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Modern conditions for the development and reform of economic and socio-cultural areas of life raise questions of the selection and employment of highly qualified personnel. The selection and hiring of personnel has become a difficult problem for many enterprises. The point is not at all a shortage of workers, but the selection of competent, motivated personnel, otherwise the company loses a lot of money on endless appointments and dismissals of unnecessary employees and this becomes the main problem. There are many private recruitment offices, recruitment agencies, the public service "Employment of the population" which are designed to solve this problem, but most often the approaches to recruitment are formal, little scientific and inappropriate modern requirements specific enterprise.

An analysis of recent studies and publications in the field of professional selection of personnel has shown that, within the framework of the managerial tradition, selection of personnel is understood as “a series of activities and actions carried out by an enterprise or organization to identify from the list of applicants a person or persons best suited for a vacant job Taranenko V. Personnel management, corporate monitoring, psychodiagnostics. Tests for personnel selection. - M.: Nika-Center, 2006. - p. 117..

In management practice, when selecting personnel, several types of criteria are used: qualification criteria, established regulatory documentation specific industry or organization; compliance with these criteria is judged by documents on the education and qualifications of the applicant; objective, stating the compliance of the real achievements of the assessed applicants with certain quantitative and qualitative indicators; compliance with them is judged by documents, for example, a labor route, as well as by the results and products of the applicant's activities; external, characterizing the presence of qualities that allow achieving high results in professional activities, such as conscientiousness, responsibility, the presence of which is determined in expert procedures; psychological criteria developed on the basis of the professiogram.

The procedures used in the selection serve these criteria. The last three of the above list are served by psychological diagnostic procedures.

Representatives of psychological science understand selection practically in the same way as it is fixed in the definition given earlier, however, other authors may talk about similar, but not identical phenomena.

The phrase "psychological selection" and the term "selection" can correspond to both professional selection and the selection of personnel when they are hired into the organization.

The main problem in the candidate selection procedure is the problem of relevance and predictability of the selected selection methods. Three conditions for a full-fledged professional selection are formulated. These include: knowledge of the real structure of work operations and practical requirements imposed by a specific type of activity; development of methodological methods of selection, which at least must meet the following requirements: theoretical validity, practical validity, statistical reliability and possibly more complete standardization of tests; the presence of a clear processing of the estimates made that does not allow uncertainty Muzychenko V.V. Master class in personnel management. - M.: GrossMedia: ROSBUKH, 2009. - p. 279..

As a rule, today the selection of personnel in the organization is carried out by employees of the personnel department. The personnel service of the company today has a number of fundamental problems, the actions of which often do not correspond to the realities of the market economy system Maklakov A.G. Professional psychological selection of personnel. Theory and practice. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - p. 149..

First of all, it causes surprise and enthusiasm of many personnel services staffing issues, personnel office work, and part of it to the detriment of their main professional duties.

Unfortunately, HR departments cannot seriously carry out consulting and explanatory work for managers, line departments, which, in my deep conviction, is their main function in working with personnel. The problem is not only in the poor practical readiness of many personnel workers, but also in the forms of interaction with line departments, and, perhaps most importantly, in the ability and readiness of the heads of such departments to demand the services of personnel services, understand their need, see real benefits and market value.

Unfortunately, many personnel workers, listening to numerous complaints and requests from employees every day, break away from reality and do not understand their corporate tasks.

The psychology of the personnel service, or rather its shortcomings, can be attributed to the inability of this service to seriously work for ultimate goals, and for the achievement (or non-achievement) of them bear full responsibility. Enthusiasm for private, petty problems is the problem of the personnel service. It is impossible to solve the problem of a new admission to the company, not to determine the main reasons for the departures of former employees. And here there are solutions, first of all, in the fact that each employee of the personnel service would have such real annual goals in his direction. It is necessary to add the idea of ​​analyzing regular personnel information, a system of personal responsibility for deadlines and results, high professionalism of personnel employees - we will end up with a good personnel corporate culture, a normal solution to issues of working with personnel, and here it is extremely important to see not a narrow departmental solution of our professional tasks, but impact of work on final indicators economic activity firms Taranenko V. Personnel management, corporate monitoring, psychodiagnostics. Tests for personnel selection. - M.: Nika-Center, 2006. - p. 128..

Very often, the problem of personnel selection is dealt with by a person who is professionally unprepared, who does not have a psychological education, who is not able to competently conduct psychological testing. HR employees often lack qualifications in the development and conduct of role-playing games in the selection of personnel. While modern conditions dictate the need for a multi-stage selection of personnel using various methods of testing professional suitability, including: compatibility with existing staff, compatibility with the enterprise environment and corporate rules, the coincidence of personal interests with the company's goals, - admission of motivated personnel.

These stages of selection allow you to weed out professionally unsuitable personnel. But they are quite laborious and require material and time costs. The new concept of selection is to use a number of measures for the selection of personnel, and it is multi-stage, which allows to increase the level of relevance, reliability and validity of the selection results Muzychenko V.V. Master class in personnel management. - M.: GrossMedia: ROSBUKH, 2009. - p. 284..

With such a phased selection, you can stop or continue working with a candidate at any stage of the selection. Subsequently, this pays for the costs of selection, as it reduces the costs of finding, hiring and dismissing unsuitable employees. Another of the leading concepts is the involvement in the selection of personnel of the employees of the unit or department in which people are supposed to be recruited. This approach allows you to interest the already working staff in the selection of an employee, we know that no one is indifferent to what kind of person you will work with.

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  6. Emergency transfers, as a rule, are carried out in a limited time interval and require clarity, independence and responsibility from the personnel in their implementation.
  7. Adaptation of personnel, its directions. adaptation management technology.

One of the main tasks of personnel management is the selection of new employees. The solution of this problem not only means an increase in the number of employees, but also helps to achieve the goal that the organization sets for itself in given time: strengthening its position or transition to another field of activity, bankruptcy or development.

There are two approaches to recruitment.

The first approach is focused on the vacancy. In this case, the candidate is selected according to the requirements of the vacancy, which is carefully positioned and described. The job description is based on a detailed analysis of information about the company, job responsibilities at the new workplace, the degree of responsibility, etc.; the candidate in this case should correspond to it as much as possible.

The second approach is candidate orientation. A promising candidate, whose data does not fully match the requirements of the vacancy, is hired, and the job responsibilities are changed or adjusted, in accordance with the professional skills and interests of the new employee.

More often than not, both approaches are more or less successful.

Firstly should be based on the level of personnel sought. Specialists are mainly evaluated based on the requirements of the vacancy, and top managers - on the candidate.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the type corporate culture organizations. When selecting personnel for the bureaucratic and organic types, it is better to proceed from the requirements of the vacancy. For an entrepreneurial and participatory organizational culture, it will be more successful to select new employees taking into account their individual features.

Thirdly much depends on the stage of development of the organization. For example, at the stage of intensive growth, when a company needs creative, active and initiative employees, they mainly choose the second approach and focus on candidates. At the stage of stable functioning, when business processes are debugged and job descriptions are written, they are more often guided by a vacancy. It is most often possible to change the crisis situation at the enterprise for the better by selecting personnel for extraordinary qualities that exceed the average level.

No matter how the company finds employees, the choice must be made efficiently and effectively. Insufficient attention to detail, lack of necessary information, skipping any of the stages of work - all this leads to a decrease in the quality of personnel.

So, for successful recruitment, it is necessary to make a clear analysis of the state of the organization. If the information is insufficient, you should use the company's website and references to it on the Internet, as well as publications in the media, catalogs and promotional materials, information about participation in discussions, conferences and exhibitions.

Much attention should be paid to the goals and objectives of the organization. These data, coupled with organizational culture and personnel policy predetermine not only the approach to recruitment, but also the psychological type of the most promising employees for a given organization, their motivation and priorities.

To increase the effectiveness of the analysis of the personnel picture of the organization, it is convenient to use the application form. It will not only allow you to present the whole picture, assess the sufficiency of information, structure it, but also help describe the requirements of the vacancy and the criteria for evaluating candidates. This version of the application form seems to be optimal if you work with it correctly.

Not all questions are capable of prompting the employer to answer them directly, without bluntness. The most productive option is when the recruiting manager fills in the columns himself, not always addressing the manager directly. Signatures under the questionnaire must be put by all parties participating in its completion. If there are several people on the part of the employer, and the information in the questionnaire is confidential, then a visa is required for the one whose decision on this vacancy will be a priority. Despite the confidentiality, it is necessary to place such information, since further on its basis the criteria for evaluating candidates will be formed and, finally, a decision on hiring will be made.

The contractor's signature confirms his understanding of the listed requirements and records his participation in the selection process.

Based on the requirements of the vacancy, it is necessary to develop criteria for evaluating a candidate or criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment.

Some of these actions at first glance seem optional and resource-intensive, but when experience with such forms is accumulated, work moves faster, and in the event of an emergency situation (and such situations are frequent in recruitment), detailed documents help solve many problems.

So, the enterprise decided on its requirements for candidates and real persons appeared - applicants for positions. What is the first thing a manager should pay attention to? For a preliminary correspondence acquaintance, the resume of the applicant will be useful, employment history, his diplomas and certificates of course completion, samples of work, business plans, projects, portfolio. A classic autobiography is very informative, but, unfortunately, inconvenient in processing, in extreme cases - a questionnaire filled out by the candidate with his own hand.

For an experienced recruiting manager, it is enough to look at such a questionnaire or a self-written resume to get a first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person. It is this analysis that will allow the manager to better prepare for the interview, and therefore increase its effectiveness.

What are the main formal features worthy of attention? Firstly, the correspondence of the candidate's activity profile to the education received. Recently, it is not customary to pay attention to this, but in vain. It is very important to understand at what point a person began to work outside his specialty, and what it was connected with. Perhaps these are moments of crisis in the family (the birth of a child) or in the country (1998 or, say, 1991). Or at the end of the university, the candidate did not work a day in his specialty. Why?

No less important food for thought is the additional education of the candidate. It is courses and seminars that demonstrate cognitive interests that are relevant in different periods of time. By the way, in some publications containing recommendations for creating a resume, it is advised not to include information about additional education if it does not correspond to the profile of activity. Such advice harms candidates and often makes the job of the hiring manager much more difficult. Vacancies are so diverse, the requirements for them are so heterogeneous that they cannot be rigidly systematized and classified according to one criterion. On the contrary, seemingly diverse, at first glance, and even opposite knowledge and skills often emphasize the versatility of the candidate and increase his competitiveness.

After the resume, the HR manager receives the candidate's work book, in which it is necessary to check the correspondence of the entries real experience work, as well as pay attention to the number of transfers to other positions, records of promotions, etc. It is not customary to reflect all the ups and downs of a career in one organization on a resume - usually only the last position is written. If there are any inconsistencies, they must be analyzed. So, a candidate's professional biography can testify not only to his knowledge and skills, but also to psychological characteristics: character traits, interests and problems.

For example, if u young man the work book is in the research institute, and he himself, changing jobs every six months, becomes either a sales manager, or a purchasing manager, or a freight forwarder, and at interviews he assures that he has a good client base that he can use in his work - it’s worth to think.

Information that is not documented should be checked especially carefully, and it may not be worth investing resources in training such an employee, much less taking him on long-term projects.

The analysis of recommendations is of great help. Their nature and the nature of the relationship of the recommender with the candidate can perfectly reflect his advantages or disadvantages. The most objective are the recommendations that reflect the subject-functional, and not the personal side of the applicant's professionalism. It is better to learn the latter from oral recommendations, while facts deserve attention in written ones. Phrases are more credible: “developed a new technology, patent No. ...”, “introduced new method, which allowed ... "," trained two employees, after which their sales increased by ... ". The words “creative”, “initiative”, “promising”, “active”, “sociable” do not carry a special semantic load and do not require the responsibility of the recommender for such characteristics.

Analysis of the candidate's performance: business plans, project descriptions, articles, developments, etc. provide the widest and most objective information about him. First, it is a concrete result of his professional activity. Secondly, the materials chosen for the presentation perfectly demonstrate the interests of their presenter and the degree of his competence. Thirdly, according to the form of presentation of the material, its structure, one can judge about some psychological characteristics, intellectual preferences, etc. By the way, the method of storing and systematizing these materials will provide information to an attentive observer.

Professional and psychological testing is carried out in one form or another by most HR managers. Such an assessment can be carried out both within the framework of the interview and with the help of additional methods. Depending on the requirements of the vacancy, the desire of the management and the capabilities of the organization, testing can be carried out using formalized methods (tests in the classical sense), game exercises, case studies, practical tasks, psychological non-formalized methods (projective) and their combinations - such as assessment or certification training.

