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1.1 Concept of organization

2.1 Characterization of adaptation

2.2 Adaptation methods




An organization is a complex organism. It intertwines and coexists with the interests of the individual and groups, incentives and restrictions, rigid technology and innovation, unconditional discipline and free creativity, regulatory requirements and informal initiatives. Organizations have their own image, culture, traditions and reputation.

Every person is connected in one way or another with organizations throughout their lives. It is in organizations that people grow, learn, work, overcome illnesses, enter into diverse relationships. There are no organizations without people, just as there are no people who do not have to deal with organizations.

When interacting with an organization, a person is interested in various aspects of this interaction, regarding what he should sacrifice for the interests of the organization, what, when and in what volumes he should do, in what conditions to function in the organization, with whom and for how long to interact, what the organization will give him, etc. From this and a number of other factors depends on the satisfaction of a person with interactions with the organization, his attitude towards the organization and his contribution to the activities of the organization.

Establishing an organic combination of these two sides of interaction between a person and an organization is one of the most important tasks of management, since it provides the basis effective management organization.

In order to understand how a person interacts with an organization, it is necessary to understand what the essence of the problem of interaction between a person and an organization is, what personality characteristics determine the behavior of a person in an organization, and what characteristics of the organizational environment affect the inclusion of a person in the activities of the organization.

One of the main results of the interaction between a person and an organization is that a person, analyzing and evaluating the results of his work in an organization, revealing the reasons for successes and failures in interaction with the organizational environment, analyzing the experience and behavior of his colleagues, thinking about the advice and recommendations of superiors and colleagues, makes certain conclusions for himself, which in one way or another affect his behavior, lead to a change in his behavior in order to adapt to the organization, in order to achieve better interaction with the organizational environment. Thus, the adaptation of personnel in the workplace is a necessary link in personnel management. Unfortunately, the importance of activities for career guidance and adaptation of workers in our country has not been taken seriously enough by personnel services for a long period. Until now, many state-owned enterprises and commercial organizations do not even have basic adaptation programs. At the same time, there is a large overseas experience using adaptive techniques.

Therefore, the importance of the problem to the adaptation of a person to the organizational environment on this moment very relevant. And every successful and competent leader of the organization must skillfully use certain adaptation methods for more successful work not only of the entire team, but also of the organization itself as a whole.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the methods of human adaptation to the organizational environment.

The formulated goal determined the following research objectives:

Define the organization and describe the role of the organization in modern society; characterize the main features of the organization; consider the internal environment of the organization;

Give the concept of adaptation and methods of its implementation;

To analyze the methods of adaptation of young workers on the example of the Poncho cafe.

The object of research is the adaptation of a person to the organizational environment.

The subject of the research is the study of methods of human adaptation to the organizational environment.

The research methods are analysis, comparison and generalization of data published in the scientific literature and periodicals; in the practical part, methods of studying documents and questioning are used.

Analyzing the degree of study of the topic, we can say that there is a small body of literature that considers the theoretical aspects of personnel adaptation.

The scientific works of V.T.Aliev, S.V. Dokholyan "Organizational Behavior", A.L. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov "Management: a person, strategy, organization, process", V.R. Vesnin "Practical personnel management", A.L. Volgina, V.I. Mshirko, A.L. Modina "Personnel management in a market economy", A.P. Egorshina "Personnel management", A.Ya Kibanova, "Fundamentals of personnel management in an organization", E.V. Maslov "Enterprise personnel management", Yu.D. Krasovsky "Organizational behavior", S.B. Kachalova "Organizational aspects of increasing the adaptation of personnel in the workplace", V.A. Spivak "Organizational behavior and personnel management", A. Pavlutsky, O. Alekhina "Learning by action: new approach to corporate training and development of personnel "and practical approaches to adapting a person to the organizational environment, conducting questionnaire surveys discussed in periodicals: magazines "Personnel Management", "Problems of Theory and Practice of Management", "Handbook of the Personnel Officer", "Personnel Service", etc.

These authors touch upon the problems of adaptation in combination with other managerial problems, such as making managerial decisions, management functions for planning and organizing activities, as well as staff motivation. The works of these authors cover a wide range of issues of adaptation in a business organization operating in a competitive market environment, consider management issues related to managing a person in an organization.

According to A.L. Volgina, V.I. Mshirko A.L. Modin, the adaptation of a person to the organizational environment can be expressed through a system of criteria for the success of the organization as a whole. The concept of human adaptation to the environment lies in the fact that "the system of adaptation of personnel is recognized as effective, which is competitive in terms of the services provided, the organization itself and work in it" . However, this approach does not allow assessing a person's adaptation to the environment.

Close to the considered one is the approach to the definition of the category “socio-economic efficiency of human adaptation to the environment” by S.B. Kachalov, who defines the effectiveness of adaptation as follows: “Socio-economic efficiency in the field of adaptation of personnel in the workplace means achieving the goals of the organization (providing services) by using personnel on the principle of economically spending limited funds. ...Social efficiency is realized in the form of meeting the expectations, needs and interests of employees.” As a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness, it is proposed to assess the degree of achievement of the goals set. "Achievement of social economic efficiency adaptation of a person to the environment becomes possible subject to the achievement of clearly defined goals - personnel management.

Governance issues can be resolved through discussion and selection of alternatives. To solve these problems, Yu.D. Krasovsky advises to use the services of "external" specialists in the field of management.

In order to function effectively and develop in a market and competitive environment, S.B. Kachalov advises organizations to constantly change and improve. At the same time, S.B. Kachalov notes, every four or five years major changes are needed in the organizational structure, changes in technology, the release of new products, jobs, etc. Significant changes will inevitably affect the interests of both newly recruited people and workers who have worked long time in the team.

According to V.A. Spivak, the reasons for increased tension (especially in the context of reforming the organization) can be:

Insufficient awareness of members of the organization;

False or distorted information, rumors;

Uncertainty, uncertainty in the future;

Restrictions in communications, etc.

Researchers A. Pavlutsky, O. Alyokhina believe that the following measures will help to quickly adapt a person to a new workplace:

Involvement and involvement in the affairs of the organization;

The maximum possible delegation of authority from top to bottom;

Freedom of circulation of technical, economic and social information;

Comprehensive development of communications.

Ya.M. Belchikov, M.M. Birshtein believe that business games will help a person quickly adapt to the surrounding team.

V.T. Aliyev, S.V. Dokholyan, is the organizational culture of the enterprise.

Also, in writing the thesis, the magazines "Personnel Management", "Personnel", "Personnel Service" were used. The articles of management practitioners reveal the main techniques, methods and mechanisms of personnel adaptation at modern Russian and foreign enterprises, substantiate their effectiveness and prerequisites for their use.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix.

The introduction defines the relevance, purpose, objectives and methods of research, provides an overview and analysis of the literature on this topic, and describes the structure of the work.

The first chapter describes the general characteristics of the internal environment of the organization as a socio-economic system.

The second chapter deals with methods of human adaptation to the organizational environment. It will also consider the general and characteristic features of the adaptation of workers in the organization.

The third chapter describes the cafe "Poncho", conducted a practical study to study the methods of adaptation of young employees of the cafe "Poncho". The practical value of this study lies in the fact that it will help the leader to create a single, purposeful, friendly team.

In conclusion, the general conclusions of the study are presented.


1.1 Concept of organization

An organization as an object is an integral complex of interrelated elements (a property of organizational complexity) and a special unity with the external environment. It is characterized by purposefulness of functioning and development. An organization is a self-organizing system at all stages of its development. life cycle. It is this understanding that underlies the theory of organization. Organizations cannot be the subject of study of only one science - organization theory. They should be considered as a subject of interdisciplinary study. The system of organizational sciences is presented in Appendix 1.

Organizations do not arise by themselves, but are created by people as a means to achieve certain goals. As a rule, during the creation of an organization, its goals, determined by a narrow circle of founders, are quite simple and can be formulated in the form of several sentences. As the organization develops, they become more complex and, in most cases, transform.

A change in organizational goals occurs under the influence of many factors, such as an increase in the scale of the organization, a change in the external environment, the development of technology and technology, a change in public consciousness, a change in the founders of the organization by new leaders.

Achieving organizational goals involves the joint work of people who are employees of the organization. Every organization, be it a partnership with limited liability, which employs five people, or a university with tens of thousands of employees, needs to coordinate this interaction, establish a certain internal order. This order is manifested in the form of organizational structure and organizational culture.

The organizational structure determines the relationship (subordination) between the functions performed by the employees of the organization. It manifests itself in such forms as the division of labor, the creation of specialized units / hierarchy of positions, internal organizational procedures and is a necessary element of an effective organization, since it gives it internal stability and allows it to achieve a certain order in the use of resources.

Traditionally, the organizational structure is understood, first of all, as the principle underlying the division of labor. Some organizations are built on the principle of division of responsibilities between functional units responsible for one of the areas of activity - production, finance, procurement, personnel. Such an organization is called functional.

Organizations are traditionally called institutions that bring people together to achieve certain goals. Organizations that have become almost a universal form by the end of the 20th century human life, have a set of generic features, which are: the presence of goals for existence and development, an internal structure and a special culture, constant interaction with the external environment, the use of human, natural and material resources. The combination of these characteristics is unique to each organization and defines its specifics.

People play a special role in the development of organizations. On the one hand, they are the creators of organizations, determine their goals and choose methods to achieve these goals. On the other hand, people are essential resource used by all organizations without exception to achieve their own goals. In this capacity - the staff of the organization they need management.

Along with the structural approach, which mainly reflects the statics of the organization, the behavioral approach is of key importance, aimed at identifying the dynamics of the organization and putting the person, the system of relations between people, their competence, abilities, motivation to work and achieve the set goals at the center of research. People are motivated to unite in organizations and interact within them by the physical and biological limitations inherent in each person individually, and the goals, the achievement of which requires collective efforts. Complementing each other, people combine their efforts and influence the behavior of the organization as a whole in order to increase its efficiency.

The decisive role in ensuring the viability of organizations and the achievement of their goals belongs to the science of management. The issue of distinguishing between the theory of organization and the science of management in ongoing research and published works is solved ambiguously. In some works (and there are many of them), organization theory is considered as an integral part of the science of management. This is motivated by the fact that management as a purposeful activity to transfer an object to the desired state cannot be considered in isolation from the nature and properties of the managed object. In a number of works on management theory, the main categories, patterns, principles and typology of organizational systems are formulated, but there is no strict distinction to which branch of the general theory - organization or management - this or that postulate belongs.

There are also a large number of works highlighting the problems of the organization in a relatively independent field of knowledge. The initial position of their authors is that "organization" answers the question of what to manage, and "management" - why and how to influence the object. Understanding the organization provides the basis for the study of management. This position allows, in our opinion, a deeper and more comprehensive study of the patterns and principles of building organizations. different types, identify the most suitable conditions and ways to ensure the effectiveness of individual elements, relationships and interdependencies, take into account the characteristics of each stage of the life cycle of business entities. Of course, even with this approach, the objectively existing connection and mutual influence of organization and management are preserved within the framework of a single process of purposeful activity.

The interests of a comprehensive solution to the problems of organizations require taking into account the fact that their elements include objects of a dual nature. On the one hand, these are factors that determine the socio-economic structure of the organization (individuals with their abilities, interests and preparedness, social aggregates, divisions, distribution of powers and responsibilities, informal relations, information flows). On the other hand, these are the elements that determine the production and technical structure of the organization (tools, material resources, technological rules).

The contribution of psychology to the concept of organization is manifested to the greatest extent through the study and prediction of the behavior of the individual, determining the possibilities for changing people's behavior. Psychology reveals conditions that hinder or promote rational actions and actions of people. Recently, the base of precisely those psychological studies that are directly related to human behavior in an organization has expanded. We are talking about the methods of perception, learning and training, identifying needs and developing motivational methods, the degree of job satisfaction, psychological aspects decision-making processes, assessment of actions and positions of people, the nature of economic entrepreneurship.

The questions that arise in the course of the functioning of an organization, about how individuals behave in group activities and why they behave in this way and not otherwise, are answered by a relatively new scientific discipline - social psychology. When studying interpersonal behavior, the main guideline is how changes occur, in what forms they are implemented, and how barriers to their perception are overcome. Of exceptional importance for organizations are studies devoted to the assessment and analysis of changes in positions, forms of communication and ways to meet individual needs in a group activity.

Relationship of organization theory with economics is determined by the objective need to form the goals and strategy of organizations as the basis for their construction, ensuring internal and external interactions. The study of methods of economic incentives are directly related not only to the effective operation of the organization, but also to the adaptation of a person in it.

Each of the organizations has an internal structure that determines the relationship between its members. In addition to the formal structure, each organization has its own culture that determines the norms of behavior of its employees.

Thus, there are various interpretations of the term "organization". In some cases, it is used to denote the activity of ordering all the elements of a particular object in time and space. In many other cases, the organization is considered as an object with an ordered internal structure. It combines diverse connections (physical, technological, economic, legal) and human relations.

The organization is studied by many different sciences, such as organization theory, sociology, psychology, management, economics, etc.

Organizations surround modern man throughout his life and determine the order of life in society, control its observance, are a means of expressing our views and interests.

1.2 Internal environment of the organization

The organization constantly has problems that can change its position, and for all its elements to act and be reasonably coordinated, a continuous flow of resources is necessary. Production apparatus wears out, technology becomes obsolete, materials need to be replenished, workers quit. To ensure the viability of the organization, these resources must be replaced with elements of equal performance without interrupting the production process.

Other internal problems arise from deficiencies in the interaction and coordination of different parts of the organization. One of the reasons why employees leave and the founders of the organization are not willing to invest their savings is that the dissatisfaction of these groups with working conditions and rewards for participation in the organization can become so strong that the very existence of the organization is threatened. The internal environment of the organization is schematically presented in Appendix 2.

An important situational variable is the structure of the organization. Under the structure of the organization understand the number, composition of its units, levels of management in a single interconnected system. The structure establishes such relationships between management levels and functional units that allow you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. This is facilitated by a specialized division of labor.

A characteristic feature of the specialized division of labor is that this work is assigned to specialists, i.e., those who are able to perform it better than others. Thus, labor is divided among economists, technologists, mechanics, power engineers, etc. In the production of any mechanism, work is divided into numerous small operations, which also represents a specific specialization of labor.

The specialized division of labor has its own thousand-year history. Its advantage is that the specialist works more productively and efficiently. In all organizations (except very small ones) there is a specialized division of labor. In sufficiently large organizations, specialists are grouped within the functions of individual areas (departments, departments). Thanks to the correct division of labor in the organization, its successful activities are carried out horizontally, high productivity and work efficiency are achieved. The vertical division of labor is also very important in this regard.

