulting fees, procurement
raw materials and materials and for other needs.

Incomes from sales in the first months are insignificant and will not allow
cover all the costs listed above, since the enterprise
only develops production. Small business success
its expansion largely depends on the availability of funding.

In connection with the indicated difficulties of the initial stage, undertaking
The mother has to find out:

  • how much money is needed at the initial stage,
  • where to get these funds.

Experts usually recommend starting a business with a supply of
nourished at least for the first three months of the existence of the enterprise.
But such a recommendation can be useful only if
that during this time the company is able to reach self-sufficiency.
If there is no such confidence, then the stock is needed for a longer period.
rhod. Information on the amount of start-up capital can be obtained
from the plan of income and expenses, having carefully studied the items of expenditure

2. Having decided on the size of the starting capital, the entrepreneur
The client must also decide on the sources of financing for his
business (see Figure 8). There are two main sources of funding
vaniya: internal and external. The most preferred internal
sources of funding. They help the entrepreneur
maintain his financial independence and release him from the obligation
obligation to pay interest on loans.

These sources include:

  • personal funds
  • profit,
  • supplier loans.

Personal funds - this is their own money savings, and so-
or personal property, securities, etc., the sale of which may
provide additional funds.
Profit the first time in any enterprise all is invested
into business. Sometimes you have to negotiate with suppliers about some
a swarm of delays in payment for supplies (credits), which may give the necessary
our short-term funds.

Under Russian law, external sources can
to be:

  • borrowed financial resources(bank and budget credits)
    you, other loans);
  • attracted financial resources (funds from the sale of shares,
    share and other contributions of citizens and legal entities);
  • various investments (from the state budgets of the Russian
    which Federation, the republics in its composition, local budgets and
    personal off-budget funds; from private investors)
  • foreign investment of various kinds.

The entrepreneur needs to choose, carefully weighing all the
possible sources of financing, the least expensive of them.
Bank is an institution that has the right to dispose of time
with free money (deposits) of enterprises, organizations,
individual people and carry out all types of monetary settlements, issue
securities and other functions related to money circulation.

The main functions of banks are the maintenance of current accounts
clients (companies, individuals) and the provision of loans.

Credit – special purpose loan in cash or commodity
form on terms of repayment, urgency and payment of interest.

Creditor - one of the participants in credit relations, speaking
ing as a subject providing a loan.

Credit source - temporarily free cash
state, cooperative and other enterprises, accumulation
state, savings of the population.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material
Task for students:
Based on a profitable idea, find out:

  1. The size of the authorized capital, which is necessary for its implementation
  2. How will you form it (where will you find the means)

Students present their calculations for class discussion.

V. Workshop "Distribution of income, revenue and profits"
(see annex 5)

VI. Homework.
Calculation of start-up capital for your business.

VII. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Foreword: Looking for something more

One day a person hired you to do a job. And you did it - and you did it well.

Successful strategies have been developed. All projects completed on time. Clients are happy with the results. The company grew and increased its capital. But still, something was wrong… it lacked a sense of completeness.

Have your witty ideas been ignored and forgotten? Are your zeal and skills used to the fullest? Do the managers of your company have the necessary qualities inherent in real businessmen?

I know that feeling when you want more.

At one point in my life, I felt a push. It was as if an invisible magnet was pulling me in a new direction. But where did he send me?

It was 2007 outside. I had yet to start my own award-winning company, word stream, which later according to Inc. Magazine ranked as the fastest growing company in the country for three consecutive years.

Then I did not even suspect that my life would change drastically.

1. Call to action

Every entrepreneur has a moment of enlightenment in his life when the idea crystallizes and everything makes sense. For me, this moment came after I developed a program to solve one problem.

My job as a marketing consultant required more time and iteration than was necessary. Unfortunately, there was no suitable program on the market to solve this problem.

Therefore, I created it myself. At some point, I realized that for many, my PPC automation program would be very valuable. Many small businesses don't have the time or resources to cash in on paid search, so I decided to take my idea to the market.

I also realized that the software business has more potential than the service industry.
Once I had a product and service to sell, I knew it was time to take decisive action. I started presenting the project to venture capital companies and ended up raising several million dollars.

Lesson: come up with a few business ideas and test them out before picking the best one and going all-in.

2. Face the fear of failure

In life, it is always easier to go with the flow and keep your goals and achievements to yourself, and with it the failures along the way. This way you avoid embarrassment and criticism.

However, once you open a case, it needs to be promoted. You will have to expose yourself to the public.

About 80% of all new businesses fail in their first year, so things aren't on your side. And, even sadder, many people will hope that you fail, even some of your partners.

Lesson: do not hang your nose, ignore the naysayers and succeed next time. Some people open multiple cases, start different companies, and view each attempt as a learning experience, not a failure.

3. Look for good consultants

To tell the truth, starting and promoting my own business was in many ways a shocking experience for me. And in this case, it is vital to find good consultants.

My company had consultants including Carol Meyers of Rapid7, Chris Litster of Constant Contact, and Janet Holian, CEO at Gemvara. I advise several startups in Boston including curata and ThriveHive.

If you have the opportunity, for sure in a mentoring program or a business incubator. This is a great way to make fewer mistakes. Plus, among other things, you directly benefit from making strong connections that will help you throughout your career.

Also in marketing Rand Fishkin created a large community that openly shares its knowledge and experience. I learned a lot from his publications and interactions with him at industry events.

Lesson: I believe that it is important for everyone and business in the process of growth to have access to external knowledge and experience.

4. Invest profits back into the business

Your new business needs to eat to grow.