The most objective assessment is obtained from a combination of formal and informal analysis, its comparison with the impression that the interview made and the real state of affairs.

So, recruitment is based on formal and informal compliance with the requirements of the vacancy and the candidate's data. Integrated technology reduces the risk of a new employee not passing the probationary period, the stress associated with changing jobs, helps to strengthen the team spirit, culture and ideology of the organization's development.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"



Completed: 2nd year student

Correspondence department

Y. Kornilova

Scientific adviser:

I.I. Ivanov


Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Modern technologies for selecting employees as the main directions of personnel management 5

1.1 Essence and principles of personnel selection 5

1.2 Methods for determining staff selection criteria 7

1.3 Basic selection technologies 9

1.4 Reliability and validity of staff selection methods 15

1.5 Sources of recruitment 17

1.6 Modern problems of personnel selection 23

Chapter 2. Legal regulation of personnel selection procedures 27

2.1 Legal aspects of the use of personnel tools in the selection process 27

2.2 Legal regulation of the activities of non-state employment agencies 36

Conclusion 42

References 45

Applications 47


In the Russian Federation, for many years, when appointing to a position, the determining factor was not professionalism and competence, but ideological motives. At the same time, the slogan “Personnel decides everything” has not lost its relevance, and at the present stage, the recruitment and selection of personnel is a priority task. Many reliable and efficient recruitment and selection systems have now been developed.

The system of recruitment and selection of personnel should ideally match the model of the organization, for which it is necessary to form an adapted to it, effectively operating corps of specialists. Serious work is needed to draw up evidence-based professionally qualified requirements for positions.

The relevance of this work is due to the fact that in a market economy, the quality of personnel has become the main factor determining the survival and economic position of Russian organizations. Careful selection guarantees the quality of human resources, which largely determines the possibility and effectiveness of further use. The work of any organization is inevitably connected with the need for staffing. At the same time, one of the central tasks is the selection of personnel. The selection of new employees is not only intended to ensure the mode of normal functioning, but also lays the foundation for the future success of the organization.

aim term paper is a detailed study of the legal aspects of technology, principles and methods of professional recruitment and selection of organization personnel.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formulated:

    study the sources and methods of recruitment;

    analyze the features of the professional selection of the organization's personnel;

    consider the main stages of building a personnel selection system;

    determine the reliability and validity of personnel selection methods;

    explore legal regulation staff selection procedures.

The object of study of the course work is the technology of recruitment and selection of personnel.

The subject of the course work is the legal and regulatory aspects of the organization's personnel selection procedures.

In order to build an effective personnel search and selection system, first of all, it is important to understand its place in the overall human resource management system of the organization. The selection of personnel is not an isolated function of independent value; it must be linked to all other functions of personnel management so as not to become a function that is carried out for its own sake to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel.

Effective selection starts with an accurate job description, i.e. with an analysis of the work of a particular position. Next, a job description is drawn up, on the basis of which the requirements for candidates are formulated. One of the important stages is the advertising of the work, i.e. recruiting a candidate. The interview still retains its popularity as one of the most important elements of the recruitment process. During the interview, you can get to know the candidate better, i.e. learn his personal qualities, manners of behavior. Based on the information collected, a decision is already being made on the choice of a potential employee, but even the full presence of selection elements does not provide accurate information about the hired person.

In view of its relevance, the topic of personnel selection is increasingly appearing in the headlines of various periodicals and educational publications, as well as on the Internet, despite the fact that this topic has been studied quite deeply, new developments and additions to the personnel selection methodology appear.

The work consists of an introduction, two theoretical chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Chapter 1. Modern technologies for selecting employees as the main directions of personnel management

1.1 Essence and principles of personnel selection

Personnel selection is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and choosing the most suitable one from a set of applicants, taking into account the correspondence of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself. The selection of personnel must be distinguished from the selection of personnel 1 .

In the selection process, people are searched for certain positions, taking into account the established requirements of a social institution, types of activities.

When selecting, the search is carried out, the identification of the requirements of various positions, types of activity for the known capabilities of a person, his accumulated professional experience, length of service and abilities.

Personnel departments analyze the effectiveness of the selection using an estimated coefficient, the so-called selection coefficient, which is determined as follows:

For different professions, the value of the selection coefficient is different: vocational workers - 1/1, skilled workers - 1/1, unskilled workers - almost 1/2. If the selection ratio is close to 1/1, then the selection process is short and simple. At its value of 1/2, selection becomes difficult, but, on the other hand, the lower it is, the more selective the organization can behave. A lower coefficient means that the organization will hire workers that meet its criteria.

The basic principle of selection and placement of personnel: "The right person, at the right time, in the right place." Selection of employees who are responsible for their professional, business and personal qualities requirements of the organization requires an integrated approach. For the effective inclusion of the personnel selection system in the organization management process, a number of conditions must be met:

    search and selection of personnel should not be seen as simply finding the right person for a particular job; search and selection should be linked to the philosophy and practice of management and the content of programs implemented in the field of personnel management.

    it is necessary to take into account not only the level of professional competence of the candidates, but also - just as importantly - how new employees will fit into the cultural and social structure organizations. An organization has more to lose than gain if it hires someone who is technically savvy but who is unable to establish good relationships with co-workers, customers, or suppliers, or who subverts established norms and practices.

    the need to take into account all the requirements of labor legislation and ensure a fair approach to all candidates and applicants for a position 2 .

    focus on the strengths, not on the weaknesses of a person and the search for not ideal candidates who do not exist in nature, but the most suitable for this position. The selection is terminated if several people do not meet the requirements, since, most likely, these requirements are overstated and need to be reviewed;

    refusal to hire new employees, regardless of qualifications and personal qualities, if there is no need for them;

    ensuring that the individual qualities of the applicant meet the requirements of the content of the work (education, length of service, experience, and in some cases gender, age, health, psychological state);

    focus on the most qualified personnel, but not more highly qualified than required workplace 3 .

According to the degree of suitability, candidates can be divided into three groups: unsuitable, conditionally suitable and relatively suitable for further activity (relatively - because all the necessary qualities cannot be accurately determined).

The degree of variety of key qualities can be assessed as follows: absolutely negative, improving and positive. With a negative assessment of at least one of the qualities of a candidate for work, it is better not to accept.

1.2 Methods for determining staff selection criteria

When establishing selection criteria, the requirements shown in Figure 1 must be met.

Figure 1 - Requirements for establishing staff selection criteria

Necessity and sufficiency of criteria. You should not overload the process of searching for candidates, unnecessarily reducing the number of possible candidates, unreasonably increasing the number of criteria used in the selection process.

Completeness of criteria. The requirement for the completeness of the criteria used in the selection means that they must take into account all the key characteristics that are important for successful work in this position. Incomplete selection criteria may result in the selection of candidates who do not satisfy the organization in certain important performance areas.

Criteria reliability. Selection based on established criteria should ensure the accuracy and consistency of the results. The results obtained during the selection should not be random.

The validity of the selection criteria means that the selection criteria must be consistent with the content of the job and the requirements for the position being selected. The low validity of the selection criteria can be a source of error.

Typically, the requirements for the candidate from the organization are associated with the following characteristics (criteria):

    gender and age of the candidate. For example, women aged 22-30 are most often invited to the position of secretary, and men aged 28 to 42 are most often invited to senior management positions (financial, commercial director, project manager, etc.);

    other demographic characteristics (place of residence, marital status, presence of children);


    special skills (knowledge of a foreign language, knowledge of certain computer programs, etc.);

    experience (work experience in a certain position, in a certain business area);

    medical contraindications (general health, absence of mental disorders);

    psychological characteristics (conflict, intelligence level, leadership qualities and much more);

    business and moral qualities (responsibility, initiative, perseverance, honesty, etc.).

There are several main methods for determining selection criteria:

    conducting a survey of all applicants for work in this specialty (without preliminary selection) using a battery of medical and psychological methods. After a few months, based on a comparative analysis of the performance of new employees, indicators are established that distinguish between successful and unsuccessful employees. These indicators are taken as the basis for establishing criteria that can predict professional success. Subsequently, these criteria are used in the selection process for the respective positions.

    selection among employees of the organization working in this specialty, groups of successful and unsuccessful groups (for example, those who fulfill the established production standard and cannot cope with it). Medical and psychological examination allows you to establish indicators for which there are significant differences between the compared groups. These indicators then act as selection criteria.

    The most important indicators necessary for successful work in this position are identified on the basis of an analysis of job descriptions and requirements for the position.

    peer review, when criteria are proposed based on the experience or intuition of a specialist (group of specialists) who are familiar with both selection methods, and with the requirements for the position, for work. This method is the most commonly used today. At the same time, the selection criteria are established by the leader (top management) 4 .

1.3 Basic recruitment technologies

Recruitment is a two-way process. Not only does the employer choose the employee, but the employee also chooses the employer. The process of hiring employees is the process of reconciling the interests of the employer and employee.

In the past, the selection of personnel in the West (and at some enterprises in Russia today) was considered a fairly simple matter. The chief personally talked with those who wished and made a decision, guided by his intuition or the recommendation of higher authorities. However, since the 60s of the twentieth century, various forms and methods of this procedure have been created, its effectiveness has increased and it has been freed from subjective assessments. These methods can be compared with a step system. At each of these stages, some of the applicants are eliminated, while others refuse themselves. Of course, many organizations implement this procedure in varying degrees, excluding or adding some methods, since this is a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking.

The personnel selection technology consists of the stages shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Technology of personnel selection

Let's consider in more detail each of the stages.

1. Pre-interview

The interview is conducted by an HR specialist or head of the HR department. In this case, only the most general data about the candidate are clarified (for example, education, appearance defining personal qualities). After that, successful applicants go through the following stages of selection. The conversation can also take place by phone if the candidate's arrival is difficult (for example, he lives in another city).

The most important points that are usually paid attention to during the preliminary screening interview are: address, main field of study in an educational institution, graduated from educational institutions, purpose of employment, time spent at previous jobs, desired salary, career goal, health restrictions, general health status, university grades, military service, membership in organizations, the earliest possible date of entry to work.

2. Filling out the questionnaire

Applicants who have passed the preliminary interview must fill out an application form or questionnaire. The same sequence is used by recruiters. The number of questionnaire items should be minimal, and they should request information that most affects the applicant's productivity and general information about the applicant (name, date and place of birth, address, contact phone number, marital status, education, work experience, etc.). Questions may be related to past work and mindset so that a psychometric assessment of the applicant can be made on their basis. To use the questionnaire as a selection method, the HR specialist must compare each item of the questionnaire with the established criteria for effective selection.

3. Testing

One of the methods used to facilitate the selection decision is employment tests. A test is a tool that measures some indicator of a person. Testing as an aid in selecting the best candidate for a job is becoming increasingly popular. This interest is quite understandable, if we take into account that the importance of the right choice is constantly increasing and mistakes are becoming more and more expensive.

As a rule, during testing, the performance of tasks and answers to questions are carried out by the candidate in writing, after which the results are evaluated and interpreted. Recently, the use of automated tests, mainly offered to candidates on a computer screen, has become increasingly popular. At the end, the computer processes the received information, produces all necessary calculations and extract the result.

Of the extensive arsenal of tests, no more than two dozen are actively used. Now all test methods can be conditionally divided into two large groups: tests that have passed the test of time and are still used, and tests that are rarely used. The first category includes tests for a comprehensive assessment of psychodiagnostic traits; assessment of individual personality traits, mental states and functions; socio-psychological assessment of the team. As a rule, these psychological tests are adapted and standardized for use in Russia.

The second category of tests that have not passed the test of time and therefore are rarely used are projective methods (for example, drawing tests). According to psychologists, they are subjective, it is not the test result itself that matters, but how a person passes it, how he argues. It is also important who is involved in the interpretation of the results of projective tests. Corrective tests are also rarely used to determine the attention, concentration and switching of accountants and cashiers. Instead of these methods, professional tests are used for financiers, accountants, lawyers, economists, programmers, etc.

Separately, there are ability tests - methods that diagnose the level of development of general and special abilities that determine the success of training, professional activity and creativity. Such tests are not used in business due to their complexity and the lack of highly qualified professional psychologists who are able to work with such methods. These tests are used (quite successfully) in various kinds of special services of the leading states of the world. Some companies use their specially designed tests when working with personnel 5 .

Advantages of testing: objectivity, efficiency, focus. Disadvantages: testing requires a certain preparation of the applicant; data obtained during testing can only be used for the moment.