For successful group work it is necessary to separate labor for coordination from the direct execution of tasks. With such a separation, a hierarchy of managerial levels is created, i.e. formal subordination at every level. A manager who is at a higher level of management may have several lower-level managers in his subordination, and those, in turn, at a lower level, and so on down to the executive staff.

Each leader has a certain number of people in his subordination, which is his sphere of control. The scope of control determines the type of organizational structure. If the leader controls a large number of subordinates, then this is a wide area of ​​control. It gives a flat management structure. If few people report to each leader, then this is a narrow sphere of control, in which a multi-level (or high) management structure functions. Tall and flat structures can develop in organizations of various sizes. Organizations with a wide scope of control can be tall and flat.

Because in large modern organizations work is clearly delineated horizontally and vertically, then there is an urgent need to create formal mechanisms for coordinating the activities of level divisions and subordination. Such coordination ensures not only the interests of departments, but also the organization as a whole.

Through coordination, the goals of the organization and its units are formulated and communicated.

An internal variable in an organization is the setting of objectives. A task is a prescribed work (group of work or part of work) that must be completed in a predetermined manner and within a specified time frame. When developing the structure of the organization, each position includes a number of tasks that are part of the overall scope of work to achieve the goal. Thus, tasks are the elements that make up the position. It is believed that if the task is performed according to the established mode of operation, then the organization is functioning effectively.

Another, more important internal variable is technology. Technology is the means by which raw materials are transformed into desired products and services. It involves the combination of skilled skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and related technical knowledge needed to bring about the desired transformation in materials, information, or people.

People are a powerful internal control variable. The human variable is considered in management in three directions: the behavior of people (individuals, people in groups, the leader), the manager in the role of leader, the influence of the manager on the behavior of individuals and groups.

Many factors influence the individual behavior of a person and his successful activity. Among them, the leading place is occupied by the needs of people, their mental and physical abilities, values, views, claims.

The need of people is an internal physiological or psychological feeling of a lack of something. The basic, physiological needs include the need for food, drink, warmth, while the psychological needs include the need to belong to any society or group of people. Other needs appear only after the satisfaction of the basic ones.

Expectation has a great influence on people's behavior, that is, how likely it is that something significant for them will happen. Increasing the likelihood of accomplishing the expected contributes to an increase in their activity in their position and work efficiency.

Expectation is strongly influenced by perception, which is understood as the intellectual awareness of stimuli. Human response to reality environment depends on how he perceives it. People perceive the same phenomenon in completely different ways, so what is happening in reality affects their behavior to the extent of perception. The goal cannot be achieved only as a result of creating certain conditions for this. It is necessary that employees perceive, realize their benefits in achieving this goal. Only then will they make efforts for this.

One of the differences between people is their attitude towards something. Attitude is interpreted as a positive or negative perception of things, people or any environmental factors that influence their behavior. Attitudes toward work determine how people respond to a change in the work environment.

People's behavior is also influenced by values ​​- shared beliefs about what is good and what is bad. People acquire values ​​in the process of learning. From birth and all subsequent life, passing along the steps of the social ladder, they perceive values. Typically, the values ​​that exist in the culture of a given society are inherent in organizations and their managers. The leader's values ​​are perceived by the organization's staff. Top managers, through their inherent values, regulate the ethics of behavior of subordinate teams.

But each organization develops its own system of values, which, ultimately, constitutes its moral character: rules, morality, customs. Values ​​are quite stable and characterize the personality, determine its behavior. However, experience shows that in different situations, human behavior can change, so there is a need to create such an environment in labor collectives that would support the type of behavior that is beneficial for the organization, and personality traits could manifest themselves with maximum impact.

The combination of all variables creates a working environment that is tailored to the needs of the organization. The multifactor nature of internal variables determines the extreme complexity of this environment. It is very difficult to determine its influence on the behavior of an individual worker, but it is possible to distinguish the influence of groups of people and leaders.

Self-forming groups determine the norms of behavior in specific conditions. The more a person's behavior coincides with group norms, the more he appreciates his belonging to a group.

Group norms can favor or, conversely, hinder the achievement of the goals of the organization. A great influence on the achievement of goals has a sense of collectivism in the group, if it is directed towards the interests of the organization.

Of great importance for guiding the group along the path of achieving the goals of the organization are the leadership qualities of the manager, and to a greater extent innate than acquired.

Leadership is the quality of intellectual activity that allows you to influence the behavior of people and direct their activities in the right direction.

Thus, internal variables are understood as situational factors within the organization. The main variables within an organization are goals, structure, tasks, technology, and people.

An organization is seen as a group of people common goals. What people could not achieve individually, they achieve in an organization, which can thus be seen as a means to an end. As you know, goals are specific end states or the desired results of a group of people organized in a certain way. The desired end results are set in the planning process and communicated to the participants in the production, which enables them to know what to strive for. Different types of organizations define a variety of goals. For achievement ultimate goal organization different goals are set in its units. They are coordinated by managers within the framework of a common goal.

The leader achieves the goal of joint activity due to the fact that he multiplies his physical and intellectual forces at the expense of the collective forces of his subordinates and purposefully uses them. This is the task of the head of any managerial level.


2.1 Characterization of adaptation

In the theory and practice of personnel management, management in the section on personnel adaptation, it is considered as an independent element. Naturally, in many respects this point of view is justified in the segmentation of the processes taking place in the organization, when it becomes necessary to systematize the organization's personnel management.

Recruitment and hiring is a rather lengthy and expensive process - by the first day of a new employee's work, the company is already spending significant funds on him. Therefore, the company is interested in the fact that the hired employee does not quit after a few months. However, as statistics show, the highest percentage of those hired leaves the organization during the first three months. The main reasons for leaving are the discrepancy between reality and expectations and the difficulty of integrating into a new organization. Helping an employee to successfully integrate into a new organization is the most important task of his manager and HR specialists.

Adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the organization.

The term "adaptation" is extremely broad and is used in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology, social and production adaptation are distinguished. From the standpoint of personnel management, production adaptation is of the greatest interest. It is she who is a tool in solving such a problem as the formation of the required level of productivity and quality of work for a new worker in a shorter time. In its most general form, adaptation is “the process of adapting an employee to the conditions of the external and internal environment”. AT this definition it is emphasized that adaptation is not a one-way process: it involves not only the adaptation of new employees, but also an interconnected change in the organization.

Let us dwell on the fact that in the process of adaptation, personnel come to the organization. In a simplified view, if it consists of two employees, then the arrival of a new employee increases the total to three. Thus, the organization has increased the number of personnel to three, respectively, must undergo changes in organizational reality and management systems, interaction with personnel, etc. In the event that there is a simple replacement of an existing staff unit, the attitude within the team also changes.

As a result of this, the organization changes, transforms into a new one, i.e. the emergence of a new organization does not at all imply the formal destruction, liquidation of the old one.

The presentation of the organization as changing in the process of adaptation is due to the fact that a change in the interpersonal relations of the team will indirectly change the organization.

Accordingly, the management of the organization should provide for the need to transform the organization as a result of the adaptation of personnel. At the same time, if the adaptation process is one-sided, then it cannot fail to bring results. One-sidedness implies the participation exclusively of the organization or a new employee.

In the event of a change in organizational reality, it is necessary to assume the degree of its limitation in terms of time and quantity. The result of the process of organizational change is determined by the mobility of the organization, which has its limit. Also, a new employee cannot change indefinitely. So, the personality of any person has a degree of possibility of its change in a specific period of time. For example, in 1 hour it is impossible to learn all job descriptions, but it is quite possible in 44 hours. It is this capacity of human consciousness that determines the finiteness of adaptation in a certain period of time. An unreasonable increase in the degree of adaptation capacity of a person can cause various kinds of psychological discomfort, such as stress, psychosis, irritability, and in the aggregate - a decrease in working capacity.

You can give the definition of G. Hesh's adaptation: "... the process of learning the threads of power, the progress of achieving the doctrines adopted in the organization, the process of learning, realizing what is important in this organization or its divisions."

Within the framework of the above, we formulate the following fundamental definitions:

The adaptive capacity of an organization is the limiting volume of changes, transformations of an organization over a certain period of time that do not cause organizational pathologies, expressed in a decrease or decrease in profits;

The adaptive capacity of an employee is the maximum amount of changes in the employee's personality over a certain period of time that do not cause psychological pathologies, expressed in stress, irritability, and in the aggregate - a decrease in efficiency.

As the indicated definitions show, exceeding the adaptive capacity causes negative changes, both on the part of the organization and the employee. Therefore, there is a natural need to take into account the marginal possibilities of change, since their excess will lead to a decrease in performance or the exclusion of the results achieved.

Naturally, it is rather problematic to calculate and foresee this point, after which all changes become negative. Here it is necessary to involve knowledge of psychology, management, theory of organization, organizational behavior. They allow assessing and foreseeing the emergence of negative trends or transforming them into positive ones. At the same time, one of the priority values ​​is the use of the life experience of a personnel management specialist, the direct supervisor of an employee.

It is rather problematic to predict the point at which the changes become negative, since this largely shows the professional level of the HR specialist, the immediate supervisor of the employee. It can be recommended as one of the methods to use daily conversations with a new employee and some of their old employees. It should be conducted in the form of an informal conversation. It is necessary to clearly define its purpose, since the employee may perceive it as an attempt to accuse him of professional incompetence, low efficiency, etc. This will lead to a distortion of reality, namely, biased judgment and the impossibility of using the employee in the future.

This conversation should be held at least once every 3 days by an HR specialist or the immediate supervisor of the employee, preferably in the second half of the working day, as this will also allow the employee's condition to be assessed. As part of the conversation, it is necessary to clearly indicate that it is aimed at obtaining information to improve the efficiency of the adaptation process of a new employee, and will not affect the final decision on passing the probationary period.

The presented example of a conversation is more of a psychological nature, but it can be carried out by non-specialists in the field of psychology. You can familiarize yourself with basic textbooks in this area, which will help increase your level of professionalism. At the same time, various kinds of tests are used quite accurately to determine the emotional and psychological state of the individual. Taken together, they make it possible to obtain more objective data, but at the same time require the involvement of a large amount of financial organizational resources. Therefore, it is advisable occasional use testing technologies and can be fully limited to the use of conversation technology, interpersonal communication.

We focus on the fact that the order to admit an employee to an organization is not a reason to believe that he will remain such for a sufficiently long period of time. The reason for this is that the employee has the right to independently determine his employment relationship. This right is enshrined in Labor Code RF, which acts as the main legal document regulating labor relations, according to which a person has the right to enter into labor relations under certain restrictions fixed by an employment contract. At the same time, labor relations should not be of a discriminatory nature, i.e. restrict human rights, regardless of the desire of the employee.

Thus, a person can either refuse to work in an organization or agree. This is his fundamental right, and the organization should not directly force him to choose. So, a person can completely refuse to work in this organization if this does not suit him.

Naturally, he has a desire to work from the very beginning, since he is interested in the labor offer of the organization, indicated during the selection procedure. At the same time, he can establish for himself the facts, perhaps not previously taken into account by him, but perceived as a priority during adaptation. Positive is the situation in which they will influence the decision of the employee to continue their employment relationship with the organization. They can also have a negative impact, namely, the employee decides not to continue labor relations with the organization.

On the one hand, the employee has the right to make a decision, taking into account the obligations on his part, formulated in the employment contract. On the other hand, it is inappropriate for an organization to dismiss an employee, since certain financial and organizational resources were spent at the selection stage. Accordingly, the dismissal of an employee entails certain losses.

In this case, we can say that effective adaptation brings direct profit to the organization by, for example, reducing the possibility of dismissal of an employee, increasing the efficiency of his work, and reducing tension in the team. Despite the foregoing, purposeful adaptation is rarely implemented in the practical activities of domestic organizations.

So, adaptation is the process of changing the employee's acquaintance with the activities of the organization and changing their own behavior in accordance with the requirements of the environment.

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. As a rule, a newcomer to an organization faces a large number of difficulties, most of which are generated precisely by the lack of information about the work procedure, location, characteristics of colleagues, etc. That is, a special procedure for introducing a new employee to the organization can help to remove a large number of problems that arise at the beginning of work.

In addition, the ways in which new employees are included in the life of the organization can significantly enhance creative potential existing employees and strengthen their involvement in corporate culture organizations.

Adaptation has certain goals and objectives, both on the part of the organization and on the part of the employee. The selection of two sides of adaptation allows not only to build mutually beneficial relationships, to comply with the conditions of decency, but also to increase the efficiency of organization management. In other words, main goal adaptation on the part of the organization is the most complete, quick and effective adaptation of the employee to the organization.

In addition, other goals of adaptation are:

Reducing start-up costs, since so far new employee does not know his own workplace, it works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reduced anxiety and uncertainty among new hires;

Reducing turnover work force, because if beginners feel uncomfortable on new job and unnecessary, they may respond to this by dismissal;

Saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.

Ways to include new employees in the life of the organization can significantly enhance the creative potential of existing employees and increase their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization.

For a manager, information about how the process of adaptation of new employees is organized in his unit can say a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration.

In accordance with this, we define the tasks of adaptation:

efficiency improvement labor activity employee

improving the efficiency of the organization;

profit increase.

At the same time, the main argument for adapting is to increase the level of profit.

Consider further adaptation from the position of personnel. In this case, the main goal of adaptation from the position of personnel is the most complete and quick adaptation to the organization, the desire to remain a member of the organization for a long period of time. And the tasks are:

Desire to continue labor relations with the organization;

Understanding the specifics of work;

The beginning of effective performance in the shortest possible time of official duties;

Reduced stress levels;

Reducing the level of anxiety;

Entry into normal interpersonal relationships in the organization's team;

Establishing partnerships with colleagues;

Formation and increase in the feeling of satisfaction from the performed official duties.

The considered tasks of both the organization and the employee in the process are conditional and in practice can be expanded. The main task is to formulate the necessary goal in the process of adaptation. This can be done by the HR specialist or the immediate supervisor of the employee in the form of keeping brief records.

Note that a comparison of the goals, tasks of the employee and the organization shows that they basically coincide. Despite this, practice shows that in the process of adaptation (about 3 months) of sales personnel, about 50% of them decide not to continue labor relations with the organization, since the reason is the negative aspects that have arisen in the process of adaptation.

