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Annotation. The article analyzes different definitions of the concept " staff development” and a parallel is drawn between the concepts of “personnel training” and “personnel development”, the main components of the concept of the latter are considered.

Keywords: quality work force, personnel development, personnel training, the concept of personnel development, principles and methods of development.


Abstract. The article analyzes the different definitions of the concept of "staff development" and draws a parallel between "training" and "personnel development", the principal components of the latter concept.

Keywords: quality of the workforce, staff development, staff training, staff development concept, the principles and methods of development.

Any organization is social system, and everything that happens in it largely depends on the activities of the people working in it and the level of their development. Since we now live in a rapidly developing, complex and uncertain environment, where the tasks of strengthening competitiveness and increasing the efficiency of the organization's functioning come to the fore, issues related to improving the quality of the organization's workforce become decisive.

Based on the experience and results of successful domestic and foreign companies it can be said with confidence that all the resources spent on personnel development, with proper control, will soon and fully justify themselves. The growing interest in personnel development on the part of companies is determined by their need to have personnel whose level of training meets the requirements of the time. Personnel development is the engine of progress and expansion of the range of organizational knowledge.

In order to properly build the process of personnel development, it is necessary to understand what is meant by this. Today, many authors often use the terms "vocational training" and "personnel development" as synonyms. However, these concepts must be distinguished, since the development of personnel is an extensive process, which consists of various kinds of activities aimed at progress and increasing the efficiency of labor potential, incl. and learning. It is sometimes noted that professional training is aimed at meeting the needs that the organization faces today, and development is aimed at meeting the needs that the organization will face in the future. Personnel development is the leading way to obtain professional education, on the basis of which the effective functioning and also the development of the organization will be possible.

It should also be noted that in the literature there are various interpretations of the concept of "personnel development". Let's analyze some of them. In one of the definitions, personnel development is presented as a well-formed learning process, as a result of which the amount of information and knowledge increases, the quality and quantity of competencies and skills increase, the desire to train employees increases, competence increases, as a result of which continuous personal development occurs.

A. S. Harutyunyan

© Harutyunyan A.S., 2016

and organizational growth and development, and as a result, it becomes possible for the organization to achieve its goals.

A. Ya. Kibanov considers the development of personnel as a complex organizational - economic events in the field of personnel training, training, retraining and advanced training. These events include the problems of professional adaptation, assessment of candidates for a vacant position, current assessment of personnel, career design, personal growth and professional advancement of personnel, and work with the personnel reserve. L. I. Lu-kicheva interprets the definition as a series of measures that include vocational training for applicants, retraining and improving the quality of the workforce and planning the business career of the organization's personnel. According to V. R. Vesnin, personnel development is a complex of organizational and economic measures in the field of employee training, advanced training and professional competence of personnel, motivation of creativity, etc. It can be said that personnel development is understood as carrying out a variety of activities that contribute to the full disclosure of the potential of employees, their personal growth and the development of their chances to contribute to the activities of the organization.

So, we can give a definition that the development of personnel is a complex of various activities, which covers both the stages of training and retraining of personnel, and the stages of advanced training and professional growth of skills of people of different age categories with different work experience. Development is a transformation from one qualitative state to another, better, from old to new, it involves learning that is outside the standard of current work, it sets longer-term goals. Development is characterized by irreversible, directed and regular modifications that lead to the emergence of qualitative and quantitative transformations in the structure of the organization.

The current paradigm of personnel development is largely predetermined by the goals and objectives, strategy and policy, scientific principles, methods, technologies, types of development of employees of the organization, which, on the one hand, guarantee that the standard of the quality level of personnel meets the needs of the company, and on the other hand, give employees a chance to self-realize from a professional point of view. vision.

When building a personnel development strategy, you need to understand that the goals and objectives of employee development should be directed in the direction that the organization considers a priority, and this is basically for any organization - making a profit, but it is also important not to forget about staff retention. This means that there must be some correlation between the personnel development strategy and the organization's development strategy.

With the planned development of personnel, the organization simultaneously solves two main tasks: for the organization, the likelihood of the best and full use of the labor potential of the employee increases;

For the employee, the opportunity to achieve full self-actualization increases.

The next essential aspect in the personnel development paradigm is the principles of development. The Czech teacher J. A. Komensky formulated the basic principles of education: visibility, consciousness, gradualness, consistency, strength and feasibility. AND I. Kibanov, V. G. Konovalova, M. V. Ushakov, A. P. Egorshin, E. B. Morgunov distinguish the following development principles: efficiency and scientificity, prospects, economy, optimality and sufficiency, consistency, specialization, continuity. The literature also notes the principles of integrity, consistency, cyclicality, continuity, alternativeness, standardization, specificity, optimization, targeting, profitability, integration, flexibility of forms and methods of personnel development.

University Bulletin No. 9, 2016

In turn, the goals, strategy and principles predetermine the methods of personnel development, among which they emphasize: traditional and special methods.

There are various methods and forms of personnel development and the preference for one of them should be carried out taking into account the real capabilities and goals of the organization. It is more expedient to combine different methods and forms.

Personnel development functions should contain the following parameters and activities: an indicator of the organization's labor potential, business assessment of the organization's employees; personnel career formation, professional education in the job direction of employees, planning of the personnel reserve of the company's management.

Personnel development is a continuous process and is carried out according to a separate scheme, which includes several periods. To endure competition in the global labor market, one of the main tasks of the organization is to increase the adaptation of employees to new conditions.

One of the important points in the management of professional development of personnel is to identify the needs of the organization in this area. Here we are talking about identifying the discrepancy between the professional baggage of knowledge and skills that the employees of the organization must possess in order to fulfill its goals now and in the future, and the knowledge and skills that it actually has.

A comfortable atmosphere and the necessary attitude on the part of the staff are also significant in the personnel development department.

The effectiveness of personnel development is evaluated primarily on the basis of the following indicators: experience, knowledge, skills, competencies, range of duties, list of successfully completed tasks, career movements, productivity and innovative activity.

In the scientific literature, there are the following approaches to training qualified

The system of specialized training is aimed at the immediate future and is effective in the short term;

The system of multidisciplinary training raises the intra-production and non-production mobility of personnel, as a result of which the employee is less attached to his workplace, which contains a predetermined risk for the organization;

The training system focused on the personality of the employee reveals all the possibilities of the employee.

There are also three types of training:

Personnel training is the training and release of qualified personnel who possess the complex of necessary knowledge, skills and methods of communication;

Professional development of personnel is the training of personnel, which is aimed at improving the knowledge, skills, and ways of communication of employees;

Retraining of personnel is the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and ways of communication due to changing demands for work or acquisition new profession.

Summing up, we can state that the current directions of development of the system of professional development of personnel include the continuous adaptation and professionalization of young workers, overtaking the nature of vocational training, and the correspondence of vocational training to market demands. Thus, having examined the essence of personnel development, we can say that for the proper development of personnel, a carefully designed development system is needed, which will be closely related to the company's business goals, needs and expectations.

the capabilities of the staff, will be able to manage the motivation and behavior of the staff, to create a favorable atmosphere, and also evaluate all sorts of internal and external development factors.

Bibliographic list

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4. Pyzhova, L. A. Management of personnel development as a factor in the growth of labor efficiency / L. A. Pyzhova // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 8. - S. 565-567.

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Once upon a time, work with personnel consisted exclusively of activities for the recruitment and selection of labor. The idea was that if you managed to find the right people, then they can perform the right job. Modern organizations Those who are well placed in management believe that recruiting the right people is just the beginning, while most of the resources of the organization are tangible objects, the value of which decreases over time through depreciation, the value of human resources over the years can and should increase. Thus, both for the benefit of the organization itself and for the personal benefit of all personnel, the management of the organization must constantly work to increase its potential in every possible way.

Transition to market relations means a high dynamics of changes in the requirements for the quality parameters of the workforce. At the same time, important shifts are revealed in relation to the role and significance of individual components of its quality. Nowadays, the situation is such that education, and not so much general as professional education, is becoming a defining element that forms the qualitative characteristics of the workforce. Large organizations are increasing investments in personnel training, as the external market and the training system are less and less satisfying the needs of high-tech industries. This is also facilitated by the shortening cycle of production and life of goods, their frequent change, requiring new qualifications. It is not for nothing that many organizations consider increasing investment in personnel development the main factor in the competitive struggle.

The personnel development program contributes to the formation of a workforce with higher abilities and strong motivation to perform the tasks facing the organization. Naturally, this leads to an increase in productivity, and hence to an increase in the value of the organization's human resources. Thus, personnel development activities should be considered as an investment in the organization's intangible assets. The object of such investments, in contrast to investments in property elements and financial assets, is the employees of the organization (but not the owners of capital).

Constant renewal is today the only strategy for the organization and employees to adequately cope with the difficulties expected in the future. The main task of personnel development lies in the purposeful process of advanced training for special activities, in increasing intra-industrial mobility and employment of employees.

For a long time, basic training in educational institutions was outside the scope of personnel policy, since the organization dealt with a ready-made workforce. But the need to create a potential core of personnel dictates the need to change this situation, to the extent that students are the object of influence on the part of firms, basic training becomes a full-fledged direction of personnel policy.

Adaptation as a direction of personnel policy is no longer associated only with a short period after hiring an employee. If the company actively influences the process of basic training, then adaptation begins even during the training period. The need for continuous training leads to the fact that measures to adapt personnel to the requirements of production continue throughout the operation of the company.

To a large extent, such a direction of personnel policy as promotion is changing. Horizontal movements become no less important characteristic of personnel development than vertical ones.

Vertical and horizontal advancement in the conditions of dynamic production is possible only on condition of advanced training as a permanent regulator. Moreover, based on the time spent and frequency, it must be recognized that advanced training is becoming a priority area of ​​personnel policy, covering an ever-increasing part of the staff.

Selection, increasingly based on extensive workforce assessment systems, is becoming a permanent regulator of personnel development. In other words, under the conditions of the process of innovation, selection becomes the basis not so much of hiring as of all phases of advancement and advanced training. In addition, there is a transition from the selection (evaluation) of the finished labor force to the selection of potential, that is, if I may say so, to the selection of semi-finished products.

Relevance of the research topic. Personnel development activities should be viewed as an investment in the organization's intangible assets. Personnel development programs contribute to the formation of a workforce with higher abilities and strong motivation to perform the tasks facing the organization, which leads to increased productivity, and therefore to an increase in the value of the organization's human resources.

The purpose of this work is to study the theoretical foundations, principles and methods for the formation of a personnel development system and develop recommendations for the formation of a system for the development and management of a labor career in an organization (on the example of the Mebel Vash Dom branded stores network).

To achieve this goal, the work provides for the solution of the following set of tasks:

1. Consider the theoretical foundations for the formation of a personnel development system;

2. Describe the methods, forms and principles of personnel training, personnel career planning and the formation of a personnel reserve;

3. Describe the activities of the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya);

4. Analyze the system of management and development of personnel in the organization in question;

6. Develop a model of a new motivational system in the organization;

7. Develop a career development plan for the personnel of the Mebel Vash Domu brand stores and provide recommendations for its implementation;

The object of the study is the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (SP Stupinskaya).

The subject of the study is the system of personnel development in the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya).

In the final qualifying work, methods were used: the method of system analysis, the method of included observation, the method of document analysis.

The information base of the study is represented by monographs and separate works domestic and foreign authors on the issues of personnel development system formation, such as: T.V. Lavrina, A.A. Tyutin, N.V. Bogomolova, N.I. Tereshchuk, E.V. Maslov, D.A. Novikov, L.S. Shakhovskaya.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results obtained in the process of research and the conclusions based on them can be used in the future. scientific research personnel development system, as well as in the activities of the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home".

Work structure

The introduction discusses the relevance of the research topic, the problem situation, the object and subject of research, the purpose, objectives, research methods, the practical significance of the research is indicated, and the structure of the work is presented.

Chapter 1 "Theoretical foundations for the formation of a personnel development system in an organization" presents the concept and essence of training as an essential component of the personnel development process, the principles of forming a personnel reserve and career development planning are studied.

Chapter 2 “Analysis of the personnel development system in an organization (on the example of the Furniture to Your Home” (IP Stupinskaya) branded stores) presents a general description of the “Furniture to Your Home” branded stores network, analyzes the management system and the personnel development system.

In chapter 3 "Recommendations for the formation of a personnel development system in an organization (using the example of the Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya) branded stores), a model of a new motivational system for the "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya) branded stores was developed, the principles of formation career management system and presented a career plan for the chain of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya).

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a personnel development system in an organization

1.1 Training as an essential component of the personnel development process

Today at Russian economy there is a huge demand for young professionals who are ready to take serious positions in private companies. However, according to employers, our universities cannot produce a graduate fit for immediate use.

Modern companies tend to hire young people. This is explained both by the economic recovery in the country and by the need to compensate for the natural departure of experienced personnel. At the same time, not only companies from the sphere of trade, services, finance, but also enterprises of the real sector began to hire young specialists in recent years.

However, the vast majority of companies today do not expect that the education received at the university will allow a young specialist to immediately get involved in work. A university graduate is perceived by employers only as a starting material for training a full-fledged specialist. The knowledge gained at the university is considered by companies only as a starting point for further training of a young specialist; an increasingly important factor in assessing a potential employee is his ability and desire to adapt, learn, and develop professionally.

Education is a specially organized, controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, shaping a worldview, developing the mental strength and potential of students, developing and consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set.

Let's consider this definition in more detail.

Firstly, learning is a specially organized process, that is, it does not arise by itself and cannot take place on its own, its effectiveness will be determined by many factors, first of all, by the professionalism of the manager organizing the process.

Secondly, like any organized process, it is organized in accordance with the set goals, for example, professional training of personnel is a process of improving the knowledge and competence, skills and abilities of employees, their creative activity.

However, the learning process can pursue many other goals. Each organization determines for what purpose it conducts the learning process, what tasks it sets for itself.

Thirdly, the choice of teaching methods will be determined by the goals for which the process is organized.

The educational process is a set of educational and educational and self-educational processes aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and personal development.

Particular attention in this definition should be paid to two details:

First, the educational process consists of two elements: educational and self-educational processes. They are interconnected, cannot effectively pass one without the other, and each of them determines the order of the other.

Second, the educational process is aimed at solving three problems: educational, upbringing and developing. It is the presence of three tasks of the educational process that makes it possible to determine its goals. Let's consider each of the tasks separately.

The educational task of the learning process is an orientation towards the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by the student. In accordance with this task, it is determined what exactly the staff will be trained. The educational process can pursue only one goal - the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. This approach to learning has been widespread in the past. For this task, the use of two processes plays a decisive role: educational and self-educational. The exclusion of any of them can significantly reduce the quality of training.

The educational task is focused on the development of certain personal qualities and character traits in the student. In organizations, this task can be implemented to achieve a variety of goals, for example, increasing staff loyalty, improving the psychological climate by reducing conflict among employees, and many others.

The developing task is the orientation of the educational process to the potential capabilities of a person and their implementation. In the concept of developmental education, the student is considered not as an object of the teacher's teaching influences, but as a self-changing object of learning.

The listed tasks of the learning process determine many areas of its application. The priority of certain tasks in training will depend on what the organization sets itself. Each organization itself determines for what it conducts training, but nevertheless, it is possible to single out the main goals for which the training process can be carried out:

improving the quality of human resources,

Improving the quality of products or services produced by the organization,

carrying out organizational changes, including adaptation to changing environmental conditions,

· staff development,

improving the communication system in the organization,

formation of organizational culture,

Increasing the level of loyalty to the organization.

Improving the quality of human resources is a complex concept that includes two main elements: the acquisition by staff of basic knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of the qualities necessary for more effective performance of their duties.

In rapidly changing modern conditions Many organizations face the challenge of implementing change. These can be a variety of changes: organizational, technological, change of top management of the company, and many others. To carry out these changes, both a strategic development plan and an optimal organizational management structure are required, but, most importantly, qualified personnel are needed who are able to take responsibility and make decisions. This is especially true for leadership. The effectiveness of the implementation of any innovation in an organization, regardless of its type, is determined by the degree of interest and participation of the middle and lower management. That is, the learning process should first of all help managers overcome a number of qualities that hinder the implementation of changes: these are conservatism, adherence to an established order, strict adherence to an established order, a tendency to maintain hierarchical relations in an unchanged form.