4. Diagnostic interview (interview)

The interview is the central element and the most widely used selection method. Interviews are usually allowed 20-30% of the total number of candidates remaining after the previous stages of selection. It allows you to evaluate a wide range of qualities necessary for work on the proposed vacancy: cultural level, value orientations and motivation of the candidate, his business qualities, etc. Many organizations use qualified psychologists or other personnel specialists who have undergone special training as interviewers. This is especially important in connection with the fact that in recent years a lot of manuals have been published for people job seekers, on how to best handle an interview and make a good impression when applying for a job.

The structure and content of the interview depend both on the type of interview and on the tasks to be solved during it. The interview can take place in one or more stages.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the selection, the following types of interviews can be used (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Types of interviews

To obtain reliable and most complete information about the candidate, the interviewer must master the technique of collecting information. This includes, among other things, the ability to ask the right questions.

The ability to use various types of questions, the desire to avoid mistakes when listening to answers to these questions, the correct attitudes of the interviewer in the process of listening to the interlocutor and the use of active listening techniques make it possible to obtain the most complete and reliable information from the candidate during the interview 6 .

In cases where the applicant receives feedback in person for transmission to the place of request, the objectivity of the assessment cannot be guaranteed, since many people do not want to write their true opinion about the person who can read it.

Therefore, recently special requests have been practiced more often, in which the former employer is asked to evaluate the candidate according to a certain list of qualities. Even more common are phone calls to the previous boss to exchange views and find out any questions of interest. In such a check, the chronological order of jobs is analyzed, attention is paid to gaps and changes in jobs. This also takes into account the frequency of layoffs and the extent to which a job change led to an ascent or descent up the career ladder. It is also taken into account that the change of profession serves to increase the practical experience of this candidate.

6. Medical examination

Some organizations require that applicants most suitable for them complete medical questionnaires or medical checkup. The reasons for this requirement are as follows:

    the need to know the physical condition of the applicant at the time of recruitment in case of filing possible compensation claims due to ill health;

    the need to prevent the reception of carriers of infectious diseases;

    the need to determine whether a person can physically perform the proposed work.

One form of medical examination is genetic selection, which involves the use various analyzes in order to identify in the candidate special features that predispose (or vice versa) him to work with various chemicals. For example, an applicant with hypersensitivity to toxins used in production is immediately weeded out in the selection process. In recent years, a complex of issues related to testing for drug use has been widely discussed in the West. These are problems of both an ethical and legal order, as well as a biomedical one, since 100% reliable tests do not yet exist, and in a third of cases their results turn out to be erroneous.

7. Decision on hiring a candidate

The decision to hire a candidate for a job is the most important moment, the culmination of the selection process. It should be as objective as possible, and all necessary steps should be taken to eliminate the possibility of error. A well-established scheme for analyzing the results obtained at all stages of the selection, and clear principles underlying the final decision, help to make the right decision.

1.4 Reliability and validity of staff selection methods

One way to find out if an applicant will meet all the requirements and to select the most suitable from a group of candidates is to test applicants in conditions that are as close as possible to working conditions. In order for these selection methods to be effective, they must be sufficiently reliable and reliable. If an applicant scores 70 on the employment test on Monday, 40 on the employment test on Thursday, and 95 on Friday, it is impossible to determine which score most accurately reflects that applicant's ability: the test cannot be considered reliable. The reliability of the selection method characterizes its non-susceptibility to systematic errors in measurements, that is, its consistency under various conditions.

If the employee interviewing the applicant gives different estimates of his abilities and abilities on different days, these estimates cannot be considered reliable. In practice, reliability in making judgments is achieved by comparing the results of two (or more) similar tests conducted on different days. Another way to increase reliability is to compare the results of several alternative selection methods (eg test and interview). If the results are similar or the same, the result can be considered correct.

In addition to the reliability of estimates, the validity of the adopted selection criteria must be taken into account. Validity here refers to the degree of accuracy with which a given result, method, or criterion "predicts" the future performance of the person being tested. Validity of methods refers to the conclusions drawn from a procedure, not to the procedure itself. That is, the selection method may itself be reliable, but not correspond to a specific task: to measure not what is required in this case.

Exist different types the validity of the selection methods with which the manager should be familiar: validity, in essence, according to the nature of the particular job and according to specific criteria. Validity is the degree to which a test, interview, or performance appraisal measures skills, experience, and ability to perform a given job. Compliance of the selection method with some specific requirements or conditions determines the degree of accuracy with which the selection method reveals the specific abilities of the applicant, corresponding to certain important elements of the style of work. The quality of the work performed during testing is assessed in accordance with the requirements for this follow-up work.

Figure 4 - Validity of staff selection methods

1.5 Sources of recruitment

Any organization is almost always in need of staff. The need to engage staff involves: developing an engagement strategy that would ensure the consistency of relevant activities with the corporate strategy; choice of attraction option; determination of the list of requirements for candidates; setting the level of remuneration, ways of motivation and prospects for career growth; implementation of practical actions to attract personnel. In the process of recruiting and creating a reserve of workers to occupy vacant positions, the organization satisfies its need for personnel.

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. This is a set of organizational measures that includes all stages of recruitment, as well as assessment, selection and hiring of employees. Some experts in the field of personnel management consider this process up to the end of the induction stage, that is, until the moment when new employees are limited to fit into a specific work team and the organization as a whole. Personnel management begins with recruitment.

When an organization needs to hire new employees, two questions arise: where to look for potential employees and how to notify future employees about available jobs? There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from employees of the organization) and external (from people not previously associated with the organization).

Sources of staff recruitment are divided into external and internal, where examples of external and internal sources of staff recruitment are given, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using these sources.

In the Russian Federation, the following sources of employment are most widespread: people who accidentally come in looking for work; newspaper ads; educational institutions schools, colleges, technical schools; vocational schools, higher education institutions, employment services; private recruitment agencies; advertisements on radio and television; trade unions, etc.

Sources of attracting staff vary in terms of their effectiveness, as practice shows, the most effective source of attracting staff are the recommendations of friends and relatives, as well as the recommendations of recruitment agencies (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Efficiency of recruitment sources

Steps to take to attract potential candidates:

    Step. Analyze the level of wages in the labor market;

    Step. Decide what level of pay your organization can offer;

    Step. Decide what additional benefits your organization can offer to attract highly qualified specialists;

    Step. Choosing the most appropriate distribution channel advertisement in the media, special stands;

    The name of the vacant position;

    Requirements for potential candidates (selection criteria);

    Information designed to interest, attract potential candidates (salary level, benefits, working conditions, information about the organization).

For example, in the USA, the sources of hiring managers are the sources presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Sources of Employment in the USA:

Name of recruitment source

Various sources within the company;

Initiative letters-messages of acceptance;

Initiative phone calls in the company;

A study by consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton found that 51% of all newly hired workers in the US were found online, with the most qualified candidates through employers' own corporate nodes.

Thus, the 200 largest employers in the US noted that in 2006 the majority of employees - 21% - were hired through their own corporate websites. This share tends to grow, which means that as the number of Internet users in Russia increases, the corporate website will become the most important source of employee search. Figure 7 shows that other online sources of personnel selection in countries where Internet communications have developed much earlier than in Russia, have a much smaller share than the company's own websites.

Figure 7 - Sources of selection of personnel in the United States, 2006.

The distribution between the different ways of hiring is as follows:

    21% through employers' corporate Web sites;

    15% through general job boards;

    6% through specialized job boards;

    5% through social support nodes;

    4% through commercial databases;

    5% ads in print media;

    44% other sources: recruitment agencies, referrals.

HR specialists of well-known Russian companies, on the websites of which there are sections "Vacancies", "Career", "Work in the company" provide the following statistics:

    the "Vacancies" section is one of the most visited on the site, up to a third of visitors go to this section;

    Every day, companies receive 20-40 new resumes from their own website, up to 1500 resumes can be sent to the company's database within a month;

    up to 21% of the staff is selected through the corporate website.

In addition to statistics, the following arguments can be given:

    Publishing on the site not only vacancies, but also jobs (positions) in the status of “strategic”, “monitoring” (designed) or (information is being collected) will increase the amount of content, which will improve the search properties of the site and its visibility in search engines.

    Section "Career", "Vacancies" creates positive image employer in the labor market, makes the company more open and attractive as an employer. In this section, the employer can describe in detail the working conditions in the company, social and personnel policy. This will save time when familiarizing the candidate with the company. The candidate will consciously decide to send a resume to a vacancy or to the reserve database. Such candidates who want to work in the company are of particular value.

    A strategic approach to recruitment based on the formation of an external talent pool will create a section of specialists for all key jobs, which will become the basis for the functional sustainability of the company's business.

    Using the company's website as a personnel search tool can automate the recruitment process itself, provide automatic, structured filling of the database of potential employees, and exchange information with candidates.

There are six main sources of personnel selection:

    In the company itself, from its own employees;

    Through recruitment agencies;

    Through educational institutions;

    Through competitors;

    From other industries;

    Among the unemployed.

The company's own employees.

The advantage of this source is that candidates know the company and its products. The company also knows the candidates well, more deeply than outsiders. Therefore, some of the risk associated with hiring an employee is removed. However, there is no guarantee that such a person has the ability to sell.

recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies provide lists of potential applicants for a fee. To put a person on such a list, agencies that value their reputation check applicants for suitability to work as a sales representative. Based on their long-term interests, agencies try to include only reliable candidates on these lists. However, in this case, the question remains to what extent sales representatives with high qualifications prefer to apply to such agencies.

Educational institutions

It is possible to hire future employees directly from educational institutions. The advantage of hiring from universities is that the candidate is likely to be quite intelligent and may have the required technical background.


The advantage of this source is that sales representatives already know the market and consumers, and that the applicant's ability may already be known to the company that hires him, resulting in reduced risk.

Other industries and the unemployed

1.6 Modern problems of personnel selection

When selecting personnel in the process of conducting an interview, personnel officers have to solve a number of the following problems.

The first of them is related to the need to protect organizations from the influence of criminalization processes that have been widespread in the last decade in the social and economic life of Russia. The solution of this issue is all the more important for the organization, the more confidential the information is in ensuring the effective operation of the organization. In addition to the efforts of competitors who are ready to use the methods of economic and scientific and technical espionage to obtain the necessary information, organized crime groups are currently a serious danger, which, striving for new incomes, as well as for the legalization of their income sources, are actively looking for opportunities to infiltrate successfully operating organizations to seize leadership positions there and seize the property of highly profitable organizations in their favor.

Assessing the level of criminalization of candidates is a rather difficult task. To solve it, it is necessary that the employee of the relevant personnel service has the skills to conduct an appropriate interview (meeting the conditions for obtaining carefully concealed information) and, if necessary, organize the collection of information that objectively characterizes the candidate as a law-abiding citizen. In this regard, the personnel officer must be distinguished not only by a high level of professional preparation for the interview, but also by the possession of modern methods of psychological and forensic testing, which requires interaction with law enforcement and other administrative bodies. All this requires a certain level of psychological and professional training from an employee of personnel services.

Working in conditions of lack of demand for education and experience, some of them have achieved success in a new field of activity, while others have not been able to acquire the necessary status. The return to the former sphere of activity of those who could not adapt to new conditions is a rather complicated process, since part of the skills and professional knowledge were lost during this period. As a result, both the interviewed candidate and the HR staff may have serious doubts about the possibility of fully restoring his lost level of professionalism. Under these conditions, the personnel officer must not only assess the prospects for the rehabilitation of the professional level of the candidate being evaluated, but also try - even during additional negotiations - to at least partially restore the feeling of confidence lost by this applicant in his professional qualities. Even in the case when there are serious doubts about the suitability of this candidate, it is necessary that during the interview he could show the best aspects of his professionalism - in this case, his assessment as an opportunity for the candidate can be quite objective.

In order for this to happen, certain psychological interviewing techniques are necessary, which an employee of the personnel management service must master. Mastering these techniques and using them to maximize the potential of the candidate will allow the organization to get the specialist it needs in difficult conditions of partial loss of his confidence in himself.

At the same time, with all the benevolent and tolerant attitude towards the candidate being checked, the personnel officer must be aware that a specialist - no matter what qualification he has - in the conditions of a complete loss of confidence in his capabilities can cause serious harm to the organization. In this case, the losses from wrong decisions can be very large, but they can be quite comparable with the damage from the negative psychological impact of an unsuccessful choice. The latter is determined by the fact that in many cases even temporary failures in life, and even more so - the loss of the status of a full-fledged and professional specialist - can be the cause of a serious change in the style of everyday behavior. A person who has diagnosed himself as a loser dramatically changes the form of communication with others. A significant role in this case will be played by his critical attitude not only to life values, but also to those with whom he has to face - relatives, friends, colleagues, management, etc. Such behavior is the cause of conflicts in the teams of organizations. Under these conditions, the personnel officer must take on the difficult task of diagnosing a possible change in the candidate's behavior on vacant position. For this, a personnel worker needs good psychological preparation, or he must use the knowledge of an involved psychologist.