The concretization of adaptation makes it possible to single out two types of it, such as generally oriented and specially oriented.

In our opinion, the types of personnel adaptation can be formulated as follows:

General-oriented adaptation is a process of adaptation of an organization and an employee within the framework of interpersonal, physiological relationships, as well as in terms of labor organization;

Specially oriented adaptation is the process of adapting an employee and an organization within the framework of professional aspects.

The use of the selected types of adaptation will increase the effectiveness of adaptation as a process through a clear separation of the methods of its behavior.

It should be noted that within the framework of a generally oriented adaptation, there is a process of adaptation to other employees of the organization, which provides not only formal acquaintance, but also the establishment of normal partnerships. Here you can introduce a new employee to all staff, indicating his status and position. It is necessary to control this process, periodically asking other employees of the organization about the situation around the new employee. And here you can fully use such a method of communication as rumors, gossip. Many managers negatively perceive when gossip is present in the organization, as this destabilizes relations in the team, distracts employees from their immediate job duties. Recognizing the validity of this point of view, you can direct this way of communication in a useful direction for the organization. Don't encourage them to spread. But by asking any employee in a private conversation a question like “What can you say about our new employee?”, “Do you think he is doing a good job?”, In a short period of time, you will receive objective enough information to use in the adaptation adjustment process. Also, by formulating and asking clarifying questions, you can specify any details.

It is especially necessary to focus on such a problem as adaptation to working conditions. Here we consider adaptation to the order of breaks, smoke breaks, meals, etc. New employee should not only be informed about the rules of the relative order existing in the organization labor day, but the latter must be adapted to the wishes and physiological characteristics of employees.

A specially oriented type of adaptation involves familiarizing a new employee with his professional duties and adaptation to them. If a new employee has experience in a similar field or position, familiarization and adaptation to the position should also be carried out. This is due to the fact that each organization assumes the presence of a certain specificity of its activities. Often, in practice, the adaptation of employees with work experience is given insufficient attention. Naturally, it differs to a certain extent from the adaptation of employees who do not have work experience. Here, specific features are introduced, and some fundamental points known to the employee may be omitted. For example, a sales assistant with experience in a similar position in another organization is ridiculous to talk about what an assortment is.

Let us note the specifics of organizing a specially oriented type of adaptation for employees who do not have work experience. In this case, it is necessary to conduct the most complete acquaintance with the position, as well as training, which can be implemented in various forms. Such an employee is in a more difficult situation, since, along with adaptation to the organization, he must clearly learn the basics of the profession. Special attention should be paid to these employees by the personnel management specialist, the immediate supervisor. For example, group training can be used as an adaptation method when recruiting a large number of sales assistants. Due to the mass character, the necessary organizational and financial resources can be reduced.

1) according to the subject-object relationship:

Active - when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activities that he must master);

Passive - when he does not strive for such an impact and change;

2) according to the impact on the employee:

Progressive - favorably affecting the employee;

Regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with a negative content (for example, with low labor discipline);

3) by level:

Primary - when a person is first included in a permanent labor activity at a particular enterprise;

Secondary - at the subsequent change of work. A number of authors also distinguish two more types of adaptation:

Adaptation of an employee in a new position;

Adaptation of the employee to the demotion;

Adaptation after dismissal (support for laid-off workers);

4) by directions:



Professional adaptation consists in the active development of the profession, its subtleties, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after finding out the experience, knowledge and character of the beginner, they determine the most appropriate form of training for him, for example, they send him to courses or attach a mentor.

The complexity of professional adaptation depends on the breadth and variety of activities, interest in it, the content of work, the influence of the professional environment, and the individual psychological properties of the individual.

Psychophysiological adaptation - adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical exertion, etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties, it proceeds quite quickly and to a large extent depends on the health of the person, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely because of its absence.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activities- adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members.

The process of social and psychological adaptation of young specialists to the conditions of production (to the working situation), to a certain workforce passes quite satisfactorily within six months. However, as evidenced by the empirical material, this process at the enterprise is given clearly insufficient attention. And, as a consequence of this, the devaluation of the responsibility of young specialists in production.

In general, much depends on the employee himself. Thus, the adaptation of newcomers who do not have practical experience (primary adaptation of young specialists) has its own specifics. Young specialists come to production with a good store of knowledge and a complete lack of practical experience. Therefore, professional adaptation comes to the fore. It is expressed in mastering the profession by a beginner, the appearance of a sense of satisfaction with this type of activity. This, as a rule, is expressed in the stable fulfillment of established production standards with high quality and normal fatigue. This means that some of yesterday's university graduates become leaders at the grassroots level, which means that they will have to become production organizers and perform educational functions. All this complicates the adaptation process.

The next, no less relevant issue is the levels at which staff adaptation takes place. The following levels are distinguished at which the process of adaptation of sales personnel takes place.

Employee values. In the theory of psychology, there are various approaches to the definition and study of values. In relation to the management of sales personnel, in our opinion, the values ​​of an employee are a set of priorities that are the main ones for an individual. For example, the value of the individual, which is of priority importance for the staff of a chain store, is the rejection of theft in its various forms. In this case, the selected is a value, since the person uses it as a basis for carrying out his activities. Note that the values ​​of the individual have a limited amount in quantitative terms, which is also the basis for its selection.

In practice, the definition of values ​​is quite problematic and can be professionally carried out by psychologists. At the same time, with more detailed observation, both the HR specialist and the immediate supervisor can fully highlight the employee's values.

Note that the values ​​of the employee are also subject to transformation in the process of adaptation. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a centralized impact on them. For example, if a person is not careful enough, the immediate supervisor can several times, focusing on this, say the phrase: “It is customary for our staff to wash their hands immediately before working with the goods.” Having made such a remark, the immediate supervisor will be able to make a psycho-correction (change of personality in a simplified sense) of such a value as cleanliness.

In this case, fundamental, fundamental values ​​are often rarely adapted, and with smaller ones there is a more active transformation. The need to take values ​​into account is explained by their direct impact on the candidate's professional activities, and therefore their purposeful adaptation should be present.

Team values. In this case, the transfer (application) of the above to the level of the team is implied. Here we can talk about the interconnected change in the values ​​of the team and the employee. An example of an interrelated change would be to transfer the value of “no theft” into the activities of the chain store team. So, if several new employees in the team adhere to it, then this will reduce the degree of theft by the staff

So, not only the next level of adaptation was identified, but also the importance of managing it. For example, in accordance with it, upon detection of theft in a chain store by an employee, the employee should be immediately fired.

Physiology of the employee. In this case, purely physiological aspects of the employee are considered. These include health, regime, etc. Here, the emphasis is shifted to changing the physiology of an employee depending on organizational activities. For example, in an organization, food intake is regulated and determined by a clear period of time, and in accordance with it, the employee must adapt his needs. Also, the time for smoking, if it is indicated in the organization's schedule, must be taken into account by the candidate, because. he must change his habitual smoking regimen.

The HR specialist, the immediate supervisor should clearly discuss these issues with the candidate in the most correct form. For example, the words “It is accepted in our organization”, “We are not accepted”, “Preferably if you are”. At the same time, the importance and priority of adaptation at this level should not be underestimated, since new conditions cause tension and discomfort for the employee. Conflicts may also arise if, for example, an employee, due to lack of information, began to smoke in a place not designated for this.

Along with the declarative nature of informing the employee about working conditions, it is possible to discuss them with the employee, clarifying his preferences. An example is a situation where an employee, due to physiological characteristics, needs to eat frequently, as a result of which the rules can be changed, and the time used for eating will be worked out as unpaid. As a result of adaptation at the physiological level, a mutually beneficial agreement is reached.

Summing up, we note that adaptation at the physiological level should include not only informing, but also changing existing rules in areas such as:

time and period of eating;

Time, period and frequency of smoking, indicating the location of the designated area;

Work schedule: shift, six-day week, etc. Given the highest productivity of an employee, depending on the time of day, you can increase the efficiency of his work.

Physiology of the team. Along with the physiology of the employee, there is an adaptation of the physiology of the team. For example, in a team there is a certain schedule for taking a break (lunch, tea), and a new employee must be included in them. Accordingly, mutual adaptation occurs.

Employee communication. Communication is communication between people. In accordance with this, at the level of adaptation of communication, the nature of employee communication is transformed. This includes - vocabulary, timbre, speech turns, manner of communication, speed of speech, volume (verbosity, laconicism).

From the position of adaptation management at the communication level, we note the importance of instruction from the immediate supervisor, a personnel management specialist, about how to communicate with clients and colleagues. Here we have in mind not only the possibility or necessity, but the type of communication, a set of phrases and vocabulary. It must be emphasized that the use of profanity is unacceptable, and it is necessary to communicate with customers delicately and correctly.

It is likely that within the organization or from the position of the direct manager there is a vision of the correct communication with the client, which must be clearly explained to the new employee. Therefore, this level of communication was given by us, but not considered in more detail.

Team communication. In this case, it is necessary to use the main provisions of the previously discussed level of employee communication, but with an emphasis on the team. Recall that the process of adaptation at the communication level of the team and the employee is not one-sided, i.e. there is a reciprocal process of transformation, manner, method, set of phrases and words of communication. For example, the borrowing of some words by the team from a new employee.

Employee behavior. This level covers the behavior of the employee and includes his appearance, manner of dressing, movements, etc. It is known that there are generally accepted norms of behavior that are characteristic of society as a whole, but not characteristic of other candidates. An example is the inability of some women to apply makeup beautifully, ignoring many men of uncleaned shoes. In this case, in order to prevent negative situations, the HR specialist, the immediate supervisor must demand certain principles of behavior in their organization, as well as point out the existing shortcomings. This should be done in a tactful and correct manner in order to exclude a negative reaction from the employee. For example, in this way: "You could not go to the hairdresser, as a more attractive appearance will increase the level of sales in our organization."

Often in practice, adaptation at the level of employee behavior is not performed or occurs in an incorrect form. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on this level of adaptation, because the appearance of the sales staff determines the level of sales of the organization.

Team behavior. In full measure, its analysis is similar to the analysis of the behavior of the employee considered at the level of adaptation. Here, the process of adaptation takes on a more massive character, since there is a related borrowing of elements of behavior. As an example, as a more illustrative example, let's consider adaptation in a women's team. So, if one of the employees comes to work in a new blouse and her status is not questioned, then the rest of the employees also tend to buy a new thing. This is one example of adaptation at this level - the model of mass behavior is characteristic of the Russian mentality. Therefore, if the leader himself can create a standard of corporate behavior, then he will be able to remain unchanged for a long time. As one of the methods of forming a corporate standard of behavior, it can be recommended to offer the leaders of the team to adhere to a certain standard, which will then organically spread to all its members.

Employee mentality. It involves consideration of the process of adaptation of the employee's psyche. Just like at other levels, a new employee is forced to adapt to new working conditions, to the team. It is worth emphasizing the organic nature of this adaptation, which fully depends on the professionalism of the immediate supervisor, a specialist in personnel management. It is advisable to refer to the theory of psychology to designate its essence. Note that the ongoing mental processes of a new employee can be controlled through regular conversations with him. It is necessary to monitor the emerging negative manifestations of the psyche in a timely manner to respond to them, and, if possible, eliminate them.

The psyche of the team. Here, the considered pattern of adaptation at the level of the employee's psyche operates, but taking into account its own characteristics. In the process of interaction of a group of people, their psyche undergoes certain changes and differs from the individual.

Professional area of ​​the employee. This is the most important type of adaptation, as it has a targeted impact on the final efficiency of the employee's work. The necessity and essence of adaptation of this level were reflected by us earlier. Let us designate the methods of its implementation, namely:

group training;

individual training;


overview story or lecture;

acquaintance with regulatory documentation governing the activities of the organization.

Adaptation to professional level rather problematic in management, as it is carried out over a longer period of time and is associated with a set of certain knowledge and skills.

Professional adaptation of the team. Along with the new employee, increasing the degree of professionalism, the same process occurs on the part of the team. This is natural and logical, since professionalism, among others, can also be assessed by the parameter of susceptibility to new knowledge and skills.

Thus, the main levels of adaptation were identified as a process involving the participation of both the organization and the employee. This classification will improve the efficiency of adaptation through systematization, the most complete coverage of the constituent elements.

We note the specifics of adaptation depending on the age of the candidate. Thus, people over the age of 35 are most in need of adaptation. Its feature is the need for a sense of belonging, social significance, security. As practice shows, in trade organizations, representatives of this group of personnel are the most responsible.

Young people under the age of 35 have different needs from the previously discussed group. Among them we will name the need for socialization, career growth. Young people are more focused on obtaining ever-increasing profits, and due to mobility and adaptability, they often change jobs. When hiring young people, at the stage of adaptation, it is advisable to provide for this specificity and assume further career growth of the employee within the walls of the organization. Otherwise, they will be forced to quit due to the transition to a higher status position or a job with a higher salary.

Thus, the process of personnel adaptation was considered as an integral part of the selection.

In addition to these levels of adaptation, there are some stages of adaptation. Conventionally, the adaptation process can be divided into four stages:

Stage 1: assessing the beginner's level of preparedness is necessary to develop the most effective onboarding program. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience in similar departments of other companies, the period of his adaptation will be minimal. However, it should be remembered that even in these cases, the organization may have unusual options for solving problems already known to it. Because the organizational structure depends on a number of parameters, such as the technology of activity, external infrastructure and personnel, the beginner inevitably finds himself, to some extent, in a situation unfamiliar to him. Adaptation should involve both familiarity with production features, and inclusion in communication networks, acquaintance with the staff, corporate features of communication, rules of conduct, etc.

Stage 2: orientation is a practical acquaintance of a new employee with his duties and requirements that are imposed on him by the organization. Considerable attention, for example, in US companies, is given to the adaptation of a newcomer to the conditions of the organization. Both direct managers of newcomers and employees of personnel management services are involved in this work.

Usually the orientation program includes a series of small lectures, excursions, workshops (working at separate workplaces or with certain equipment).

Often during the orientation program the following questions are raised:

General idea of ​​the company: goals, priorities, problems; traditions, norms, standards; products and their consumers, stages of bringing products to the consumer; variety of activities; organizational structure, company relations; information about leaders;

Organization policy: principles personnel policy; principles of recruitment; areas of professional training and advanced training; assistance to employees in case of bringing them to justice; rules for using the telephone within the enterprise; rules for the use of various working hours; rules for the protection of trade secrets and technical documentation;

Remuneration of labor: norms and forms of remuneration and ranking of employees; holiday pay, overtime pay;

Additional benefits: insurance, record of work experience; support in case of dismissal or retirement; maternity benefits; probation; work management; informing about failures at work and being late for work; the rights and obligations of the employee; manager's rights; workers' organizations; evaluation of work performance; discipline and penalties; filing complaints;

Household service: catering; availability of service entrances; conditions for private car parking;

Economic factors: labor cost; cost of equipment; damage from absences and delays.