Personnel development is a managed professional, personal and career growth. The ultimate goals of this process are to increase professional level employees in accordance with the goals of the organization and the formation of an internal personnel reserve. The following characteristics are fundamental when planning a career and creating a personnel reserve: the availability of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities and the necessary personal qualities. Both can be developed through the implementation of a particular task of the educational process.

You can increase the loyalty of employees to the organization using training. For this, a variety of methods and training conditions can be used. For example, the loyalty of an organization can be increased through the dissemination of information about its good deeds. The use of training already at the time of hiring can ensure a “painless” dismissal of an employee. “Painless” refers to such dismissal of an employee in which he does not have a desire to take revenge on the organization, causing damage to it at any cost.

Thus, the training of personnel in an organization is a complex process that sets itself three main tasks: educational, developmental and educational. This provides a large number of goals that can be achieved through staff training. Some of them can be solved even without special attention of the manager who organizes the learning process.

In modern practice, companies use various types of organization of the learning process. There are a huge number of them. They can be classified according to various bases.

According to the venue, internal training and external training are distinguished.

Internal training is carried out on the territory of the organization, external - with a visit to a special organization involved in staff training. Each of these two types of training has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of internal training will allow organizing the learning process on-the-job or in such a way that the time for which employees are torn off is minimal; Another benefit of in-house training is that the organization does not have to pay for building a training center. The choice of external training, on the contrary, distracts the staff from work, but this can also be considered on the positive side. A change of environment and type of activity (from performing direct duties to training) can serve as a rest for employees of the organization.

In the form of classes - lectures, seminars and trainings.

Lecture (from Latin lectio - reading), a systematic, consistent presentation of educational material, any issue, topic, section, subject, methods of science. Basic requirements for lectures: scientific character, ideological content, accessibility, unity of form and content, emotionality of presentation, organic connection with other types of training sessions - seminars, industrial practice, etc.

Seminar (from Latin seminarium - nursery, figurative - school), one of the main types of educational practical exercises, consisting in the discussion by students of messages, reports made by them based on the results of educational research. Seminars are also used as an independent form of thematic training sessions not related to lectures.

Training (from the English train - to teach, educate) - a systematic training or improvement of certain skills and behavior of the participants in the training.

The difference between them is huge: in a seminar, some knowledge is shared with participants, while in a training, participants develop skills. Accordingly, the training involves a number of training exercises that allow participants to consolidate their skills and receive feedback from the facilitator - what exactly they are doing well and what is bad. The presence of such a practical part determines the second feature of the trainings - they are usually longer than seminars, they can last up to several days, although it all depends on the goals that the trainer plans to achieve.

According to the object of training - corporate trainings (seminars, lectures) and open ones. Corporate training (seminar, course of lectures) is a form of training in which a lesson is developed for a particular organization, taking into account its characteristics. They can be both external (classes are ordered by a special organization) and internal (for example, at a corporate university). A qualified corporate training, even if it is not a specialized team building training, still contributes to team building. Participants in the training process are included in common activities, often radically different from everyday activities, get to know each other better, have the opportunity, under the competent guidance of a trainer, even to resolve production conflicts that have accumulated during joint work. That is, a competent corporate coach, regardless of what his main goal is, will improve relations in the team. Open training (seminar, course of lectures) is a form of training in which the lesson is developed without taking into account the characteristics of organizations. Such classes can only be external and always with the involvement of a coach. In an open training, unlike a corporate one, the whole team usually does not participate. Often it is enough to train two or three employees, who will then be able to effectively convey the essence of the training to the rest of the team. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that different skill levels in the team can lead to mismatch. This situation generates great instability and can lead to conflicts.

According to the object of training, training can also be classified as training for top management, training for middle managers and training for direct executors. Training of various categories of workers should be based on completely different goals, so the training of performers will lead, first of all, to improving the quality of products and the economic and technical security of the organization; middle management training contributes to the easy implementation of changes in the company; training for senior management will change the general aspects of managing the organization. It should be noted the following pattern inherent in modern Russian society. High motivation for education and self-education is characteristic of the top management, and it is gradually falling. Those. the lower the employee's place in the organizational hierarchy, the lower his motivation for education and self-education. Thus, the more attention should be paid to the education of employees, the lower the position in the organization and in society and the lower the level of education they have.

According to the subject of training - with the involvement of a trainer and without involvement. More often, classes are held with the involvement of a trainer (these are such methods of training personnel as production briefings, lectures, business games, analysis of specific production situations, conferences and seminars), but the presence of a professional trainer is not necessary at all. In this case, the following methods are applicable: changing the workplace, forming groups for the exchange of experience, creating quality circles and other methods.

Staff training methods are the ways in which the mastery of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students is achieved.

Such a variety of types and forms of the learning process allows organizations to choose the most suitable for them in this moment and under certain prevailing conditions, allowing you to achieve your goals. That is, the choice of the type and form of the learning process should be determined specific conditions in which the organization operates and the objectives to be achieved through the learning process. The wrong choice of the type and form of training can negate the positive effect of the activities. The effectiveness of such investments in personnel will be negligible or may even reduce the synergistic effect in the organization to zero or make it negative. And vice versa, right choice the type and form of the learning process can significantly improve the psychological climate in the organization, resolve interpersonal contradictions.

In order for the effectiveness of the learning process to be high, it must be properly prepared and conducted. There are the following stages of the learning process:

Setting learning goals

Determining the need for training

A set of preparatory measures

The learning itself

checking the acquired knowledge,

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

When organizing the learning process, it is important to correctly formulate the learning objectives. Like all goals management activities they must comply with the SMART principle (an abbreviation of the words Specific - specific, Measurable - measurable, Agreed - consistent, Realistic - realistic, Time-related - defined in time).

Performance standards should be measurable so that there is no dispute about how successfully they are achieved (or not). Performance standards must be agreed upon. If employees disagree with the standards, believing them too difficult, they have an incentive to fail in order to prove themselves right. It is unwise to set tasks, completely ignoring the opinion of the performers. Performance standards should be realistic and achievable. Performance standards must be time-bound, that is, it is known by what point they must be achieved.

But, in addition to the general characteristics of goals, the following characteristics are characteristic of learning goals: goals serve as a guide in developing the content of training programs; they allow you to accurately determine the requirements for students; they determine the form of organization of the learning process and the priorities in the activities of the subject of learning and the organizers of the learning process; they serve as the basis for the subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of training.

They must be communicated to all employees in the target group. This is necessary so that people understand why they are taught, feel responsible.

The definition of learning objectives is a strategic point in organizing the learning system in an organization. In particular, depending on the goals set, a general concept of training programs is formed, appropriate models and teaching technologies are developed. However, before embarking on the development of training programs, it is necessary to determine the training needs of the organization's personnel.

The need for training should be determined in two main aspects: qualitative (what to teach, what skills to develop) and quantitative (how many employees of different categories need to be trained). Assessment of training needs can be identified by the following methods:

1. Evaluation of information about employees available in the personnel service (length of service, work experience, basic education, whether the employee has previously participated in training or advanced training programs, etc.);

2. Annual performance appraisal (attestation). In the course of the annual assessment of performance (attestation), not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the work of a particular person can be found. For example, low grades among employees of a certain professional group in the column "professional knowledge" show that for this category of workers a need for training has been identified.

3. Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of the organization and plans of individual units and determination of the level of qualification and professional training of personnel necessary for their successful implementation.

4.Observation of the work of staff and analysis of problems that hinder effective work. If errors, miscalculations regularly occur in the work of personnel, leading to poor work, marriage, safety violations, unreasonably large losses of time, then this information can be used to justify an application for staff training and in the preparation of training programs.

5. Collection and analysis of applications for staff training from department heads. Today, this is one of the most common methods in Russian organizations for determining the need for employee training.

6. Organization of work with a personnel reserve and work on career planning.

7. Changes in work, making higher demands on the qualifications of personnel.

8.Individualnye applications and proposals of employees. If an employee is interested in obtaining certain knowledge and skills, he can submit an application addressed to the head of the training department, endorsed by his immediate supervisor, indicating what kind of training he needs.

9. Surveys of employees. Personnel surveys designed to assess their need for obtaining new professional knowledge and skills development make it possible to more accurately determine the need for training for specific categories of personnel, specific departments or individual employees. Surveys can cover the entire organization or individual departments, they can be selective, covering only a representative sample. If the range of respondents is small, you can use the interview method.

10. Studying the experience of other organizations. Often the experience of competitors or related enterprises provides important clues related to the need for training of a particular category of personnel in order to maintain the required level of competitiveness.

Based on the identified training needs, a set of preparatory activities is carried out.

An obligatory part in it is the definition of the content, forms and methods of teaching. The content should be determined by the tasks facing the organization in the short and medium term. To the most important characteristics the studied material includes its content, complexity and degree of structure. These three characteristics and learning objectives determine the forms and methods of learning.

The complex of preparatory activities also includes the definition of a training company, the preparation of training programs, a group of people sent for training, the selection of teachers and other activities. All of them can be performed both by the specialists of the organization itself, and with the involvement of an external consultant.

The next step is the learning process itself. It is built on the basis of learning objectives, quality learning needs and prepared programs. Conditions play an important role in the learning process: the room must be adapted or easily adapted for conducting classes in it, the temperature regime, lighting regime, and others must be observed. During the learning process, ongoing monitoring of attendance, the smooth implementation of the curriculum and the provision of students with everything necessary should also be ensured.

The next step is to test the acquired knowledge. With external training, it is quite difficult to evaluate the knowledge gained by employees, since the organization that conducted the training is interested in high rates of knowledge assimilation and may distort the assessment results, or they may be biased. In other cases, the acquired knowledge can be assessed. There are various methods for assessing knowledge, so, depending on the form and methods of training, employees can take a test, an exam, write some work (for example, a business plan), a business game, practice can be held (for example, when developing public speaking skills). speeches, a form of assessment of the acquired skills can be a public speech in front of the structural department of the organization).

The final stage of the personnel training process is the assessment of personnel effectiveness. Its main purpose is to analyze the impact of training on the final results of the entire organization.

It is quite difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning process in terms of real profit, so it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness based on qualitative indicators. So some programs are conducted not to gain knowledge, skills and abilities, but to form a certain type of thinking and behavior.

For a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the learning process can also be used indirect methods, such as comparing the results of tests conducted before and after training, observing the working behavior of trained employees, observing the attitude of the trainee to changes carried out in the enterprise, and others.

Also possible quantification. But it is also based on relative indicators, such as student satisfaction with the curriculum, assessment of the assimilation of educational material, the effectiveness of meeting the company's training needs, expressed as numbers from 0 to 1. Each indicator is assigned its own coefficient of importance, which may vary depending on the organization. Then the integral indicator is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the products of these indicators by the coefficients of importance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning process allows you to solve the following tasks: monitoring the implementation of the program points of the learning system; analysis and adjustment weaknesses; monitoring of efficiency, quality; monitoring the effectiveness of training; development and implementation of corrective measures.

Each organization that conducts training strives to maximize its effectiveness. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to pay enough attention to each stage of the learning process. Failure to pay attention to any of the steps is likely to negate all the results of this or future staff training processes in the organization.

So, the process of personnel training is an integral part of the personnel policy of a successful organization, which can pursue the most various purposes: improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of products or services produced by the organization, carrying out organizational changes, including adaptation to changing environmental conditions, staff development, improving the communication system in the organization, forming organizational culture, increasing the level of organizational loyalty.

1.2 Formation of a personnel reserve

Career management should be considered as one of the most important structural elements personnel management systems.

A specific form of professional growth for managers is work with a reserve of managers. Working with a reserve, like many other HR technologies, is complex.

Purposeful work with the reserve allows you to avoid spontaneous promotion of employees. At the same time, various approaches, forms and methods of working with the reserve are used to develop the human resources potential of the organization. Forecasting a new reserve for managerial positions is oriented, first of all, to the medium- and long-term concepts of entrepreneurial policy.

Promotion is determined not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, the system of internal motivations), but also by objective conditions, such as:

1) the highest point of a career - the highest position that exists in a particular organization under consideration;

2) career length - the number of positions on the way from the first position occupied by an individual in the organization to the highest point;

3) position level indicator - the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is at a given moment in his career;

4) an indicator of potential mobility - the ratio (in a certain certain period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at that hierarchical level where the individual is located.

The personnel reserve is a group of managers and specialists with the ability to manage activities that meet the requirements for a position of a particular rank, who have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training.

The following types of reserve are distinguished:

1. By type of activity:

Development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas (during the diversification of production, the development of new products and technologies). These employees can choose one of two career paths - either professional or managerial.

Functioning reserve - a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the organization in the future. These employees are focused on a managerial career.

2. By appointment time:

Group A - these are candidates who can be nominated for higher positions at the present time;

Group B - these are candidates who are planned to be nominated in the next 1-3 years

Reserve formation principles:

1. The principle of the relevance of the reserve. In applying this principle, the real need for filling posts should be taken into account, and the reserve for posts should be formed on the basis that the staff enrolled in it have a real chance of promotion to the position.

2. The principle of the candidate's compliance with the position and the type of reserve.

When applying this principle, the qualification requirements of the candidate for work in a particular position should be taken into account.

3. The principle of prospects of the candidate.

In applying this principle, consideration should be given to:

Focus on professional growth;

educational requirements; - age; length of service in the position and career dynamics in general;

Health status.

When selecting candidates for the reserve for specific positions, it is necessary to take into account not only general, but also professional requirements which the head of a particular department, service, workshop, site, etc. must meet, as well as the specific requirements for the personality of the candidate, based on an analysis of the situation in the unit, the type of organizational culture, etc.

Sources of personnel reserve for managerial positions:

Leading employees of the apparatus, subsidiaries of joint-stock companies and enterprises;

Chief and leading specialists;

Professionals with appropriate education and positively proven themselves in production activities;

Young professionals who have successfully completed an internship.

The first level of the personnel reserve base consists of all specialists who are deputy heads of various ranks. The main base of the reserve is made up of leaders of various ranks.

Stages of working with a reserve.

Prior to the start of the reserve formation procedure, the following work must be performed:

Forecast of changes in the structure of the apparatus;

Improving the promotion of employees in the service;

Determination of the degree of provision with a reserve of nomenclature positions;

Determining the degree of saturation of the reserve for each position or group of identical positions (how many candidates from the reserve fall on each position or group of them).

The result of the implementation specified works is to determine the current and future needs for the reserve. The optimal number of personnel reserve is calculated as follows:

1) the need of the enterprise for management personnel for the near or longer term (up to five years) is revealed;

2) the actual number of the currently trained reserve of each level is determined, regardless of where this or that employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;

3) the approximate percentage of departure from the personnel reserve of individual employees is determined, for example, due to failure to fulfill an individual training program in connection with departure to another area, etc.;

4) the number of executives released as a result of a change in the management structure is determined, which can be used for managerial activities in other areas.

These indicators are adjusted during the entire period of work with him.

To further improve the work on the formation of the reserve, it is necessary to take into account the following highlights when compiling reserve lists. Must be:

1) the categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve for the head of a particular unit are determined, the differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of production is taken into account;

2) the possibility of selecting deputies for the group of leaders is provided. When selecting candidates for the reserve of deputy heads, the determining factor should be the opinion about their prospects for further growth on the career ladder for all assessed qualities;

3) the personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel is determined. For example, the head of the shop should be responsible for the placement of foremen and heads of sections in the workshop, the head of the enterprise for the placement of the heads of shops, and the deputy head of the enterprise for personnel for the placement of deputy heads of shops and divisions of the enterprise.

Formation and compilation of the reserve list:

1) formation of a list of candidates for the reserve;

2) creation of a reserve for specific positions.

In the process of forming a reserve, it is necessary to determine:

Who can and should be included in the lists of candidates for the reserve;

Which of the candidates included in the lists for the reserve needs to be taught;

What form of training to apply to each candidate, taking into account his individual features and prospects for use
in a leadership position.

When forming a reserve of specific positions, it is necessary to solve two main tasks:

1) evaluation of candidates for the reserve;

2) comparison of the qualities of candidates with the requirements of positions, depending on the areas of work for which candidates are offered to the reserve.

