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Interested in the topic, how to open fishing store, you are absolutely right, because experts consider this business to be one of the most profitable.

♦ Capital investments – 1,500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – from 8 months

Amateur fishermen in terms of passion can only be compared with casino players.

They are ready to give up bread in order to buy the coveted bait, they are ready to show miracles of resourcefulness, making a nest egg from their wife to buy another fishing rod, and even in the greatest crisis they do not want to give up their hobby.

This passion can and should be used to build a profitable startup.

Interested in the topic how to open a fishing shop, you are absolutely right, because experts consider this business to be one of the most profitable.

Naturally, if you think through all the nuances, opening a business from scratch.

The competition in this sector is not too great, but still there is.

If you want your fishing store to start making a profit in a short time, consider the advice of those who have been in this business for a long time:

  1. Think ahead of your competitive advantages.
    There are many standard markets that sell goods for fishing and tourism.
    You must come up with an original concept, such as introducing a new supplier in your city.
  2. Constantly work on updating the assortment of goods.
    This market is growing very fast and you need to be aware of new products to offer your customers.
  3. Ruthlessly part with what sells poorly, even if the supplier offers you favorable terms of cooperation.
  4. You should not start this business from scratch if you yourself do not like fishing and do not understand anything about it.
    This business brings profit only to those who are in love with fishing and tourism.
  5. spend a lot of money on a big advertising campaign no need.
    Enough bright sign, cot in front of the door, outdoor advertising in the form of leaflets and communication on fishing forums.
    And another effective marketing move is to participate in fishing championships, various city holidays as a sponsor.
  6. Remember that there is no better promotional tool than word of mouth.
    You need to look for contacts with fishermen in your city and invite them to your store.
    If they are satisfied with the assortment and prices, then do not doubt that soon all their comrades will purchase fishing tackle from you.

How to open a fishing shop: assortment

Focusing on the area of ​​the fishing store, form an assortment of goods.

Naturally, you should have everything you need for fishing, from hooks to expensive spinning rods.

It is impossible to be limited only to specialized fishing goods.

It is worth trying to expand the customer base by selling:

  • clothes: camouflage, thermal underwear, raincoats;
  • furniture: folding tables and chairs, carp chairs;
  • tents and air mattresses;
  • dishes;
  • accessories, such as sunglasses or waterproof document bags;
  • souvenirs and more.

Don't trade low-quality Chinese goods, even if you can charge them 100-200%.

Fishermen - people who are spoiled and versed in brands, having bought low-quality goods from you once, will no longer come to your store.

Top fishing brands: SALMO, Flagman, Shimano, Yo-Zuri, Berkley and more.

How to open a store from scratch: customer base

Often entrepreneurs who end up giving up on the idea of ​​opening a fishing shop are motivated to do so by the argument: “Yeah, how many of those fishermen do we have? You will never build a customer base. It’s better to trade something that people need more: clothes/food, etc.”

This is an erroneous opinion, because, according to the latest research, there are about 20% of amateur fishermen, hunters and tourists in our country.

And they are all your potential customers.

Let's say you decide to open a fishing shop from scratch in a city of 200,000 people.

The number of your clients is 40,000.

This is a very good market, and if you can get them interested by properly forming the assortment of goods and setting a reasonable pricing policy, then you will not have problems with profit.

If we talk about gender, then you need to work, focusing on men, because they are the main clientele of fishing shops:

How to open a fishing shop: calendar plan

If you open a fishing goods store, then you should start with specific calculations that correspond to prices in your area and draw up calendar plan, having painted by months how much you need to implement this or that stage.

It is quite possible to open a fishing shop in 3-5 months after the idea is born, if you do a thorough preparatory work:

Registration, bank account
Repair work
Equipment installation
Recruitment of sales consultants
Contracts with suppliers, purchases

We decide to open a fishing store: all the components of a startup launch

Entrepreneurs who dream of owning their own fishing store have doubts about where to start a startup.

Of course, the first thing to do is to carry out preparatory work in order to understand whether such a business has any prospects in your city at all.

If you have definitely decided to open a fishing store, then you need to start implementing the plan from the registration procedure and repair work in room.


First of all, you need to decide which registration form You choose: Sole Proprietorship or LLC.

If you do not have much experience in business and are not going to open a huge fishing store, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich would be more than 150 squares, then IP is quite suitable.

The most convenient form of taxation is UTII, if for some reason this does not suit you, then the most acceptable option is the STS of 15%.

The OKVED code for fishing shops is 52.48.23.

And you also need to repair the selected premises, making it safe for buyers and rest work permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Service.

Try to fulfill all their requirements in order not to run into fines in the future.