The greatest difficulty is the selection when hiring top echelon employees - the heads of the organization, their deputies, heads of certain areas of the organization's activities. Obviously, the paradoxical belief that the higher the position that the applicant must hold and the higher the responsibility that he must bear, the fewer people can do this work. The main reason for this is the low level of professionalism of personnel work inherent in managers of different levels (the paradox is that the higher the level of the manager, the more he prefers to be guided by his own opinion and the less he trusts the scientific professional selection and selection of relevant specialists). Such an approach is a direct consequence of the narrowness of the career guidance of senior managers, who, due to the high daily workload, limit the amount of information that comes to them, mainly to a purely narrow framework that is directly related to the problems of the organizations they manage. The problems of a scientific approach to personnel selection under these conditions often remain beyond their interests. The exception is those leaders of the organization who, by the nature of their duties, are professionally engaged in the selection of personnel.

Another reason for the significant shortcomings in the selection, selection and selection of senior staff is the desire to select, first of all, employees who are loyal to the person who is engaged in this selection. Such a desire is quite understandable, given not only the conditions in which a modern leader has to work, but also the features of the formation of his career.

Currently, the problem of personnel selection in organizations and enterprises is one of the hot topics today. Therefore, this topic is more and more often considered in modern literature.

The main disadvantage included in the study of this issue is the need that any organization almost always experiences - this is the need for personnel, mainly young highly specialized specialists with work experience, and their consolidation in the enterprise.

The main purpose of personnel selection is to identify employees who are most likely to meet the organization's performance standards and who will be satisfied and further develop their skills and abilities in the workplace.

Chapter 2. Legal regulation of personnel selection procedures

2.1 Legal aspects of the use of personnel tools in the selection process

For any person who is looking for a job, it is important that the work is “suitable” for him, and for the employing organization it is important that the hired employee “corresponds” to the organization, can perform the work with high quality and solve the tasks assigned to him in a timely manner.

The search and selection of candidates to fill the vacancies that appear in the organization is one of the main tasks constantly solved by the personnel department. Qualitative selection of potential candidates to fill a vacant position is possible only if it is possible to process reliable and reliable information about the applicant.

The effectiveness and timeliness of this task directly depends on whether the requirements for the candidate were initially defined and formulated correctly, whether “personnel tools” were skillfully used in the selection process, and how clearly and smoothly the work on personnel selection was organized.

What do we mean by "staff tool"? First of all, this is the method of work (a set of methods and techniques) that was chosen by the employee of the personnel department and used in the process of selecting candidates. The main personnel tools include: interview, testing, questioning. Russian labor legislation is not familiar with these concepts. Whereas the Labor Code of the Russian Federation imposes certain requirements on the employer, which must be observed in the process of hiring a person. About the features of the use of personnel tools in the selection of personnel, the limits allowed to the employer by labor legislation, as well as the difficulties that arise in the work of an employee of the personnel department, and will be discussed in this material 7.

How to start the work on the selection of candidates for a vacant position?

A misconception and mistake is the situation when, when selecting potential candidates for a vacant position, an employee of the personnel department does not have a clear and precise idea of ​​what the head of the organization or the immediate supervisor of the potential candidate makes to the future employee.

Often the situation is as follows. The interview was held, according to the general criteria, the person is suitable for the job, but at the same time, a lot of questions remain unanswered: will this candidate correspond to the position held, will he be able to “get used to” the rhythm of the organization’s work, etc. In such a situation, it remains only to observe the person during the period of passing the test. Meanwhile, the work requires its implementation, time, as a rule, is always running out, and then it turns out that the accepted employee cannot cope with the tasks set, he does not get along with the team, he is frightened by non-standard tasks. And everything goes back to normal...

It is possible to avoid such a situation. To do this, you must first determine the requirements and criteria for the employer to the employee.

Among the criteria that an employer can focus on in the process of assessing the business qualities of a future employee are the following:

Business orientation - setting the employee to productive activities to achieve results;

Ability to learn - the ability of an employee to search for new knowledge, mastering skills and abilities;

Organizational skills;

Communication skills;

Perseverance, purposefulness and determination in choosing options for the development of events;

Ability to cooperate and interpersonal contacts.

There are two main approaches to which, as a rule, the employer resorts in the process of forming requirements for the employee.

The first is that when determining the list of requirements for a particular employee, the employer needs to have a clear idea of ​​what competence the future employee should have. It should be noted that the concept of “competence” of an employee (qualities necessary for a person to effectively perform work in a certain job position) consists of two components: professional competence and personal characteristics (psychophysical properties) of a person. This approach is based on the assumption that a person's behavior and abilities depend entirely on his personal characteristics and professional competence. Accordingly, all methods used in the selection process should be focused on assessing these characteristics of a person.

Proponents of the second approach argue that a person and his ability to fully use his knowledge and skills in work, as well as to show business qualities, are strongly influenced by the environment in which he finds himself at the workplace, while performing his tasks. labor functions. The environment in this context refers not only to the people with whom he will work, but also the management style that exists in the organization, as well as the business methods used in the organization and various informal aspects of work. This approach assumes that the main requirement in the selection of a candidate is the compliance of a person with the corporate culture of the organization. Accordingly, during the selection, qualities that meet these requirements should be identified in the candidate.

Based on the established requirements and certain criteria for assessing the candidate's business qualities, the HR officer must decide what methods he will use to select candidates, and, of course, prepare for their application. The reliability of the results obtained depends on how well the methodology for selecting candidates is selected and used. In addition, the issues of planning, organizing and directly holding a meeting with a candidate are very important, and therefore they cannot be left without due attention.

The main methods used in the selection of a candidate for a vacant position.

The traditional way to assess a candidate's suitability for a job offer is through an interview. An interview (interview, interview for hire) is a different name for a procedure during which a representative of the employer personally meets with the candidate and communicates with him for some time.

The purpose of such communication is to obtain the maximum possible information about the candidate, necessary and sufficient in order to assess the degree of his compliance with the requirements set by the employer for the employee, including: his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description; potential for professional growth; the ability to adapt in an organization, etc. The interview allows you to evaluate such personal characteristics of a person as a practical mind and interpersonal communication and interaction skills. During the interview, the candidate gets acquainted with his expectations for the organization, the organization is introduced to the candidate, and the conditions are discussed with him. employment contract. In order for the interview to be effective, it is necessary to follow some rules for its conduct:

1) determine the requirements of the employer to the candidate;

2) draw up an interview plan, prepare an approximate list of questions that you plan to ask the interlocutor;

3) prepare a short informational note about the organization;

4) clarify the terms of the employment contract: probationary period, salary, place of work, position, "social package", etc.;

5) determine the place, time and duration of the interview, inform the candidates in a timely manner.

An alternative method to the interview is the questionnaire method. Questioning, in fact, is the same interview, with the only difference that the form of its conduct is written. The candidate is offered to give answers to a certain list of questions on pre-prepared forms with questions or by working with a program installed on a personal computer.

Questions should be structured in such a way that after processing the questionnaire, a clear idea of ​​the respondent is created: about his psychophysical characteristics, professional competence, his motivation, work experience, etc. forged documents or knowingly false information when concluding an employment contract. Therefore, it is advisable to provide in the questionnaire a mark of the employee opposite the clause: “I confirm the accuracy of the information set forth above” or: “I am aware that the submission of deliberately false information may subsequently serve as a basis for terminating the employment contract.” However, here one should take into account the time gap between the applicant filling out the questionnaire and the direct conclusion of the employment contract.

At the same time, neither interviews nor questionnaires provide an opportunity to fully assess the competence of a particular candidate. The next personnel tool comes to the rescue - testing.

Testing allows you to measure the general, intellectual, professional and personal qualities of a person. Tests, when properly processed and interpreted, provide fairly reliable information about the candidate. However, we note a number of points that may affect the quality of the information obtained as a result of testing:

Firstly, the subjective factor plays a special role during testing: the excitement, feelings of a potential candidate who decides the test can have an ambiguous effect on the test result;

Secondly, the level of training of the person conducting the test is significant, since for testing it is necessary to have special psychological training and certain experience in personnel selection;

Third, the quality of the tests used. Tests published recently in periodicals should not be used for professional testing. In most cases, they are prepared for entertainment and are not designed to produce real results.

Tests are selected depending on the requirements for the candidate for vacancy work as a professional, as a team member, as a leader, etc. Both written and computer-based tests are offered.

It should be noted that when using tests in work, it is necessary not only to have a clear idea of ​​the purpose of the test and how to conduct it, but also to be able to process the information received. In addition, in order to conduct testing through individual personality tests, it is necessary to have special training in the field of psychology.

What information should not be requested from a person in the process of interviewing and questioning the applicant in the personnel selection process and why?

Russian legislation does not prohibit testing, questioning and interviewing in the process of selecting candidates for a vacant position. At the same time, article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 12/16/1966 states: “No one may be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his private and family life... Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or such encroachments ".

The Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen dated 11/22/1991 guarantees the right to inviolability of his private life. Collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person without his consent is not allowed, except for the cases specified in the law (paragraphs 1, 3 of Article 9 of the Declaration).

Articles 23 and 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation state: “everyone has the right to inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name”; "collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person without his consent is not allowed."

Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation grants the right to the protection of personal data to an employee, that is, an individual who has entered into labor Relations with an employer. However, there are no labor relations at the recruitment stage yet. The applicant in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is designated as “a person entering a job” (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any reservations in relation to him. From this we can conclude that only if the applicant has become an employee, he can be required to provide any information related to personal data, work with which must be carried out in accordance with the norms of articles 86-89 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 85 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the personal data of an employee includes any information necessary for the employer in connection with labor relations and relating to a particular employee.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines a limited list of documents that an employer can request from a potential candidate for a vacancy:

1) passport or other identity document;

2) a work book, except for cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee enters a job on a part-time basis;

3) an insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

4) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;

5) a document on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge (when applying for a job requiring special knowledge or special training).

Thus, when compiling questionnaires, tests, during the interview process, the employer can ask questions, request information and receive information related to business qualities and qualifications of the applicant. However, other information that the employer would like to know about the applicant, not related to his business qualities and qualifications, can only be obtained from the person himself and only with his consent.

Refusal of a job seeker.

At first glance, the usual situation is when, during the selection process, one “suitable” candidate was selected from several candidates and it became necessary to refuse employment to the rest of the applicants. As a rule, such a refusal is made verbally in a personal meeting or, which is done much more often, during a telephone conversation.

However, a situation may arise when an applicant for a vacant position requires the employer to provide a refusal in writing. In this case, the employer, by virtue of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is simply obliged to provide the applicant with a written reasoned and justified refusal. We must not forget that in the future the applicant has the right to appeal this refusal in court.

Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that in the process of selecting personnel for a vacant position, an unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited. An unjustified refusal to hire is a refusal associated with any direct or indirect restriction of rights or the establishment of direct or indirect advantages depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, place of residence (including the presence or absence of registration at the place of residence or stay), the presence of pregnancy, the presence of children, as well as other circumstances not related to the business qualities of the employee. The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in its resolution dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” draws attention to the fact that “the employer’s refusal to conclude an employment contract with a person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, due to the lack of registration at the place of residence, stay or location of the employer is illegal, because it violates the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 1 of article 27), Law of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 "On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation", and also contradicts part two of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits restricting rights or establishing any advantages when concluding an employment contract on the specified basis ".

In the process of preparing a written refusal, one should be guided by the explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”: “The employer may refuse to hire a candidate, justifying his refusal by the candidate’s business qualities, insufficient qualifications” . Under the business qualities of an employee, one should, in particular, understand the ability of an individual to perform a certain labor function, taking into account his professional qualifications (for example, the presence of a certain profession, specialty, qualification), the personal qualities of an employee (for example, health status, the presence of a certain level of education, work experience in this specialty, in this industry).

Thus, in order to justify the refusal of an applicant for employment, one should not mention the test results, indicate that the reason for the refusal was the applicant’s lack of registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of pregnancy or belonging to a certain nationality, since such a refusal would be unreasonable.