Reserve methods. Reserve list formation methods:

Analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, results of attestation of employees and other documents;

Interview (conversation) according to a specially designed plan or questionnaire or without a specific plan to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, behavioral motives, etc.);

Observations of the employee's behavior in various situations (at work, at home, etc.);

Evaluation of results labor activity- labor productivity, quality of work performed, etc., performance indicators of tasks by the managed unit for the period that is most typical for evaluating the activities of the head;

The method of a given grouping of workers - when people are selected for the given requirements for the position or for the given structure of the working group. In this method, the qualities of applicants are compared with the requirements of a position of one rank or another. The use of the method involves the formation of three types of information arrays of professiograms of the entire range of managerial positions, factual data and criteria for the qualities of specialists.

When forming the lists of candidates for the reserve, the following factors are taken into account:

Requirements for the position, description and assessment of the workplace, assessment of labor productivity;

Professional characteristics of a specialist necessary for successful work in the relevant position;

The list of positions, occupying which the employee can become a candidate for a reserved position;

Criteria limits (education, age, length of service, etc.) for the selection of candidates for relevant positions;

The results of the assessment of formal requirements and individual characteristics of candidates for the reserved position;

The importance of reserve candidate priorities;

Opinion of heads and specialists of related departments, council labor collective;

The results of the assessment of the candidate's potential (possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

The most significant factors and criteria to be taken into account when forming a system of qualities of a manager in a reserved position are:

Labor motivation - interest in professional problems and creative work, the desire to broaden one's horizons, orientation to the future, success and achievements, readiness for social conflicts in the interests of employees and business, for reasonable risk;

Professionalism and competence - educational and age qualifications, work experience, level of professional readiness, independence in decision-making and the ability to implement them, the ability to negotiate, argue one's position, defend it, etc.;

Personal qualities and potentialities - a high degree of intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, accessibility, authority, tact, sociability, organizational inclinations, neuropsychic and emotional stability, motor characteristics, etc.

Reserve preparation. Candidate preparation:

Individual training under the guidance of a superior manager: internship in a position at one's own and another enterprise;

Studying at courses and institutes for advanced training, depending on the planned position. In the preparation of the reserve at the enterprise are used;

Schools (courses) for young specialists, as a rule, on-the-job;

Schools of a reserve of managers, in which training is carried out, basically, on the job, according to individual programs;

Thematic courses at the enterprise with a full break from work up to two weeks or without a break with a frequency of classes from once a week to twice a month;

Thematic courses at basic universities, designed mainly to deepen the knowledge of candidates on the profile of their work, with a break from work up to two days a week;

Permanent courses at the enterprise, differentiated for managers of different levels, on the job or with a partial break up to four times a month;

Internship at enterprises applying new management methods, in leading scientific organizations, universities;

Courses and internships in foreign training centers, enterprises;

Self-training of an employee based on individual experience;

Fulfillment of duties for the position for which the candidate is recommended during vacations and business trips of the main (full-time) manager;

Internship in positions where work experience is necessary for a candidate for a reserve for a specific position;

Internships in various positions to deepen knowledge and broaden horizons;

Systematic transfer and promotion of an employee who is in the reserve to various engineering and management positions in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and work experience;

Work as a member of commissions for making decisions and checking the activities of various departments (both at your own enterprise and at other enterprises);

Participation in the work of scientific and technical meetings, conferences, seminars, symposiums to get acquainted with the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science.

When working with a reserve, it is necessary to creatively apply the forms and methods of preparation, based on the conditions and specifics of enterprises.

Maintaining a reserve.

1. Relocation - the transfer of an employee within the organization from one position to another of the same level. Usually the relocation is not accompanied by an increase in wages.

To help improve the base for the formation of a reserve can move "horizontally", that is, the timely renewal of personnel, the combination of the experience of old personnel with the energy of young ones. Movement “horizontally” can have a significant positive effect, because in a new place the employee will not only be able to apply his knowledge, but will also be forced to learn, which will certainly awaken dormant activity, cause an influx of energy, initiative. In addition, such a move will open the way for promotion of new management personnel. The selection of a deputy head at any level of management, first of all, should provide for the possibility of using this employee as a head. In practice, it often turns out that the manager tries to appoint as his deputies employees who are unpromising in terms of further promotion (for example, by age, health status, qualifications, etc.). Thus, a favorable situation is created for the leader, since against the background of such deputies, he becomes indispensable. The consequence of this is a decrease in the base for the formation of the reserve.

Sometimes horizontal movement can be accompanied by a systematic increase in wages.

2. Promotion - moving an employee to a higher paid and higher position in the same organization. The opinion of one of the leading American management experts: “Any managerial position should in itself be honorable and bring satisfaction, and not be one of the means of moving the person performing it to the next step in the service hierarchy. Even in the fastest growing enterprises, relatively few managers can be promoted. All others at any level of management are likely to remain in their current position until retirement or death. Exaggerating the importance of a promotion is frustrating and demoralizing for three or four out of every five managers. Such exaggeration also gives rise to unhealthy competition, in which a person seeks to climb a step higher at the expense of fellow workers.

An interesting system of "automatic" promotion and motivation, which is used in American company MMM.

In order to activate the entrepreneurial spirit, expand sales and develop new products, MMM organizes internal risky ventures - ventures. The company provides initial financing of the venture from its funds. The venture attracts people who want to take part in it as idea developers, marketers, etc., as well as those who want to risk their savings by placing them in this venture in the expectation of future increased profits that the sale of a new product will give, created on the basis of venture capital.

The reward system simultaneously supports both the entire venture team and the individual. Everyone simultaneously with the other members of the group is promoted as the overall project moves forward. Everyone benefits from the success of the whole group, and vice versa. Here is the mechanism of this relationship.

The person who joins the group finds himself in a position in which his official status and level of payment automatically change depending on the growth in sales of the product being produced. He starts, for example, as a maintenance engineer with a salary corresponding to the salary for this position. When his product hits the market, he becomes a software engineer. this species products. When the annual sales volume reaches 1 million dollars, the product is credited to the category of fully developed products and the position of the engineer changes, the rate of his payment also changes.

Thus, the formation of a personnel reserve is a complex process of purposeful professional development of personnel capable of filling higher vacant positions in the organization. The composition of the reserve reflects the need (current and prospective) for managers, specialists, as well as the structure of existing and planned positions

In modern conditions, the role of career planning technologies as an important function of personnel development is increasing.

1.3 Career planning

Career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the field of work related to official or professional growth.

The concept of "career planning" defines the development of specific employee promotion programs that would help them discover their abilities, skills, experience, knowledge, put them into practice to achieve the goals of the organization and meet personal needs.

For an employee, career planning is all about setting career development goals and the paths leading to them. Ways to achieve career development goals are a set of tools necessary to acquire the required qualifications and competencies: training and internships, consultations with experienced employees, rotation, self-development.

Career planning and management provides employees with the following benefits:

More a high degree satisfaction from working in an organization that provides him with opportunities for professional and career growth;

Increasing the material well-being and living standards of the employee;

A clearer vision of personal professional prospects and the ability to plan other aspects of one's own life;

Possibility of purposeful preparation for future management activities;

Increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

Career planning is an important step in personnel management. With the help of career planning, the personnel management service is able to meet internal staffing needs and ensure a constant influx of qualified specialists. For the employee himself, career planning contributes to career success, helps to develop internal reserves for successful promotion, strengthens self-confidence.

Career planning contributes to the development of the organization itself. An increased focus on personal career development on the part of the organization generates loyalty to it and therefore reduces staff turnover, which leads to a reduction in the cost of recruitment activities.

With this in mind, the HR departments of leading firms are showing more and more interest in career planning for employees. In the process of career planning, all information about the assessment of the performance and potential of employees, the planning of the sequence of filling positions, and self-assessments are used. This information is transformed into the development of individual career programs.

The ultimate goal of career planning is to improve staff motivation, commitment and performance. It's obvious that effective management provides:

1. Wide opportunities for attracting qualified specialists.

2. Decreased turnover among the core staff (key employees of the firm) due to their satisfaction with promotion opportunities.

3. The growth of the organization's work efficiency as the end result of the coordinated actions of the staff and the company.

Ultimately, this whole process provides mutual benefit for both the organization and the employee.

Equal responsibility for career planning rests with the organization and individuals. The practice of career planning in organizations involves matching the personal expectations of an employee in their career area with the opportunities achieved in the organization.

By supporting career planning, the employer contributes to the achievement of the employee's career goals. In turn, these goals motivate the employee to continue learning, as well as take other steps for career development.

Personal and organizational needs can overlap different ways. Most often, firms use formal counseling in specialized centers and informal counseling by direct supervisors or HR managers.

The main task of planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely:

Achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee;

Ensuring career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations;

Ensuring the openness of the career management process;

Elimination of “career dead ends”, in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

Improving the quality of the career planning process;

Formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

Studying the career potential of employees;

Providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

Determination of career paths, the use of which could satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

As practice shows, employees often do not know their prospects in this team, which indicates poor organization of work with personnel, lack of planning and career control in the organization.

The planning and control of a business career consists in the fact that, starting from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and ending with the alleged dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize his systematic horizontal and vertical promotion through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion. Here's an example:

One form of career planning is the lifetime employment system common in Japan. This system emerged after the Second World War and proved to be viable and effective. The essence of the system is that a person, having received an education, goes to work in a company and works there until retirement. During this time, an employee can change several jobs, change the field of activity, advance in the service - and all this within the same company. The advantage of lifetime employment is that each employee in his thoughts directly connects himself with the company for which he works, understands that his personal prosperity depends on the prosperity of his company. The system creates confidence in the future, the employee is almost guaranteed against dismissal. However, lifetime employment has serious limitations: this system in Japan covers only 25-30% of workers in large companies; in case of deterioration financial position companies carry out layoffs anyway: job security agreements are not written in official documents.

Japan's lifetime employment system is a form of job security. There is currently a growing interest in job security around the world. There are other reasons for this besides the ones mentioned above:

Fear of being fired creates a nervous environment and reduces productivity;

The fear that the use of new equipment will lead to a reduction in jobs leads to a slowdown in the technical development of production;

High employee turnover is costly for an organization, especially for organizations with highly skilled staff.

Ensuring job security is one of the most difficult problems of managing work with personnel in organizations. Some managers do not even want to consider this problem, believing that in the conditions of the market, the entrepreneur himself has the right to decide when and whom to fire. However, if the leaders of the organization expect employees to be ready to increase labor productivity, its quality and efficiency, then they must provide them with certain guarantees of job retention.

The Japanese are firmly of the opinion that the manager should be a specialist capable of working in any part of the company, and not performing any particular function. Climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from different angles, without staying in one position for more than three years. So, it is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the supply department. Many Japanese leaders worked in unions early in their careers. As a result of this policy, the Japanese leader has a much smaller volume of specialized knowledge, which in any case will lose their value in 5 years and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, backed up by the same personal experience.

Chapter 2

2.1 General characteristics of the network of company stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya)

In 1996 In 1999, the trading company "Furniture to Your Home" was formed, whose activity is to sell household furniture for the population, as well as to deliver and assemble furniture at the buyer's home.

Legal address: Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Stofato St., 1.

Organizational and legal form: individual entrepreneurship.

Private entrepreneur Stupinskaya V.N. is the subject entrepreneurial activity and operates on the basis of certificate No. 0021496 on state registration of business entities dated December 07, 1996, operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, operates under a simplified taxation system, conducts all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions and bears full responsibility for compliance with loan agreements and settlement discipline.

For the implementation of economic activities, a trading company has an appropriate material and technical base, which is a set of material assets.

During the existence of the company, a network of retail stores was opened in the city of Abakan: a store - a salon of upholstered and cabinet furniture "Kantegir", "Germes" and a store selling kitchen sets "Edelweiss".

The range of furniture meets the needs of customers and is sold in three areas: VIP class, Business class and economy class. Furniture suppliers are the leading Russian factories: Prestige-Furniture, Kalinka, Regina, Victoria, Furniture-Chernozemya, Borovichi-Furniture, Stolplit, Evita, Angstrem, Mikmar", "Dyatkovo", "Lotus", "Gangway-furniture". Some factories are joint companies with foreign capital from Italy and Germany.

Owned commercial premises with a total area of ​​1670 sq.m., and warehouses with an area of ​​2500 sq.m., which are equipped with racks and pallets. Retail space equipped with separate brand sections for exhibition furniture samples, as well as automation tools: computers, office equipment, cash registers. trading floors and storage facilities fully comply with the requirements for the planning of the enterprise.

An entrepreneur carries out his activities in order to meet the demand for household furniture on the basis of making a profit, which in turn covers material costs; labor costs; payment of interest on bank loans; making taxes and other payments stipulated by the legislation to the budget.

The main source of income in retail, is the sales staff. By staffing The company has 32 employees. Figure 1. shows the organizational structure of the network of company stores "Furniture for Your Home".

Fig.1. Organizational structure network of branded stores "Furniture for your home"

Factors that contribute to an increase in the number of sales:

Good looking seller.

Service culture.

Thorough knowledge of the product.

Professionalism and competence.

The mood of the seller, his intellectual level.

Internal culture of the seller.

Individual approach to every customer.

Mutual assistance of sellers.

The range is represented by upholstered (household) and cabinet (living rooms, children's, bedrooms) furniture, as well as related products.

The structure of product sales (January-May 2008) by product range is presented as follows:

Table 1.

Product sales structure (January-May 2008)

Rice. 2. Shares of sales (January-May 2008) in total sales

The largest income comes from sales of cabinet furniture, the share of income in total sales is 53.81%, children are in the greatest demand in the range of cabinet furniture, their share of sales is 26.9% in total sales. Upholstered (household) furniture is 11.21% less in demand than cabinet furniture, however, the share of sales in the total volume is 42.6%.

At the moment, the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" occupies its niche in the market for the sale of upholstered and cabinet furniture in the city of Abakan.

Table 2.

Market structure of upholstered and cabinet furniture

Company Market share, %
"Furniture for your home" 4,23%
"Trio-interior" 2,60%
Unison 4,14%
"Alpha furniture" 3,87%
"Angstrom" 3,03%
"ArtMaster" 2,16%
"Bravo" 3,38%
"Community-furniture" 3,57%
"Dimon" 1,67%
"Ideal furniture" 3,04%
"Inter-furniture" 3,38%
"Commander" 4,43%
"Our Furniture" 1,86%
"Furniture" 1,57%
"The furniture is here" 3,21%
"Custom-made furniture" 3,63%
"Furniture Bazaar" 4,04%
"Mix" 1,71%
"Sail" 2,63%
"Premier" 5,02%
"Prestige" 4,11%
"Modern" 3,02%
"Temptation" 3,03%
"Status" 2,16%
"Sofia" 3,38%
"Topic" 3,57%
"Felix" 1,67%
"Foxtrot" 3,93%
"Frigate" 3,20%
"Central" 2,94%
"Chernogorsk-furniture" 2,66%

According to the marketing assessment of the competitive environment, the chain of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" is one of the leaders (its share is 4.23%). The main competitors are the following furniture stores: "Premier", "Unison", "Commander", "Furniture Bazaar", "Prestige".

The structure of participating companies is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Structure of companies participating in the upholstered and cabinet furniture market.

Pricing for the products of the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" is based on the analysis:

Quality of products and purchase prices from suppliers;

customer demand;

The price level of competitors.

At the same time, the influence of these factors on the price of products on average has the following ratio: 80% - product quality, 10% - customer demand, 10% - the price level of competitors.

2.2 Analysis of the personnel management system in the organization

The personnel management system implies a set of measures for working with personnel aimed at achieving the company's goals through targeted work with employees of the enterprise.

Analyzing the personnel management system in the trading company "Furniture to your home" we can say that the management of the organization does not have a specific program of action in relation to personnel, and all personnel work is practically reduced to accounting for personnel, maintaining work books and in-house training, which takes place as needed.

Concurrently, the company is engaged in personnel work - the chief accountant, who keeps records of labor resources.