After passing general program orientation, a special program can be carried out, carried out both in the form of special conversations with an employee of the unit in which the newcomer came, and interviews with the head. Typically, a special program addresses the following issues:

1) functions of the unit:

Goals and priorities, organization and structure;


Relationships with other departments;

Relationships within the department;

2) work duties and responsibilities:

Detailed description of current work and expected results;

Explanation of the importance of this work, how it relates to others in the unit and in the enterprise as a whole;

Standards for the quality of work performance and the basis for assessing performance;

Working hours and schedule;

Additional expectations (for example, replacing an absent worker);

3) required reporting:

Types of help that can be provided, when and how to ask for it;

Relations with local and national inspectorates;

4) procedures, rules, regulations:

Rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit;

Behavior in case of accidents, safety regulations;

Informing about accidents and dangers;

hygiene standards;

Security and issues related to theft;

Relations with employees who do not belong to this unit;

Rules of conduct in the workplace;

Removal of things from the unit;

Monitoring violations;

Breaks (smoke breaks, lunch);

Telephone conversations of a personal nature working time;

Use of equipment;

Monitoring and evaluation of performance;

Representation of department employees.

These programs can be used for both primary and secondary adaptation. Since the adaptation of young workers who do not yet have professional experience is different in that it consists not only in mastering information about the organization, but also in learning the work itself, therefore, the adaptation program must necessarily include training.

Older employees have special adaptation needs. They also need training and their needs are somewhat similar to those of young workers, and it is often more difficult for them to fit into the team. The adaptation of disabled people, employees who returned after completing training courses, has its own characteristics.

Of particular note is the adaptation of women returning to work after parental leave. The longer she stays at home, the more difficult it is for her to join the work rhythm. This is due to the fact that, firstly, after she starts working, a large gap in knowledge is usually found (in three years, a lot can change, for example, a new software or new technologies). Secondly, the rhythm of life is disrupted: during the holidays, the woman herself planned her time, but when she went to work, she was forced to spend the prescribed amount of time in one place. Thirdly, a psychological barrier arises, in which a woman must again accept the status of a subordinate.

All this cannot be ignored and must be taken into account when drawing up adaptation programs.

Stage 3. Effective adaptation. This stage consists in the actual adaptation of the newcomer to his status and is largely determined by his inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give the newcomer the opportunity to actively act in various areas, testing on himself and testing the acquired knowledge about the organization. It is important at this stage to provide maximum support to the new employee, to regularly evaluate the activities and features of interaction with colleagues together with him.

Stage 4. Functioning. This stage completes the process of adaptation, it is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable work. As a rule, with the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after 1-1.5 years of work. If the adaptation process is regulated, then the stage of effective functioning can begin in a few months. Such a reduction in the adaptation period can bring significant financial benefits, especially if the organization involves a large number of personnel.

It would be necessary to think about how to help the newcomer successfully adapt from the very first steps of induction. Noteworthy is the experience of enterprises that have developed a “Memo to a new employee”, in which short information about the history of the enterprise, its “heroes”, that is, employees who have done a lot for the enterprise and achieved outstanding results. For a new employee, it is very important how his first day of work goes. The head of the department should introduce the new employee to colleagues, pay attention to him at the end of the working day, say that the employee can count on the help and support of the head.

Gradually, a new employee should be introduced into the system of informal relations, one-time public assignments should be assigned, which contributes to the establishment of interpersonal contacts and helps him adapt in a new society.

Many modern firms attach great importance to the formation of corporate culture. Corporate culture indicates how employees should behave, regardless of their position and status, in accordance with the image of the company. Its main function is to create the image of the collective "we", the identification of the employee with the organization. Of course, a well-thought-out corporate culture helps the employee's adaptation process. As you develop professional functions the employee has a growing need for self-realization of his abilities, in involvement in solving the problems facing the unit. At this stage of adaptation, it is necessary to involve employees in the discussion of problems and the process of developing alternative options for solving them, delegate authority and responsibility to them more widely, and promote the development of creative activity. The success of adaptation also depends on the system of labor motivation, an objective assessment of the work of employees, and the management of their labor career at the enterprise. The problem of adaptation of workers is very relevant, its successful solution is inextricably linked with an integrated approach to the formation of personnel policy at the enterprise.

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who left their jobs during the first year made this decision already on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a newcomer to an organization faces a large number of difficulties, most of which are generated precisely by the lack of information about the work procedure, location, characteristics of colleagues, etc.

The role of the immediate supervisor in the implementation of the newcomer's adaptation program should be discussed in particular. Above, we have already said that it is the leader who is the embodiment of corporate culture for employees, according to the peculiarities of his behavior, subordinates clarify for themselves those values, norms and rules of conduct that are characteristic of a particular organization. Therefore, it is the manager’s assessment of the work of a beginner in the first period that is the mechanism feedback, which will allow the employee to start the process of "inventory" of corporate values. It is very important that the manager explains to the new employee the rules of the work evaluation scheme, the procedure for intra-organizational communication, the principles of organizing work and other parameters that are important so that the new person does not feel uncomfortable due to their violation. It is advisable to conduct an interview with a newcomer during the first week and at the end of the first month of work, to analyze the problems that he has in the process of work.

Thus, various sciences are engaged in the study of adaptation: sociology, psychology, management. In sociology, psychology, management, social and production adaptation are distinguished.

Adaptation tasks:

reducing the possibility of dismissal of an employee;

formation of employee loyalty to the organization;

reduce employee anxiety

the formation of the employee's sense of job satisfaction;

profit increase.

The main goal of adaptation from the position of personnel is the most complete and quick adaptation to the organization

Older people have special adaptation needs.

In general, adaptation necessary step in the life of any person.

2.2 Adaptation methods

Having examined in detail the stages of adaptation, it is also necessary to consider in detail the methods (technologies) of adaptation of sales personnel.

From a theoretical point of view, a method is a way of doing something, involving the combination of a certain number of technologies. In accordance with what has been said, technology is a set of practical tools for doing something.

The foregoing is a general theoretical position that determines the further logic of reasoning about the process of adaptation. Thus, the question is raised of how and by what means, ways to carry out an effective process of adaptation of sales personnel. In many respects, this question is among the topical ones, since many theoretical concepts do not imply a methodology for their implementation. The above allows you to determine that:

1) the method of adaptation of sales personnel is a generalized method, technology that allows to implement the adaptation of sales personnel;

2) the technology of adaptation of sales personnel is a clearly localized way of implementing the adaptation of sales personnel.

Moreover, the method is central and includes technologies for adapting sales personnel.

Let us dwell on how a specialist in personnel management, a direct supervisor can develop adaptation technologies. Often a set of them already exists, and the following questions need to be clearly posed:

What needs to be done. The object of influence and its desired state are determined;

How can be implemented. The question is raised, with the help of what means the desired state will be achieved, i.e. the required action has been taken;

How long will it take. The period of time for the implementation of the selected methods is determined, as well as the achievement of the intended final state of the object of influence.

How much is it. The necessary financial and organizational resources are calculated for the implementation of the selected issues. Moreover, organizational resources should be translated into financial terms;

Is it necessary for given time and cost. The final result is compared with the costs. In this case, the financial expression of resources is used for the comparison method;

Will it be implemented. The final decision is made on the application, implementation of the selected method to achieve the desired state of the object.

By answering the proposed methods step by step, you will develop the technology. Naturally, it should be transformed depending on the specifics of the mental activity of a personnel management specialist, a direct supervisor. In practice, it allows the development of technology, i.e. way of achieving, controls mental activity in the necessary direction.

1) planning the adaptation of sales personnel;

2) control of adaptation of sales personnel;

3) motivation for the adaptation of sales staff;

4) organization of adaptation of sales personnel.

Thus, the adaptation of sales personnel becomes an objective process. Further, it is advisable to consider them in more detail, including examples of the technologies used.

The method of planning the adaptation of sales personnel involves the generalization of the planning of this process. The need for activity planning is expressed in management theory, organization theory and many others. Therefore, the expediency of its application remains indisputable, but with regard to the adaptation process, in practice there is an opposite negative situation, i.e. it is not fully utilized. At the same time, having carried out a clear planning of activities, it is possible to reduce resource intensity, increase the efficiency of the process, as well as the final result. Planning for the adaptation of sales personnel must be initiated (begin) at the time of the final selection of the candidate. In addition, the determination of the implementation time of the entire process and its constituent elements brings positive results. Therefore, it is natural to clearly define the start time of adaptation, its completion and the implementation of each of the stages.

One of the common technologies within the adaptation method is the preparation of an employee adaptation plan. With its help, the stages of adaptation, the time of their implementation are formulated and described. necessary resources, responsible, the form of final control.

The method of controlling the adaptation of sales personnel includes technologies that make it possible to control this process. It can be produced in various forms. There are formal types of control that require an official response, documentation, and informal ones that do not require presentation in the report, for example, conclusions that an HR specialist came to, but did not consider it appropriate to record them.

One of the control technologies can be a clear fixation on paper or electronic media. This leads to the fact that the actions taken are systematized, namely, it becomes possible to check and compare them.

The method of motivating the adaptation of sales personnel is based on the need to improve the efficiency of the adaptation process, for example, by motivating it. It is necessary to highlight the material and non-material motivation of the adaptation process. The material component uses financial resource. An example of the use of material motivation technology is the appointment of a bonus for the success of adaptation. In our opinion, within the framework of adaptation, the implementation of material motivation is inappropriate, since the candidate's attention will be focused on achieving selfish personal interests, and not on the actual goal of adaptation in the organization.

The most effective use of non-material adaptation technologies, hallmark which is reliance on non-financial, personal selfish goals. As examples of non-material motivation technologies, we present the following:

1) advertising the achievements of employees. Here in various forms, for example on pages corporate newspaper, information leaflet, poster, should be widely represented by employees who have achieved great performance results compared to other employees. It uses such a psychological method as the struggle for leadership, which consists in the natural desire of a person to be the first, to achieve better results compared to others. By giving wide publicity to the achievements of the best employees, the leader encourages others to try to get closer to the same results;

2) congratulations on various, solemn events important for the candidate;

3) informing about employees who are inefficiently carrying out their labor activities;

4) symbolic rolling insignia for the best employee;

5) praise, for example, oral or written, carried out at mass events or through personal contact with an employee.

The method of organizing the adaptation of sales personnel involves the use of technologies of direct organizing influence on the adaptation process.

As an example, the technology of organizing the adaptation process can be the appointment of a mentor. The term “mentor” refers to the person who great experience labor activity in the organization, carrying out direct operational management adaptation of a new employee. This allows for the most complete and effective transfer of professional, personal knowledge and skills specific to a particular organization. Of course, the mentoring employee must first be informed about this and obtain his consent to participate in this process.

The considered methodological and technological division is derived from the practice of trade organizations and theories. Due to the limited scope of this publication, it is presented in a narrow, conceptual form, which does not exclude the possibility of practical application. It is assumed that within its framework, the HR specialist, the immediate supervisor carried out an independent addition, refinement or development. All of the above will make it possible to systematize the process of adaptation, as well as to develop an effective methodology for managing it.

The adaptation process implies finiteness, and, accordingly, the need for performance evaluation. Some of the criteria that make it clear that the onboarding process has been effective include:

The labor activity of a new employee, which is natural and normal for him, namely, a decrease in nervousness, self-doubt;

Obtaining by a new employee the necessary amount of knowledge and skills to perform effective work duties;

Compliance of the new employee with all the rules and norms of behavior established in the organization;

Motivating a new employee for professional and personal growth;

Feeling of moral satisfaction from the employee's work;

Complete assimilation of the new employee with the team, since. good relations with all employees.

So, during the entire adaptation period, the manager should informally discuss with the employee his relationship with the team of the unit, his degree of adaptation, and monitor the implementation of the individual plan.

Periodically (at least twice in the first month and once in subsequent months), the adaptation process should be monitored by a personnel specialist.

In case of dismissal of an employee during the adaptation period, the manager is obliged to send him to the HR department for an interview within two weeks.

The personnel management service collects and analyzes relevant information to find out the true reasons for dismissal. At the same time, the effectiveness of recruitment is evaluated.

The success of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the working environment and the worker himself. The more complex the environment, the more it differs from the familiar environment by same place work, the more changes associated with it, the more difficult the process of adaptation.

Adaptation as a process is characterized by a certain duration, and therefore has its beginning and end. If there are no questions regarding the beginning of adaptation (this is the beginning of the worker's activity in new conditions), then it is very difficult to determine its end. The fact is that adaptation is a process that constantly proceeds to the extent of changes in the factors of the external environment of the worker's labor activity, and changes in the person himself. Therefore, adaptation is also relevant to a person who has not changed his workplace.

From the standpoint of personnel management, the formation of labor potential, determining the timing of adaptation, it is of great importance to clarify such a thing as the limit of adaptation.

When determining the timing of adaptation (and with them the possible damage) as its limit, or the starting point for completing it as a process, certain quantitative indicators characterizing individual aspects of adaptation, or a system of indicators, can be used. In particular, we can highlight:

Objective indicators - the level and stability of quantitative indicators of labor;

Subjective indicators - the level of satisfaction with one's profession, working conditions, team, etc.

The listed indicators are related to the immediate results of the work, while it is often necessary to analyze the specific work of each unit involved in the adaptation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators: drawing up programs for adaptation; holding lectures, seminars; youth work; preparation of adaptation programs; acquaintance with the enterprise; familiarity with the workplace; explanation of tasks, requirements for work; introduction to the team; encouragement of help to beginners from mentors; training of young workers.

Another approach to assessing production adaptation comes from the characteristics and results of each of its parties.

So, to characterize the psychophysiological adaptation, especially at work with great physical stress (for example, to assess the degree of fitness as one of the results of adaptation), indicators of production and energy consumption are used, as well as indicators of the state of the cardiovascular system, circulatory function, respiration, recovery rate, etc. .P.

Professional adaptation, as a complete and successful mastery of a profession, is characterized by such indicators as the degree of mastering the norms of time (their fulfillment, achieving the average percentage that has developed in the team), reaching the average level of defective products due to the fault of the employee, etc. To the indicators characterizing the social psychological adaptation, include the level of psychological satisfaction new for a person work environment in general and its most important components for him, the nature of relationships with comrades, the administration, satisfaction with his position in the team, the level of satisfaction of life aspirations, etc.