When preparing a written response to the applicant's request, the employer must motivate his refusal with the candidate's insufficient work experience, inappropriate education, even if the true reason for the refusal of employment is psychological testing data. Practice shows that fixing the requirements for a particular position (profession) in local regulations (job descriptions, etc.) allows the employer to justify his refusal, especially if the question of the groundlessness of the refusal in employment will be decided in court.

2.2 Legal regulation of the activities of non-state employment agencies

The consolidation of guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of employment is of particular relevance in Russia and in connection with the activities of non-state employment agencies. The creation of a non-state system of labor mediation in Russia dates back to the early 1990s. Currently, there are more than 2,500 non-state employment agencies in the Russian Federation, most of which operate in major cities- Moscow, St. Petersburg.

It should be recognized that the emerging social relations with the participation of non-state employment agencies are not sufficiently regulated by law. At the same time, the need for the intervention of law (and especially labor law) in this sphere of social relations objectively exists. Thus, almost all agencies apply various tests for the selection of personnel, the requirements for which are not established by law. In order to develop more effective appropriate legal measures, it is useful to study the experience of foreign countries, where there are special legal norms aimed at regulating the process of personnel selection by both employers and non-state agencies. For example, the German Civil Code forbids (with a number of exceptions) to report vacancies only for men or only for women. Such requirements are often made by Russian non-state employment agencies.

There is another important problem related to the activities of non-state employment agencies, which is also ignored by the Russian legislator. Recently, the practice of “temporary employment”, which is widespread abroad, has also been applied in Russia. We are talking about the so-called "triangular relationship", one of the parties to which is an agency that provides work to a person who concludes an agreement with the agency, and not with the employing organization. And although today the practice of “temporary employment” is not very common in the Russian labor market, hopes that “temporary employment” is one of the most profitable activities of non-state employment agencies in the future have been repeatedly expressed by employees of such agencies. Consequently, the widely discussed problem of guaranteeing the social and labor rights of persons working on conditions of temporary employment may soon affect Russia as well. At the same time, the state of legal regulation of public relations with the participation of non-state employment agencies is unsatisfactory, if not to say that it is characterized by very significant gaps.

The above provisions make it possible to assess the ability of the labor market that is emerging in Russia to self-regulate as insignificant. There is still an objective need to use elements of state regulation (including legal regulation) aimed at solving various problems of employment and employment. A special role in solving these problems should be assigned to labor law, since we are talking, first of all, about guarantees for the realization of the right to work. Without a doubt, one of the areas of reforming labor law should be recognized as the creation of an adequate system for ensuring the real opportunity for citizens to work in order to most effectively implement human and civil rights in the labor sphere. It is known that employment relations to a certain extent are included in the subject of this industry, as other closely related to labor and general rule previous to them. Therefore, the issues of employment and employment cannot be ignored when developing the new Labor Code of Russia.

As noted above, questions legal regulation relations in the field of employment and employment is devoted to the Law on Employment. This law defines the legal, economic and organizational foundations of the state policy to promote employment of the population, including the special role of employment in the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of labor and employment. At the same time, the law does not cover all issues of employment, in particular, there are no specific measures of responsibility of employers for non-compliance with it, there are incorrect wordings, it does not accurately determine the legal status of all participants in legal relations to promote employment and employment. The amendments made to this legal act did not fill all the existing gaps. Not surprisingly, the practical application of the provisions of the Employment Law reveals certain shortcomings, which were pointed out by employees of the employment authorities.

Analyzing the structure and content of the law on employment, one cannot fail to notice that most of the law is devoted to guarantees of social support for the unemployed (payment of unemployment benefits, scholarships for the period of retraining in the direction of the employment service), while the basic rights of citizens in the field of employment are not specified, and the principles of legal regulation of employment and employment are not systematized. At the same time, provisions should be included in the Law on Employment that define the rights and responsibilities of executive authorities involved in the development and implementation of state policy. When characterizing the right to employment and other rights in the field of employment of certain categories of the population, it is advisable to apply the targeted approach to a greater extent (the dependence of the volume of guarantees on average per capita income and other socio-economic indicators). As rightly noted in the legal literature, the Russian Law on Employment is in most of its norms an act of obligation, and in this sense it is difficult to disagree with the proposal to rename the said law, for example, into the Law on State Guarantees to the Population in the Field of Employment (in the event that the logic of the law will not change).

In the Labor Code, the legal regulation of employment is presented in the form of enumeration of guarantees for employment, the prohibition of unjustified refusals, guarantees of the stability of the labor relationship, guarantees for the realization of the right to work, which are more related to laid-off workers (Chapter III-A). At the same time, the criteria for unjustified refusal should be formulated more clearly, and the liability for discrimination when concluding an employment contract should be specified. Thus, like the norms of the Law on Employment, the norms of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation need to be improved.

In addition to the mentioned Law on Employment and the Code, there are many normative acts of various levels in this area, which are not systematized and largely contradict each other, which leads to an ambiguous interpretation of very significant concepts (such as the right of citizens to employment, ways to promote (ensure) employment ); as well as vagueness in the definition legal status subjects of legal relations. The latter especially concerns the employment of certain categories of citizens, since this group of subjects is called differently in various regulations, which in practice leads to all sorts of difficulties in providing them with employment services on a priority basis. Thus, the analysis of various regulatory legal acts of the subordinate level also leads to the conclusion that the legal framework for employment and employment is imperfect and, above all, the need to form and consolidate the most basic concepts and categories. It seems that a significant part of the latter should be contained in the Labor Code, primarily due to the inclusion of certain relations arising in the field of employment and employment in the sphere of regulation of labor law. Transfer to Labor Code of all legal relations included in the subject of labor law seems more than logical, which implies the inclusion in the text of the code and indications of relations arising in the field of employment and employment. At the same time, it would be desirable to reveal the main elements of these legal relations in order to make it clear: which of all the diverse social relations that exist in the field of employment and employment are regulated precisely by labor law. Therefore, in the Labor Code it is necessary to define the most significant concepts relating to various aspects of legal relations in the field of employment and employment as an element of the subject of labor law.

Thus, in the light of the well-known complexity of the situation on the Russian labor market, as well as the noted shortcomings of legal regulation and, above all, the Law on Employment, which, in fact, cannot claim to be a comprehensive source of legal regulation of all relations arising in the field of employment and employment, the conclusion is inevitably formulated about the advisability of enriching the Labor Code with a special section devoted to issues of employment and employment. This position is also based on the international legal vision of the sectoral affiliation of the norms governing relations in the field of employment and employment, as noted above.

In this regard, the question may arise: how much is it necessary to devote such a significant place in the Labor Code to issues of employment and employment, especially since there is a special law in this area. The answer to the question of the existence of relevant legal norms in the Labor Code depends on a number of circumstances, among which, first of all, one should take into account, firstly, the general concept of building a new Labor Code and, secondly, the state of the legal framework today. The latter has already been described in general terms above. Indeed, it seems logical to regulate all social relations arising in the field of employment and employment due to their diversity and some heterogeneity (including those related to the subject of labor law) by a special comprehensive legal act. At present, such an act should be the Employment Law, which, according to both theorists and practitioners, does not meet the requirements of a comprehensive legal act. The latter does not allow us to consider the Law on Employment as a source that sufficiently fully and competently regulates all aspects of social relations that develop in the field of employment and employment.


The issue of strengthening the personnel potential of organizations in organizational, managerial, legal, educational, material and other aspects remains relevant today.

Strict observance of the rules when hiring, the use of progressive methods of selection, ensuring publicity and openness in the conduct of competition procedures, the developed selection criteria and conditions for promotion to higher positions will help to cope with this task.

Compliance with the requirements of the law will make it possible to ensure an objective and fair assessment of applicants for positions, but at the same time it is necessary to strengthen control over compliance with legal norms, since in practice there are still very often cases of placing “their own people” in the service who do not meet the requirements of the position. The issue of training specialists who could professionally deal with the problems of staffing remains relevant, and in this regard, training of managerial personnel is being carried out at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the problem of personnel selection in organizations and enterprises is one of the most urgent. Therefore, this topic is more and more often considered in modern literature. Recruitment is the primary task of any organization. This is the first step to building a business. The hiring of new people is a repetitive activity here and very significant in its consequences. The recurrence of this action is associated with the phenomenon of personnel movement observed in institutions, which occurs: firstly, due to the lack of adaptation of the employee to working conditions, and secondly, as a result of objective reasons (military service, retirement, promotion stairs, etc.). And it is for this reason that the company is forced to fill vacancies by recruiting new people. It is important to note that this selection must be done professionally.

Recruitment is carried out from internal and external sources. In the process of recruiting and creating a reserve of workers to occupy vacant positions, the organization satisfies its need for personnel. Sources of staff recruitment vary in terms of effectiveness, as practice shows, the most effective source of staff recruitment are the recommendations of friends and relatives, as well as the recommendations of recruitment agencies. Recruitment methods can be active or passive, depending on the staffing situation in the organization.

Personnel selection is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and choosing the most suitable one from a set of applicants, taking into account the correspondence of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself.

For successful selection, it is of paramount importance to determine the criteria and principles on the basis of which a decision will be made on the advantages of applicants. When establishing selection criteria, the following requirements must be met: validity, completeness, reliability, necessity and sufficiency of criteria. The basic principle of selection and placement of personnel: "The right person, at the right time, in the right place."

The personnel selection technology consists of the following stages: preliminary interview, filling out the application form and questionnaire, testing, diagnostic interview (interview), checking recommendations and track record, medical examination, making a final decision.

To date, there is no one optimal method for selecting personnel, so the organization must own the entire set of techniques and methods for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task.

Due to the fact that the interview today is practically the main selection method, business leaders, HR managers, line managers need to improve their skills in its application, fill the interview technology with specific content depending on the profession or job level, work out the rules for describing the results interviews and presentation of conclusions.

When selecting personnel in modern conditions, it is necessary to take into account the personal psychological characteristics of candidates in order to increase the efficiency of the company by strengthening its cohesion and creating a team. A number of companies are already attracting professional psychologists for this purpose, who are entrusted with testing personnel.

The selection technology is different in different firms and depends, as a rule, on the value system adopted here. When hiring a brand new worker, it is very important role plays a conversation with the applicant for the position. Testing as a method of personnel selection is also becoming more and more popular. This interest is quite understandable, if we take into account that the importance of correct selection is constantly increasing and mistakes are becoming more and more expensive.

An important problem faced by the HR manager is the reliability and validity of personnel selection methods. The reliability of the selection method characterizes its non-susceptibility to systematic errors in measurements, that is, its consistency under various conditions. Validity is the degree to which a test, interview, or performance appraisal measures skills, experience, and ability to perform a given job.

The work of any organization is inevitably connected with the need for staffing. At the same time, one of the central tasks is the recruitment and selection of personnel. The selection of new employees is not only intended to ensure the mode of normal functioning, but also lays the foundation for the future success of the organization.


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Appendix 1 - Candidate Evaluation Form

FULL NAME.__________________________________________________________

Candidate for replacement _____________________________________________

(job title)

The interview was conducted by ___________________________________________


(Full name and position of the employee)

Date ___ _________ 200__

1. Experience Above cf. Avg. Below average

2. Education Above cf. Avg. Below average


3. Personal characteristics

3.1. Maturity above avg. Avg. Below average

3.2. Leadership Avg. Below average

3.3. group work Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.4. Analytical

abilities above avg. Avg. Below average

3.5. Self-confidence Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.6 Orientation

on the interests of the client Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.7. Sociability Above avg. Avg. Below average

OVERALL SCORE Above avg. Avg. Below average

The authors: Sarycheva A.A., Chumachenko E.V.
Source: "Trends in the development of modern society: the present and the future" / Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. — Birobidzhan, Amur State University– 2011, p. 146-148.

Currently, any organization pays great attention to the selection of personnel. The success and prosperity of the company in the future depends on the right choice of employees. Errors in the selection of personnel - especially when it comes to leading personnel - are too expensive not only for organizations, but also for job seekers, and their insufficient resolution ultimately leads to an increase in the group of potentially job seekers. Therefore, the problem of personnel selection for any enterprise is relevant.

The topic of personnel selection was considered by many scientists, such as R.Justen, R.Sara, D.T.Milkovich, who believed that the importance of personnel selection, first of all, was in the interdependence of the economic advantages of the enterprise and the degree of satisfaction of the individual employee. W. Schaal and G. Seibert researched that between the selection of candidates, the development of personnel and the management of the enterprise, intercom. Defining the selection of candidates as a "fateful" phenomenon for the enterprise N. Harlander, Fr. Kepler, K.-D. Mübler, K. Heydak believe that "decisions related to him must be protected."