Personnel management system trading company includes the following subsystems:

· Recruitment and dismissal of personnel;

· Training;

Recruitment is carried out in the following stages: - organization and formation of the workforce; unification of the team within one organization; advertising and announcements in the media and through the city employment center; reception and placement of personnel in accordance with their characteristics; ensuring the interconnection of personnel activities; determination of the rules of life of personnel. Impact on the team and individual worker, in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization, are practically based on administrative methods, that is, it is a conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, the desire to work in this organization. internal regulatory documents governing the activities of personnel. These include: rules internal regulations, job descriptions, staffing. These documents are designed in the form of enterprise standards and are put into effect by the order of the head of the organization.

The administrative impact is aimed at achieving the goals of management, compliance with the requirements of internal regulatory documents and maintaining the specified parameters of the management system through direct administrative regulation. Orders, instructions, instructions, labor rationing, coordination of work and control of execution are among the administrative influences. An order is the most categorical form of administrative influence and obliges subordinates to accurately execute decisions taken within the stipulated time. Failure to comply with the order entails appropriate sanctions from the management. Orders are issued on behalf of the leader, i.e. individual entrepreneur trading firm. Orders are usually issued by the manager of the organization. Instructions and instructions are a local type of administrative influence, aiming at operational regulation management process. Instruction and coordination of work serve as methods of management based on the teachings of subordinates to the rules for performing labor operations.

Internal labor regulations - a local normative act regulating in accordance with Labor Code RF procedure for hiring and dismissal of employees; basic rights, duties and responsibilities of employees and the employer; working hours, rest time; incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other issues related to the regulation of labor relations of an individual entrepreneur V. N. Stupinskaya (employer) and employees.

The internal labor regulations are aimed at maintaining labor discipline, labor organization, rational use working time, high quality staff work.

When hiring an employee, familiarization with the Internal Labor Regulations is carried out in without fail before signing employment contract.

When concluding an employment contract, a person entering a job presents the following documents:

a) passport or other identity document;

b) a work book, with the exception of cases when the employee enters work for the first time or on a part-time basis;

c) a document on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge when applying for a job requiring special knowledge or special training;

d) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

e) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service.

When concluding an employment contract for the first time, a work book and an insurance certificate of state pension insurance are drawn up by the employer.

The decision by the employer on employment is carried out after preliminary interviews.

Employment is formalized by an order issued on the basis of a concluded employment contract. The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is transferred to the employee, the other is kept by the employer. The receipt by the employee of a copy of the employment contract is confirmed by the signature of the employee on the copy of the employment contract kept by the employer.

The order for employment is announced to the employee against receipt within three days from the date of signing the employment contract. At the request of the employee, a copy of the order may be issued to him.

When setting the period of on-the-job training, an internship agreement for vocational training is concluded with the employee.

When an employee enters work, they are introduced to the job description, working conditions, work and rest regime, the system and form of remuneration, explain his rights and obligations; with a list of information constituting a commercial secret, or related to other confidential information of the Employer; conduct safety briefings, industrial sanitation, occupational health, fire protection and other labor protection rules.

For all employees hired under an employment contract for the main job, who have worked for more than 5 days, work books are kept in the manner prescribed by current legislation. Termination of an employment contract may take place only on the grounds provided for by law.

The list of duties that each employee performs in his position is determined by the employment contract and job descriptions.

For sales assistants and security guards performing official duties during the operation of the Hermes, Kantegir, Edelweiss stores, a summarized accounting of working hours is established from accounting period in 1 calendar year, a work week- with the provision of days off on a staggered schedule. The alternation of working days and days off is made in accordance with the schedule of exits approved by the Employer. Exit schedules are brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before they are put into effect.

In accordance with Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to conclude employment contracts for the performance, in his spare time from his main job, of another regularly paid job with the same Employer (internal part-time job), or with another Employer (external part-time job).

Wages are calculated in accordance with the payroll, and are also an integral part of the employment contract, which indicates the amount of wages. The length of service of an employee who is employed by a private entrepreneur is accrued on the basis of a certificate from the Pension Fund on the payment of insurance fees. This information is submitted to the authorities social protection population.

Annual basic paid leave is granted to employees for 28 calendar days. An additional vacation in the Republic of Khakassia, lasting 8 calendar days, by an agreed decision of the employee and the Employer, can be replaced by monetary compensation.

For exemplary performance of labor duties, improvement of the quality of services and impeccable work, the following incentives are provided for employees:

1) rewarding with a valuable gift;

2) payment of a cash bonus;

3) declaration of gratitude.

Incentives are announced in the order, brought to the attention of the entire team and entered in the work book of the employee.

Employees are responsible for committing disciplinary offenses: failure to perform or improper performance of the labor duties assigned to him; violation of the Internal Labor Regulations.

For the commission of a disciplinary offense, the employer applies the following disciplinary sanctions:

1) remark;

2) reprimand;

3) dismissal on appropriate grounds in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Regardless of the application of disciplinary measures, an employee who violates labor discipline may be reduced remuneration based on the results of work for a month by issuing an order. If the order to punish the employee is announced:

Note - decrease in remuneration based on the results of work for the month by 10%.

Reprimand - reduction of remuneration based on the results of work for the month by 50%;

When an employee is dismissed at the initiative of the employer for committing a disciplinary offense, no remuneration is accrued based on the results of work for the month.

Before applying a disciplinary sanction, an explanation in writing is requested from the violator of labor discipline. The employee's refusal to give an explanation is not an obstacle to the application of a disciplinary sanction. If the employee refuses to give an explanation on the fact of misconduct in the prescribed form, an appropriate act is drawn up.

Disciplinary sanctions are applied by the Employer no later than one month from the date of its discovery, not counting the time of illness or the employee's vacation.

Disciplinary sanctions are applied by order of the Employer on the proposal of the immediate supervisor of the employee or other officials. Attached to the order: explanations of the employee, acts, certificates confirming the fact of the offense and the guilt of a particular employee.

The order to apply a disciplinary sanction is announced to the employee against signature within three working days from the date of its issuance.

The order, if necessary, in order to carry out educational impact, is brought to the attention of all employees.

According to the staffing table, the company employs 32 employees. For the period from January 2006. to March 2008 The firm hired 33 employees and laid off 21.

leader commercial activities and all staff, is a manager who reports directly to the employer.

Manager Responsibilities:

Fulfills the approved procurement budget, turnover plan, ensures the creation of inventory.

At the request of the employer, provides information about the trading process.

Carries out control over the acceptance of goods, their supply and placement on the trading floor.

Controls compliance with storage conditions, terms of sale of goods and its quality.

Carries out management of business activities aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making a profit through stable operation and maintaining business reputation.

Controls the development of commercial terms of concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.

Analyzes and solves organizational, technical and economic problems in order to increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and effective use material and financial resources.

Organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.

It analyzes the demand for manufactured products or services, forecasts and motivates sales by studying and assessing the needs of buyers.

In the organization under consideration, there is a certain system of motivation for labor activity. It includes a list of incentives that affect the labor motivation of employees.

Table 3 provides a list of incentives used in the organization.

Table 3

Staff incentive system in a trading company

"Furniture for Your Home"

Incentive form Main content
1. Wage Remuneration, including basic and additional (bonuses for the implementation of the plan) wages
2. Bonuses One-time payment from the profit of the enterprise (New Year's remuneration associated with the amount of salary received and length of service)
3. Free time Providing the employee with additional days off; flexible schedule
4. Labor incentives Business trips to furniture fairs-exhibitions: in order to find new suppliers; to the factories of suppliers - to get acquainted with the process of production and transportation of furniture, as well as for complaints.
5. PVN payment programs Coverage for temporary disability expenses
6. Medical events Company employees insurance, preventive vaccinations.
7. Intra-company image Providing corporate uniforms.



Holding a New Year's Eve, congratulations on March 8.

Table 4 shows the structure of personnel by category in dynamics from 2006 to 2008.

Table 4

Categories Number, pers. % of the total number
as of 01.01.2006 as of 01.01.2007 as of 31.03.2008 as of 01.01.2006 as of 01.01.2007 as of 31.03.2008
1 Manager 1 1 1 3,4% 3,2% 3,1%
2 Accountant 1 1 1 3,4% 3,2% 3,1%
3 Sales consultants 15 14 15 51,7% 45,2% 46,9%
4 Furniture assemblers 7 8 8 24,1% 25,8% 25,0%
5 guards 4 5 5 13,8% 16,1% 15,6%
6 Gardener - 1 1 0,0% 3,2% 3,1%
7 Cleaning woman 1 1 1 3,4% 3,2% 3,1%
Total: 29 31 32 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

Table 5

Age composition of the payroll personnel as of 31.03.2008

The structure of the age composition is most pronounced in personnel aged 26 to 35 years (50% of the total), therefore, the composition of the personnel is young.

Table 6

Staff turnover dynamics

2006 2007 January-March 2008
Staff turnover, % 28% 31% 6%

The calculation of the staff turnover rate showed too high turnover, especially in 2006 and 2007, since the normal value of this ratio should not exceed 5%.

2.3 Analysis of the personnel development system in the organization

As for the issues of staff development and training, you can see how many modern managers no longer ask themselves why train staff - they understand that this increases the competitiveness of the company.

Personnel development allows employees to identify and develop their own abilities and skills, use their strengths, deepen and expand knowledge.

From the point of view of the administrative structure, the development of personnel performs the following functions: information, stimulation, activation and management. Therefore, it aims to bring the requirements and needs of the administrative structure in line with the individual expectations, needs, abilities and interests of the employees. As a result, the development of employees simultaneously increases the efficiency and expediency of the work of the structure itself.

Thus, there are three main components in the personnel development system: vocational training, the formation of a personnel reserve and career management.

The main and necessary training and development in the company is aimed at sales consultants, as they are the main composition of the organization.

It is common practice to hire untrained staff and train them afterwards. The goal of the entrepreneur in this case is to develop the skills and knowledge of the staff necessary for effective work and training, usually based on task analysis - a detailed study of the work performed in order to determine the specific skills required, which are part of the main responsibilities of salesmen:

Customer service, namely: to offer and show goods, demonstrate them in action, help customers in choosing goods;

Issue a passport for a product that has a warranty period of use;

Monitor the packaging of bulky goods by auxiliary workers;

Prepare goods for sale: monitor unpacking, assembly, bundling, connecting backlight, checking performance, etc.;

Prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of trade and technological equipment, place goods in groups, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of work;

Work on a cash register, count money and hand over the proceeds to in due course, check the amount of sales with the readings of cash counters;

Maintaining documentation on: placing orders for goods, moving them in warehouses, safekeeping, claims, etc.

To determine, in agreement with the buyers, the terms, the order of assembly and delivery (if necessary) of the goods at the place of residence of the buyers;

Manage the work of loaders, assemblers and vehicles assigned for transportation;

Supervise employees accepted for internships and take an active part in their training.

In addition to the main responsibilities, the sales assistant must know:

Assortment, characteristics, purpose of this group of goods;

How to use and care for furniture;

State of fashion of the current season;

Receptions and methods of active service of various contingents of buyers;

The main types of raw materials and materials used in the manufacture of furniture and methods for their recognition;

The main suppliers - manufacturers, features of the range and quality of their products;

Basic principles of the device of trade and technological equipment; principles of designing brand sections;

And also must know and have skills in working on a personal computer.

Staff training takes place, as a rule, at the workplace in the process of actual implementation certain work: self-study of materials, manuals and instructions for the manufacture and sale of furniture for sales assistants, as well as safety briefings, briefing when working with electronic computers and devices that are installed at the workplace. In this case, the trainee is trained by the salespeople. This method simplifies learning as trainees learn by doing actual work and getting quick feedback.

For technical and service personnel conduct training on occupational health and safety in the workplace.

Training outside the workplace:

Training in related professions of sellers - consultants for specialists in processing loans through Russian Standard Bank;

Training under the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse";

Seminars: for an accountant in the field of taxation and accounting;

Meetings are held as needed, in case of conflict situations with buyers, or the definition of the scope of tasks for the current or future period.

The formation of an actual personnel reserve in the company is practically not provided. The reserve of personnel is formed from interns for the position of sellers and assemblers, in case the entrepreneur is not satisfied with the employee for any reason, and he plans to fire him, and also due to the fact that it is difficult to find an equivalent replacement for a leaving employee.

This company is not too big and it must be admitted that it cannot create the conditions for a lifetime career for its young employees and therefore expects that they will leave after a few years. Such conditions are provided by both the employee and the organization.

Thus, after analyzing the system of personnel management and development using the example of the Furniture to Your Home branded stores, we can draw the following conclusions and recommendations for improving the management and development of personnel in the organization:

1. The management of the trading company "Furniture to Your Home" does not have a clearly developed program in relation to personnel. Work with personnel is reduced to the elimination of negative consequences by diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole, i.e. in the mode of emergency response to emerging conflict situations, which seek to extinguish by any means.

2. The personnel management system functions on the basis of administrative methods, which are based on power, discipline and penalties and are carried out in the form of organizational and administrative actions.

3. The personnel development system is mainly based on in-house training in order to acquire professional skills and knowledge and is aimed at bringing the requirements and needs of the administrative structure in line with the individual expectations, needs, abilities and interests of employees.

4. The system of motivation is poorly developed, this is that people work without proper energy and enthusiasm, activity and enterprise give way to the formal performance of duties "from and to", and some employees even perceive staying at the workplace as a burdensome duty.

The first thing to do is to hire an HR specialist whose functions will be, for example, to help with the recruitment, training, evaluation, reward, discussion, promotion and dismissal of employees. It is also monitoring the implementation of various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, layoffs, vacations, etc.). The Human Resources Specialist also plays an important role in the implementation of complaints and labor relations procedures.

The second is motivation. To create in the team such an environment in which each person can show his abilities to the maximum; show attention to personal qualities, successes, features, life circumstances of employees; to promote the participation of everyone in solving important problems, constantly expanding the independence and self-control of their subordinates.

1. Personnel adaptation system - gives a new employee an idea about the company, the criteria for successful completion probationary period and about the program of its actions for this period. "Mentor" helps the newcomer to get used to the new place. All this increases the employee's sense of security and helps to build employee loyalty, starting from the first days of work in the company.

2. Praise. Oral on general meetings and holidays, presentation of diplomas, "set as an example."

3. Happy birthday (list of birthdays at the information stand, “warm” words, congratulations, a gift from all employees (“pooling”).

4. "Showcase of success" or "board of honor."

5. Provision of an interest-free loan for the improvement of housing conditions, the purchase of durable goods. In this case, the incentive is not the amount received, but the opportunity to borrow from the company with less bureaucratic delays and on more favorable terms for the employee, as well as the very fact of the company's participation in the employee's personal life, taking care of him.

6. Free financial assistance (birth of a child, marriage, serious illness of the next of kin or their death).

7. Assistance in placing employees' children in holiday camps, educational institutions (kindergartens, schools).

Thirdly, with the participation of a manager, an accountant and a personnel specialist, develop a long-term personnel development program.

To begin with, new job descriptions should be drawn up, describing in them the tasks assigned to the employees of the company. Then evaluate the existing human resources and understand how fully the people working in the company meet the new requirements. What are the knowledge and skills they have accumulated? What do they want to learn? What is their potential? To do this, it is necessary to conduct certification of personnel. It will help the head of a trading company to form an objective view of the achievements and capabilities of each employee, to find out his personal self-esteem and wishes.

The development of personnel in the company can be ensured through its involvement in the process of change. Ensuring the participation of personnel in training and development programs both within the company and with the involvement of external specialists in the field of personnel management.

Chapter 3

3.1 Development of a model of a new motivational system for a network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya)

Based on the analysis of the personnel development system for the Mebel Vash Dom branded stores network, it is necessary to:

To improve motivational activities and create a motivational system, it is necessary to create a personnel department (personnel department).

To do this, you need to attract a qualified specialist in the field of management. This department should have the necessary information, resources and authority to conduct motivational activities.

The department will need to:

Optimization of the system of material incentives for personnel;

Socio-psychological diagnostics of the team;

Analysis and regulation of group relations;

Study of industrial and social conflicts;

manage employment;

Evaluation and selection of candidates for vacant positions;

Analysis of human resources and staffing needs;

personnel marketing;

Planning and control of business career;

Professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees;

Office of labor motivation;

Development of legal and labor relations;

Providing full information about its detail to the top management;

Keeping records of work performed and results achieved.