Early in my business, I fell in love with sole proprietorship; I could deduct necessary expenses, charge a high percentage as a supplier, and take on numerous clients. I paid myself generously, bought a new car and, in fact, acted irresponsibly with my newfound "wealth".

In short, I treated my company like a personal piggy bank. Big mistake.

Eventually, I began to think more maturely - I cut my salary and invested the remaining profits back into the business. It's hard to change your mindset and force yourself to spend "your own money" on other employees or marketing, but it's still necessary to grow your business.

Lesson: Growth from employee to entrepreneur can be lucrative, but dangerous nonetheless, especially if you're successful in the early stages. Don't let a salary increase (through sales) cloud your mind or slow down your company's growth.

5. Creation of a team

At the initial stage, you open a business, following your passion - what you are good at or interested in. But as your business grows, you will find yourself doing less and less of what you started with.

You will see your focus shift to finding people who are smarter than you or who can do your job better.
The most important aspect of being a founder of a company is to do less what you love and more to build a team.

It is very important to provide employees with training and provide them with tools for self-development, as well as support them along the way. Sincerity and transparency are essential to Wordstream - we expect our colleagues to be honest, ethical and open to dialogue.

In addition, other key values ​​for us are activity and successful cooperation. Our industry is moving so fast that we just need to count on each other and find support from our colleagues. Employees must be empowered to take calculated risks, even if doing so will sometimes lead to failure.

Lesson: Even the best hobby can become a job if it takes a full-time job and brings a piece of bread. Train and inspire your team - employees are more interested in results if their ideas are listened to and their work is encouraged.

6. Not only money decides

Do you want to earn tons of money? Expand and sell your business.

I will not hide: it was one of my goals.

One thing to keep in mind is that most entrepreneurs don't get rich too fast. You hope that wealth will gradually come, but for this you need to firmly tune in to the fact that you will have to stay in the saddle as long as possible.

Thus, in the race for tons of money, curious things happen. For example, in the process of building a business, its value becomes not only monetary.

One of the most important points in creating your own business - social capital and useful experience that is gained along the way. I, for one, have had invaluable opportunities to meet other aspiring entrepreneurs and discuss my wild ideas with them.

Lesson: While you may well be making tons of money, make sure you don't lose all the experience you gain on your way to the top and use it to avoid mistakes later on.

7. An alarming lack of faith

Moments of weakness are an integral part of the path of entrepreneurship. At the same time, when times are hard and the company's future looks bleak, you may want to give up and go to work for a more successful company.

This is fine. You can think about it all you want.

However, by putting doubt into words, you cut down your company in the bud. Entrepreneurs with limited funds need the continued support of investors, staff, and strategic partners in equal measure.

Lesson: Transparency is cool, yes. But you must not let your doubts take precedence over decisiveness, otherwise you can easily lose faith in success. In almost all cases, it is vital to keep your doubts to yourself.

8. Chase your unicorns

Being impatient, I often find unusual solutions to my problems. Hacking the system entails absurdly incredible results that promote business growth.

Do not confuse activity with progress - 99% work What people do consists of trying to make small changes. Instead, you should go chasing unicorns.

The unicorn principle leads us to the law that one percent is better than ninety-nine percent put together. That one percent can make unicorns look bad. But when you understand this principle at work, you will stop chasing small changes and focus on bigger goals.

I believe that entrepreneurs can create their own unicorns (instead of waiting for them to suddenly appear). There is a repeatable sequence of actions here. It may look like trying to score a goal from the other side of the field, which seems ridiculous, but still doable!

Lesson: Even the smallest effort will pay off. Use available information to learn the leverage and find that one percent that will bring a huge marketing benefit. A little math and analysis and you can get great results.

9. You are (sort of) the boss!

One of the most typical reasons for starting your own business is the desire to be your own boss. But basically, if you involve investors (like me), you will lose sole control of the company.

Even if you do not have to resort to the help of investors, your clients will become your new boss, and they will be much more demanding than the former boss!

When you start a business—and especially when it's in the process of growing—you depend on many people. You need to think about your employees, customers, investors and partners (external and internal) when making any decision.

Lesson: Compared to a regular job, starting your own business has less freedom and more responsibility.

10. Achieving success

I dreamed that my big idea would become a reality. But I greatly underestimated how cool it is to come to work and see your dream in action.

It's impossible to predict or describe what it's like to settle into your first office, then move into a bigger space, into a "real" office, celebrate your success at a corporate party, be awarded an industry award, or just have truly happy clients.

Every day my employees word stream inspire me with their brilliant work, which is what makes our company so successful. I am extremely grateful for such incredible and dedicated people, as well as for the opportunity to work with them. They inspire me to work harder.

Lesson: Success is great. True, when everything goes smoothly, the ground for negligence can develop; such an environment rarely becomes suitable for innovation.

The question is: how to stay creative and successful?

Big lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs

"Should I open a case?"

This is a simple question that is difficult to give a simple answer.

Every year, I watch friends, many of whom are in marketing and who are thinking about venturing into the wonderful world of entrepreneurship. If you are thinking of starting your own business - be it an agency, a supplier or a publishing house - think carefully about everything that has been said in this article. Creation of a company with clean slate will require a willingness to invest all your money and time in it.

Entrepreneurial activity is fundamentally different from any other. You must persevere in pursuit of the ideal. You need a crazy passion for business. You will need the ability to adapt to crazy and incredible things. And above all else, you have to offer your customers or audience something completely out of the ordinary.

Running your own business will most likely not be the way you imagine it to be, but that doesn't mean it can't exceed your expectations many times over!


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