Russia and Ukraine are still in the top three in terms of recruitment among European countries. Since November 2010, the number of companies recruiting staff in Russia has slightly decreased and amounted to 72%. At the same time, the number of employers parting ways with employees has also decreased. In March 2011 it was 38%. Since the beginning of 2011, there has been a growing need for personnel from companies in the construction sector, who are recruiting professionals for the positions of project managers and sales. A slight slowdown in the rate of hiring of high-level specialists and middle and senior managers relative to the end of last year shows that employers still retain the caution acquired during the crisis. In addition, this is due to the fact that many companies staffed in 2010 and do not yet feel the need to expand it. With an indicator of 75%, Ukraine remains in the leading positions in terms of recruiting activity among European countries. At the same time, the number of companies parting with staff continues to decrease here.

Among contemporary problems selection of personnel, the following can be distinguished: there are no clear criteria for the selection of different categories of workers; insufficient experience and skill level of employees involved in the selection of personnel; the selection methods used need to be improved and supplemented; insufficiently high financial base for the organization of work in the field of search and selection of personnel; the problem of personnel selection is solved unprofessionally without taking into account the existing experience in this area; outdated system of evaluation of applicants; lack of up-to-date recruitment procedures; the lack of methodologies that meet modern requirements for creating an ideal candidate profile; increased requirements for stress resistance of employees.

The priority measures to optimize and implement the recruitment policy are:
a) fixing the responsibility of the parties in the recruitment process. In many companies producing consumer goods, the responsibility of the parties still exists only at the level of verbal agreements and is not formalized in any way;
b) determination of the time required to close one vacancy. The process of recruiting personnel in the production of goods should be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible;
c) approval of the procedure for informing the company's employees about new vacancies. Many commodities companies focus primarily on the development of their own employees;
d) development of an optimal candidate profile. Many consumer goods companies have their own internal form, designed specifically for the needs of these companies - the candidate questionnaire. But not in all of these companies, this questionnaire fully meets the needs of recruiters and legal regulations.

The problem of personnel selection does not have a simple solution, but organizations simply need to think about what tasks await them in the future, how to discern in young employees today those qualities that will benefit the company in many years to come.

Bibliographic list
1. Bazarov T.Yu., Eremin B.L., Aksenova et al. Personnel management. M: UNITI, 2005 - 10-15s.
2. Kibanov A. Ya., Durakova I. B. Personnel management of the organization. M.: Exam, 2005 - 12 - 29s.

3. Magura M.I. Basic principles of building a personnel selection system. // Personnel management, 2004 - No. 11 - 18 - 35s.
4. Kravchenko K.A. Search and selection of personnel: History and modernity.// Personnel management, 2005. - No. 12 - 39-42s.
5. Kutsevol V.A. The concept of justice and its place in problem solving effective management// Problems of organization of labor, its payment and personnel management: materials of the scientific-practical conference. - M., 2007 - 43-50s.


The theme of this course project is "Problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization."

The relevance of research. In the process of becoming a professional, there are three stages inherent in the practical development of any profession. The first stage is connected with the selection from among the candidates of people who have the necessary future profession individual psychological or psychophysiological qualities. The second stage is training, also built on the basis of the individual psychological characteristics of the trainees. And the third stage is bringing professional skills and abilities to perfection through exercises and practice. The first stage is very significant - professional and psychological selection, when an assessment of a person's suitability for a particular profession takes place.

Professional selection and selection of personnel in modern organizations are essential components of personnel management. Recruitment involves a series of actions taken by an organization to attract candidates for vacant jobs.

When performing the course project, the data of monographs, textbooks on the basics of personnel management were used. A review of specialized periodicals on the issues of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization (“Handbook of the personnel officer”, “Personnel of the enterprise”, “Personnel management”).

The object of the study is the selection and selection of personnel in the organization: the main problems.

The subject of the research is technologies for solving the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization.

The purpose of the study is to develop the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization.

Research objectives:

Conduct a literature review on the topic of the course project.

To reveal the concept and stages of the selection and selection of personnel in the organization.

Consider the key problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization.

Conduct an analysis of the existing system of selection and selection of personnel on the example of an organization.

theoretical significance. Course project expands and deepens theoretical basis study of the problem of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization in the course of the basics of personnel management.

Practical significance. The 2nd chapter of this course project presents the development of practical solutions to the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of selection and recruitment in a modern organization

.1 Recruitment in the organization

Recruitment is a single complex and should be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, logistical and software.

Recruitment is the establishment of the identity of the characteristics of the employee and the requirements of the organization, position.

Recruitment can be in the form of recruitment, promotion or rotation.

Recruitment is the hiring of workers who have not previously worked at the enterprise. Recruitment involves the implementation of several stages of recruitment and selection of personnel:

) a general analysis of present and future staffing needs;

) determination of requirements for personnel: analysis of work, preparation of a description of this work and personal specifications, determination of the terms and conditions of recruitment;

) identification of the main sources of income of candidates;

) selection of personnel selection methods

Promotion is the process of moving an employee who is already working in work collective to a higher position if his qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills and business qualities meet the requirements for candidates for a vacant position

Staff rotation refers to the horizontal movement of workers from one workplace to another, undertaken in order to familiarize employees with the various production tasks of the organization.

M.Yu. Sheinis names the following stages of recruitment:

creation of a personnel commission;

formation of requirements for jobs;

announcement of the competition in the media;

interview in the personnel department;

evaluation of candidates for compliance with psychological criteria;

medical examination of the health and performance of candidates;

the conclusion of the personnel commission on the selection of a candidate for a vacant position;

approval in a position, conclusion of a contract;

registration and submission to the personnel department personnel documents candidate.

Having received information about a vacant position, a person applying for a job comes to the personnel department. At this stage, an employee of the personnel department examines the candidate's documents to determine how he meets the formal requirements of the vacant position (education, qualifications, age, etc.). At the same time, the candidate gets acquainted with the structure of the position and the passport of the workplace.

So, for example, in Fig. 1 Appendix presents a scheme for selecting a candidate for working profession. According to experts, 1 working profession receives from 15 to 27 calls. For one reason or another (for example, the candidate is not satisfied with the work schedule, he lives far away or does not have the necessary work experience), about 50% of candidates are eliminated during the telephone interview. The rest (8-13 people) are invited to the office for professional interview with the leader structural unit, before which the applicant's questionnaire is filled out.

The software is used to automate some recruitment procedures.

Evidence-based recruitment avoids the main and widespread mistake - the subjective assessment of the candidate, the strong influence of the first impression of a person on the subsequent decision to hire him.

Scientific and methodological principles of personnel selection are:

complexity - a comprehensive study and assessment of personality (biographical data, professional career, level of professional knowledge, business and personal qualities, state of health, etc.);

objectivity - the repeatability of the results of assessing the personal qualities of the candidate during the re-selection;

continuity - constant work on the selection of the best specialists, the formation of a personnel reserve for senior positions;

scientific character - use in the preparation and selection of the latest scientific achievements and the latest technologies.

1.2 Personnel selection in the organization

The concepts of "professional selection" and "psychological selection" are often identified, since the essence of the latter is the diagnosis and prediction of abilities.

Professional selection is a system of tools that provide a predictive assessment of the relationship between a person and a profession in those types of activities that are carried out in normatively specified hazardous conditions (hygienic, microclimatic, technical, socio-psychological), requiring increased responsibility, health, high performance and accuracy from a person. performance of the task, stable emotional-volitional regulation.

When selecting employees, the main task is to staff the applicants, whose business, moral, psychological and other qualities could contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization.

The basis of professional selection are specific normative characteristics professions:

social (functions, tasks, goals);

operational (accuracy of execution; temporal, spatial, logical characteristics);

organizational (hygienic, socio-psychological, psycho-physiological working conditions), allowing doctors, psychologists, physiologists to select, develop and adapt methods, build a selection procedure and diagnose a candidate for his compliance with a specific professional activity.

Professional selection - a procedure for probabilistic assessment of a person's professional suitability, studying the possibility of mastering a certain specialty, achieving the required level of skill and effective performance professional duties.

Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for vacant positions or jobs. Personnel selection includes:

preliminary interview;

analysis of personal data;

making inquiries about the candidate;

verification tests, testing;

medical examination;

main interview;

preparation of an expert opinion.

The algorithm of actions necessary to build an optimal personnel selection system is shown in fig. 2 Applications.

There are 4 components in professional selection:





Scientific and methodological support substantiates the general selection methodology, scientific principles, methods and criteria, as well as the applied mathematical apparatus. Organizational support is a set of evidence-based activities carried out simultaneously or sequentially at different stages of work in order to reduce the time and improve the quality of selection.

Staffing is to involve all the necessary specialists at various stages of selection: senior managers and relevant departments, psychologists, lawyers, economists.

An important stage in the activities of the personnel service is a preliminary assessment of the candidate in terms of appearance and behavioral characteristics (“face-control”, “face-control”).

Logistics includes the necessary funding for ongoing events and equipment with the required office equipment.

During the competitive selection, the biographical, professional, psychological and medical data of all candidates for filling a vacant position are studied. The result of data analysis is presented in the form of a rating of candidates. This analysis can be carried out simultaneously by examining documents by the personnel department and examining applicants by a psychologist. If a medical examination is carried out in a third-party organization, under an agreement, then it is advisable to conduct a preliminary examination of the candidate by a psychologist, because if he has a very low (non-competitive) correspondence to the position in terms of psychological indicators, the enterprise will avoid unnecessary costs for a medical examination. If the enterprise has its own medical service, then the procedure for studying the candidate by the medical and psychological services does not play a role.

Then the personnel commission, having selected 2-3 most suitable candidates from all applicants, submits them for consideration to the general director. After the approval of one of the candidates CEO his documents are transferred to the personnel department for issuing an order for employment, signing a contract and other required documents.

One of the most effective selection procedures is to study the recommendations from the candidate's past jobs, as well as verify the information received. Recently, employers have increasingly begun to use this method of obtaining additional information and actively use it in decision making.

In its essence and criteria, professional selection is a socio-economic event, and in terms of methods - biomedical and psychological.

So, professional selection involves making personnel decisions based on the study and predictive assessment of people's suitability for mastering a profession, performing professional duties and achieving the required level of skill. It is carried out with the complex use of a number of criteria: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological. When using the psychological criterion, the following activities are carried out: psychological diagnostics; building a forecast of the success of activities in this professional area; verification of the forecast for the real efficiency of the implementation of professional activities.

Psychological selection involves making a decision on the suitability of candidates for educational or professional activities, taking into account the results of psychological and psychophysiological tests. Psychological selection is used in management, industry, aviation, army, sports, when recruiting some educational institutions. It is preceded by the determination of a set of requirements for candidates based on a psychological analysis of their upcoming activities, and then the selection of diagnostic methods that meet these requirements.

The task of psychological selection is to determine the predisposition to professional activity, which will contribute to the development of the necessary professional qualities.

Professional psychological selection is a system of measures aimed at the best coordination of the real mental and physical capabilities of specific people with the requests of various professions regarding these capabilities.

Professional psychological selection involves a set of measures that allow "to make a decision on the admission of candidates who, according to the results of psychological tests, are more likely to be suitable for subsequent activities" .

The task of a psychologist during professional selection is to form reasonable requirements for applicants for various positions. And also, using valid and reliable methods, to assess the degree of compliance of each individual person with a particular vacant position.

According to V. Batishchev, professional psychological selection allows

accelerate the development of job duties by specialists;

increase the efficiency of professional communication, achieve high performance in work;

ensure successful adaptation of employees to the conditions of extremely intensive interaction;

warn conflict situations in communication with clients and in intra-collective relations;

raise the degree of employee satisfaction with their work and, as a result, reduce staff turnover.

The final result of the professional selection carried out is the assignment of the applicant to one of four groups:

) unconditionally suitable persons (having some experience in the chosen field),

) suitable persons (persons who will successfully work in the chosen specialty or successfully study it under existing circumstances, without additional actions (measures),

) conditionally fit persons (needing a certain mode of work or a certain training structure),

) unsuitable persons (persons whose work within a particular profession or training in this profession will be unproductive).

Thus, a properly conducted professional selection ensures that exactly those people whose professional abilities meet the requirements of this activity are sent to training, which significantly reduces the material costs of training.

One of the criteria that has practical significance and is usually put forward by the supporters of professional selection as the main argument in its favor is the high responsibility and danger, both for others and for the workers themselves, of the erroneous actions of specialists. Another argument is the high cost of vocational training and its complexity. An argument in favor of the introduction of professional selection may also be the presence of people who cannot master their profession to the required quality.