The functioning of this department will improve the efficiency of production and management system.

For this purpose, the Regulations on the Department of Personnel Development of the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" have been developed and job description personnel manager.

The level of motivation at the enterprise will increase significantly, so the construction of such a system is the first necessary step on the way to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

The existing bonus system at the enterprise makes the amount of remuneration dependent on the direct performance of the staff, focusing on sales plans. It is intended only to prevent violations of labor discipline. For a more effective impact of material incentives on staff, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of bonuses to the main wage fund for all employees.

Modern wage systems are based on the choice of certain forms of wages and the establishment of a relationship between different components of remuneration. There are dozens of different wage systems: time-bonus, piecework-bonus, time-based with a normalized task, piecework, etc.

The main task of any modern system remuneration is to ensure the motivational potential of wages - the relationship between labor efficiency and remuneration for it. In corporations in developed countries, several systems of remuneration are often used at once, which reflect its specifics in different departments and their role in achieving the results obtained.

The system of remuneration that exists in the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya) today combines several of the listed forms of remuneration, which are implemented for certain groups of personnel. Analysis possible forms organization of the remuneration system at the enterprise according to the proposed technology, based on the goal of changing the current economic situation, showed that the existing system should be supplemented by a system of employees' participation in the profits of the organization and the construction of personnel management according to goals, based on the achievement of which the labor efficiency of each employee will be evaluated.

Under the systems of participation of employees in the profits of the company is understood as the division between them and the company of additional profit, which was obtained as a result of increased productivity or quality.

When introducing the proposed system, one should be guided by the methods and conditions developed in management for the use of employee participation systems in profits. The main conditions for the effectiveness of the application of employee participation systems in profits:

1. Participation in profits is ineffective if it is not supplemented by the involvement of employees in management, in the decision-making process, in finding and solving production problems, ways to improve production.

The main thing is to understand that profit sharing systems are not so much a way to pay employees, but a way to manage the labor process, control it in such a way as to constantly stimulate the improvement of production through the rationalization activities of people.

2. The determination of the amount of bonuses should be based on indicators on which employees can have a real impact, i.e. what they can influence (first of all, for the better), control at their workplaces, production sites.

3. It is imperative that workers themselves participate in the development of profit sharing systems or the sharing of benefits from increased productivity. Such systems should not be developed by a narrow circle of specialists or managers.

4. An optimized pond payment system is needed (pay for labor in moderation, do not underpay or overpay). To make it much easier, understandable to people, it is also possible to introduce an individual payment system, while the employee must know what and why the bonuses occurred, so that all employees can make sure that effective work, initiative, and the employee’s desire to benefit are fully encouraged by management.

5. The bonus should not be accrued for the results and activities of employees who are mandatory and paid as part of the permanent part of earnings. It is also necessary to make it clear to the employee that the bonus is not the usual form of additional payments that cannot stimulate the employee, but an additional payment for effective work, initiative, etc.

The initial basis for creating a system of employee participation in profits can be the proposed parameters for the formation of an additional bonus fund. The division of the created bonus fund should be carried out according to the standards developed with the participation of employees. It would be rational to form the distribution of the received fund in two directions: bonuses to employees based on the results of the enterprise as a whole and based on the results of the individual contribution of employees. Detailed parameters for the distribution of the bonus fund should be established with the participation of employees in order to be understandable to them.

Individual material incentives at the enterprise should be developed in more detail. First of all, this concerns the establishment of individual bonuses in the management system by goals, as well as the introduction of additional bonuses for overtime work and rationalization proposals.

When distributing the bonus fund and establishing additional incentive bonuses, special attention should be paid to the system of social payments.

Additional socio-economic payments and guarantees at the moment in the network of company stores "Furniture to Your Home" (IP Stupinskaya) can be: holidays; paid time for lunch; medical insurance at the enterprise; additional pension insurance at the enterprise; accident insurance; assistance in improving education, vocational training and retraining; preferential vouchers to sanatoriums; financial assistance for treatment; concessional lending at the enterprise.

Combining all the economic incentives proposed and already existing at the enterprise, we can give the following list of forms of obtaining economic income by employees, designed to stimulate their labor activity:

1. Salary (basic salary and additional: bonuses and allowances).

2. Bonuses (one-time payments from the organization's profits (remunerations and bonuses)).

3. Participation in profits (a fixed share of the proceeds from which an incentive fund is formed).

4. Plans for additional payments (subsidizing business and personal expenses depending on the result of work).

5. Savings funds (organization of savings funds for employees of the organization with the payment of interest).

6. Contributions to a pension fund (an own, alternative to the state pension fund is created, where contributions are made).

7. Association for obtaining loans (installation of preferential loans).

All these forms of incentives should be used to determine material remuneration, while personnel costs will not be of a sharply growing nature. The introduction of such must be carried out gradually, while one form may be a source for another (for example, savings funds - sources of loans).

Improvements in the remuneration system must be developed for each category of personnel and introduced into the regulation on remuneration and bonuses at the enterprise. The proposed bonus conditions will have a more differentiated impact on each of the employees and will be able to stimulate the work of certain categories of employees.

The economic methods of management in the proposed system will be implemented as follows: the project manager draws up a plan and composition of cash payments and other material incentives depending on the result of the work of each employee, based on the general list of forms of incentives developed in the wage system being created.

When developing and improving economic methods management of an enterprise, the managerial staff of the Mebel Vash Domu (Furniture to Your Home) chain of company stores (IP Stupinskaya) must take into account that the greatest effectiveness of the impact of economic methods in management is achieved when they are combined with other methods (reinforcing economic methods with organizational and administrative ones and supplementing material incentives with socio-psychological motivation) .

To implement the proposed system of material incentives and improve the professional level of the middle and lower management of the company for the initial period of the introduction of a new remuneration system, it is necessary to create a matrix structure for project management. The organization of the change in the current situation must be entrusted to the manager, designated in the new structure as the "project manager". His responsibilities include: planning labor costs at the time of an increase in demand, providing information communication between responsible persons and managers of a higher level, the introduction of a new system for stimulating the work of personnel, monitoring the implementation of production tasks and organizing the work of responsible persons.

To organize the work of project participants, it is necessary to establish an effective information flow between them and persons who have at their disposal all the information necessary for the implementation of the project. The remuneration received by the project manager should be correlated with the results of the implementation of this project and is a combination of material and moral incentives.

Employees who have worked in their positions for several years should be encouraged with special allowances, bonuses, an increase in the base rate, etc.

The starting point of the head of a commercial enterprise should be a plan. The plan is set for employees according to two indicators:


· proceeds;

· labor efficiency;

the level of customer service;

Emotional attitude of sellers.

In order for a trading enterprise to function successfully in a competitive environment, an effective return from each employee is necessary.

The introduction of the proposed motivational measures in combination with the formation of a career management system will increase the interest of employees in the results of their work and the effectiveness of the entire enterprise management system.

3.2 Formation of a career management system

According to the career management program, we recommend planning a career for at least 5 and no more than 10 years, since adaptation to a new position (especially a managerial one) occurs after 2-5 years, and after 10 years, working conditions may change significantly, etc. d.

When planning an employee's career, it is necessary to proceed from a number of principles for its development:

a) individuality, which implies a certain selectivity in career development planning, since not all employees will be able to satisfy the required abilities, age, educational level;

b) the interest of the enterprise and the employee in career development;

c) stimulation (moral and material) and material support, financing the development of an employee's career in the plans of the enterprise;

d) mandatory professional growth, which involves advanced training, growth of professionalism (skill);

e) socio-psychological comfort and satisfaction, which is ensured by social recognition, the growth of material well-being;

f) objectivity, which implies the exclusion of the influence of subjective factors on the part of the manager.

We propose to build the career development process in stages, which are shown in the diagram (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Stages (periods) of career development.

a) advanced training (retraining, internship) in the system of continuous learning (CSS);

b) enrollment in the personnel reserve for promotion to managerial positions, when the employee is required to undergo training in the SSS (advanced training, retraining, internship) according to individual plans;

c) appointment to a higher position (according to the results of training in the reserve, or by decision of the management of the enterprise);

d) rotation of an employee within his unit or enterprise to expand his horizons, in which job duties change without changing wages. At least not without reducing it.

All types of employee rotation, training in the SSS, enrollment in the personnel reserve and promotion are recommended to be carried out only with the consent of the employee, since “forceful” methods of work in this case are unacceptable.

When planning an employee's career, it must be borne in mind that tasks are solved that:

a) the employee sets himself: to achieve a higher official position; ensure high material well-being; open the mind; raise authority, prestige; gain the respect of others, etc.;

b) face the enterprise: select from among the employees (especially young ones) competent independent, meeting the requirements and having a number of qualities (organizational, communicative, efficiency, stress resistance, responsibility, etc.) specialists and managers and, through their gradual development and movement, prepare for appointment to high and responsible positions.

If, in the opinion of the head or the personnel manager, the employee deserves career planning, which is in the interests of the enterprise, then it is necessary to determine the employee's attitude towards this. To do this, a conversation is held with the employee, which is structured in such a way that he reveals his attitude to the tasks solved by the enterprise, to its possible expansion and the need, in connection with this, to prepare in the SSS, to move at work (rotation and movement).

When identifying an employee's motivation for career development (i.e., attitudes towards promotion, success, self-realization, recognition, etc.), it is advisable to determine whether the severity of a number of personal qualities (professionally important) correspond to the requirements of professional activity. In other words, one should evaluate personal qualities and their compliance with the criteria of professionalism and professional suitability by methods of psychological diagnostics.

In the event that the enterprise has a need to train appropriate managers from its personnel reserves, and the candidate has, as the interview and testing showed, motivation and personal qualities that meet the requirements, an employee career plan is drawn up.

The form of the plan and a sample of its completion are given below.

The plan specifies:

a) general personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, position held, age, education and its type, general work experience and in the position held);

b) the conclusion of the last attestation (competitive) commission;

c) the results of the last interview and assessment of the level of professionalism (including personal qualities);

d) information about previous training in the SSS, in the personnel reserve, etc.;

e) the period (from which to which year) for which the plan is drawn up;

e) other information of interest.

The employee's career plan contains 14 columns, which indicate the following data:

a) the name of the positions that the employee is intended to occupy (during rotation or promotion);

b) the period of the planned movement (year, approximately quarter);

c) types of incentives (wage growth, free education, etc.);

d) the name of the types of training in the SNO;

e) terms of training in SNO;

e) the planned educational institution for training in SSS;

g) intended direction of study;

h) grades received by an employee during training in the SSS, in the personnel reserve, during regular attestations, competitions, etc .;

The employee's career plan should be the basis for all his movements, referral to training in the SSS, and the presentation of certain requirements for the employee. Therefore, despite the fact that a career plan cannot be a directive with mandatory execution, its preparation is a responsible matter and frivolity, superficiality, and negligence in relation to an employee are unacceptable here. Table 7. shows a career development plan for staff, specially designed for the chain of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home".

Table 7

Staff career development plan

General information:

1. Surname: Ermakova

2. Name: Galina

3. Middle name: Nikolaevna

4. Position: sales assistant

5. Year of birth: 1980

6. Work experience: 5 years, of which 3 years in the last place

7. Education: higher, graduated in 2003 from the Khakass Institute of Business with a degree in Commerce (trade business).

8. Conclusion of the last attestation commission: “He corresponds to his position, has good knowledge and skills. Worthy of promotion to higher positions.”

9. Training in SSS (lifelong learning system): did not pass.

10. Being in the personnel reserve: not enrolled.

11. Evaluation based on the results of the interview: I am satisfied with the work, I would like to improve my professional level, I am interested in career development.

12. Integral assessment of professionalism and personal qualities: 4.03 including:

a) personal data: 4.00;

b) personal qualities: 4.09;

c) vocational training: 4.00.

Grades correspond to the requirements of the workplace.

13. Career planning term: from 2008 to 2018 (for 10 years).

14.Other information:

a) does not consider personal time in the interests of work;

b) persistent in achieving the set goals, but not stubborn, compromises;

c) moderately ambitious, cares about his prestige.

Thus, it is clear that effective career planning management provides:

Ample opportunities to attract highly qualified specialists,

Reduced turnover among the core staff (key employees of the organization) due to their satisfaction with promotion opportunities,

Growth in the efficiency of the organization as the end result of the coordinated actions of the staff and the enterprise.

Ultimately, this whole process provides mutual benefit for both the organization and the employee.

Implementation of the presented career development plan in the network of branded stores "Furniture to Your Home", as well as the introduction of a new model of the motivational system, will serve to form a personnel development system in this organization.


Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Today's well-managed organizations believe that recruiting the right people is just the beginning, while most of an organization's resources are tangible objects that decline in value over time through depreciation, the value of human resources over the years can should increase. Thus, both for the benefit of the organization itself and for the personal benefit of all personnel, the management of the organization must constantly work to increase its potential in every possible way.

Personnel development becomes the object of planning, most succinctly defined as the process by which an organization is supplied with the right number of people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. This, obviously, contains an element of foresight of the future needs of the organization in the workforce in a quantitative and qualitative context.

Personnel development activities should be viewed as an investment in the organization's intangible assets. Personnel development programs contribute to the formation of a workforce with higher abilities and strong motivation to perform the tasks facing the organization, which leads to increased productivity, and therefore to an increase in the value of the organization's human resources.

2. The process of personnel training is an integral part of the personnel policy of a successful organization, which can pursue a variety of goals: improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of products or services, carrying out organizational changes, developing personnel, improving the communication system in an organization, forming an organizational culture, increasing level of loyalty to the organization.

3. The formation of a personnel reserve is a complex process of purposeful professional development of personnel capable of filling higher vacant positions in the organization. The composition of the reserve reflects the need (current and prospective) for managers, specialists, as well as the structure of existing and planned positions.

4. Effective career planning management provides ample opportunities for attracting highly qualified specialists, reducing the turnover of key employees of the organization due to their satisfaction with promotion opportunities, increasing the efficiency of the organization as the end result of coordinated actions of the staff and the enterprise. Ultimately, this whole process provides mutual benefit for both the organization and the employee.

5. In this paper, an analysis of the personnel management and development system was carried out using the example of the Mebel Vash Domu (Furniture to Your Home) chain of branded stores (IP Stupinskaya), located in the city of Abakan, whose activities include the sale of household furniture for the population, as well as the delivery and assembly of furniture to buyer's house. According to the marketing assessment of the competitive environment, the network of company stores "Furniture to Your Home" is one of the leaders in the market of upholstered and cabinet furniture.

6. Analyzing the personnel management system in the trading company "Furniture to your home" we can say that the management of the organization does not have a specific program of action in relation to personnel, and all personnel work is practically reduced to personnel accounting, maintaining work books and in-house training, which takes place as need. The impact on the team and the individual employee, in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization, is practically based on administrative methods, that is, it is a conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, the desire to work in this organization.

7. Having analyzed the personnel development system using the example of the Mebel Vash Dom branded stores, we can draw the following conclusions:

The personnel development system is mainly based on in-house training in order to acquire professional skills and knowledge and is aimed at bringing the requirements and needs of the administrative structure in line with the individual expectations, needs, abilities and interests of employees;

The formation of an actual personnel reserve in the company is practically not provided;

The motivation system is poorly developed, this means that people work without proper energy and enthusiasm, activity and enterprise give way to the formal performance of duties "from and to", and some employees even perceive staying at the workplace as a burdensome duty;

8. Based on the analysis of personnel development in the trading company "Furniture to Your Home", in order to form a personnel development system, it is recommended:

Improve work with personnel by adopting a new staff unit - HR manager;

Develop a model of the motivational system at the enterprise.

The functioning of the personnel department will increase the efficiency of production and management systems.

Improving the methods of economic incentives for personnel of the Mebel Vash Dom branded stores network should be based on establishing a relationship between wages and the level of income of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of the worker himself.

The implementation of the proposed measures in combination with the improvement of other management methods will increase the interest of employees in the results of their work and the effectiveness of the entire enterprise management system.

9. To solve the problem associated with the management of a career in the network of company stores "Furniture to Your Home", recommendations have been developed to provide practical methodological assistance to the head of the company in planning the career of managers and specialists.