Fishing shop

Interesting fact:
One day, US President Jimmy Carter was fishing when a water rabbit swam up to his boat, hissing menacingly and trying to get on board. Carter fought him off with an oar, after which the rabbit turned and swam away. The story hit the papers with headlines like "President Attacked by Rabbit," and Carter's critics began to see the incident as a symbol of his weak policies and his future reelection defeat by Reagan a year later.

The location of the fishing shop is a serious issue that future entrepreneurs have to solve.

High traffic of people does not play so important role, as is the case with clothing stores or food, but still you don’t need to climb to the outskirts.

If your prices are not significantly lower than those of competitors, then potential customers simply will not want to get so far to you.

If you decide to open a general store (fishing and tourism), then rent a room with a total area of ​​​​at least 60 square meters so that, in addition to trading floor equip it with a warehouse, a service room and a bathroom.

You don't need to spend a lot of money on renovations.

Male clients will be of little interest if the color of the walls is combined with the tone of the tiles on the floor.

They will be more concerned about whether they can catch "a big pike on this wobbler."

In order to open a fishing shop from scratch, individual one-story buildings, and basements, and 1-2 floors of multi-storey buildings, and pavilions in shopping centers are suitable.

If you open your shop on the basement floor, then take care of a good lighting system, the fishermen will not appreciate the romantic twilight.

Fishing shop equipment

A fishing store is not too different from other markets in terms of purchasing equipment.

In addition to standard racks and shelves, you need a rack with hangers for workwear, stands for fishing rods and spinning rods.

Small goods (baits, hooks, etc.) are best stored in a closed display case and demonstrated to customers on their own.

Equipment costs for a fishing shop will be as follows:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:150 000 rub.
Glass showcase-counter
20 000
open shelving
15 000
shelf opening
15 000
Rack and hangers for camouflage clothing
10 000
Stands for fishing rods and spinning rods
8 000
Warehouse and service room furniture
30 000
Cash machine
10 000
Bathroom equipment
12 000
Other30 000

Fishing shop staff

The fishermen are mostly men, which means they will be distrustful of the young lady at the sales counter.

Hire only men as sellers and those who themselves cannot imagine their life without fishing and can talk about the features of the goods based on personal experience.

How many vendors you need depends on the size of your shop and how it's open.

For example, for a store with a trading floor of 40 squares, and which works seven days a week, you need four sellers: 2 per shift.

Set a condition that one day a week each of your sellers devotes to fishing: testing new products.

So your consultants will be able to improve their skills.

In addition to sellers, you need a cleaning lady.

As for bookkeeping, see for yourself if you can combine administrative functions with bookkeeping.

The manager of a fishing goods store has a lot of work: he must control the work of his subordinates, replenish the assortment range, constantly look for new suppliers, etc.

Still, it is better to conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company, and not deal with accounting issues yourself.

Those who decide to open a fishing shop are expected to pay the following staff salaries:

How much does it cost to open a fishing shop?

A fishing store is not a start-up that can be opened inexpensively.

A large start-up capital is needed primarily for the first purchase.

To form a normal assortment of goods, at least for several thousand articles, you need to spend at least 1 million rubles.

A smaller amount can be met if you are not going to sell such expensive goods as boats and motors in the store.

But all the same, don’t expect that you will be able to put in a couple of hundred thousand rubles, because spinning rods, tents, camouflage clothing and other goods, even when purchased, are not cheap.

To open a fishing shop for 60-70 square meters, you need to raise about 1.5 million rubles of starting capital.

And also, given the fact that in the first months the store will bring minimal profit, you should lay in financial plan monthly expenses multiplied by 3.

Every month, get ready to spend about 500,000 rubles on staff salaries, rent, replenishment inventory, taxes and more.

If you open a fishing store, how much can you earn on it?

The profit of your fishing store will depend not only on the number of customers who visit you daily and not only on the amount of their purchases, but also on what margin you put on your product.

In this case, the main thing is to keep the framework.

Too little margin will lead to financial losses, too much - to the loss of customers. For inexpensive expendable materials(hooks, fishing line, bait, etc.) you can set an extra charge of 100%, but for more expensive ones - no more than 50%.

Let's take an average markup of 65%.

Having made a purchase for 1 million rubles, you will earn 650,000 on top. The faster you sell everything, the more intensive the turnover in your store will be.

According to recent studies, each fisherman/tourist spends about 6,000 rubles a year on their hobby.

We have already calculated that in a city with a population of 200,000 live about 40,000 of your potential clients.

Let's say there are 6 fishing shops in your city.

We divide potential customers equally between them, so each store has approximately 6.5 thousand customers. 6,500 people x 6,000 rubles is about 40 million rubles in annual profit.

More than 3 million rubles per month.

Agree, these are sufficient indicators to start studying the topic in more detail. how to open a fishing shop.