A variety of questionnaires to be presented to the employee after the expected completion of the adaptation period can help to obtain feedback from the employee on many of these questions. An example questionnaire is presented in Annex 3.

Thus, adaptation is a technology, that is, a strict sequence of certain actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

In order to understand what the process of adaptation in other countries is, it is necessary to consider, analyze this process on the example of the most developed countries of the world, and compare them with the Russian experience of personnel adaptation. The experience of Japan is interesting in terms of adaptation. The personnel training system here is very specific. Prior to the transition to the second stage of secondary education (grades 10-12), students in a Japanese school practically cannot receive any vocational training, i.e. most of the Japanese youth, having a secondary education, enter the labor market, if not completely professionally trained, then, in any case, without any certificate of qualification.

This, however, does little to confuse the leadership of Japanese companies. Professional training in firms is an integral part Japanese system personnel management. The management of companies seeks to attract young people directly from school, because the absence of any skills in work indicates that they are not corrupted, that there is no outside influence, that they are ready to accept the rules of conduct, acceptance in this corporation. The young people who have entered undergo a mandatory course of initial training - adaptation. This happens over a relatively short period of two months.

Particular attention in the social and professional adaptation in Japanese firms is given to programs for educating the corporate culture of the organization, its image, raising pride in one's company, corporation. This is the so-called "corporate spirit" of the firm or company. It is brought up through the system of introducing the employee to the affairs of the company, to its atmosphere, tasks and mission. Each company has its own work uniform, motto, often a hymn. Purposeful rituals, all kinds of meetings, conferences are constantly being introduced. A significant role in this is played by veterans of companies, craftsmen, and educators. In Japan, during adaptation, most new workers and employees undergo several months of training according to a program specially developed by the company. The training is structured in such a way as to develop a strong corporate spirit already at the stage of special training and to participate in the discussion of the problems and tasks of the unit. Moreover, many young workers and employees live in the company's dormitories for several years after they start work.

In-depth employee adaptation programs are applied at medium and large firms USA. Both HR managers and line managers are involved in the process of their implementation. In small businesses, the onboarding program is led by a practitioner manager, sometimes with the inclusion of a trade union worker, using a variety of programs - from programs that provide mostly oral information to formalized procedures that link oral presentations with written and graphic settings. In formal adaptation programs, equipment, slides, and photographs are often used.

In Germany, there is a law on legal regime enterprise”, which requires the employer to familiarize the new employee with the working conditions and future field of his activity, as well as introduce him to future work colleagues. The employee must know the mode and conditions of work and their duties. For this, interviews are used. Beginner to get acquainted with the rules, procedures. He receives guidance from senior officials, etc.

For comparison, consider Russian experience staff adaptation. Vocational guidance and adaptation should promote rapid structural shifts in employment while keeping unemployment as low as possible. However, the practical solution of this problem is hampered by the underdevelopment of the labor market.

The State Employment Service is not yet able to effectively manage adaptation. The mechanical filling of vacancies, inherited from the organized labor service, works poorly, since few people will accept any job. The reason for this is not only the old load of stereotypes, but also the lack of knowledge about the content of adaptation, its forms and possibilities in the market.

In the context of extensive development, the availability of free hands and relatively low requirements for the qualifications of workers, there was no urgent need for a unified system of information and employment of personnel. The result of this practice was a chronic and widespread shortage of workers with part-time and irrational employment, underestimation of the requirements for the level of their training. Career guidance services that operated in individual schools large enterprises and in administrative regions, often acted as recruiting and campaigning points.

As a result, only 15-20% of school graduates chose a profession related to the skills acquired at school. Now in the republics, territories, regions and major cities self-supporting centers for employment, retraining and adaptation of personnel have been created.

As the experience of domestic organizations has shown, insufficient attention is paid to the problem of personnel adaptation in the country. Unfortunately, managers do not fully understand the importance of adaptation as a method of regulating the supply of labor in an organization. In addition, now the managerial link of the national economic and industry levels weakened in organizational and methodological terms, which led to the formation of many management bodies in the region (career guidance and employment centers, career guidance offices in schools, special educational institutions, organizations) without sufficient regulation of their powers.

Narrow departmentality counteracts the development of direct links between adaptation management bodies. And this does not allow to eliminate organizational shortcomings in the practice of adaptation, deepening them at each subsequent level of management.

And so, adaptation is a necessary stage in a person's life, which forms the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues, workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups. Therefore, the organization is seen as a group of people with common goals. What people could not achieve individually, they achieve in an organization.

A person can achieve rapid adaptation to an organization through adaptation.

Adaptation tasks:

increasing the efficiency of the organization and labor activity of the employee;

reducing the possibility of dismissal of an employee;

formation of employee loyalty to the organization;

reduce employee anxiety

the formation of the employee's sense of job satisfaction;

profit increase.

Onboarding procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the organization.

Adaptation methods: planning; control; motivation.

For the success of human adaptation, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the socio-psychological climate, to select personnel who can successfully fit into these conditions.

As the experience of domestic organizations has shown, insufficient attention is paid to the problem of personnel adaptation in the country. Narrow departmentality counteracts the development of direct links between adaptation management bodies, does not allow eliminating organizational shortcomings in adaptation practice, deepening them at each subsequent level of management.


3.1 Characteristics of the activity of the cafe "Poncho"

Cafe "Poncho" - enterprise Catering, designed for the production and sale of dishes in a limited range, as well as a variety of cold drinks, flour and confectionery, sweet food

The purpose of the cafe "Poncho" - the provision of services and profit by meeting public needs.

In addition to the main activity of the cafe, it provides a number of additional services– accompanying the client to the car, calling a taxi, pre-order service, selling related products.

The cafe is located at the address: Izhevsk, Oktyabrsky district, K. Marksa street, 272 B.

The main area of ​​activity of the cafe is the city center, where the routes public transport(tram number 1,2,4,7; bus number 14, trolleybus number 6 and 9).

Near the cafe there is a residential microdistrict and administrative buildings. From this we can conclude that the existing constant flow of potential visitors can significantly increase the turnover.

With rather tough competition, the cafe maintains average prices, which in turn attracts more visitors. Consequently, the trade policy of the cafe is aimed at conquering the market, primarily by the breadth of the assortment and keeping the average prices for the products offered.

Cafe "Poncho" belongs to the first category. Its hall is designed to serve 25 people at the same time.

Cafe opening hours: daily, from 10.00 to 23.00; without lunch.

Waiter service is applied.

Organizational structure of management

Business management is a complex process. It should ensure the unity of action and the purposefulness of the work of teams of all departments of the enterprise, effective use in the process of labor of various equipment, interdependence and coordinated activity of workers. Therefore, management can be defined as a process of purposeful influence on production for its effective implementation.

The main task of enterprise management is to ensure maximum profit.

The organizational structure of the management of the Poncho cafe is presented in Appendix 4.

The cafe has functional structure management. This structure ensures the unity of command in the management system.

The current activities of the cafe are managed by Executive Director, who is appointed and dismissed by the Council of the founders of the cafe "Poncho".

The director of the cafe independently determines the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees. The forms, systems and amount of remuneration, working hours, the procedure for granting days off and holidays to employees are determined by the director in accordance with his competence.

All issues of delimitation of functions, rights and obligations between employees are reflected in the job descriptions of employees.

Consider the characteristics of the chef's jobs:

The workplace has a complete set of inventory, packaging material, which are located in a certain place;

Free access to each dish is provided at the workplace;

The workplace is equipped with ergonomic requirements;

The lighting is even, fairly intense, but not blinding.

Features of the organization of the workplace of a cook depend on the range of dishes sold, on the nature of the labor operations performed.

When organizing a workplace for cooks, maximum conveniences have been created. This contributes to:

Rational use of production areas;

Efficient use of equipment;

Ensuring a high culture of service.

According to its assortment, the cafe can be classified as a cafe with an average assortment. It has about 80 items of food and drink during the day and 60 items at night.

According to the assortment of dishes, we can say that it is quite wide and includes food products from semi-finished products to finished products.

A general description of the cafe is presented in Appendix 5.

Having analyzed general characteristics cafe "Poncho" it can be noted that the organization starts from the desires and needs of consumers, as the most important object in the market system.

Today cafe "Poncho" is a stable, sustainable, dynamically developing organization.

The main task of the cafe is to provide High Quality cooked food.

In accordance with the main task based on entrepreneurial activity, cafe organizes and provides the following services:

Catering services;

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;

Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;

Services for the sale of culinary products;

Leisure services;

Other services.

Any enterprise cannot function without personnel.

The structure of the number of cafes is presented in Appendix 6.

According to the structure of the population, we can say the following:

Essential workers (cooks, bakers, deboners);

Auxiliary workers (cutters, packers, refrigeration equipment adjuster, electrician, loader, laundress);

Specialists - technologist, accountant, accountant-calculator;

Leaders - director, production manager,.

In general, in two years the number of employees increased by 3 people. The increase in the number of personnel occurred in almost all categories, except for management.

Specialists work on a standard schedule - 8 hours a week with two days off, the main workers and support staff work on a shift schedule, in teams, every other week for 11-12 hours a day. There is a break for rest in the middle of the working day.

The results of the analysis of labor productivity of cafe workers are presented in Appendix 7.

In 2006, the labor productivity of cafe workers increased by 69% compared to 2005, incl. due to the growth of the total number of personnel by 11%.

The change in labor productivity of employees of the enterprise was influenced by internal factors (completeness, certainty and objectivity of marketing research, improvement of trade organization, improvement technical equipment labor of workers, the use of forms of service convenient for the population, etc.).

The increase in labor efficiency is facilitated by: strict accounting of the time actually worked and the introduction of rational work and rest regimes for employees; obligatory presence at each workplace of schedules for going to work and a time sheet of actually worked hours; timely revision of tariff rates, categories of employees; the presence at the enterprise of approved job responsibilities for categories of employees, etc.

To date, the effectiveness of the current incentive system is a headache for most Russian enterprises. With the rapid development of the enterprise, with the growth of the number, it becomes more and more difficult to control and interest the staff in the results of work. Under these conditions, the stimulation system must act as an invisible controller when individual worker or a subdivision objectively, through the payment mechanism existing in the enterprise, are encouraged to act in the interests of the company as a whole.

The organization of labor incentives for cafe staff is regulated by internal local acts- Orders and Regulations.

The main document regulating the remuneration of staff is the “Regulations on the remuneration of cafe workers.

All employees of the enterprise, upon admission to work, get acquainted with the Internal Labor Regulations, which are kept by the director.

The internal labor regulations are intended to help strengthen labor discipline, rational use working time, increasing labor productivity and production efficiency.

Each employee has a job description, which indicates the duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee.

Main responsibilities of employees:

Comply with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations adopted in the organization in the prescribed manner;

Work conscientiously, observe labor discipline - the basis of order in production, timely and accurately execute the orders of the employer, use all working hours for productive work, refrain from actions that prevent other employees from fulfilling their job duties;

Fulfill the established labor standards, increase labor productivity, achieving overfulfillment of these norms;

Improve the quality of work, avoid omissions in the work;

Comply with labor protection and labor safety requirements, industrial sanitation, occupational health and fire protection, provided for by the relevant rules and instructions, work in the issued overalls, safety shoes, use necessary means personal protection;

Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that impede or impede the normal production of work (downtime, accident) and immediately report the incident to the employer;

Immediately inform the immediate supervisor or other representatives of the employer about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Company's property;

Ensure the safety of entrusted property, use machines and other equipment efficiently, take care of tools, measuring instruments, overalls and other items issued for use by employees, use raw materials, materials, energy, fuel and other material resources economically and rationally;

Do not disclose information constituting commercial and official secrets and confidential information about the activities of the cafe;

To behave correctly, with dignity, not allowing deviations from recognized norms business communication accepted in the Society.

The list of duties (works) that each employee performs in his position, specialty, profession, is determined by job descriptions.

Cafe employees are responsible for committing disciplinary offenses, that is, failure to perform or improper performance due to the fault of the employee of the labor duties assigned to him.

For the commission of a disciplinary offense, the employer applies the following disciplinary sanctions:



Dismissal for appropriate reasons.

Cafe "Poncho", as an organizational structure, is in its infancy, constantly expanding due to the expansion of the tasks set, and therefore, there are a number of problems related to personnel management, in particular, the labor incentive system.

The personnel incentive system, in its composition and forms, is outwardly quite convincing, but in terms of its quality it is not effective enough. This applies to both material and non-material (moral) incentives.

basis financial incentives is wage

The structure of the salary of employees of the cafe "Poncho" consists of the following parts:

Basic salary according to salaries and tariff rates;


Material aid.

Personal allowances and surcharges do not apply. One-time bonus is applied in individual cases.

The growth rate of wages per worker for 2005-2006. amounted to 21%. [Annex 7]

Non-material incentives - absent, with regard to wages, it is currently regulated by the main internal document - "Regulations on remuneration and bonuses for employees of the Poncho cafe", which applies to the bulk of the organization's staff.

Personnel management methods used by the cafe administration:

1) administrative methods;

2) economic methods;

3) socio-psychological methods.

Organizational and administrative management methods: regulation of employee relations through regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions; the use of power management mechanisms (issuing orders, orders, instructions) in managing the current activities of the organization.

Control over their execution of orders is entrusted to the administrator of the hall.

The incentive for the implementation of managerial actions is disciplinary responsibility.

One of the problems of preparing high quality meals is the impossibility of exercising control over the activities of each employee. An employee can cook one dish perfectly, and the second is unsatisfactory. The way out of this problem lies in the fact that the employee is internally motivated for high-quality cooking.

The basic rules for remuneration are enshrined in the Regulations on the remuneration of employees, approved by the order of the director.

The basis of the salary system are two elements: base salary and bonuses. The base salary is a monthly salary.

In order to increase motivation to work, ensure the material interest of employees in improving the qualitative and quantitative results of labor, the company applies a bonus system of labor. The decision to pay the bonus is made by the head. The bonus is accrued when the bonus conditions are met - the company receives a profit.

The Regulation on bonuses refers to personal allowances and surcharges, but for some reason the management of the enterprise does not use them.

Each worker takes labor process a well-known place that provides for communication with certain members of the team. Relations between employees with the same official position (employee - employee) are called horizontal, or informal; between employees with different official positions (boss - subordinate) - vertical, or official.