The periods of career development are clearly represented:

a) advanced training in the system of lifelong learning;

b) enrollment in the personnel reserve for promotion to managerial positions;

c) appointment to a higher position;

d) rotation of an employee within his unit or enterprise to expand his horizons.

If the enterprise needs to train appropriate managers from its personnel reserves, and the candidate has, as the interview and testing showed, motivation and personal qualities that meet the requirements, an employee career plan is drawn up. This paper proposes a career plan for two employees of the trading company "Furniture to Your Home".

List of used literature

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In man, one of the key driving forces in development is a cognitive need or the need to acquire new skills, knowledge. The desire for knowledge gives a person an impetus to setting goals and achieving results, the implementation of which leads to sources of new, higher experiences. The need for development is inherent in us by nature itself and is relevant both in personal terms and in professional development.

For many centuries, people have asked questions about understanding this need for knowledge, this phenomenon has been actively studied and is being studied by psychologists.

During the formation and development of large corporations, the issue of studying the thirst for knowledge, as well as the question of how to develop and consolidate it, became especially relevant. Which, in turn, led to the creation of structures that are actively involved in this. The department or department for personnel management just took over the function of nurturing and developing personnel.

The development and growth of employees is one of the key tasks after selection for initial stage and retention and motivation at subsequent stages of work with personnel.

There are many examples of companies with well-developed structures responsible for training and growth of staff and companies that do not have these structures at all.

In our case, we should not consider companies where employees of one function are of fundamental interest without the possibility of any promotion and prospects for professional development. Still, it is worth focusing on the experience of progressive companies, for which an important strategic task is the intensity and rapid growth of employees, and due to this, improving the quality of work, the overall position of the company in the market, as a player that is also distinguished by a good school for anyone who thinks and wants to develop professionally.

Of course, the most striking and powerful tool that allows you to implement the tasks of growth and development of employees is a corporate university, the structure of which is precisely focused on solving issues related to the growth and development of personnel.

The Corporate University is a unique platform for the implementation of corporate training and employee development processes. The tasks that the university solves are connected not only with the processes of learning and development, but also with the process of adaptation and mentoring, the process of transferring knowledge. The university also solves important tasks in the field of personnel assessment and in the formation of plans for the development of employees. If a company has the opportunity to create such an institution, then, as a rule, issues related to the growth and development of personnel are resolved quite well by this structure.

There are striking examples of a good corporate university in Western or pro-Western companies, in which the issues of training and development of employees are closely involved. For example, P&G, Microsoft, Uniliver, etc. companies. There are examples among Russian companies, Beeline or Sberbank, although the first is now in the process of withering, and the second is at the stage of active formation and development.

But if the company does not have the opportunity to create such a structure, then it has to cope on its own, or at most with the involvement of contractors.

The option when a company does not have a corporate university is more likely to be more common in our reality, so it is worth considering options on how to optimally, and most importantly, effectively take care of opportunities for staff development in a team.

Ways to develop employees in the company:

3. Brainstorming

4. Conferences, round tables, exhibitions

5. Writing articles, releases, and comments

6. Mentoring

7. Creation of a unified intellectual base

How effectively they will influence each individual employee of the company depends on setting goals and implementing them in each of these blocks. Let's try to dwell on each of them in more detail in order to more clearly imagine all the pros and cons of these methods of development.

Let's talk about training

It is important to understand that the market for training services is quite wide and there is a wide range of what they are aimed at, for example, public speaking training is focused on developing the skill of how to speak correctly and effectively, and team building training solves the problems of team cohesion and is focused on improving the level of trust between employees, an indirect result of which is an increase in efficiency in the case of team interaction, self-determination training helps to reveal the internal potential of each individual employee, determine their role and place in the company, and, consequently, increase their personal effectiveness. Therefore, depending on the goals of the company, it is necessary to choose one or another direction of development.

So, there are four main areas: skillful, ideological, entertaining, psychological. Moreover, in two forms, skillful and psychological, it is also relevant and individual work which is of course more efficient.

Skill training solves an important but narrow task, for example, training in public speaking. At such a training, the structure of how to correctly and systematically build the structure of your speech is set, what you should pay attention to when interacting with the audience. With repeated repetition of the structure, psychologists have proven that, on average, only after the twenty-first construction of a presentation and speech, an automatic skill is developed on how to speak correctly. Such trainings help to acquire the necessary skills that will help in the future in the work. The only limitation is if a person has a psychological barrier and a fear of public speaking. In this case, no skill training will help solve this problem, it will rather give a "skeleton" of a presentation or speech that can be used, but will not solve the internal resistance that has formed for one reason or another.

Ideological training is focused more on key employees who will be able to convey this or that ideology to other employees in the future. This type of training is more interesting for the company as a whole than for each employee individually. Although, if the training includes, for example, the ideology of leadership, then such an event can significantly affect the behavior and capabilities of an employee who gains opportunities and an understanding that he is valuable to the company and his opinion is of tremendous importance.

Entertaining trainings, judging by the name, are in the nature of relaxation and act as an additional bonus of non-material motivation of the employee, which is also very important. One of the brightest examples of entertaining training is field team building training. Such events also solve one of the fundamental tasks in the work of the team - this is cohesion, which in the future can just greatly affect the assimilation of the material, for example, when studying at skill training, help deeper disclosure and psychological training, absorb and assimilate important values ​​transmitted by the company during the ideological training.

Psychological trainings, in contrast to skill ones, just solve the problems associated with the removal of psychological barriers and internal resistances. For example, the same training in public speaking, but already psychological, in which various psychotechnics are used, is focused on working with the internal state and helps to remove the fear of speaking.

Skill training and psychological training are especially effective when carried out together, because. in this case, the problem is solved in a complex way, and not just one of its aspects.

What are strategic planning sessions?

The strategic planning session is a working session, and working group As a rule, key employees of the company formulate strategic goals and discuss possible ways to achieve them. Based on the results of the session, a plan is born with a detailed description of where the company is now, what short-term and long-term goals should be achieved in a given period of time, and what needs to be done to achieve this. What are they? Strategic planning sessions as one of the options for developing an employee in a company are also quite effective. As well as at ideological trainings, at such events not only the process of employee development is carried out, but also important tasks of the company itself are solved. Thus, the company wins doubly, the growth of the employee through active participation in the process of the session, which implies serious and active participation, as well as the results obtained at the time of the session, are used for the benefit of the company itself. In the case of a session effective way development of the company's employees, it is important to pay attention to the moderator who conducts it, because this may significantly affect the outcome of the session and the possibility of further use of these results to achieve the final goal.


Brainstorming is also a kind of session, but at a lower level. During the assault, of course, global strategic tasks are not solved, but employees are involved in the work process and, as a result, with high activity, new knowledge and vision are obtained, which can later be successfully used in work.

Conferences, round tables, exhibitions and articles

Participation in conferences, round tables, exhibitions, as well as writing articles and notes again solve two key tasks: the employee receives a new incentive, opportunities and knowledge in the process of participating in events; the company, in turn, receives high activity and PR. At the same time, it is important to understand that regardless of the position, but rather even for line personnel and middle managers participation in conferences, round tables, exhibitions, as well as writing articles can serve as a significant impetus to development. It is necessary to actively attract and provide opportunities for participation to employees who have competencies and knowledge in areas important to the company, for example, production, logistics, sales, marketing and PR, personnel, only in this way can high efficiency be achieved. And in case of passivity of this or that employee it will be possible to draw certain conclusions.

The Importance of Mentoring

Mentoring in the company is a separate item. Many companies say that they have such a practice, but, as a rule, it comes down to transferring several folders from a shared server and a story about who and what lives in the company. Although this item is essential, which affects the speed of the development process. Therefore, it is important that at least it be. There are a number of companies in which the experience of mentoring is implemented and implemented in full, this rather applies to Western companies in which mentoring is not only a well-written document with a set of points, but also a whole system that serves not only for quick adaptation for a beginner, but also a good motivation for the employee himself, especially if he does not have direct subordinates and by introducing a beginner up to date, he can also practice his management skills.

Creation of a unified intellectual base

The creation of a unified intellectual base (EIB) consists in the formation of a unified system of generally accepted rules of work, standards for conducting certain projects and a system for their implementation. Which, in turn, significantly reduces the period of "inventing the wheel", especially if the company implements projects similar in structure or their specifics do not change much. The base is a template that, when properly filled and formed, is very convenient to use.…. The base means all the necessary data, knowledge and skills that the company has acquired and continues to acquire during its life. As well as to the mentoring process, the creation of the EIB has a very cold attitude, mainly on the part of the company's employees, this is due to the fact that this is work for the future, and many are focused on getting results here and now and are not ready to spend their energy on a resource that solve problems in the future. On the part of the management, there is also not always an understanding and desire to develop this area, since the creation of the EIB implies the investment of human resources, and, consequently, time and money. . Many of us know and remember that in any company there is a common summary folder, where it is very often not only difficult to find something, but it is generally not clear how to use it, such chaos is happening there. Very often, many conscious, and even unconscious employees create their own personal folders, only the difference between the conscious ones is that their folder is just a kind of his personal intellectual base, in which all useful information. So, with a good systematization of all this information, not personally on everyone's desk, but in a general format, you can get two significant advantages. First, the company receives an invaluable product that remains in the company and is used by all employees. Secondly, when creating such a repository and systematizing knowledge, there is a colossal leap in the development of the one who creates it. Automated programs solve the problem of systematizing knowledge, but require much larger investments, resources, both material and human, and not every company can afford to automate all processes, in this regard, the EIB significantly saves resources.

Of course, in the process of developing an employee of a company, there are still a lot of different options and opportunities that can be used, it all depends on the creativity of the HR department or whoever deals with these issues in a given company. We have identified 7 key areas for the development of company employees, which, if actively used, with the right setting of goals and monitoring results, affect not only active professional growth, but also the development of the company as a whole.

It is also important to remember that a lot depends on the understanding by the employee of his own goals and objectives, and even if the company itself actively uses all the options for personnel development, all this can turn out to be completely empty and ineffective for a single employee.

Questions of self-determination, understanding of one's own goals and priorities play a significant role in the purposeful development of a person as a professional in his field. But, unfortunately, not every employee clearly sees what he wants and where he is going. If so, then he needs help. In this case, individual work can be used, and if the company is very large, then priority is given, as a rule, to key employees. To reduce financial costs with all other employees, testing can be used to diagnose their goals and priorities, as well as training in self-determination and goal setting. Training work in matters of self-determination and setting goals is somewhat lower than individual work, but in any case it is effective.

In the process of individual consultations, a coach or psychologist can help you understand yourself. It is important, of course, that it be a high-level professional, since the person who participates in the goal-setting process must have the appropriate competencies. It is important to understand that the competence of the coach is more about professional matters and goals, while for a psychologist these are life aspects, which include both personal and professional issues / difficulties / problems, but they should still be considered through the prism of personal characteristics

If you understand your own goals and if there are all opportunities for development in the company itself, the employee will be able to realize and develop to the maximum of his capabilities, which will bring him personal satisfaction, and the company will achieve high results of his work.

Case Study

My colleague works in a major western consulting company. She has all the opportunities for development in the company, which she actively uses. Constant trainings of various directions, ranging from skillful to entertaining. She actively participates in specialized conferences and writes articles on professional topics. Taking into account the fact that the specifics of consulting involve constant sessions and brainstorming sessions, she willingly and often participates in them. In general, the process of its growth during the period of work in this company is palpable to the naked eye. After two years of work, she has reached significant heights: For example, she began to be trusted with the independent management of large projects, although initially she was responsible only for some of the technical issues, and not the key ones. But now she's on the lookout again new work. When asked why, she said that in general she was satisfied with everything, during the period of her work she had gone through many stages of development, but there was only one minus, there were no opportunities for growth in the company, both career and material. She discussed these issues with her management, but the company's policy implies development and growth, but for some reason does not imply retention and career opportunities for "grown" employees.

A side effect of the process of growth and development is an increase in expectations towards oneself from the company. Such moments arise quite often, especially when it comes to the growth and development of ambitious employees. Therefore, do not forget about the reinforcing moments on the part of the company, such as: career growth, financial incentives and various bonuses, additional privileges and opportunities. If this whole system and its components are balanced, at least 80% of the company's employees will be satisfied and will work for the benefit of the company for many years.

The well-being and success of any enterprise depends entirely on how the development of personnel is carried out. This topic remains relevant always, including now. Today, once acquired professional training, skills and abilities are not as valuable as they used to be. Therefore, any specialist needs to regularly acquire new knowledge and improve in their field. An employee with low qualifications causes damage to the company and, in the event of a reduction, becomes the first candidate for departure. That is why the development of the company's personnel is an important issue without exaggeration.

Large-scale and successful global companies invest huge amounts of money and invest significant efforts in the development of personnel. Examples include such well-known corporations as IBM, Samsung, Apple. They set themselves an important goal - to maintain a high level of qualification of their employees. When creating their own universities, firms achieve the highest results.

The personnel development process is systematic. It is not enough to conduct any training course once. The tasks of personnel development are different, but the main one is to form specialists who fully meet the needs of the company, to study and improve their productive and educational potential.

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

During this process, the professional training of specialists is raised to a new level. In the development of personnel, in particular, the following activities are carried out:

  • consider resumes of specialists in order to subsequently hire them in a particular position;
  • adapt employees to a new enterprise for them;
  • train and improve the skills of employees;
  • improve the efficiency of their activities by the method of encouragement;
  • create vacancies;
  • study existing personnel;
  • explore career prospects and the possibility of growth through the ranks.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the overall strategy of the enterprise and the professionalism of all employees individually. First, they study the potential of a specialist in applying knowledge and skills in practical activities, analyze his ability to compiling ability models for all personnel. Thanks to this approach, the company calculates the exact amount of funds needed to train and achieve the goals. This is what the policy of improving the skills of the workforce looks like.

The goal of personnel development is to obtain personnel with high level training, motivated professionals interested in the prosperity of the company.

The tasks of personnel development are:

  • improve the prospects for the work of employees in order to resolve issues in all areas of the enterprise;
  • increase labor productivity;
  • increase the working time of each of the specialists;
  • train future management and the younger generation of employees;
  • introduce new technologies;
  • achieve a separate labor market;
  • eliminate the dissatisfaction of workers and develop their social qualities.

Why is the development of personnel in the modern world so important? Here are some reasons:

  • the level of competition in various markets is very high, especially given the globalization of the economy;
  • new information technologies are developing rapidly and rapidly;
  • when a single program has been created in a company, it becomes easier to solve human resource management issues and achieve strategic goals thanks to an integrated approach;
  • the company must have a strategy and organizational culture, and these issues need to be dealt with;
  • all line managers implement a unified personnel policy and solve the strategic tasks of the company, participating in the process equally;
  • there is a wide specialized network of consulting companies in a wide range of areas for improving the resources of specialists in various fields.

Why is staff development necessary in an organization?

Why is personnel development an issue that needs to be addressed? What is the benefit of its solution to the participants in the process? What goals of the company helps to achieve comprehensive training of specialists?

1. The development of the company's personnel ensures high labor standards

To obtain a qualitative result, careful work on the development and dissemination of standards is required. At the same time, all specialists of the company need to be clearly aware of what will be the result of their activities, what properties and characteristics the product should be endowed with. Performance indicators in all cities and countries where the company operates should be brought to the same criteria. Creating standards and training employees to achieve them is the most important task for any enterprise.

Personnel development is a relevant topic for company employees. It is very easy to work in an organization with current standards and clear guidelines for solving tasks. You don't have to come up with something new. At the same time, the energy of employees can be directed to a useful channel, namely, to activities related to following generally accepted standards.

2. Specialists are trained to achieve goals and develop projects in the future

Typically, enterprises pay attention to the development of short-term and long term plans(5–10 years). For example, a firm intends to introduce new products, launch a high-quality modern program or system, open another region, reorient business. In order to achieve the goals set, it is necessary to think in advance about human resources that will be required, that is, how many workers will be employed, what kind of professional training they should have, start looking for them in advance. It is impossible to build a new technical base without providing a distribution and dealer network and training specialists who will be able to work in the new conditions.

The benefits for the company are listed above. As for the advantages for employees, they do not have jobs in such conditions, serious work and preparatory measures are carried out with them, thanks to which each specialist gains confidence in himself and in his abilities.