We offer you to watch a funny video

about a couple's trip to the fishing store:

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A shop for fishermen is a rather specific business. If you are a private entrepreneur and do not understand anything in this matter, it is better to immediately abandon such an undertaking and open, for example, or. Otherwise, it is advisable to find someone who knows a lot about fishing and can bring you up to date. Having certain knowledge and experience with an investment of 2.5-3 million rubles, you can go to zero in 7-8 months.

Unique concept

Before you open a fishing shop from scratch, you need to study the points of competitors that operate in your area. Since fishing tackle is not an essential item, choose an original concept for it. Your outlet should not be like others. Only in this case it will attract the attention of buyers.

For trade in fishing goods, you can choose one of the directions:

  1. profile;
  2. Branded;
  3. Multidisciplinary;

The most popular, the last option, because people are always attracted by low prices and a large assortment. But if such outlets are already operating in your area, you should not bet on it.

Equipment and location

Since 99% of buyers in fishing shops are men, they need to be opened near city markets or near automobile or. Most the best option This is a shop outside the city. On how to open a fishing store, you can consult with avid anglers. They will help you choose hot commodity and create an assortment.

If the business plan of a fishing store provides for low prices, then there will be a lot of goods. Therefore, you need to choose a spacious room for the store, with an area of ​​​​80 square meters. meters. It is desirable to divide the trading zone into two parts. Thanks to this, customers can easily choose the product they need.

Place in the first room:

  • Fishing lines;
  • Fishing rods;
  • Bait.

The second hall can be used for sale:

  • Tents for recreation;
  • rubber boats;
  • sleeping bags;
  • backpacks;
  • Clothing and footwear for fishing.
  • Don't forget to consider that you will also need storage space.


Before you open a fishing store, you need to understand the sales cycle. Experienced anglers renew their gear a couple of times a year. If you provide effective advertising, the influx of buyers will be constant.

You can only trade gear from well-known brands. To expand the range, use inexpensive Chinese products. There is always an increased demand for cheap goods. The ratio of branded and Chinese goods should be 50:50.


Before you open a fishing store, you need to officially register your business. Choose the appropriate taxation system, and get everything necessary permissions and certificates for the conduct of such activities.

To avoid any problems, you should:

  • Register individual entrepreneur. Of course, you can open another form of enterprise, for example, an LLC, but for this case, an individual entrepreneur is an ideal option;
  • Open a bank account. All reporting goes through it. tax office. Personal accounts cannot be used for business projects.
  • Obtain special codes from the statistics department.
  • Pick a room.

Staff selection

People come to the fishing store not to quickly buy something and leave. This is a kind of club of interests, so buyers need practical advice experienced seller. They, no doubt, will buy a lure, on which, according to his stories, a 15-kilogram carp was caught. Therefore, only real fishing fans who have great experience and certain skills in this business.

Many are interested in whether it is profitable to open a fishing store? Yes, it is profitable, but only if it employs experienced sellers who can tell everything about the product.

It is desirable to make two shifts, in which two sellers will work. They should help the client to make a choice, know the whole range and be pleasant in communication. In order for sellers to be interested in sales growth, encourage them more often with bonuses.

In addition, to open outlet you need to hire an experienced manager and a good accountant. Entrust your affairs only to knowledgeable people who understand all the intricacies of working with clients and reporting.

Important production points

Of course, in any store, the most important thing is the product. But it is also worth remembering that the outlet must be prepared for opening. It is necessary to repair the premises, as well as to install all the necessary equipment.

It is important to choose the right boxes and racks on which equipment will be laid out and fishing tackle will be placed. You will have to buy special counters and showcases with numerous drawers in which you can place all the fishing accessories.

Start-up capital

Now we have to deal with the financial issue.

How much does it cost to open a fishing shop can be calculated taking into account the following costs:

  • Premises rental;
  • Repair;
  • Shop equipment;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Advertising.

You will have to spend about 850 thousand rubles on opening. Since the trade in fishing tackle is enough profitable business, initial capital you will return in the shortest possible time, literally in 3-4 months.

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It is quite difficult to say how much you need to invest in this business. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how to open a fishing store from scratch. It depends on the specific situation and the specific case. Therefore, for each outlet it is necessary to develop individual business plan.

Despite the fact that there is a constant demand for such a product, in order to get a good profit, you need to love your job very much and invest your whole soul. The main drawback of the fishing tackle trade is seasonality. Before embarking on such a business, you need to carefully consider everything and carefully study the market. Only then can you be successful.

Like the idea? Then we recommend that you take a closer look at other types of earnings, for example,. You can try to combine one thing with another: open paid fishing and a specialty store. Think about it. We wish you success.