1.3 Problems of selection and recruitment in a modern organization

The practice of selection and placement of personnel should be based on an objective, scientifically based business assessment of employees. Business evaluation is understood as a procedure carried out in order to identify the degree of compliance with certain requirements of the employee's personal qualities, quantitative and qualitative results of his activities. A task business evaluation employee consists in identifying: his labor potential, the degree of its use, the employee’s compliance with the position held, his readiness to take another specific position.

Recruitment of personnel requires large material and time costs. “In order to select a suitable employee, it is necessary that two or three or four people start work and undergo initial training. And for this you need to select and make an offer to at least five suitable candidates. To select five suitable candidates, it is necessary to select from fifty to a hundred or more candidates whose resumes are pre-selected from three hundred submitted. The figures are, of course, conditional.

One of the problems in the process of selecting a candidate for a working profession is filling out a questionnaire. This stage takes a lot of time, which does not allow the recruiting manager to schedule interviews for all suitable candidates based on the results of telephone interviews in the shortest possible time. There is a possibility that a highly qualified employee will not be invited to a professional interview with the head of a structural unit. It is easy for professionals to find a job even in the current situation on the labor market. Due to the lack of time for interviews, the enterprise may miss the opportunity to accept the most qualified employee.

Before selecting a candidate for a vacant position, it is necessary to present his model in detail and accurately, i.e. draw up a professiogram - a list of requirements for a candidate of a given profession, specialty and position.

The professiogram represents a kind of slice of a specialized professional activity with a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities of a person necessary for its effective implementation, on the one hand, and the optimal correspondence of a specialist to these specific conditions of activity, on the other hand.

To compile a professiogram, methods of professiography are used - technologies for studying the requirements of the profession for personal qualities and psychophysiological characteristics, socio-psychological indicators, natural inclinations and abilities, business qualities, professional knowledge and skills, and the state of human health.

Distinguish information, correctional, diagnostic and formative professiography.

Information professiography is aimed at providing career guidance, includes all characteristics, but presents them briefly, summarized and descriptively.

Corrective professiography is aimed at improving the safety of professional work, it describes in detail and analytically only those characteristics that are the main sources of dangerous behavior of a person in this profession.

Diagnostic professiography serves to organize professional psychodiagnostics, is focused on the study of technical, legal, technological, hygienic, psychological, psychophysiological and socio-psychological characteristics of labor only at those stages of work on which the final result depends to a greater extent and which require the highest rates of speed reaction, accuracy of actions and responsibility for the task.

Professional research is carried out by specialists commissioned by the heads of personnel departments.

To create a psychological portrait and build a personal profile, methods and techniques of psychodiagnostics are used - a field of psychology that develops methods for identifying individual characteristics and prospects for personality development. Testing is recognized as the main method of psychodiagnostics. A test is a psychodiagnostic method that uses standardized questions and tasks that have a certain scale of values. The test allows, with a given degree of probability, to determine the level of development of a person with the necessary knowledge, personal characteristics, skills and abilities. The advantages of testing include the possibility of obtaining qualitative and quantitative values ​​of the characteristics being evaluated. A professional test should have such basic quality indicators as: validity - means the suitability of the test to measure exactly the quality it is aimed at.

Personality questionnaires make it possible to evaluate a large number of applicants and obtain, in a quantitative and descriptive form, the results of an assessment of both personality traits and competencies of potential candidates, which is especially important for large companies. Quantitative results allow you to compare or screen candidates for certain qualities. A specially instructed administrator can conduct an assessment using personality questionnaires, and only a specialist who knows how to use a particular questionnaire can process the results and make recommendations.

The disadvantage of this method is that the information received about the character of a person, about his standard behaviors, is not directly related to the expected results of his activity. The possibilities of the individual, of course, depend on the presence of a certain level of intellectual abilities. The main means of measuring intellectual qualities are intelligence tests based on the psychometric concept of intelligence as a general ability, and tests designed to diagnose individual functions (achievement tests).

The positive side of the test assessment is that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. As Konyukhov N.I., Niesov I.V. emphasize, excessive enthusiasm for intellectual tests also has a negative connotation. The fact is that, starting somewhere from the value of 120 IQ (intelligence quotient), statistically more often a person’s personal accentuations are at risk in terms of his successful work. Therefore, the absolutization of high values ​​and indicators in solving intellectual tests is unpromising. This has long-term negative consequences, leading to the fact that a mediocre leader, a specialist in working with people, turns out from a good student.

The test results usually give only an actual cut of the measured parameter, while most of the characteristics of the individual and her behavior tend to change dynamically in the process. practical activities candidate. The scope of measuring psychological qualities during testing is limited, which makes it impossible to judge a person as a whole. To compile a more complete psychological portrait of a person, it is necessary to apply scientifically based test complexes.

Right choice the source of selection, the type of interview, the construction of questions for conducting interviews increases the effectiveness of the results and the quality of the assessment of candidates.

The most widely used method of selecting personnel from among candidates for a vacant position is an interview. It is believed that the effectiveness of selection depends on the number of interviews. Non-management employees are hired after at least one interview. The selection of leaders may require a dozen interviews with various specialists of the organization.

As E. Chutcheva emphasizes, “the interview is one of the most common methods for selecting and evaluating personnel. With the seeming outward simplicity of application, it is one of the most labor-intensive processes that requires mandatory training of the employee conducting it.

At the same time, there are a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of interviews as the main selection tool. These problems are based on emotional and psychological reasons. There is a tendency to make a decision about a candidate based on the first impression of him, while subsequent information is left almost without attention and has little effect on his assessment.

Another problem is the tendency to evaluate the candidate in comparison with the previous person interviewed immediately before him. There is a tendency to give higher ratings to candidates whose appearance, demeanor and social position are more in line with their own evaluation characteristics of personnel officers. For these reasons, interviews should be conducted in the form of structured interviews with standardized pre-written questions followed by written responses.

The decisive selection criterion for many types of activities can be the truthfulness of the candidate, since the main quality of an employee is often put forward by his decency and devotion to the organization. Can a person be taught to certain work, but you can not change his character, way of thinking and manners of relationships with people. Another important criterion for selecting a candidate is his high level motivation, interest in high personal achievements and organizational success. Decisions to accept or refuse to provide work must be made in writing with justification of the reasons.

In a number of companies, in order to speed up the procedure for assessing candidates without losing the effectiveness of the assessment, it is customary to conduct commission interviews. The results of these meetings, as a rule, are discussed orally by the participants and no trace of the work done remains over time. So, the interview is always attended by a representative of that line of business (function) that needs additional human resources(sales, purchases, production, etc.). This representative is usually the candidate's "potential" manager. All commission interviews are always attended by the head of the personnel department or his deputy. In addition, a director of a particular line of business or an expert may be invited to participate in this procedure to assess specialized knowledge (for example, the level of knowledge software product) .

As emphasized by the business coach, management consultant, N. Krylova, one of the most common mistakes in recruitment is the transfer of communication with a candidate from the category of interview to the category of interrogation. It is very important to give the candidate a chance to ask questions of interest to him. You can even provoke some of them. If the applicant is really interested in the job, then he can ask, for example, what is needed for the satisfactory performance of the job, what are the most important tasks and expected results of the job, how the performance is evaluated, what type of equipment is used in the job, what is expected from the employee at the beginning of his career, etc.

B. Zhalilo emphasizes that the selection of personnel is not completed after the recruitment of a suitable candidate. “On the one hand, the selection of new candidates continues. And if another suitable candidate is found, he should be taken on the staff or in place of one of the weakest workers. On the other hand, the selection of already hired employees continues. Probation, formally ending one to three months after hiring, does not end. The manager makes a decision every day for each of his employees: “Is this person suitable for the company?”. The daily decision of a top manager about an employee is expressed in the fact that the latter remains at work. Even if the top manager did not think about this issue, he makes the decision to “leave” every day, without firing the employee or replacing him with another.

AT modern conditions enterprises minimize costs by introducing an incomplete working week or part-time work, in the most extreme cases - a reduction in the number of staff. Every day, the labor market is replenished with hundreds of people who want to change jobs. Many applicants are ready to change their field of activity, start a career from scratch.

The 1st chapter reveals the theoretical foundations of the selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization.

Recruitment is the establishment of the identity of the characteristics of the employee and the requirements of the organization, position. Recruitment can be in the form of recruitment, promotion or rotation. Recruitment is a single complex and should be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, material and technical and software.

Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for vacant positions or jobs. Professional selection involves making personnel decisions based on the study and predictive assessment of people's suitability for mastering a profession, performing professional duties and achieving the required level of skill.

Personnel selection includes: preliminary interview; analysis of personal data; making inquiries about the candidate; verification tests, testing; medical examination; main interview; preparation of an expert opinion.

When using the psychological criterion, the following activities are carried out: psychological diagnostics; building a forecast of the success of activities in this professional field; verification of the forecast for the real efficiency of the implementation of professional activities.

Among the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization were the abolitions of the following:

Recruitment of personnel requires large material and time costs.

One of the problems in the process of selecting a candidate for a working profession is filling out a questionnaire. This stage takes a lot of time, which does not allow the recruiting manager to schedule interviews for all suitable candidates based on the results of telephone interviews in the shortest possible time.

The disadvantage of psychological questionnaires and tests is that the information received about the character of a person, about his standard behaviors, is not directly related to the expected results of his activity. The results of testing usually provide only an actual cut of the measured parameter, while most of the characteristics of the individual and her behavior tend to change dynamically in the course of the candidate's practical activities. The scope of measuring psychological qualities during testing is limited, which makes it impossible to judge a person as a whole. To compile a more complete psychological portrait of a person, it is necessary to apply scientifically based test complexes.

One of the most common mistakes in recruiting is the transfer of communication with a candidate from the category of interview to the category of interrogation.

There are a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of the interview as the main selection tool. There is a tendency to make a decision about a candidate based on the first impression of him, while subsequent information is left almost without attention and has little effect on his assessment. Another problem is the tendency to evaluate the candidate in comparison with the previous person interviewed immediately before him. For these reasons, interviews should be conducted in the form of structured interviews with standardized pre-written questions followed by written responses.

Chapter 2

.1 Characteristics of the study base

Practical work on the topic of the course project was carried out on the basis of NEMAN LLC.

Organization address: Novosibirsk; Gorsky microdistrict, 61. #"justify">The Siberian company "Neman" was founded in August 1997 in the city of Novosibirsk. The mission of the company is to provide comprehensive solutions in the field of advanced technologies communications and security to create effective systems management and control at Russian enterprises.

The Siberian company "Neman" is known for its projects in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai, the Republic of SAHA (Yakutia) and Kuzbass, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and other regions of Siberia and the Far East.

NEMAN LLC is entrusted with the solution of communication and security tasks by the largest and strategically important organizations, such as: Coal Company Southern Kuzbass OJSC, Tomsktransgaz LLC, West Siberian Railway, OJSC Sibneftegeofizika, OJSC Novosibirskneftegaz, Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Novosibirsk Region, UVO under the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Novosibirsk Region, Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Surgut, Internal Affairs Directorate of the Surgut District, MUP Gorvodokanal, MUP Novosibirsk Metro, OJSC Altai-Koks, OJSC Yakutskenergo, OJSC Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant, OJSC West Siberian River Shipping Company, OJSC Novosibirsk River Port, OJSC Airport Tolmachevo, LLC Shipping company Sever, OOO Set fast food"Podorozhnik", LLC VO "Siberian Fair", CJSC "Siberian Anthracite", City Hall of Novosibirsk, City Hall of Yakutsk, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Altai, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tyva.

The advantages of the organization in the market are revealed. Thus, a key element of the company's success is an integrated approach to the implementation production tasks customer. The advantages of NEMAN LLC are as follows:

complete solutions: from pre-project inspection to service maintenance,

building profitable cooperation,

high professionalism,

rich experience of the company, allowing to implement the most complex projects.

In the process of making a decision by the customer, when purchasing this or that equipment, the key point is high-quality post-warranty service. Specialists service center companies with rich experience and access to databases technical centers product manufacturers, which allows you to quickly resolve support issues, eliminate operational problems, and provide the necessary technical information.

The organization employs high-class specialists with significant practical experience in the field of communications and security. The technical and managerial staff is constantly improving by participating in various trainings and specialized seminars. This allows the organization to keep up with the times, apply its experience, acquired knowledge and modern technologies at work. Business ethics employees of the company a large number our clients and disposes to a clear statement of the problem and its quick solution. The very atmosphere of the company is conducive to trust and cooperation. NEMAN LLC employs highly qualified personnel with more than 10 years of practical experience in the telecommunications market.