3. Employees retain skills, knowledge, experience, ideas

Any operating business must be protected from outside influences. It is important to ensure stable operation and minimize risks. Now information is becoming an increasingly valuable resource, and therefore a company cannot take risks by entrusting important information to one specialist. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps the person will leave the organization. In this regard, a number of enterprises are making efforts to create special knowledge retention programs that involve the transfer of experience, training and development of personnel, the development of instructions, and the rotation of personnel within and between departments.

As for a specialist, in such conditions he is recognized as an expert in a certain business area and allowed to realize himself as a coach or mentor.

4. Staff and career are planned, future leaders are being trained

Promotion planning career ladder, advanced training of future managers is an excellent solution for meeting the needs of the company in specialists in the future, protecting the organization from possible loss of personnel. With this approach, healthy competition is created in the enterprise. Usually, a future replacement is planned for each key specialist: the company determines an employee who, after a certain period of time, will be able to fully perform his duties.

As for the worker, new horizons open before him. A person realizes his potential, is not afraid for his future, is confident in the future, can participate in healthy competition and develop.

5. An atmosphere is created that stimulates creative thinking and the search for new ideas

At an enterprise where enough attention is paid to the process of personnel development, employees constantly think about acquiring additional skills and knowledge, read new books, strive to change the old way of life if it ceases to suit them, improve and analyze. In such companies, the management is actively involved in all processes related to employee training. Managers are personally interested in the professional growth of employees, which does not allow the team to get stuck in one place, makes them constantly be in good shape and move forward.

As for specialists, they can influence the overall performance, become more responsible, receive additional opportunities for self-realization and feel their own importance.

6. The corporate culture is preserved

When we talk about developing and improving skills, we mean learning something new, gaining additional knowledge, introducing a certain culture and behavior into the team. It takes years to form corporate values, ideas, norms and standards, but later they bring the desired results. Training and development of personnel in this case is very important. What is invested in a new employee from the first days of his existence in the company affects the achievement of certain results by him. To get the most out of an employee, you need to instill appropriate values ​​and standards in him. In this regard, in a number of enterprises, the future leadership is brought up exclusively within the system. A prime example is McDonald's. There, the cadres go their way from the first position - a restaurant employee.

Specialists get the opportunity to work in an open, fair and honest atmosphere among like-minded people. They have common values ​​and principles, they trust and respect each other.

7. New employees are being trained

Unfortunately, finding the ideal specialist who fully meets the requirements of the enterprise is always a difficult task. As a rule, when choosing employees, managers forget about certain qualities. Training and development of personnel is carried out directly at the workplace, in the process of interaction in the team.

The benefits for employees are that they feel supported by the company.

8. Professionals are motivated

If a job seeker sees that the company has opportunities for advanced training and development, he will certainly be interested in it. We can say that this is one of the main criteria for applicants when choosing a company. Firms that invest money and pay enough attention to development and training note that thanks to this approach, the level of employee satisfaction becomes higher, the moral and psychological climate in the enterprise is better, and staff turnover is reduced.

As a rule, employees want to learn and approach it with enthusiasm. The main value of an employee is his knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, working in a company where there are opportunities for growth and development, a person becomes more proactive and interested.

9. The development of the company's personnel contributes to the creation of competitive advantages

Copying ideas, processes, technologies is not a difficult task. Much more difficult is the duplication of a team of cohesive and effectively interacting like-minded people, the pace of production and launch of ideas, as well as corporate culture. If the company is constantly developing, then the staff generates ideas, finds new approaches and solutions for various tasks. In such organizations, there are usually many teams, which include representatives of different project management functional groups.

Employees become in demand, they can realize themselves, think creatively, receive recognition and respect, the opportunity to work among professionals, be proud of the team, the company, and their own results.

What elements does the personnel development system consist of?

In order to gain advantages over competitors and consolidate in the market environment, the professional development of employees must be carried out continuously. This requires constant and complex efforts of the management and the team. A systematic approach ensures regular training and development of personnel and brings the desired results. That is, the professional level of employees becomes higher, and their interaction in the organization is much better. All this is the key to the formation of a decent human resources potential.

As experience shows, single events, of course, give a good effect. However, one should not think that the result from them will be persistent. In this regard, the main task in the first stages of personnel development activities is the following: to create an integrated system, which will be based on scientific methods and a rational approach.

How to work on the consistent development of personnel? The use of today's tools requires the involvement of specialists with a sufficient level of training and knowledge. This, in particular, is about technologies, techniques, principles for improving the business qualities and personal characteristics of employees. If an enterprise does not have sufficient funds to form its own staff of HR specialists, third-party consultants, experienced and well-trained, can be invited to work with the team.

Personnel development - certain organizational and economic activities related to the training, retraining and evaluation of employees. The key elements in this system are:

  • the personnel policy of the company as a set of principles and requirements on which the methods and goals of interaction with employees depend;
  • process of search and selection of employees;
  • personnel planning;
  • adaptation of personnel (professional and socio-psychological);
  • training and development of personnel with a break from production activities or at the workplace;
  • assessment system (attestation);
  • management of employees' behavior (including work on the way out of conflict situations);
  • personnel management.

All of the above creates common system aimed at solving a number of problems. If the company constantly conducts assessment and training activities, employees have the prerequisites for self-education, motivation, achieving consistency and consensus in the team. Employees begin to appreciate quality, flexibility and mobility in their activities, become more active and productive, strive for independent decision-making, master the basics of entrepreneurial thinking, want to take place in the profession and climb the career ladder.

base for building employee development systems are certain principles that work effectively in the aggregate. First of all, we are talking about integrity: the nature of all activities is planned, there is an interconnection and continuity of all forms and types of personnel development. The basic principles of employee training are also flexibility, scientific character, and consistency.

In carrying out these activities, the company must be far-sighted. In particular, one should take into account not only the current state of affairs, but also forecasts for the development of both a particular enterprise and the entire scientific and technical industry.

When strategic planning of measures for personnel development, of course, one should not forget about other principles of the system. We are also talking about the orientation of the real possibilities of the employer, and financial ones too. In order to successfully implement development and training programs in life, it is necessary to take into account the current position of the company, competition in the market environment and the chosen business strategy.

What are the levels of staff development

If your plans include the development of the company's personnel and you decide to take this issue seriously, first determine the professional level of each employee. There are two components here - competence and attitude. In competence, there are two indicators - transferable and non-transferable skills. Transferable skills are those that a person has already accumulated. The intolerables are responsible for what remains to be learned in the future.

There are also two components in the mood that are responsible for confidence and motivation. With a thorough study of the professional level of a specialist, you will get a certain result. Based on it, you need to develop a plan for the individual development of the employee.

Let's take a closer look at each level.

First level- the stage of novice specialists who have recently started their activities. These workers have a strong motivation, they are eager to do something and change. At the same time, they know almost nothing about the policy of the enterprise, about the personnel as a whole, as well as, in principle, about the specifics of work. When a person realizes that his skills are minimal and the significance in the team is not so great, he ceases to be self-confident, despite the fact that knowledge has increased. At this point, the employee moves on to the next stage.

Second level- this is a state in which there is almost no motivation, as well as self-confidence. Management must support the employee so that he moves to the next level.

Third level. The employee again begins to be interested in current affairs, there is a motivation to achieve goals. In work, a person feels more confident, as he has gained certain experience, knows everything about the internal structure of the organization, communicates comfortably with colleagues. But at the same time, his mood and motivation may change, and therefore the leader should pay attention to the subordinate and help him move to the final stage.

Fourth level. This stage is the most difficult in the first place for management. Upon reaching the fourth level, a person is already quite experienced, knows how to solve certain issues. At the same time, he does not develop further, because he gave his all to the maximum. The decision remains with the boss - whether it is worth raising the bar and thereby returning the employee to the first step or depriving him of the opportunity to improve further without changing anything.

The levels of development of the employee are repeated regularly, and therefore the manager must be flexible in management.

Stages of personnel development in an organization

Stage 1.Setting goals in personnel development

New business technologies began to progress even more rapidly. In this regard, the task of creating faster and more effective methods of personnel development has become even more urgent. There are many advantages to using such methods. The first is a significant improvement in the productivity of workers. The second advantage is that employees are more motivated. The result is lower staff turnover. Thirdly, the adaptation of the team to new production technologies is improving, so that work processes run faster.

One way or another on successful work companies are influenced by the following factors of personnel development:

  • financial and non-material stimulation;
  • flexibility of forms and ways of teaching.

Stage 2.Determination of personnel development methods

When a company creates a personnel development system, it should first of all focus on its real capabilities. It depends on them what forms and methods will be chosen when training employees. The most popular methods today are:

  • mentoring, training and development of staff directly at the workplace;
  • educational courses and master classes conducted by invited professionals;
  • video and audio courses;
  • rotation of employees;
  • events within the firm, during which experts share knowledge.

Choosing a particular way is irrational. To get a decent result, the best solution would be to use various techniques in conjunction with relying on the characteristics of the audience. For example, if you want to develop applied skills, you can use a combination of workshops led by experienced and reputable professionals, and use video training to reinforce the results.

Employees in sales, development or advertising improve their professional level when they constantly participate in creative competitions and specialized conferences. Firms interested in improving the work of top managers should resort to atypical methods of training and development of personnel. Even experienced professionals become even more professional and confident when they start participating in theatrical performances, metaphorical business games and other non-standard trainings.

An ideal personnel development program is modular: the entire training technology consists of separate segments. This makes it easier for employees to solve the tasks facing them at each stage.

Stage 3.Employee motivation for learning

To achieve the goals set by the management, it is not enough just to develop a training program. For staff development management to be effective, employees must be motivated to learn new things. Alas, in this case, the learning process itself is rarely the only argument. The main incentive is the result of the classes, the goal that a specialist can achieve when he masters new knowledge.

All parameters that affect the level of motivation of specialists from a positive or negative side can be conditionally divided into three categories. The first includes individual factors of personnel development (we are talking about the level of activity, propensity to learn, interest in obtaining new information). The second category is demographic reasons (the older a person is, the less he spends on unnecessary things and focuses more on the opportunity to apply his professional knowledge and skills in work). The third group is situational factors. It is impossible to influence the conditions of the first and second categories, but the situation is different with the latter. You can influence them by using proven methods of personnel development management.

Situational factors are:

  • the presence or absence of financial incentives to acquire new knowledge and work on oneself;
  • stress (being in a state of anxiety, the ability and desire to learn are reduced; when there is no stress, the possibilities and productivity of a person's work increase);
  • non-material support of management, which is expressed in approval (the employee feels more significant, he gains self-confidence);
  • the general level of organizational culture at the enterprise.

An important aspect of the activity of any company is the development of the potential of specialists. At the moment, more and more leaders are focusing on internal training, investing in the process, despite the general trend towards reducing the budget for HR tasks. To build capacity, firms should make the appointment and career planning process more transparent.

A personnel development strategy becomes effective when a company provides employees with a complete picture of their growth prospects. At the same time, each specialist knows exactly what promotion options he has, and he is sure that the manager is ready to invest in this. Thus, a person is engaged in self-development, is responsible for his work from and to, which greatly stimulates him to achieve new results. This approach to organizing activities is very promising, as it provides opportunities for improvement to specialists who really need it, that is, employees with good potential.

Expert opinion

It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the development of personnel

Marat Nagumanov,

director at the research and production company "Paker", Oktyabrsky

Our goal is to become the best self-learning enterprise. But first, it is necessary to create a corporate culture and all conditions for the comfortable activities of employees. Only in this case, employees will want to engage in self-education. The task of management is to make sure that people feel comfortable in the workplace and distractions do not interfere with their functions.

The company needs a leader, looking at which employees will strive for high results. We increase the total amount of profit of our specialists not only by raising wages. We issue tickets for gym, a swimming pool, vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers, we provide delicious free meals, we provide high-quality medical care. In a comfortable environment, people learn new knowledge better, but this is not enough. To inspire you to achieve your goals, you need an example - a leader who himself is constantly evolving. I often act as such. I am constantly doing own development I attend various trainings, seminars, improve my skills. Other employees look at me, and they have a motivation for self-development.

When implementing a motivation system, you need to strive to improve your skills. You should give employees clear instructions on how to increase their earnings. We are currently working on a new system. It is supposed to hang a board where we will write down the duties of each employee, the knowledge and skills that he will have to acquire. At the end of the year, we will evaluate the professional growth and level of the employee, determining by how much to increase his salary and whether it is worth doing it in principle.

Leaders often make the mistake of seeking instant results after innovation. We understand that we will begin to feel the benefits of the system after a year, not earlier. But even now we see that the technique is beneficial. It is important that our employees feel comfortable. Only in this case, the activity will become more efficient, and the level of sales will increase.

Traditional and modern methods of personnel development

Modern personnel development is self-study, seminars and lectures. These methods are the main ones in obtaining knowledge, however, they also have disadvantages. In particular, with such forms of education there is no Feedback, and therefore it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the assimilation of information by employees. In addition, different specialists have different levels of knowledge, which must be taken into account during training.

A lecture is a systematic and consistent presentation of information orally on a specific topic. As for the seminars, they look for new ideas, discuss problems and develop common solutions.

At the moment, these forms are most in demand active learning, how:

  • trainings (business games, after which they analyze and consolidate effective behavioral strategies for typical business situations; trainings contribute to the development of managerial and commercial skills);
  • computer training and programming (information is provided in blocks in a printed version or on a monitor screen);
  • business and role-playing games (simulate various aspects of professional activity);
  • case-study, or analysis of practical cases (they analyze various circumstances in the area where the employee improves his skills);
  • basket method (based on imitation of common situations in the activities of management; the trainee, within the framework of this method, gets used to the role of a leader).

At the moment, Russia is actively beginning to use modern methods training of personnel who came to us from the West.

Method 1Modular learning

The information that needs to be provided to students is divided into independent modules. Each has its own methods, goals and objectives. The advantages of this method include the ability to change modules in accordance with the needs of the audience.

Method 2Distance learning

Within the framework of the method, telecommunication technologies are used, which allows for the training and development of personnel remotely. The listener and teacher can be at a great distance from each other. The advantages of distance learning include the possibility of attracting a large number of employees, on-the-job training, and instant application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Method 3Mentoring(eng. coaching - coaching).

The term "coaching" refers to a system for realizing the joint social, creative, personal potential of all those involved in the process of personnel development in order to achieve the maximum effect.

The peculiarity of the method is as follows: the mentor does not solve the problem for specialists, but thanks to him, novice employees can find their own solution. A coach is always an expert in helping others reach their own potential.

Method 4Action learning(action learning)

The basis of the method is a group of specialists, each of whom solves a real-life problem facing him. Employees of the company assess the problem, set goals, develop a strategy of action. Artificial situations and exercises are not used.

Method 5Working group training

All personnel become members of the group - both top and bottom-level specialists in the company. In this case, the positions do not really matter. The group is told the goal, after which the participants choose the person responsible. The leader organizes meetings, draws up minutes, writes down the decisions of the group, that is, determines the ways to achieve the goal and outlines the time frame that will be required for this.

Method 6metaphorical game

The main goal of personnel development using the metaphorical game method is to find a new way to solve problems. The tactic is unique in that it uses a figurative comparison, a legend or a fairy tale that conveys a business problem to resolve a complex issue. Thanks to the metaphorical game, employees can show their creativity, look at the issue in a new way and change the existing stereotypes.

Method 7 shadowing(from English - “shadow”, “to be a shadow”)

As part of the method, an experienced worker, a qualified specialist, is assigned to the trainee. The student becomes his shadow for 1-2 days and is continuously with him. The method is used if primary adaptation, career guidance, increased integration of company departments, exchange of knowledge and skills, training and development of personnel from the reserve are required.

Method 8secondment(secondment)

Specialists are trained by temporarily moving them to a new workplace (another enterprise or division in the same firm). This is done so that people gain new knowledge and skills. The employees are then returned to their original jobs. The duration of secondment is from 100 working hours to a year (short-term or long-term).

Method 9 budding(from English - support)

A partner is assigned to the worker - buddy. The parties share knowledge and communicate with each other. The method is used to better adapt a person in a company. This applies to both new and already working specialists who have changed their position in the company.