Selling goods for fishing is a rather specific business. Consumer demand in this market segment is formed by a certain group of buyers. If you manage to take advantage of people's love for fishing, the business will bring excellent profits. detailed instructions, how to open a fishing store from scratch, proposed in this article, will become a kind of guide for beginners and help them continue the direct path to success.

Activity registration

Before you open a fishing store from scratch, you need to formalize entrepreneurial activity. Without a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will not be able to conclude contracts with suppliers.

If you are planning to open a small fishing shop, it is enough to register an IP. You will spend 5 working days and approximately 800 rubles on paperwork. The optimal tax regime for such commercial enterprise- a single tax, since its size does not depend on revenue, but on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trading floor.

Location selection

If you decide to open a fishing store, you need to consider that most of your future customers are men, so it is desirable that it be located near the car market or in the city center. Another option is a retail outlet by the road at the exit from the city. You can also rent a small department or a separate room in a shopping center.

The main requirements that the premises must meet:

  • Convenient entrance;
  • Good permeability;
  • Availability of parking.

If we talk about the area, the most best option- this is 80-100 square meters. meters. You should not immediately buy a property in the property, because you do not know how sales will go in the future. Renting it will provide you with the necessary mobility.

Aspiring entrepreneurs often ask a question in this market segment. The answer is simple - start with a stall trade in the market and gradually develop your business. Over time, when the required amount is collected, you can rent a small stall near a car shop or market. This is the best option without investing big capital in it.

Store equipment

In terms of purchasing equipment, a fishing store is practically no different from other outlets. In addition to the usual shelves and racks, you need to purchase special stands for fishing rods and spinning rods. For small goods- hooks, lures, etc. you will need a closed display case.

To figure out how much it costs to open a fishing store from scratch, you need to calculate the cost of purchasing goods and equipment.

For work you will need:

  1. Glass closed showcase - 20 thousand rubles;
  2. Open rack - 15 thousand rubles;
  3. Shelves - 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Rack for clothes - 10 thousand rubles;
  5. Stands for fishing rods - 8 thousand rubles;
  6. Cash register - 10 thousand rubles.

In general, 78 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the purchase of equipment.


As mentioned above, the main buyers in fishing shops are the representatives of the stronger sex, so it is desirable that a man who cannot live without fishing stands behind the counter. How many salespeople you need to work depends on the size of the store and its schedule. For example, if your outlet is 40 sq. meters, will work seven days a week, you can hire two sellers who will work a week.

You also need to hire a cleaning lady and an accountant. If you are versed in financial reporting You can do your own bookkeeping. But at the same time, do not forget that you will have to constantly monitor the work of the store, replenish the assortment and find new suppliers, so it is best to outsource accounting.

Product range

When forming the assortment of a fishing goods store, it is necessary to take into account its area. First of all, you need to purchase products that you cannot do without while fishing:
  • Hooks;
  • Fishing line;
  • Bait;
  • bait;
  • Spinning and more.

To attract more customers, the following product groups should also be included in the assortment:

  • Clothing (thermal underwear, raincoats, camouflage, etc.);
  • Furniture (folding chairs for fishermen, carp chairs, etc.);
  • boats;
  • Tents and air mattresses;
  • Crockery;
  • Sunglasses, waterproof bags and other accessories.

At first, the number of positions in the assortment will not exceed 7-8 thousand. Literally in 3-5 years it can grow up to 20 thousand. Do not buy low-quality Chinese goods at low prices. Real fishermen are well versed in brands, so they will not visit your outlet if you make an assortment of cheap Chinese products.

Financial investments

We have come to the most important question, how much does it cost to open a fishing shop? Such a startup will require large financial investments from you. The largest item of expenditure is the first purchase of goods. To include boats and motors in the range, it will take about 1 million rubles. You can meet a smaller amount if you implement this. But even in this case, it will not be possible to manage with the amount of 200-300 thousand rubles, since spinning rods, camouflage clothing, tents and other fishing products are quite expensive. Let's calculate how much money you need to open a fishing store:

  • Registration - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Repair and design of the premises - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles;
  • The first purchase of goods - 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 110 thousand rubles.

In total, in order to implement this, you will need 1.5 million rubles.

If you are limited in financial resources and think about it, open your online store and start reselling fishing products from other sites, for example, from Chinese suppliers. This is a great option for those interested in .


Now let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to open a fishing store? The profitability of such a business depends on the number of buyers, the amount of the average purchase and the margin on the product. The most important thing in this matter is to choose the golden mean. A small markup can lead to losses, and a large one will scare away customers. Inexpensive goods, such as fishing line, hooks, bait, etc., can be sold at a 100% markup. For more expensive items, do not add more than 50% to the purchase price. On average, the markup on goods should be approximately 65%. If you buy goods for 1 million rubles, you can earn 650 thousand rubles on it.