In every collective there are small groups with a certain focus, between which there is a struggle in the formation of public opinion. At the same time, it is important what place they occupy in the organization of work. The microclimate is formed as a result of the joint influence of production and personal factors, even in non-official matters, the voice of the employee holding a leadership position is often decisive.

As a result of a survey of 10 cafe workers, it turned out that a third of the respondents consider their team to be unanimous [Appendix 11].

A person considers the atmosphere favorable when he feels care and respect from the team, is satisfied with his age and national composition, and is confident in the help of colleagues and administration in difficult situations.

To what extent, according to the employees, the atmosphere prevailing in the team contributes to the performance of work, we will learn from Appendix 12.

Most of the cafe workers say the atmosphere in which they work is favorable. Employees feel the help and support of the team, how it takes care of their needs and interests. From the data presented in Appendix 13, we learn that the boss is always ready to help everyone in difficult times.

With the help of factor analysis, we determine the main factors of a favorable microclimate.

The factor of feeling "we" - includes the influence of the atmosphere of the team on work; respect and care, help and support of the team, an atmosphere of trust in it. It influences the formation of the microclimate more than others, but it manifests itself only in conditions of mutual trust, common understanding, and honesty. Distrust and suspicion contradict him.

The factor of administrative power is revealed through the rudeness of the authorities in dealing with subordinates, the help of the management and the team in difficult situations. It should be noted that if an employee falls out of favor with his superiors, as a rule, he receives less help not only from above, but also from his colleagues.

The third factor includes coming to work in a bad mood and the gender composition of the team. Since the tone sets the first feature, it can be called a factor bad mood. The reasons for its occurrence lie in the non-labor sphere. The significance of this factor reveals a significant dependence of the microclimate on the mood of each employee, and signs of bad mood are intensified in purely female or purely male teams.

Therefore, the correct organization of the work of the cafe "Poncho" depends on the competence of the management. The leader must know strengths each employee and use them in their work.

3.2 Analysis of methods of adaptation of newcomers to cafe "Poncho"

Adaptation in the cafe "Poncho" is the following process: the entry and consolidation of a person in an organization, the process of learning a specific type of behavior of an individual and has two components of this phenomenon:

Professional adaptation, which is the formation of a professional in a certain position, in a certain profession;

Social adaptation in this professional group, a certain professional stratum.

Adaptation itself is a social technology, that is, a strict sequence of certain actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

Adaptation as social technology has five constituent parts:

Professional adaptation, which is a process of consolidating labor Skills, forming a stable positive attitude towards this profession;

Psychophysiological adaptation, which is the process of "getting used" to the organization of the employee, to the living conditions of his work at a particular enterprise;

Organizational, which can be defined as a process of getting used to specific organizational procedures, to a way of organizing work in specific conditions;

Economic adaptation, which is the process of "getting used" to the conditions of remuneration, to the system of motivation and stimulation, at the enterprise;

Social adaptation, which is the process of entering the appropriate social environment, into a certain socio-psychological environment.

One of the important conditions for successful adaptation is the adaptability of workers in the Poncho cafe. Adaptability is usually understood as the presence of certain individual characteristics that allow a person to most quickly and adequately resolve problem situations, normalizing their interaction with the environment. Traditionally, adaptive qualities are interpreted in terms of personality traits or in terms of effective behavior and skills. It deals with personal dispositions, attitudes, character traits, as well as skills for interacting with the environment and behavioral strategies.

It is believed that adaptive qualities are relative: adaptations that are useful in some conditions become useless or even harmful in others. In the context of socio-psychological adaptation, relativity adaptive qualities manifests itself most clearly and can be determined by the characteristics of adaptive processes occurring under different conditions, as well as reflect the specifics of interaction with the social environment at different levels.

An important role for the education of an adaptive personality is played by such character traits as; high communication skills, emotional intelligence. These qualities allow you to quickly identify the features of the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise. Socio-psychological climate is the basis for the formation of corporate culture. The conducted studies have revealed some significant differences in the corporate culture of employees, specialists and workers. In addition, there are minor fluctuations in the corporate culture in various structural divisions. If the corporate culture of employees is formed by the first persons of the organization, then the organizational culture of blue-collar workers is determined by informal leaders.

The most adaptive workers with high level communication skills, emotional and social intelligence, working for a long time at the enterprise. These people determine the basic informal, unwritten rules of behavior in a given socio-psychological environment. The process of adaptation of other employees depends on their influence.

For the success of adaptation, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the socio-psychological climate, the corporate culture of a given social environment, and select personnel that can successfully fit into these conditions.

The created conditions for hiring employees at most of the enterprises studied make it possible to hire adaptive employees, who, in turn, form a positive socio-psychological climate and corporate culture.

Conducted studies on the adaptation of employees of the cafe "Poncho" revealed the following patterns:

The predominance of informal relations among workers;

Even in the absence of formalized procedures regulating the activities of mentors, there are necessarily informal mentors: foremen, members of the team, who are usually informal leaders;

Among the reasons that negatively affect the adaptation process are poor organization of work and low wages;

Lack of highly qualified middle managers;

The period of adaptation of employees is one month.

We conducted a survey of adaptation methods by which employees began to feel like members of the Poncho cafe team.

The study was conducted among 15 people who have different status in the organization, age, education.

For the study, a questionnaire was compiled. Questions of the questionnaire are presented in Annex 3.

The information collected with the help of questionnaires needs further special analysis with the help of quantitative and qualitative processing.

Survey results:

1. To the question "Do you like your work?" answered:

a) like it very much - 11.72%;

b) probably like it - 68.52%;

c) work is indifferent to me - 19.13%.

2. To the question "Would you like to move to another job?" answered:

a) yes - 31.48%;

b) no -39.5%;

c) I don't know - 30.86%.

3. To the question “When you came to this organization on the first day, what was the most difficult for you?” answered:

a) communication with a new team - 19.13%;

b) communication with the administrator of the cafe - 9.25%;

c) getting used to a new workplace - 69.13%.

4. To the question “In the first days of work, you were explained General requirements to work?" answered:

a) yes - 93.82%;

b) no - 6.17%.

5. To the question “Who helped you master new job responsibilities?” answered:

a) Cafe administrator - 19%;

b) team members - 75.3%;

c) no one helped - 7.4%.

6. To the question “How long did it take you to master new official duties? answered:

a) up to 1 month - 82.71%;

b) up to 3 months - 14.81%;

c) more than six months - 1.2%.

7. To the question "Was it difficult for you to get used to the new workplace?" answered:

a) yes - 18.51%;

b) no - 82.71%.

8. To the question “During the first months of work, what was the most important for you?” answered:

a) join the team - 41.97%;

b) work effectively - 41.35%;

c) hear the approval of the management - 8.64%;

d) their own version of the answer - the majority of respondents in this option indicated: "salary" - 6.17%.

9. To the question “If you had a problem during the first months of work, who did you contact?” answered:

a) to the cafe administrator - 35.18%;

b) to your superiors - 35.18%;

c) to an employee of the team - 14.81%;

d) to no one - 1.23%.

10. To the question "Did your opinion about the organization change after you started working in it?" answered:

a) yes, in better side - 10,49%;

b) yes, for the worse - 37.65%;

c) no, it has not changed - 50%.

11. To the question “How well do you think your work is organized?” answered:

a) in my opinion, our work is organized very well - 5.5%;

b) not bad in general, although there is room for improvement - 48.14%;

c) hard to say - 24.07%;

d) the work is unsatisfactorily organized, a lot of time is wasted - 20.98%.

12. To the question "What do you think, what is the reason for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise?" answered:

a) difficult psychological climate - 13.58%;

b) poor organization of labor - 10.49%;

c) salary - 72.83%;

d) own version - 3.08%.

Based on the study, we can conclude that the most successful methods of adaptation of employees in the enterprise are:

Personnel adaptation planning. In this case, the company has a system for the selection and placement of personnel. There is a staff training system;

Personnel adaptation control. The enterprise conducts conversations, consultations, questionnaires on socio-economic issues with employees;

Motivation of personnel adaptation. In this direction, emphasis should be placed from psychological methods to economic methods, since most employees leave the enterprise not satisfied with the wages;

Organization of personnel adaptation. In this direction, training is carried out with employees 2 times a week for 1 hour, a mentor is assigned to a young employee, newly arrived employees perform social duties.

To optimize the technology of adaptation of newly hired workers, the following activities can be proposed:

Improving the management culture of middle management;

The adaptation process should end with a certification interview, at which the results of the adaptation period would be summed up and planned


The problem of adaptation is familiar to many. An employment contract has been signed with the employee, and here we are faced with the following task: how to help a person “softly” adapt to new conditions, fit into an unfamiliar environment, master the specifics of the upcoming work as quickly as possible, join a new team for him.

As practice shows, most of all beginners need help and support for the first two weeks. The deepest imprint in the mind of the employee is left by the first days or even hours at the workplace in the organization. This perception affects all further work, the foundation of discipline is laid. In many ways, the adaptation procedure of a new employee contributes to the achievement of these deep processes. Successful solution of the problem of adaptation of workers as an integral part of the overall development system human resources possible, subject to the support of this work by the company's management. Just understanding the importance of adapting an employee to a new workplace is not enough. Success is possible only if this work is planned, directed and coordinated throughout the organization. However, despite a number of positive aspects that adaptation has, the majority of employers still do not see the need for it, remaining faithful to the “from ship to ball” principle.

Despite the fact that the adaptation procedure itself is monolithic, it is still preferable to single out two main directions in it, which largely determine the further actions of the employer. The main efforts for the adaptation of a new employee, the representative of the personnel service should concentrate on the psychological adaptation of the employee in the team and familiarizing him with the development of professional secrets.

AT thesis a practical study was conducted on the adaptation of the personnel of the Poncho cafe, as a result of which certain conclusions were drawn:

The adaptation of the employees of the Poncho cafe is aimed at the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the systematic study by the employee of professional knowledge and skills, understanding of the social and organizational and economic working conditions, familiarization with the corporate values ​​​​of the cafe.

Adaptation has its beginning and end. The beginning of the adaptation process is the moment when a person is interested in the possibility of working in a cafe. Completion of adaptation is the transition of a new employee to full-fledged employees of the organization.

The duration of the adaptation period coincides in time with the test period. During this period, new qualities of the employee are revealed, new employees come to the team, managers of different levels change.

An important element of adaptation is the introduction to the position. Its main task is to help the employee adapt to the new environment and achieve the required efficiency in the shortest possible time. This procedure is not training and does not provide the necessary skills or knowledge to perform the assigned work. Rather, it is an acquaintance with the norms adopted in the organization.

The induction procedure establishes general rules and prescribes a set of necessary actions. The first day of work of a new employee starts at 8.00. First of all, the newly hired employee in the director's office fills out the necessary documents, a little later all the employees gather at the cafe director, who in turn introduces the new employee to the team. Further, the newly hired employee receives from the administrator the tools and equipment necessary for him to work. And only after that he goes, accompanied by the head of production, to his workplace.

To optimize the technology of adaptation and increase the level of loyalty and manageability of employees of the Poncho cafe, the following recommendations are proposed:

During the entire adaptation process, it is necessary to monitor the progress of the employee, for which purpose, organize periodic meetings based on the results of the implementation of the induction program.

The adaptation process should be completed with a certification interview, at which the results of the adaptation period would be summed up and further measures to improve the employee's work efficiency would be planned.


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5. Bolshakov B.O. Psychotraining: Sociodynamics. Exercises. Games. St. Petersburg: Socio-Psychological Center, 2000.- 380 p.

6. Boulanger M. Development of personnel at the enterprise / / Personnel Service, 2000, No. 10. - 28 p.

7. Vesnin V.R. Practical Personnel Management: A Guide to personnel work. M.: Jurist, 2001. - 496 p.

8. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: person, strategy, organization, process: Textbook. - M.: Gardarika, 2004. - 416 p.

9. Volgin A.L., Mshirko V.I., Modin A.L. Personnel management in a market economy. - M .: Delo, 2004. - 178 p.

10. Voronika L. "Look who came ..." // Personnel management. - No. 1. 2000. - p.63

11. Galenko V.P. Personnel management and enterprise efficiency. St. Petersburg: SPbUEF, 2006 - 244 p.

12. Gerasimov B.N., Morozov V.V., Yakovleva N.G. Evaluation of professionalism in the process of developing the competence of a specialist: Method, manual. Samara: MUTs, 2002. - 107 p.

13. Gerasimov B.N., Morozov V.V. Intensive entrepreneurship learning technologies. M.: MGUP, 1999.- 148 p.

14. Gerasimov B.N., Morozov V.V., Safronoea G.Ya., Yakovleva N.G. Assessment of management personnel: model, indicators, organization. Method. allowance. Samara: UDC, 1999. - 106 p.

15. Gerasimov B.N., Chumak V.G. Yakovleva N.G. Personnel management of the organization: Proc. allowance.- Samara: SGAU, MIR, 2001.- 247 p.

16. Gorushkina S.N. Village culture. Features and development prospects. Regional practice. Issue. II.-M., 2003 -160s.

17. Gutgard R.D. Evolution of Approaches to the Problem of Enterprise Personnel Management // Personnel Management. 2002. - No. 5.

18. Derkach A.L., Sitnikov A.L. Formation and development professional excellence management personnel: socio-psychological training and applied technologies. - M.: Luch, 1999. - 88s.

19. Dessler G. Personnel management. M., 2001.- 210 p.

20. Dyatlov V.A., Kibanov A.L., Pikhalo V.T. Personnel management: Uch. settlement M.: PRIOR, 1998. - 512 p.

21. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: Proc. Nizhny Novgorod: NIMB, 1999. - 624 p.

22. Kachalov S.B. Organizational aspects of increasing the adaptation of personnel in the workplace: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... cand. economy Sciences. M.: GUU, 2001. - 34 p.

23. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management of the organization: Proc. M.: INFRA. 2002. - 304 p.

24. Krasovsky Yu.D. Organizational Behavior: Proc. allowance. -M.: UNITI, 2005. - 472 p.

25. Magura M.L., Kurbatova M.B. Evaluation of the work of personnel, preparation and certification. M.: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez". 2002.- 176s.

26. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Tutorial ed. P.V. Shemetova. – M.: INFRA – M; Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 2000.-312p.

27. Management: Textbook / Ed. F.M. Rusinov and M.L. Once. - M.: FBK - PRESS, 2004. - 504 p.

28. Management of the organization. - Tutorial. Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatin N.A., Akberdin R.Z. and others - M.: INFRA - M., 2005.- 432p.