2.2 Analysis of the existing system of selection and selection of personnel in the organization

Professional selection and selection of personnel in Neman LLC is carried out for the following positions of specialists working in the organization:

sales managers (project manager),

telephone operators,

technical staff (installers, service center specialists),

system administrators.

Personnel selection includes in Neman LLC: interview; analysis of personal data; testing.

In the process of personnel selection at Neman LLC, it is practiced to study the recommendations of candidates for vacant positions. As a rule, these are recommendations from previous jobs.

The Human Resources Department has developed and used in the selection of personnel professiograms for leading specialties (professiogram of a manager, professiogram of a telephone operator, professiogram of a system administrator, professiogram of communication installers). The level of compliance of candidates for vacant positions with the requirements recorded in professiograms (content and main operations (actions), conditions and nature of work, knowledge, skills, medical contraindications, professionally important qualities) is being checked.

An important component of the personnel selection procedure at Neman LLC is psychological support. The task of psychological selection is to determine the predisposition to professional activity, which will contribute to the development of the necessary professional qualities.

The choice of testing methods is determined by the profession for which professional psychological selection was made.

So, for example, during the selection of personnel for the vacancies of sales managers (project managers), professional important qualities leader. In this case, the following particular methods are used:

R. Cattell Personality Questionnaire 13PF.

Methodology for determining the psychotype according to the Myers-Briggs method.

Method "Stressors".

Methodology "Motivations for success" by T. Ehlers.

Methodology for assessing "emotional intelligence" (EQ questionnaire).

Methodology for the study of social intelligence (adaptation of the test by J. Gilford and M. Sullivan)

The R. Cattell Personality Questionnaire 13PF is the leader in its class in terms of the main psychodiagnostic parameters - validity, correlation of factors and their reliability of determination from among the adapted and available methods. The properties and parameters of the personality of a professional manager, measured and determined by this technique, may well be considered as sufficient to build a certain basic model of the manager's personality.

The method for determining the psychotype according to the Myers-Briggs method allows you to identify strong and weak sides psychotype of a potential project manager. The results of the Mayer-Brigss methodology made it possible to draw a more weighty and solid conclusion: to highlight the weak positions of a potential leader.

To identify the level of stress resistance in the practice of personnel selection, Neman LLC also uses the Stressors method. In everyday work, there are a considerable number of factors that negatively affect the ability to work. These factors are called stressors. In the methodology below, it is proposed to assess the extent to which the identified factors interfere with work.

The technique of "Motivations for success" by T. Ehlers is aimed at assessing the strength of the desire for success, to achieve the goal. These qualities are necessary for a manager, project manager.

Since 2007, the procedures of psychological testing (candidates for the vacancies of sales managers and system administrators), the development of professiograms and verification of compliance with them have been introduced into the practice of recruiting and selecting personnel at Neman LLC.

Identification of the impact of the practice of selection and recruitment of personnel on the efficiency of the organization's activities was carried out on the basis of a comparison of the performance indicators of the organization before and after the introduction of these procedures in the work of the personnel department.

The following indicator of the organization's performance was studied - staff turnover.

Graph 1 shows the dynamics of staff turnover at Neman LLC from 2005 to 2009.

Graph 1 - Dynamics of staff turnover at Neman LLC from 2005 to 2008 (in %)

According to Chart 1, after the introduction of the practice of psychological testing of candidates for the vacancies of project managers and system administrators at Neman LLC, the staff turnover has decreased. Thus, in 2005, staff turnover was 12% of the total number of personnel, in 2006 - 14%.

In 2007, for the first time, the organization applied the procedure of psychological testing during selection. This year, according to the organization's reporting, staff turnover was already 10%. Further, in 2008, staff turnover decreased further and amounted to 6%.

Thus, using the staff turnover criterion as an example, it is shown that the introduction of a psychological testing procedure in the selection of candidates for the vacancies of project managers and system administrators affected the overall performance of Neman LLC.

) unconditionally suitable (having some experience in the chosen field),

) fit (persons who will successfully work in the chosen specialty or successfully study it under existing circumstances, without additional actions (measures),

) conditionally suitable (needing a certain mode of work or a certain structure of training),

) unsuitable (persons whose work within a particular profession or training in this profession will be unproductive).

Preference in the selection is given to representatives of the first and second groups, the most capable of this profession.

personnel selection selection organization

As noted in the previous paragraph, in the process of personnel selection at Neman LLC, it is practiced to study the recommendations of candidates for vacant positions. We believe that it is advisable to introduce an additional practice of checking such recommendations.

So, for example, when selecting an employee, the personnel manager contacts his colleague at the previous place of work with a request to briefly describe the positive and negative qualities former employee. In addition, the manager also talks with the direct supervisor of the candidate. When choosing material responsible persons and middle managers, the chief or security officer does the same, contacting his colleagues from the security service former employer.

As noted in the previous paragraph, Neman LLC practices a system of psychological professional selection. However, in addition to the use of psychological tests of professional selection, there are similar methods of selection in terms of security. We consider it expedient to apply them in the practice of personnel selection at Neman LLC when it is necessary: ​​to determine dependence on drugs and alcohol; identify addiction to gambling; find out the candidate's predisposition to commit illegal acts, daring and thoughtless acts in the event of certain circumstances; establish other signs indicating the moral and psychological instability of the candidate, etc.

Finally, we propose to introduce the use of a compliance matrix into the practice of personnel selection at Neman LLC.

When using this technique, all information is placed in an easy-to-use tabular form.

The table is constructed as follows: in the left column all positions are listed according to staffing, and in the top line - specific selection procedures applied at the enterprise; at the intersection of rows and columns, the application or non-application of this selection procedure for this position is indicated.

An example of the form of the correspondence matrix is ​​presented in the form of a table. 1 (developed independently).

Table 1 - Form of the correspondence matrix

ДолжностьПроцедуры отбораФэйсконтрольАнкетированиеКредитная историяСудимостиПсихологическое тестирование на стрессТестирование на мотивациюИзучение личностных качествМедицинское освидетельствованиеСобеседованиеГенеральный директорнетдадададададададаГлавный бухгалтердададададададададаМенеджер отдела продаждададададададададаТелефонный оператордададададададададаМонтажникдададададанетнетдадаСпециалист сервисного центрадададададанетдададаСистемный администратордадададададанетдадаНачальник складададададанетнетнетдадаГрузчикдаданетданетнетнетданет

In addition, within the framework of one method, for example, a questionnaire, several elements of this procedure can be indicated: emotional assessment of the content of the questionnaire, completeness of filling, degree of confirmation of the specified information, etc.

Chapter 2 presents the development of practical solutions to the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization.

Practical work on the topic of the course project was carried out on the basis of NEMAN LLC. The organization employs high-class specialists with significant practical experience in the field of communications and security.

An analysis of the existing system of selection and selection of personnel in the organization was carried out.

The work on the selection and selection of personnel in LLC "Neman" is carried out by employees of the personnel department of the organization (HR managers).

The recruitment procedure at Neman LLC includes: formation of requirements for jobs; announcement of the competition in the media; interview in the personnel department; comprehensive assessment of candidates.

Personnel selection includes in Neman LLC: interview; analysis of personal data; testing. In the process of personnel selection at Neman LLC, it is practiced to study the recommendations of candidates for vacant positions. As a rule, these are recommendations from previous jobs. The Human Resources Department has developed and used in the selection of personnel professiograms for leading specialties.

The task of psychological selection is to determine the predisposition to professional activity, which will contribute to the development of the necessary professional qualities. The choice of testing methods is determined by the profession for which professional psychological selection was made.

After the introduction of the practice of psychological testing of candidates for the vacancies of project managers and system administrators, Neman LLC reduced staff turnover.

As a result of the personnel selection at Neman LLC, applicants for a vacant position belong to one of four groups:

) are definitely suitable,

) fit,

) conditionally suitable,

) are unsuitable.

Preference in the selection is given to representatives of the first and second groups, the most capable of this profession.

Psychological testing in terms of security.

In addition to the use of psychological tests of professional selection, there are similar methods of selection in terms of security. We consider it expedient to apply them in the practice of personnel selection when it is necessary to identify addiction to gambling; establish other signs indicating the moral and psychological instability of the candidate, etc.

Using the technique "correspondence matrix".

The construction of such a matrix, in addition to its main task, allows you to "inventory" the methods of "filtering" candidates and describe the interaction between the personnel department of Neman LLC and the security service, and, therefore, determine who is responsible for carrying out a particular procedure.


The 1st chapter reveals the theoretical foundations of the selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization. As a result of a literature review on the topic of the course project, the following conclusions were made.

Recruitment is the establishment of the identity of the characteristics of the employee and the requirements of the organization, position. Recruitment can be in the form of recruitment, promotion or rotation. Recruitment is a single complex and should be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, material and technical and software.

Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for vacant positions or jobs. Professional selection involves making personnel decisions based on the study and predictive assessment of people's suitability for mastering a profession, performing professional duties and achieving the required level of skill. Personnel selection includes: preliminary interview; analysis of personal data; making inquiries about the candidate; verification tests, testing; medical examination; main interview; preparation of an expert opinion. When using the psychological criterion, the following activities are carried out: psychological diagnostics; building a forecast of the success of activities in this professional field; verification of the forecast for the real efficiency of the implementation of professional activities.

Among the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization were the following cancellations. Recruitment of personnel requires large material and time costs. One of the problems in the process of selecting a candidate for a working profession is filling out a questionnaire. This stage takes a lot of time, which does not allow the recruiting manager to schedule interviews for all suitable candidates based on the results of telephone interviews in the shortest possible time. The disadvantage of psychological questionnaires and tests is that the information received about the character of a person, about his standard behaviors, is not directly related to the expected results of his activity. The results of testing usually provide only an actual cut of the measured parameter, while most of the characteristics of the individual and her behavior tend to change dynamically in the course of the candidate's practical activities. The scope of measuring psychological qualities during testing is limited, which makes it impossible to judge a person as a whole. To compile a more complete psychological portrait of a person, it is necessary to apply scientifically based test complexes. One of the most common mistakes in recruiting is the transfer of communication with a candidate from the category of interview to the category of interrogation. There are a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of the interview as the main selection tool. There is a tendency to make a decision about a candidate based on the first impression of him, while subsequent information is left almost without attention and has little effect on his assessment. Another problem is the tendency to evaluate the candidate in comparison with the previous person interviewed immediately before him. For these reasons, interviews should be conducted in the form of structured interviews with standardized pre-written questions followed by written responses.

Chapter 2 presents the development of practical solutions to the problems of selection and selection of personnel in a modern organization. Based on the results of Chapter 2, the following conclusions were drawn.

Practical work on the topic of the course project was carried out on the basis of NEMAN LLC. The organization employs high-class specialists with significant practical experience in the field of communications and security.

An analysis of the existing system of selection and selection of personnel in the organization was carried out. The work on the selection and selection of personnel in LLC "Neman" is carried out by employees of the personnel department of the organization (HR managers). The recruitment procedure at Neman LLC includes: formation of requirements for jobs; announcement of the competition in the media; interview in the personnel department; comprehensive assessment of candidates. Personnel selection includes in Neman LLC: interview; analysis of personal data; testing. In the process of personnel selection at Neman LLC, it is practiced to study the recommendations of candidates for vacant positions. As a rule, these are recommendations from previous jobs. The Human Resources Department has developed and used in the selection of personnel professiograms for leading specialties. The task of psychological selection is to determine the predisposition to professional activity, which will contribute to the development of the necessary professional qualities. The choice of testing methods is determined by the profession for which professional psychological selection was made. As a result of the personnel selection at Neman LLC, applicants for a vacant position belong to one of four groups: 1) unconditionally suitable, 2) suitable, 3) conditionally suitable, 4) unsuitable. Preference in the selection is given to representatives of the first and second groups, the most capable of this profession.

verification of recommendations (obtaining references or recommendations, someone's competent, external and independent opinion about the candidate is essential condition to make a decision on employment, and should not be neglected),

psychological testing from the point of view of security (in addition to the use of psychological tests of professional selection, there are similar methods of selection from the point of view of security; we consider it appropriate to use them in the practice of personnel selection when it is necessary to identify addiction to gambling; to establish other signs indicating moral psychological instability of the candidate, etc.),

the use of the “correspondence matrix” methodology (building such a matrix, in addition to its main task, allows you to conduct an “inventory” of the methods of “filtering” candidates and describe the interaction between the personnel department of Neman LLC and the security service, and, therefore, determine who is responsible for conducting a specific procedures).


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Rice. 2 - Personnel selection system


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