It is very difficult to calculate exactly the profit for a month or a year, so let's turn to statistics. According to recent studies, every avid fisherman spends about 6 thousand rubles a year on his hobby. If 200 thousand people live in your city, 40 thousand of them can become your customers. Suppose there are already six fishing shops in the city. This means that each outlet has about 6.5 thousand customers. Each of them will make purchases worth 6,000 rubles a year. If you make simple calculations, you can understand that a fishing store can bring up to 40 million rubles in profit per year. This is more than 3 million per month.

Competition in this market segment is not too high, but, nevertheless, it is present. If you want your business to bring good profit, before opening a fishing goods store from scratch, check out the advice of experienced entrepreneurs who have been in this business for a long time:

In this material:

Owning a fishing store is a great business for outdoor enthusiasts. Usually the owners of such stores are fishermen. They combine their business and hobby, thanks to which they achieve considerable success. This direction of entrepreneurship is interesting, relevant and profitable. A business plan for a fishing store will help you understand all the intricacies associated with starting your own business.

Trade in fishing goods: the relevance of the idea, the pros and cons

Fishing is not only a hobby for most of the male population. It is also a sport, a separate art. A professional angler has a lot of expensive gear in his arsenal. At the same time, many fishing enthusiasts are ready to leave a considerable part of their income in stores.

If the store has regular customers, it is guaranteed to make a good profit.

Why this business is relevant:

  1. Growing interest in fishing. In recent years, the number of recreational anglers has increased. Families go to the pond to relax and enjoy fishing.
  2. The number of fishing organizations has increased. There are fishing clubs all over the country. These are small closed societies that bring together people of interest.
  3. Growth in the number of fishing tournaments held. Amateur fishing is not just a hobby, it is a sport. Fishing enthusiasts organize tournaments according to their interests - carp fishing, predator fishing, fishing from a boat, float fishing from the shore. This contributes to an increase in consumer activity of tournament participants.
  4. Development of fish farms. If even 10 years ago outdoor enthusiasts went to wild water bodies, today fish farms predominate - paid water bodies in which fish are specially bred. It also speaks of increased demand.

Every business has its positive and negative sides. Let's consider them.


  1. Possibility to open a fishing shop in any city. There are fishing enthusiasts in every region.
  2. Opportunity to combine work and hobbies.
  3. Permanent expansion. This is a business that is easy to promote. You can always expand it if you wish. Even if you open a store in small town, it can be extended to neighboring areas.
  4. No seasonality. In summer they buy summer gear, in winter - for ice fishing.
  5. The ability to constantly expand the range of goods. For example, to sell not only fishing equipment, but also bait, lures, comfortable clothes, boats, navigators and echo sounders.
  6. Stability. Demand for fishing products is not only stable, it is increasing from year to year.


  1. High competition. There are already many players on the market.
  2. Low margin. To make good money, you need to have a wide range of products. A small number of sales will not bring high profits.
  3. Long payback. The business will begin to make a profit when it has customers. It will take time to earn their favor.
  4. Having experience. The owners of such stores are experienced anglers. Opening a fishing shop without experience is too risky.

Description of goods and services of the store

The basic product range includes:

  1. Rods. For float fishing, for feeder, for predator fishing. The more choice, the better. There are rods with different tests, lengths and in different price categories.
  2. Coils. Carp, feeder, for spinning fishing, for float rods.
  3. Fishing lines, cords and floats. Various diameters, lengths and colors.
  4. Stands for rods. With bite alarms and ordinary stags.
  5. Hooks and weights. Hook sets are presented, hooks of different sizes, for different ways fishing and fish. Lead weights for bottom and float fishing. Various shapes and weights.
  6. Predator bait. Spinners, wobblers, balancers, live bait, steel leashes.
  7. Equipment for peaceful fish. Feeder feeders, ready-made gear - killers of crucian carp, rocker, Japanese, technoplankton.
  8. Gardens and landing nets. Different capacity and from different materials - iron, nylon, from fishing line.
  9. Bait, baits, artificial lures. Porridges, peas, corn, ready-made dough, plasticine, muffins, polystyrene foam, airy dough, flavorings.
  10. Boats, tents, clothing, tackle boxes.

IMPORTANT! The range should be as diverse as possible. Every angler has their own special preferences for rod, reel, line, rig and lure. It is important to satisfy the needs of everyone, even the most demanding customer.

Additional products - fishing guides, magazines, films with master classes, tournament records.

Market analysis: target audience, competition and risks

The target audience is men of all ages. Fishing is practiced from the age of 12 to old age.

The most active buyers are men from 25 to 55 years old. This is the most solvent audience that store owners are guided by.