29. Milner B.Z. Theory of organizations. - M.: INFRA-N., 2006. - 336 p.

30. Morgunov E. Personnel management: research, assessment, training. M .: Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2000. - 264 p.

31. Orekhov V.D. Peculiarities of corporate personnel training// Personnel management. 2002, No. 5. S. 31.

32. Pavlutsky A., Alekhina O. “Learning by action”: a new approach to corporate training and personnel development// Personnel management. 2001. No. 5. S. 27.

33. Psychology of personality / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, A.A. Bubble. M., 1999.-205s.

34. Pugachev V.P. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook. – M.: Aspect Press, 2004. – 279p.

35. Modern foreign social psychology / Ed. G.N. Andreeva, N.N. Bogomolova, L.A. Petrovskaya. M., 2006 -199s.

36. Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2000.- 416s.

37. Starobinsky E.E. How to manage personnel / Edition 6, revised. and additional - M .: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2002.-384p.

38. Management of organizations: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA - M., 2003. - 716s. (Series "Higher education").

39. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova.- M.: INFRA- M.-2004.- 638s.

40. Waterman R. In search of effective management. -M., 2004.

41. Uri U. Overcoming the “no”, or Negotiations with difficult people. - M., 2002.

42. Fisher R., Uri U. The path to agreement, or Negotiations without defeat. - M., 2004.

43. Fisher R., Brown S. The path to unity, or From negotiations to close relationships. - M., 2005.

44. Foster R. Production update: attackers win. - M., 2001.

45. Fromm E. Soul of man.- M., 2004.

46. ​​Furdui F.I. Stress and health. - M., 2003

47. Hesh G. Development and adoption of management decisions. - M., 2005.

48. Horney K. Neurosis and personal growth. - St. Petersburg, 2003.

49. Shibutani T. Social psychology. Per. from English. V. B. Olshansky. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2002.

50. Schmidt R. The art of communication. - M., 2003.


System of organizational sciences

Scientific disciplines Aspects studied
Organization theory Essence, types Goals, mission, environment Structures, communications Functioning mechanism Adaptation, design Dynamics of the organization
Control theory Subjects and objects of management Stimulation and motivation Decision making and implementation Training and quality of managers Leadership Line and functional management
Psychology Education, training. Motivation Personality, perception Satisfaction with work Evaluation of actions Attitude towards work Form of behavior
Sociology Group dynamics Norms, roles Status, power Conflicts Bureaucracy Organizational culture Socialization
Social Psychology Changing Behavior Changing Position Group Processes
Anthropology Comparative values ​​Comparative norms Comparative positions Ethnic characteristics
Economic Sciences Regulation Market relations Efficiency Economic strategy
Legal Sciences Legislative regulation Rules and regulations Responsibility, sanctions
Informatics Information flows Justification of decisions Information Technology Telecommunications


Internal environment of the organization


Purpose: to study the adaptation process, the socio-psychological climate in the Poncho cafe.

Subject: adaptation.

Hypothesis: the adaptation process helps to quickly get used to a new job, adaptive people are more loyal, manageable.

1. Do you like your work?

a) like it very much

b) probably like it;

c) I don't care about my job.

2. Would you like to move to another job?

c) I don't know.

3. When you came to this organization on the first day, what was the most difficult for you?

a) communication with the new team;

b) communication with the administrator of the cafe;

c) getting used to a new workplace.

4. In the first days of work, were you explained the general requirements for the job?

5. Who helped you learn new job responsibilities?

a) Cafe manager;

b) team members;

c) nobody helped.

6. How long did it take you to get used to new job responsibilities?

a) up to 1 month;

b) up to 3 months;

c) more than six months.

7. Was it difficult for you to get used to the new workplace?

8. In the first months of work, what was the most important for you?

a) join the team;

b) work effectively;

c) hear the approval of management;

d) your answer.

9. If you had a problem during the first months of work, who did you turn to?

a) to the administrator of the cafe;

b) to your superiors;

c) to the employees of the team;

d) to no one.

10. Your opinion about the organization changed after
how did you start working on it?

a) yes, for the better;

b) yes, for the worse;

c) No, it hasn't changed.

11. How well do you think your work is organized?

a) in my opinion, our work is organized very well;

b) generally not bad, although there is room for improvement;

c) hard to say

d) the work is unsatisfactorily organized, a lot of time is wasted;

e) In my opinion, the work is organized very badly.

12. In your opinion, what is the reason for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise?

a) difficult psychological climate;

b) poor organization of labor;

c) salary;

d) _______ your choice


Organizational structure of the cafe "Poncho"

The management structure of the cafe "Poncho"


General characteristics of the cafe "Poncho"

Index Characteristic
Signboard Plain
Hall decoration The use of decorative elements that create a unity of style
Microclimate Ventilation system providing acceptable temperature and humidity parameters
Furniture Standard, corresponding to the interior of the premises; hygienic tables
Crockery and cutlery Cutlery - faience and disposable plastic utensils
Table linen paper napkins
Menu In Russian, typewritten
Range Diverse range of dishes
Maintenance Methods waiter service
clothing Availability of sanitary clothing


Category of workers 2005 2006 Educational level
Age Floor Age Floor
Personnel 20-30 31-45 46-60 M AND 20-30 31-45 46-60 M AND
Essential Workers 9 - - 5 4 9 1 - 6 4 Specialized secondary
Auxiliary workers - 3 1 4 - - 5 1 4 2 Average
Employees 1 2 - 1 2 1 1 - 1 1 Specialized secondary
Specialists - 3 - 1 2 2 2 - 2 2 Secondary technical/professional
Leaders - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 Higher
Total 10 9 1 11 9 12 10 1 13 10


Analysis of the number, labor productivity of cafe workers

Indicators 2005 2006 Deviations
Absolute Relates
Retail turnover, thousand rubles 5152,994 9697, 26 +4544,266 + 88,2
Average headcount of all employees, persons, including: 20 23 +3 +17,6
- average headcount key workers, pers. 9 10 +1 +11,1
Share of key employees in total headcount, % 45 43 -2 - 4,44
Output of the 1st main employee, thousand rubles 573 970 +397 +69
Labor productivity of all employees, thousand rubles 258 422 +164 +64
Monthly payroll fund, thousand rubles 56000 78200 +22200 + 40
Average monthly salary of 1 employee, thousand rubles 2800 3400 +600 + 21


Salary applied in the cafe "Poncho"


Distribution of duties between employees of personnel management services


Evaluation of unanimity in matters of life and work of the team




Will your boss help you in a difficult situation?

    ADAPTATION IN THE TEAM………………………………………….2


2.1 Nature, concept and types of solutions…………………………………………9

2.2 The essence of management decisions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3.1 The essence of the organization of jobs, its elements and their characteristics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


4.1 Ethics of business communication………………………………………………………19

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................... ....22


There are two main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "adaptation". They are based on the duality of the nature of adaptation. Within the framework of the first approach, adaptation is considered as an internal dynamic process, as a certain property of the human organism. This view of adaptation was developed in line with biology, psychology and sociology. The main semantic load in this case is the term "adaptation". It is he who characterizes the process that occurs with a new employee when he comes to the organization. From this point of view, adaptation is the adaptation of an organism, an individual, a collective to changing environmental conditions or to its internal changes, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of their existence and functioning. Depending on what a beginner has to get used to or adapt to, there are several types of adaptation.

The second approach can be conditionally called procedural - the term "adaptation" is used to refer to a number of organizational and management activities, the purpose of which is to facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. Here we are talking about the planned efforts of the personnel department, which should help the newcomer to master the work, reduce the period of adaptation in the team. It is important to remember that purposeful adaptation of employees is an urgent need for modern organizations. By using adaptation tools and bringing new employees up to date, as well as taking into account the knowledge of the basic patterns of people's adaptation to new jobs, an organization can solve many management problems and significantly increase labor productivity.

S. G. Popov highlights the following advantages, which are created by the implementation of targeted adaptation measures:

1) reduction of initial costs when an employee enters the organization. This allows you to get up to speed faster and work efficiently;

2) reducing the tension of the employee when entering a new position;

3) reducing staff turnover by reducing the psychological barrier at the entrance to the organization;

4) saving the working time of the immediate supervisor, spent on explaining and training the newcomer (this is undertaken by the personnel service);

5) realism in expectations and job satisfaction (input conversation);

6) training (teaching) behavior in the organization (introduction to organizational culture).

The entry of an employee into a new position is inevitably accompanied by a process of adaptation. As already noted, adaptation means the adaptation of the individual to the workplace, work and work team and reflects the state that each of us experiences when entering a new, unknown environment.

From the point of view of personnel management in an organization, adaptation has a dual focus. On the one hand, a novice gets acquainted with the team, new duties and working conditions, tries to understand and accept them. On the other hand, the organization itself changes and adapts to the characteristics of the employee. In this regard, two adaptation processes are distinguished: staff adaptation and employee adaptation. “Personnel adaptation is the process of adapting the team to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the organization. The adaptation of the worker is the adaptation of the individual to the workplace and the work collective. Thus, when a new employee enters the organization, there are two processes of habituation taking place simultaneously. Therefore, the process of adaptation can be defined as the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization. And the possibility of long-term cooperation depends on how successful this device is.

Like any managerial phenomenon, adaptation has its own specific features, which formed the basis of its classifications. There are several types of adaptation. The allocation of primary and secondary adaptation is widespread. Usually, primary adaptation is understood as the adaptation of persons who do not have work experience, i.e., when a person is first involved in labor activity, and secondary adaptation is the adaptation of workers during a subsequent job change.

However, in the works of some authors it is said that the primary adaptation occurs in the case of a newly hired employee, when the candidate enters a specific organization for the first time, and the secondary adaptation occurs in the case of an employee moving to another position or to another unit.

It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. At the same time, one should not forget about the primary adaptation of young employees, as they represent a very interesting category of the workforce. This group of specialists can be extremely useful for the employer in the face of a shortage of workers in many professions, but at the same time it needs increased attention and care from the administration.

The following classification is based on the division into types of adaptation depending on the object to which the employee adapts.

In relation to the object, the types of adaptation can be divided into two main groups: production and non-production. In accordance with the name, non-productive adaptation refers to areas of an employee's life that are not directly related to his work. Currently, very few organizations pay attention to non-productive adaptation. This is explained by the fact that the creation of conditions for such adaptation requires significant financial costs. In addition, some managers believe that adaptation to conditions unrelated to work is a personal matter for the employee, and therefore the participation of the company is not necessary.

Non-manufacturing adaptation includes:

1) adaptation to new living conditions;

2) adaptation to non-production (informal) communication with colleagues;

3) adaptation during the rest period.

Production adaptation includes all aspects of adapting employees to work in a new organization, namely:

    professional adaptation;



    organizational and administrative;


    sanitary and hygienic.

Professional adaptation is the adaptation of the worker to the work performed. It consists in familiarizing and actively mastering the profession, its subtleties, specifics, acquiring professional skills sufficient for high-quality performance of duties, in the formation of some professionally necessary personality traits, in the development of a stable positive attitude of the employee to his profession.

Professional adaptation plays big role in the situation of entering the organization of a young specialist, since he has a basically theoretical idea of ​​​​how the work process takes place. Professional adaptation is assessed both by objective and subjective indicators. Objective indicators include: performance of job duties, performance standards, employee qualifications, availability of special knowledge and skills, while subjective indicators include the motives for choosing a procession, emotional assessment and plans for changing and maintaining the profession.

Psychophysiological adaptation is an adaptation to “work activity at the level of the worker’s organism as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state”2. It involves getting used to the working conditions and mode of work, establishing the usual level of ability to work. This type of adaptation depends on human health, its natural reactions and individual biorhythms, as well as on working conditions. Despite the apparent simplicity of this element of adaptation, it should be borne in mind that most accidents at work occur in the first days of an employee's work precisely because of her absence.

Socio-psychological adaptation is the adaptation of a newcomer to the team. It consists in mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of groups and individuals in the organization, entering the system of relations that has developed in it, positive interaction with other members and getting used to the new leadership style. This means the inclusion of an employee in the system of relationships in the organization, in its team as an equal, accepted by all members.

Organizational and administrative adaptation - adaptation to the existing structure of the enterprise, "features of the organizational mechanism of management, the place of its division and position in common system goals." Of particular importance is the employee's getting used to the new corporate culture, leadership style, learning the values ​​of the organization and sharing its goals.

Economic adaptation - getting used to a certain level of earnings and social security. It allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives.

Sanitary and hygienic adaptation - adaptation to the work schedule, working conditions, new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline.

In addition to these components, active adaptation is distinguished, “when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activities that he must master)”, and passive, “ when he does not strive for such an impact and change. The first type of adaptation is the most effective, since it entails a mutual change in both the state of the worker and the characteristics of his environment. In the event that the organizational environment carries negative elements, and adaptation occurs passively, its results will be regressive.

Another important aspect is the discussion of the issue of the success and effectiveness of adaptation. There are a number of conditions that must be met in order for adaptation measures to be successful and bring the desired positive effect.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of the following conditions:

Qualitative level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

Sophistication of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a certain specialty in this particular organization;

Features of the organization of labor, realizing the motivational attitudes of the employee;

Availability of a proven system for introducing innovations; -

Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

Personal properties of an adaptable employee related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

Even people with solid experience and rich experience accumulated over many years of work, when moving to a new job, experience a feeling of excitement, anxiety, and uncertainty. What can we say about newcomers who for the first time in their lives cross the threshold of an institution that should henceforth become their second home? Naturally, in addition to the question: “Do I have enough knowledge, can I cope?” Questions of a different kind also swarm: “How to behave? How and what to say? How to win over or, at least, not turn against yourself the authorities and your future colleagues?

The answers to these questions will vary from case to case. After all, it depends both on a specific team with its established traditions and a system of relationships, including informal ones, and on personal qualities the "rookie" himself. Nevertheless, there are a number of general rules that must be followed in order to successfully "fit" into the team, find and take your place in it.

This is what we will do now.

From the very beginning, you should outline a strategy for your behavior in a new place and follow it in the future, making some adjustments along the way. Let's leave aside purely professional qualities: knowledge, skills, and turn to aspects that are more of a social, psychological, ethical nature.

I. Getting to know the team

Since you have to work in a team with already established traditions and relationships, your task is to join it and take your place without disturbing the operation of this well-established mechanism.