The method is also used to ensure that cooperating structural departments and enterprises transfer information to each other and develop behavioral skills. The difference between buddying and other methods lies in the equality of partners. That is, in the relationship there is no mentor and subordinate, junior and senior. All information is provided in two-way format.

Method 10 Supervision(from lat. supervidere - look from above)

A qualified specialist determines professional tasks, the main purpose of which is to develop certain knowledge and improve the skill level of the student. The supervisor does not supervise employees. The supervision method is used to assess the level of knowledge of employees, train them, analyze mistakes and find ways to solve the tasks.

Expert opinion

Employees choose their own development methods

Sergei Kapustin,

CEO and co-owner of the STA Logistic group of companies, Moscow

Quarterly meetings are held in our company, which are attended by specialists applying for leadership positions. The purpose of their implementation is the creation of new employee motivation systems, determining in which direction the development of the company's personnel is necessary.

During the meeting, we raise certain management topics, those present voice ideas about the motivation for staff development. Employees actively participate in the discussion of all issues and often offer effective and interesting solutions. For example, not so long ago an initiative was put forward to regularly allocate from the budget of the organization a certain amount funds for awards. We appointed the chief accountant responsible for this. At the moment, when the month ends, he chooses an employee to whom no claims and reprimands have been made throughout the entire period. If an employee is given a bonus, it means that he perfectly solved the tasks assigned to him, was not late for work, and performed his labor duties at the proper level. All this motivates other people to work better and engage in their own development.

Assessment and improvement of personnel development

How can a manager who invests financial and other resources in the training of highly qualified employees see the effectiveness of the training system at the enterprise? To do this, there is a method for evaluating the techniques used. Thanks to him, you can understand whether the level of training of employees is in accordance with the initial bar set by management. Correlating the results with the total amount of resources, financial and otherwise, that are needed to maintain the functioning of the training system in the company, allows you to understand the effect of investing in personnel development.

Obtaining an objective assessment is not an easy issue, since it requires an analysis of both economic, motivational, and other results that the personnel development system provides. In this regard, the nature of assessments of learning outcomes is complex. It consists of a number of indicators, including:

  • criterion of education (growth of qualification of a specialist, acquisition of new skills and knowledge);
  • motivation criterion (the level of employee satisfaction with the fact that management objectively evaluates their work, is interested in the development of personnel at the enterprise, since it invests money in this);
  • a criterion that determines the level of the psychological state of the team;
  • economic indicator(financial return on funds invested in staff training and development);
  • behavioral (behavior of employees before and after training);
  • production (improvement of indicators and increase in labor productivity).

The complexity of evaluating its results depends on the level of formalization of the company's employee training system. The more it is formalized, the easier it is to track its results. There are certain documents regulating all activities related to the training of employees. The best of them is the “Regulations on the training and development of personnel”, which describes in detail how to evaluate the success of the training system, and talks about the mechanism for securing the obligations of the participants in the process (employer and specialist).

If, following the results of the analysis, it becomes clear that the methodology of training with employees is not effective, does not bring the expected results, the company should pay more attention to the training and retraining of specialists, making the process of personnel development more cost-effective. It often takes years to create a highly efficient system. And it is possible to improve the already created methodology by introducing new information technologies, attracting consultants from outside, developing plans joint activities guidelines in order to implement a unified personnel development policy, socially stimulate specialists by reviewing the methods and forms of training, etc.

Each enterprise determines the system that is suitable for itself, based on its goals and financial capabilities. Some firms train staff continuously, others organize short-term courses during which specialists are told about new methods of work and promising technologies in production.

Expert opinion

Criteria for evaluating the results of personnel development

Mikhail Zelman,

General Director of Arpikom, Moscow

For business development, it is important to systematically interact with employees, with an emphasis on staff training. This process involves not only personnel department specialists, but also other departments of the company. An example is the collaboration between HR and advertising staff to create original and compelling job advertisements for the firm.

In order for the personnel development management system to work clearly and smoothly, and for the team to strive for self-improvement and high results, it is necessary that they are well versed in this process. If personnel department, managers and other personnel have a clear idea of ​​where the company is going, what are its main tasks, you need to rely on a document that regulates the course of development. Such documents are very important for us, as the system of personnel development and training is always implemented consistently, step by step. Simultaneous application of several training programs is not the best solution for any company.

Let us consider in more detail what is the assessment and development of personnel, how these indicators are interconnected. We take into account certain criteria for an objective assessment of the results of staff training in our company. Among these indicators, we highlight the following.

  1. Staff turnover rate. An excellent indicator for the restaurant business is. Now our organization is located in the middle, and this is not bad.
  2. The degree of satisfaction of the staff with the work performed and the company as a whole. To find out how satisfied employees are with all the processes, every year we resort to testing.
  3. The degree of employee interest in the company. Such analytics is provided by independent HR-specialists on request.

How to organize the management of social development of personnel

During social development personnel in the company, employees develop certain social skills, behavior in the team is regulated. An enterprise is an economic and social object, and the formation of external and internal culture in it occurs under the influence of a number of circumstances. Successful and effective interaction of the personnel of the company depends not only on the instructions of the management. This process is largely influenced by the socially adapted conditions of the enterprise itself. Based on these components, the system of social development of specialists is being formed.

Like-minded people act in the interests of the organization, united in a team and having one goal - to create stable conditions from an economic point of view in order to feel comfortable and independent in them. Of course, the social development of the staff is also affected by the training of each specialist individually, the increase in professional knowledge and skills. Management should prepare methods to improve working conditions. Thus, firms should create a system of motivation and a social environment that determines the quality of the work of employees.

Social development of personnel is an important process. They need to be managed systematically and in an organized manner. Typically, this is the responsibility of the HR department and company management. The main goals of the social development of personnel are to create and maintain:

  • corporate spirit;
  • trusting and healthy relationships in the team;
  • the necessary conditions for improving the professional level of employees;
  • social programs to improve the standard of living of each employee individually;
  • comfortable working conditions;
  • motivation methods.

Another equally important goal is to provide social and psychological assistance to needy workers.

A person can grow professionally only if a favorable environment is created. Employees of the personnel department from time to time evaluate the personnel and carry out certification in order to identify employees who fully meet all the requirements of the company for subsequent career growth. Employees take advanced training courses, after which they occupy higher positions or are assigned to the management personnel reserve.

It is impossible to manage the social development of company employees if you do not improve the internal structure of relationships as a whole. To begin with, the regulation of the number employees. picking up new staff, the management of the company certainly takes into account the professional training and skill level of applicants. Further, they create optimal sanitary-hygienic, economic, aesthetic, psycho-physiological and safe working conditions, a social insurance system, observing all social guarantees.

Personnel development management is considered successful if the team associates its own achievements with the good results of the company, a favorable atmosphere reigns in the company, employees are ready to use their intellectual, creative potential, show responsibility and initiative. If the above factors of personnel development are present, it means that the tasks set in the company are being solved qualitatively.

Work on personnel development: typical mistakes

Mistake 1.Investing in one-time events, not those that are held on a regular basis

The development of personnel at the enterprise is a systematic and step-by-step process. Events that are not related to each other and organized one-time, almost do not bring benefits. Define goals and objectives, prepare regulatory documents, develop a plan (for at least six months, and ideally for a year), calculate a budget based on the needs of the company. Only in the case of a systematic and integrated approach will you achieve the desired results.

Error 2.The assimilation and use of new skills and knowledge in practice is not controlled in any way

In a number of firms in Russia, the assimilation and application of new skills and information is not tracked, but at the same time it needs to be monitored. Control allows you to:

  • establish that the results that staff development gives have a positive effect on the company's solution of strategic tasks;
  • identify problems in the process;
  • identify the relationship between the costs of activities and the results they bring.

Mistake 3.Employers do not encourage employee achievement in training

Often, management refuses to encourage the achievements of specialists with outstanding results in vocational training. And in vain, because approval is important not only for a particular person. If the company encourages employees for success, a conscientious attitude to activities is formed in the team, discipline becomes better, motivation increases.

Mistake 4.The personnel development strategy is not sufficiently synchronized with the overall development strategy of the enterprise

Ideally, the company's development strategy and the employee training system are created as one whole. However, in practice this approach is rare. Usually, Professional Development personnel are second. The processes and activities associated with the training of specialists do not synchronize with the strategy and objectives of the company. There are several reasons for this:

  • HR employees have little idea of ​​what the corporate strategy is;
  • ways of developing personnel lag behind the goals of the organization.

In order to avoid such mistakes, even when developing the main strategy, a personnel development system should be built into its organizational unit.

Expert opinion

Why some employees are not interested in development

Natella Barmakova,

HR expert, Moscow

The heads of different companies often have a common problem: subordinates are not interested in personal and career growth, conquering new professional heights. Dismissal is an extreme measure that directors rarely take: they feel sorry for the employees.

It is with this problem that managers turn to me, asking how to influence this or that specialist, to encourage him to self-motivate. Such situations are quite common, but, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with them. To begin with, ask yourself: Are you really interested in the personal development of staff and the motivation for learning? Based on my experience, I can say that this is rather unnecessary. Although everything is individual. A person may not be interested in development and career growth due to various circumstances. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Reason 1. The man is happy with everything.

A huge value for any enterprise is an employee who performs his duties with high quality and is satisfied with his position, working conditions and work activities. In one of the companies where I was the HR director, I worked as an accountant. She was just such an employee: she worked in the organization for over 4 years and never agreed to the expansion of her duties. At the same time, the areas for which she was responsible were in perfect order. Chief Accountant could trust her completely.

What should an employer do in such circumstances? Be satisfied with the reliability of a specialist, rejoice in his responsibility and not try to force him to take on additional functions.

Reason 2. Hobbies are more important than work.

Some people perceive work only as an opportunity to provide for themselves. At the same time, everything free time and thoughts they devote to their favorite hobby. There is nothing to worry about if a person does an excellent job. As an example, I can cite an office manager who is professionally fond of flamenco. The girl even has her own mini-group, with which she performs at various venues in Moscow. She does not receive much profit from her favorite pastime, and therefore works as a manager. At the same time, she does everything perfectly, communicates kindly with people, copes well with her duties, at the same time not trying to expand them. She is valuable for the enterprise because she does not perceive her position as an intermediate stage, does not look to other departments in search of a new place. Probably, everyone who at least once looked for an office manager will understand me. A competent and responsible employee for whom this position would not be temporary is a rarity.

How should a leader act? First of all, setting tasks for the employee should be clear and systematic. Let the employee continue to enjoy his hobby, but the boss must carefully monitor the implementation official functions. This category of specialists is most inclined to evade work and direct energy to their favorite pastime.

Reason 3. The worker is out of place.

If a person is not interested in work, career growth in this area is hardly important for him. Such people are often unsure of themselves, do not know what they would like to do in their professional life. As an example, I will give a situation that I once had to face. The girl, a design engineer for complex telecommunications systems, performed her duties well, but without much enthusiasm. During a personal conversation, we found out that she needs additional communication with people. We suggested that she try herself as an assistant to the general director. The girl saw the work of various departments of the company and chose a new niche for herself, subsequently turning into a personnel manager. At the moment, she is successfully building a career in the field of HR.

How should a leader act? If you are dissatisfied with the quality of work of a subordinate, but do not want to fire him, entrust him with the tasks of other positions and departments. For example, you can include him in the project team, ask him to act as an administrator for various events and corporate holidays. Thanks to this, the employee will better understand what he needs. Perhaps in a new area, he will begin to develop more actively.

Reason 4. There are no conditions for the personal development of an employee in the organization.

It often happens that after advanced training, a specialist begins to perform new duties, but the working conditions do not change, the salary does not increase. If such a situation arises, all employees in the enterprise begin to act in accordance with the principle of "my hut is on the edge." As for a person who is interested in self-development, he will be forced to wonder how to apply new skills in another job.

How to act as a leader? In such situations, it is necessary to replace not a specific employee, but the entire system in general. It is necessary to expand the range of responsibilities of employees and at the same time review the level of their wages. Bet on initiative specialists, show examples of achieving career heights, and then average workers will begin to reach out to leaders.

Information about experts

Marat Nagumanov, Director at the research and production company "Packer", Oktyabrsky. LLC NPF Packer. Field of activity: design, manufacture and maintenance of packer and anchor equipment and well assemblies for the operation, intensification and workover of oil and gas wells. Territory: head office - in Oktyabrsky (Bashkortostan); service centers and representative offices - in Muravlenko (YaNAO), Nizhnevartovsk and Nyagan (KhMAO - Yugra), Ufa, Buzuluk (Orenburg region), Almetyevsk and Leninogorsk (Tatarstan), Izhevsk. Number of employees: more than 700. Subscriber of the General Director magazine since 2007.

Natella Barmakova, expert in the field of personnel management, Moscow. Natella Barmakova has two higher educations: technical (MIEM) and legal (MSUA). More than eight years of experience as Head of Human Resources and Deputy General Director for Human Resources in companies of various profiles. The last place of work is the company "Technotrade". He teaches the course "Personnel Management" at the business school "MIRBIS".

Sergei Kapustin, CEO and co-owner of the STA Logistic group of companies, Moscow. STA Logistic Group of Companies. Field of activity: transport logistics. Territory: Russian head office - in Moscow, branch - in St. Petersburg; representations - in Minsk and Vilnius. Number of employees: 165. Annual turnover: 32 million euros (in 2012).

Mikhail Zelman, General Director of Arpikom, Moscow. Field of activity - the management company of the holding "Restaurant Professional Company" (RestaurantProfessionalCompany - hence the Russian name). Created in 2003. The company owns restaurants in Moscow: seven Goodman steakhouses, three Filimonova and Yankel fish-houses, seven Kolbasoff beer restaurants, Le Gato French cafe, two Italian restaurants and Mom's Pasta home cooking. Annual turnover - 76 million US dollars. Number of staff management company- about 160 people, total number - about 1500.

Staff development is one of the most important conditions for the success of any organization. This is especially true today, when with the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, professional knowledge and skills become outdated faster than ever. The discrepancy between the qualifications of personnel and the needs of the company negatively affects the results of its activities.

The world's leading corporations (such as IBM, General Motors, Motorola) spend a lot of time and money on training and development of their employees. The organization of staff development is one of the main functions of the HR department. For these purposes, large corporations even create their own corporate universities.

Staff development- a set of organizational and economic measures of the personnel management service:

  • on training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;
  • organization of inventive and rationalization work;
  • professional adaptation;
  • evaluating candidates for a vacant position;
  • according to the current periodic evaluation of personnel;
  • on business career planning;
  • for work with personnel reserve.

This takes into account company development strategy and level of professionalism each of the employees. Work on personnel development begins with compiling a competency model for all categories of employees of the company and assessing the level of development core competencies each of the workers. This helps to optimize staff development costs and achieve the highest results.

Personnel Development Goal— well-prepared employees of the company in accordance with its goals and development strategy.

The personnel development program contributes to the formation of a workforce with higher abilities and strong motivation to perform the tasks facing the organization. This leads to an increase in productivity, and hence to an increase in the value of the organization's human resources. Thus, personnel development activities should be considered as an investment in the organization's intangible assets. The object of such investments, in contrast to investments in property elements and financial assets, is the employees of the organization.

Advantages that the organization receives as a result of training and development of personnel:

  • Improving the performance of the business as a whole.
  • Increasing the efficiency of the organization's employees.
  • Taking the interaction between employees to a higher level.
  • Improvement of the company's motivation system.
  • Development of the ability of personnel to meet the current and future needs of the organization.
  • Increasing employee loyalty to the company.

Today, more than ever, the proverb is relevant: "Live and learn". Continuous professional development of employees allows them to use the latest technology in their field, and therefore become more and more professionally effective. And this, in turn, leads to success and prosperity of your business.

Dear visitors! The portal "" is dedicated primarily to personal growth. Working on oneself, developing skills for managing emotions, communication, self-presentation, constructive conflict resolution, self-organization, etc., undoubtedly contribute to career growth, increased sales and business development. Many of the technologies mastered in the trainings can be used in solving work issues. But we do not post business trainings in their pure form (as well as trainings on sales, personnel management, negotiations, marketing, accounting, etc.). This placement will not be effective, because the visitors of the portal "" are not the target audience these events.


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