The competition is high. There are shops with fishing equipment in every city. However, most of them work only because they do not have worthy competitors, especially in small towns. Nevertheless, the market is developing, demand is growing, so competition is not an obstacle to starting a business. On the contrary, it motivates the entrepreneur to be better than his competitors. The result of this is high quality products, and this is a guarantee of demand for it.

Possible risks:

  • long payback;
  • difficulties on initial stage project implementation;
  • takeover by competitors.

Organizational part of the business plan

Activity registration

To open a fishing shop, entrepreneurial activity must be registered with the tax office. This is one of the most important stages in the implementation of a business project.

Options for registering a fishing store:

  1. Design entity. Only suitable for large businesses.
  2. To issue the status of IP (individual entrepreneur). This is the most convenient and common way to register.

For shops, IP is most often used.

Stages of business registration:

  1. Selection of OKVED codes. They tell the tax office what type of activity is being registered. It is better to immediately select several OKVED codes. This will make the expansion process easier in the future. For example, the company will additionally provide the services of instructors, conduct paid master classes, etc.
  2. Choice of tax payment method. It is recommended to choose the STS - a simplified taxation system.
  3. Writing an application in the form P21001.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Submission of an application. There are two ways - through the Internet and at the place of residence.

ATTENTION! The application must include the address Email entrepreneur. Documents will be sent to him. Since April 2018, sending by regular mail is not carried out.

Documents that must be submitted for registration of IP:

  • the passport;
  • TIN code;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application form R21001.

IMPORTANT! Before sending the documents, you need to check the correctness of the application. Even a minor mistake will result in refusal of registration.

Room search

The main thing is a convenient location. When looking for a space, consider the following factors:

  1. Transport interchange. The store is easy to find, it is easy to get to it - both by own car and by public transport.
  2. Visibility. It is easy to notice, it attracts attention.
  3. It is located on the first floor - so that even the laziest customer comes to see the assortment.
  4. There is enough space to display products in a presentable way.
  5. There is a utility room for a warehouse of goods.

Search for suppliers and assortment formation

Where to buy goods in bulk:

  • local suppliers, large warehouses;
  • Chinese, Japanese and other foreign suppliers;
  • wholesale online stores - domestic and foreign.

The task of an entrepreneur is to get the maximum benefit from trading. Therefore, you should look for suppliers with the most advantageous offer.

IMPORTANT! In order not to depend on one supplier, contracts are concluded with several at once. For example, one company supplies rods, another supplies hooks, and a third supplies reels. In addition, such diversification puts the entrepreneur in more favorable conditions - he can always change suppliers.

Organic baits are purchased from local suppliers - farmers and fish farms.

Maggots are bred in the store. They are unpretentious to environment live long and multiply rapidly. Fresh maggot is a product that attracts a customer, as it is not available in every store.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To open a fishing shop, you will need the following equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • cashless trading terminal;
  • racks with showcases, shelves and cabinets for storing goods;
  • rod stands;
  • furniture for the organization of the workplace of the seller - an armchair, a table.


You will need the following staff:

  • sales consultants;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning woman.

ATTENTION! It is important that candidates for the position of a salesperson have experience in fishing. They must know the specifics of the product, fishing methods, which baits work best. The success of the enterprise depends on the competence of salespeople and their ability to communicate with the client.

Advertising and marketing

A fishing store is the type of business that is most dependent on advertising. The reason for this is high competition.

To get around competitors and lure customers from them, you need a powerful advertising campaign.

Promotion sources:

  1. Outdoor advertising. Banners and billboards. They contain information about great deals, promotions in honor of the opening. The address is required.
  2. Flyers, business cards. Distribution of flyers and business cards effective method offline promotions. Promoters distribute leaflets only to men over 20 years old - the most solvent audience.
  3. Promotion of your own site. Big stores have websites. Thanks to them, they look more solid in the eyes of the consumer.
  4. Contextual advertising. This is advertising in the search results of Google and Yandex.
  5. SMM promotion. Social networks- powerful advertising platforms. Maintaining pages in social networks will make the store more popular and allow you to achieve a loyal location target audience(CA).
  6. Advertising in the media. The CA of the store is different. Among it there are segments that prefer printed products. Regional newspapers and magazines - a good place for advertising.
  7. Participation in fishing tournaments. They are attended by anglers who are constantly expanding their arsenal. Having enticed them from competitors, the store will receive regular customers.

Financial calculations

Investment in opening a fishing store

Investments at the start (rub.):

  • rent of premises - 20,000;
  • repair - 30,000;
  • furniture - 80,000;
  • purchase of goods - 600,000;
  • advertising campaign before the opening - 300,000;
  • payment of state duty - 800.

Current expenses

Monthly spending (rub.):

  • rent - 20,000;
  • salary of employees - 170,000;
  • utilities - 10,000;
  • advertising - 20,000;
  • payment of taxes.