In large companies, there are personnel managers who will help you get comfortable in a new place, providing you with basic information. In not so numerous teams, take a closer look at the employees and try to find such an assistant yourself. This could be a person doing a job similar to yours, or a person who came here shortly before you. You may be lucky enough to get close to one of your colleagues based on common interests or character traits. In addition, any team has its own informal leaders, it would be nice to establish contact with them. Finally, there are people with the makings of a "boss-mentor", who love to patronize the youth. Don't hesitate to ask for their help.

II. Show your best qualities and interest in work

Show your new colleagues that you are responsible for the work assigned to you, that you are a neat, disciplined person, that you can be relied upon. However, this should not be done in an emphatically demonstrative manner, but modestly and unobtrusively.

Come to work a little earlier than expected and do not rush off immediately after the end of the working day. Stay for a few minutes to, for example, clean up and prepare your workplace for the start of the next day.

Listen carefully to the advice and comments that are addressed to you, thank you for them and always take note, even if they seem like empty nit-picking to you.

While you are still not comfortable with your job, do not hesitate to ask and ask colleagues and your immediate supervisor. This will demonstrate your interest in the common cause.

You adapt to the collective, but the collective studies you. Therefore, one should not confuse a wary attitude with ill will. Treat critical comments as if they were help from more experienced colleagues.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that in some teams there is such an attitude towards newcomers when they are tried to be used as an “errand boy”, forcing them to perform outside work that is not part of their direct duties. Such attempts must be stopped at the very beginning, since it will be much more difficult to do this after. Firmly but politely, without conflict, reject such claims.

III. Two "leading" principles

At first, while the bosses and the team are still trying to “bite” you, try to stay modest and “keep your head down”. The last expression sounds rude, but this is exactly how your behavior should be. This was already pointed out by Goethe, whose authoritative opinion is in full agreement with the statement of modern psychologists.

Do not try to challenge anyone's opinion or actively interfere in current processes, do not try to destroy or change the relationships that have developed in the team long before you appeared in it. Do not criticize old workers and bosses, even if it is obvious that they are not right in everything.

Subsequently, when you get used to the team, win its trust and respect, you will be able to make constructive changes in the work of your institution, but at first limit yourself to conscientiously doing the work assigned to you and looking closely at the life of the team, at those obvious and "underwater" currents that can carry you to the surface, but can also drag you to the bottom.

The second important principle is to avoid extremes, keep a sense of proportion in everything. It’s bad to be known as a lazy person, but you shouldn’t emphasize your indefatigable zeal, so as not to be branded as an “upstart”. Even in the manner of dressing, try not to stand out too much from the environment, while maintaining, at the same time, some details that emphasize your individuality. To an even greater extent, this can be attributed to the manner of communication.

IV. Team communication rules

Perhaps this aspect presents the greatest difficulty for a beginner. But it is he, first of all, who determines what opinion will form about you, and how your colleagues will treat you in the future, whether this will contribute to the take-off of your career, or will lead to the impossibility of further stay in this team.

From the very beginning, look carefully at your colleagues and try to find an individual way to communicate with each of them.

Try to remember everyone by name. In some places, it is customary to address each other by name and patronymic, in others - only by name, in some official cases - by surname. Do not break these traditions.

Do not be familiar, even if the interlocutor, it would seem, gives you a reason to do so. Too little time spent by you within the walls of this institution does not yet give you the right to familiarity.

Do not shy away from all sorts of "informal" customs and activities. If your workplace has a custom of meeting a new employee, for example, over a cup of tea and cake, do not disappoint your future colleagues, give them this joy by arranging a small tea party after the first salary.

If there is no unity in the team, stick to a neutral position. Do not seek to take sides, taking an uncompromising position in relation to opponents: after all, you still do not know all the hidden reasons for such a split and you can easily and irreparably make a mistake.

During this period, it is preferable to listen more and speak less. If others are interested in your opinion, it is better to start modestly: "I think ..." - and then state your thoughts in a non-aggressive manner.

It is absolutely unacceptable to take part in gossip and gossip, which are sometimes conducted behind the back of the “convicted”.

Refrain from giving advice to old workers, even if you clearly see your professional superiority.

Until you get close friends, try not to bother your interlocutors with indiscreet questions about their personal lives, do not climb into their souls, but do not open up completely yourself either. After all, it is quite possible that your relationship will continue to flow in a different direction and you or your interlocutor will have to regret your revelations.

Refrain from idle questions, and if you need to know something, choose for this a moment when a person is not busy with his work and can give you a minute or two.

Finally, in order to win over those around you, always be friendly, affable, responsive. Smile more often. React to everything calmly, with a sense of humor. Show yourself ready to accept criticism and correct your own shortcomings. Do not lock yourself in or in a narrow circle of "chosen ones", be open to any contacts. All these seemingly self-evident tips will help you quickly “fit in” to a new team, become your own person in it, and possibly find new friends.

In conclusion, it is worth dwelling on one more question. Studies show that the adaptation period usually takes about three months. Do not stretch it out for a longer period. The indicated period should be enough to overcome all difficulties and establish yourself in the team as an equal member. If this did not happen, if you did not manage to become “your person”, then there are two possible ways out of this situation.

Try to analyze your behavior and, if you find any mistakes and blunders on your part, correct them. Although now it will be more difficult to do this, but still possible.

If, in principle, you do not agree with the state of affairs in the company, if you cannot realize your knowledge and strength, if the very atmosphere that prevails in this team is alien to you, then it is better to change your job.

The first step to making the work of an employee as productive as possible is labor and social adaptation in the team. If management is interested in the success of an employee in a new workplace, it must always remember that the organization is a social system, and each employee is an individual. When a new person enters an organization, they bring with them previously acquired experiences and perspectives that may or may not fit into the new framework.

Adaptation is the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual development of an employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions. More poetically, adaptation can be defined "as the process of learning the threads of power, the process of comprehending the doctrines adopted in the organization, the process of learning, realizing what is important in this organization or its divisions."

When a person goes to work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it at the same time. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of conduct that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, leader, member of a collective management body, public organization, etc. From a person occupying each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. Entering a job in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes certain requirements for the organization: for working conditions and his motivation.

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team.

There are two areas of adaptation:

Primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees with no experience professional activity(as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions of various levels);

Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees with professional experience (usually changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of manager).

It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. On the other hand, domestic personnel services it is necessary to turn to the experience of foreign firms, which traditionally pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young employees. This category of workers needs special care from the administration.

In theoretical and practical terms, there are several types of adaptation:

Psychophysiological - adaptation to new physical and psychological stress, physiological working conditions. In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work is mastered. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence (noise, light, vibration, etc.) .

Socio-psychological - adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a new team. In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relations between the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with his past social experience, with his value orientations. When an employee accepts group norms, the process of identifying the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with some formal or informal group.

Professional - gradual refinement of labor abilities (professional skills, additional knowledge, cooperation skills, etc.). Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

Organizational - mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace and division in the overall organizational structure, as well as understanding the features of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the company. In the process of organizational adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the company, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the general manufacturing process. One more important and specific side of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the preparedness of the employee for the perception and implementation of innovations (of a technical or organizational-economic nature).

Despite the difference between the aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, so the management process requires a unified system of impact tools that ensure the speed and success of adaptation.

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who quit their jobs during the first year made this decision already on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a newcomer to the organization faces a large number of difficulties, the bulk of which is generated precisely by the lack of information about the order of work, location, features of colleagues, etc. That is, a special procedure for introducing a new employee into an organization can help to remove a large number of problems that arise at the beginning of work.

Significance of the adaptation process:

1. Ways to include new employees in the life of the organization can significantly enhance the creative potential of existing employees and increase their involvement in the corporate culture of the organization.

2. For the manager, information about how the process of adaptation of new employees is organized in his unit can tell a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration.

3. Greater number of newly hired employees remaining to work in the organization reduces staff turnover, the organization's costs for hiring and training new employees and speaks of a positive social climate in the organization.

Organizations use a variety of means, both formal and informal, to introduce the individual into their society.

The duties of the leader include helping the newcomer get started:

1) the leader must introduce the newcomer to colleagues, explain to them and to him what his work is, and give the initial task. The manager needs to remember that a new employee is not just a spare screw that needs to be inserted into the machine. HE is a person who, by his mere presence, can shift the center of gravity of the entire group. He is influenced by the traditions of the group, but also influences them himself;

2) the task of the leader is to dispel the fears as much as possible that the new employee will outshine the old ones, that he will do the work differently. Namely: to give confidence to old employees, to support a newcomer;

3) if the newcomer does not feel important to the firm, the firm will not be particularly important to him. Remember that people will only be proud of their work if they are proud of their firm.

4) The new employee must receive the following information about the company:

Company history;

organizational structure;

Functions of various departments;

Management policy towards consumers and employees;

Products and services provided by the firm;

Requirements for employees;

Additional benefits for employees.

If one of the leaders of the company comes up with this information, then new employees will know that they are valued. The manager must inform his employee

what is expected of him:

What time should he come to work?

Where to park the car;

When does the working day end?

How long does lunch last?

When leave is granted;

Who should report your illness?

and its features:

promotions and transfers;

Stability of work, etc.

If the leader instructed the beginner well, then:

The new employee will feel like a member of the team from the very beginning;

He will feel that he makes a significant contribution to the activities of the department or firm;

He will have confidence in the manager and the firm;

He will not be afraid to ask questions and look ridiculous;

He will have a desire to work, and he will willingly go to work;

He will have an incentive to learn and advance in the service.

Conventionally, the adaptation process can be divided into four stages.

Stage 1. An assessment of the level of preparedness of a beginner is necessary to develop the most effective adaptation program. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience in similar departments of other companies, the period of his adaptation will be minimal. However, it should be remembered that even in these cases, the organization may have options that are unusual for him to solve problems already known to him. Since the organizational structure depends on a number of parameters, such as the technology of activity, external infrastructure and personnel, the beginner inevitably finds himself in some degree unfamiliar situation. Adaptation should involve both familiarity with the production characteristics of the organization, and inclusion in communication networks, familiarity with personnel, corporate communication features, rules of conduct, etc.

Stage 2. Orientation - practical acquaintance of a new employee with his duties and requirements that are imposed on him by the organization. Considerable attention, for example, in US companies, is given to the adaptation of a newcomer to the conditions of the organization. Both direct managers of newcomers and employees of personnel management services are involved in this work.

Usually the orientation program includes a series of small lectures, excursions, workshops (working at separate workplaces or with certain equipment).

Stage 3. Effective adaptation. This stage consists in the actual adaptation of the newcomer to his status and is largely conditioned by his inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give the beginner the opportunity to actively act in various areas, testing on himself and testing the acquired knowledge about the organization. It is important, within the framework of this stage, to provide maximum support to the new employee, to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of activities and the features of interaction with colleagues together with him.

Stage 4. Functioning. This stage completes the process of adaptation, it is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable work. As a rule, with the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage begins after 1-1.5 years of work. If the adaptation process is regulated, then the stage of effective functioning can begin in a few months. Such a reduction in the adaptation period can bring significant financial benefits, especially if the organization involves a large number of personnel.

So your job search has finally come to fruition. You successfully passed, got acquainted with the immediate supervisor, as well as the director of the company. An interesting, promising and satisfying work for all your needs awaits you.

However, such a significant event in the life of each of us is overshadowed by the realization that we will soon have to go through a very difficult and thorny path meeting a new team, which involves the emergence of various stressful situations, misunderstandings and conflicts.

The following question arises: what mandatory steps need to be taken in order to quickly adapt to a new team, as well as to prove oneself a responsible, purposeful and reliable person?

Having crossed the threshold of a new company, you are faced with the so-called aggressive environment of a foreign social system, which regularly tests your strength and emotional and psychological stamina.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of communication in a team. Thanks to this, you will reach mutual understanding and gain respect for you as a person with a fairly high level of development of communicative competence.

Concentrate on the root causes of your problems, analyze and study them. As for all kinds of provocations from your newly minted colleagues, you are advised to ignore and avoid them in every possible way.

Here are some practical tips to help you quickly adapt to a new company.

1. Set yourself up in a positive way and stay in a good mood. By adhering to this rule, you have a real chance to improve your current position in the new team. Do your best to prove yourself.

Under any circumstances, you must show others that you are ready to make contact with them. Not everyone succeeds in finding a common language with new people on the very first day of work, since newcomers are most often perceived biased, showing a certain suspicion and wariness towards them.

As practice shows, over time, relations between "newcomers" and "old-timers" are getting better. Therefore, do not jump to conclusions and do not make rash decisions. Look closely at the team, which, in turn, studies you.

2. Wait. React absolutely calmly to the behavior of colleagues, even if it seems defiant and disrespectful to you. Perhaps you just never encountered such a manner of communication, emotional atmosphere in the team and working environment conditions.

In the event that all your difficulties and problems are associated solely with unreasonable aggression on the part of employees, then there is no reason for concern - after some time they will disappear as a result of mutual addiction.

3. Try to find the real causes of your problems. Do not forget that a wait-and-see attitude does not imply the absence of a search for various options for solving existing problems.

Your main task is to understand what or who is the cause of the conflict. Perhaps the problem lies not only in the standard "check for lice" of a new employee, but also in your complexes or fears.

4. Take the time to analyze your individual psychological problems in detail. If you change jobs very often and constantly encounter emotional barriers in communicating with a new team, then you should definitely think about the likelihood that you are the source of communication contradictions. Your sudden will not be the most optimal solution to this problem. Take effective action to identify and correct your own shortcomings.

5. Try to find an informal leader. The frivolous behavior of a newcomer or his reckless statements and careless comments may seem impermissibly impertinent to the informal leader of the work team, as a result of which a conflict situation will arise.

Of course, it is rather difficult to establish contact with an informal leader, but if he is the source of problems and disagreements, then at least you will understand what needs to be done and in which direction to move.

6. Respect the established values ​​of the company. There is also a strong possibility that in thisyou will not be able to open up. And here the point is not that you have no experience or that you do not have the qualities and talents necessary for this work.

The decision is yours: try to change yourself or change the system. It is almost impossible to break the working atmosphere in the team that has been formed over the years. And is there a need for a “revolution” and a “revolt on the ship”? Is that what you were hired for?

7. Determine for yourself the time frame for adaptation in a new team. You must set a time frame for joining the team. Otherwise, you will constantly go in circles.

For most people, the optimal time frame for deciding whether to stay with or leave a company is three months. If during this time you realize that in this team you will not be able to perform your work efficiently and productively, then you can safely write a letter of resignation.

Do not waste your time, energy and energy where you will constantly be on the verge of a nervous breakdown and will not be able to fully open up, express yourself, and realize your potential.


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