Revenues and expected profit

Profitability depends on the following factors:

  • assortment of goods;
  • the success of the advertising campaign;
  • professionalism of sales consultants;
  • store pricing policy;
  • point location.

The average check in the store is 1000 rubles. The expected monthly profit is 350 thousand rubles.

Project efficiency assessment

Employees' salaries, rent, utilities and taxes are deducted from monthly earnings. Net profit- 100 thousand rubles.

With a stable flow of customers, the business will pay for itself in 2 years, at best - in 1.5 years.

Opportunity to franchise

Russia has large chains fishing shops. They compete with each other and seek to expand. A franchise is a great opportunity to master the fishing business from scratch and with minimal risk.

Large networks open representative offices in cities on a franchise basis.

A franchise is the right of an entrepreneur to use someone else's brand. By opening a franchise business, an entrepreneur receives detailed plan, which reflects tried and tested business models.

Companies use franchising to expand and entrepreneurs get ready business, which already has all the necessary calculations.

Franchise Benefits:

  • minimal risks;
  • ongoing business support;
  • low advertising costs - the brand is already known and does not need advertising;
  • a business plan is provided;
  • low competition.


  • limited right to use the brand - all changes must be agreed with the franchisor;
  • the entrepreneur spends part of the profit on paying royalties - commissions for using the franchise.

Own fishing accessories store is a promising direction for business development. This is an opportunity to combine work and hobbies and get a high income from it. A long payback is characteristic of most areas of business. Such a store is an investment in the future, because the demand for fishing products is growing every year. When the store pays for itself, it will bring a steady income.

Order a business plan

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

Retail stores selling caviar, fish and seafood. TM "Rybset" was founded on the basis of its own production and fishing complex in the Khabarovsk Territory. The retail division opened at the end of 2014, and in the middle of 2015 the franchise line was opened. Over the year of the franchise's existence, more than 20 branded franchisee outlets have opened throughout Russia: Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and ...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Zolotaya Rybka Pet Goods Stores Franchise DescriptionGolden Rybka, a franchising company, provides sales development and helps organize activities. As a franchise owner, he authorizes the buyer to operate the store in accordance with the requirements of the company. retail sales and personalities of merchandising. The area of ​​the trading floor of the Zolotaya…

Investments: Investments 300 000 ₽

We are the only Fish Holding in Russia, whose portfolio includes the most advanced production facilities from absolutely ALL fish and seafood production regions in the country! Our Group of Companies, in addition to mining and processing, has independently taken a leading position in the market in wholesale trade, after which she successfully created her own network fish shops Kuril Coast. The unique diversification of production assets,…

Investments: Investments 5 000 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

We federal network autocoffee shops, Drive Through format (similar to Mac auto). This format is actively gaining popularity in Russia, tk. people have to become more mobile. In short, we cook delicious and healthy food at the price of fast food. Accessibility, mobility, tasty and fresh food - this is the key to the success of our company. We spent years developing the menu, but…

Investments: Investments 10,590,000 - 38,890,000 rubles.

TROPHY - network retail stores operating on the market since 2010. It is part of the TONAR Group of Companies, which is the largest Russian manufacturer of goods for fishing, hunting, and tourism. The product concept of the network is based on the optimal ratio of goods from leading world brands and own trademarks at affordable prices for buyers. A distinctive feature of the TROFEY chain stores is the special format of their…

Investments: Investments from 575,000 rubles.

WAFFLETIME is a concept that combines the already beloved Hong Kong waffles, Japanese fish-shaped waffles as an absolute novelty on the market, and professional business development support by a team of well-known and no less successful business consultants. Description of the FranchiseThe WAFFLETIME franchise business strategy includes everything you need to achieve the desired results. A well-chosen RANGE allows you to stay in trend.…

Investments: from 630 000 ₽

Coffee Like is an international network of coffee houses in the "coffee to go" format. The company ranks 1st in Russia and 12th in Europe among the largest coffee chains (Allegra World Coffee Portal survey 2018). The statistics of the same analysts for 2019 confirms the leadership of Coffee Like - plus 203 new outlets in a year, more than anyone else in…

Investments: Investments from 1,900,000 rubles.

The Bodrisar group of companies has confidently headed for leadership in the beer market of the Krasnodar Territory. The network of markets Bodrisar is very popular among true connoisseurs of the foamy drink. The company is constantly developing, offering its customers more and more new varieties of beer, beer snacks and fish. The Bodrisar group of companies includes 3 areas: wholesale supplies of beer, production of fish and beer…

Investments: Investments from 800,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 600,000 rubles.

The basis of the profitability of any business provides a constant influx of customers. And what can attract a buyer? First of all, it is the novelty and uniqueness of the product. And many beginners and even successful businessmen trying to find that niche that is not yet developed and can easily be filled. Such an approach can almost always guarantee the success of the business, respectively, and the receipt of significant profits. At…

Investments: From 25 000 $

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Hello friends.

I want to enrich the moneymaker's blog with another useful article, as always - on a commercial topic. Have any of the readers seriously thought about how to open a fishing store from scratch? Has anyone considered this niche as their own, calculated investments and payback, real prospects for trading in fishing equipment?

I must state the fact that with proper organization, the sale of any product will be profitable. And fishing - including, despite their specificity and non-belonging to the group of wide consumer use.

Fishing Shop Features

Should immediately warn businessmen from countryside that this type of business is suitable exclusively for big cities. Even the most avid fisherman from the outback, who knows everything about fishing and knows how to open a fishing store, will not be able to achieve the number of buyers necessary for such an outlet.

But if a store for anglers is the dream of your life, and the city is far away, there is an option for online trading. This is in the current conditions of "internetization" of sales - successful.

One of the features of the fishing store is the possibility of organizing a non-standard format. For example, shop-club. If the owner himself is not indifferent to fishing, he, in addition to selling tackle, fishing rods and hooks, can periodically organize collective fishing trips, deliver thematic magazines about the angler to regular customers, and teach the art of catching fish to beginners. And during events, demonstrate and test new tackle or related products from the store.

good location

The first thing needed for successful sales in a fishing store - to "catch" buyers. Taking into account the fact that the vast majority of target customers are men, it is customary to organize shops with a fishing assortment near car markets, city markets and on the outskirts of the city.

Do not underestimate the stores on the road - if you create an assortment according to the principle "you need to buy more, otherwise you forgot", then you can count on a very high income.

Advertising campaign - constantly

When opening a fishing store, designate the purchase of goods and the promotion of the store as the largest expense items.

Considering the seasonality of the goods and the average frequency of equipment renewal by fishermen 1-2 times a year, the need to attract new customers is always relevant. This means that the need for constant advertising of a fishing store is also relevant.

Tell and announce your store wherever possible: in print and online publications, on forums and announcements on boards, hand out flyers and organize interesting events (mentioned above). Your goal is to ensure that the store is always heard and recognizable.

Another way to promote is to create a unique concept. Before starting fishing from scratch, familiarize yourself with the principle of operation and the assortment of fishing stores near you. There is no point in opening the “same” one, since fishing goods are not essential products. In this segment, it is difficult to develop a completely new concept, but if you think about it, you can offer the buyer something that competitors do not have.

Now - about the amount of goods. The minimum number of positions when launching a store is 7-8 thousand. In the future, you can increase to 20 thousand (I'm talking about the foreseeable future - 2-3 months of trading).

When purchasing goods, consider the fact that small fishing gear is quite expensive. Therefore, do not be surprised that a lot of money was spent, and the goods take up only a couple of shelves.

Fishing shop staff

A store with a fishing assortment is not the place where the buyer comes to quickly acquire the necessary thing and retreat just as quickly. And fishermen are not the people who are used to making purchases in silence.

They need to know exactly, down to the smallest detail, everything about both a small lure and a large boat. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that in such stores consultations develop to the level of fishing stories, and the purchase can last from an hour or more.

Now the question is: can at least one long-legged young lady be able to withstand such a purely masculine theme? Will a woman be able to tell an experienced (or inexperienced) fisherman in detail about all the intricacies of the latest gear? Will she have the patience to listen to several long stories in a row?

Female salesgirls, as a rule, do not get along in stores with a purely male assortment. When recruiting staff for a fishing shop, use the following tips:

  1. Take on this role if you are good at fishing.
  2. Hire men whose hobby is fishing (this is ideal).
  3. Learn the nuances of how to open a fishing online store (you can recruit girls who understand the product, they won’t have to listen to stories on the Internet).


The most popular product in the segment of fishing accessories, the so-called consumables: shoelaces, floats, baits, sinkers, lures, bait. This product must always be present in the warehouse in the required quantity - it makes up a third of the store's turnover.

Offer gear and accessories either branded, if the store is located in the city center and pretends to be some kind of fashion, or budget Chinese, if the store is in a microdistrict.

Related products: there are two categories - small (dishes, nets, clothes, fishing rod covers, bags and backpacks) and overall (boats, tents, sleeping bags). It is reasonable to divide the section of related products into subsections - for a small and large assortment.

Where to buy goods?

This is a very difficult question, to which I cannot give a specific answer, since it mainly depends on where you live.

You can search for suppliers either using the Internet, or you will have to ask around with existing owners of fishing stores.

In both cases, the answer to this question can be obtained quickly and easily, as there are now more manufacturers than shops.

Payback and profit

It all depends on the general economic situation - according to statistics, during recessions, sales in stores with a specific range of sales can be halved.


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