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Hello dear readers! Today I want to talk about business with minimum investment or micro business. And also give some business ideas. Very often I am asked a question about how you can start a business with minimal investment (usually from zero to 50,000 rubles).

I’ll say right away that this is possible, but you need to find your own idea and try small. Today I will try to give an answer to this question, and I really hope that you will draw your own conclusions.

Microbusiness - what is it and why you need to start small

When you were born, you did not immediately say the first word, did not immediately take the first step, then why do you think that in business you should immediately open a bank, a car dealership or a large supermarket? Perhaps you have a desire to do something big, but try to tune your brain to what is in this moment according to your strength and according to the strength of your wallet. And when the brain starts to work on goals closer to reality, then ideas will fall to you like a river.

After all, as a rule, they are all in front of the nose. And already when you started small and took on some very small business, then it can be expanded to medium and large scales.

And this very small business is micro business! You can be a micro business doing freelancing, making something at home, reselling some goods, providing services. You will be very small at first, but then time will pass and growth will accelerate.

Did you know that the world's most famous eatery "Subway" (Subvey), used to be just one small outlet, and now has tens of thousands of eateries around the world? And if the founders hadn't opened this one diner, if they hadn't started small, this multi-million dollar company wouldn't exist!

In general, in America, one in ten is engaged in microbusiness, produces something in a garage, sells something, etc., while in Russia this is just beginning to emerge. You have every chance!

Most of you want to do your own thing to get away with unloved work in order to start living better, to be more free, in order to later do big business, etc. So for these purposes, microbusiness is quite enough.

Many people are in business and earn just a little more than the average. wages, but they are happy that they are engaged in an interesting business and conduct independent activities, not depending on someone.

Interest is important in microbusiness, and love is better! Because microbusiness is built on your passion for action. If you like your business, then you can do it even for small incomes. The most important thing for you now is to understand that you can start small and think about what interests you. And only then think about how you can get money out of your interest. You will say that I am pushing you with banality and you will be right, but if you learn this and you will succeed!

How to start a business with minimal investment

Now let's move on to the fact that you can open a business with minimal investment, and moreover, you need to! To start a micro business big investment Not needed. You only need 4 things to get started:

  1. Think about what you like and what you could really do (make an approximate list right now, then add it);
  2. Consider how you can capitalize on your interest. Just think about whether your business can be useful to someone.
  3. See if you have enough money for it. If not enough, then return to point number 1 and go again.

And the fourth is the most difficult! And even if it doesn’t work out, you still did what you like, you didn’t lose anything. And if they invested money, then very little!

Important! You, when you want to eat and you have only 50 rubles in your pocket (I had this, I don’t know about you), you buy what you have enough money for and satisfy the body’s need for food. But, you must admit that if you had 1000 r, then you would buy something tastier. The same goes for starting your micro business. If you have little money, then try to extract the maximum profit from them. You must satisfy your need - start! If you manage to do something out of little money, then later you will move mountains out of big money. Burn out? Get great experience for little money!

Live examples of business with little investment

I'll start with myself, and then move on to cool comrades;)

  • I opened my first site (blog site) with 1000 rubles in my pocket. Behind him immediately the second for 500 rubles. Total 1500 r. After 3 months, both sites in total began to bring in a month 3,000 rubles, then 5,000 rubles, then 10, and so on up to 15,000 rubles. After a year and a half, I sold one of them for a tidy sum, and the second remained with my partner.
  • I opened a website development studio without investments at all. She also brought me a little 10,000-30,000 rubles a month. But this is because I had to pay designers and layout designers.
  • The service for selling tweets, likes and everything else was opened for 7000 rubles, paid off in 2 days. He brought 40,000 rubles. per month and was sold.
  • Your blog, which you are now reading, was started with 500 rubles, and now it also generates income.
  • We opened an online bag store with 80,000 - 100,000 rubles, and paid back the money invested in 2 months, from the moment the goods arrived. From the 3rd month he was already carrying clean money and continues to this day.
  • Now another interesting project is being prepared, although there are more investments, but still not millions.

Well, everything about myself. What do you want? Thought I was in a million dollar business. Not! I am a micro businessman! Assets, of course, are not worth a single million, but this is already a matter of time, experience, desire and interest! I am not boasting, and even more so there is nothing to brag about, I just want to show by my own example that you can start small!

Now let's move on to others:

  • The same "SubWay" that I mentioned above was opened for $ 1000 initial investment. It is now a multi-million dollar business with tens of thousands of eateries around the world.
  • My friend created several publics in VK for a long time, spending only 2000 rubles on advertising. and soon one of them gained popularity up to a million subscribers, then more, and so on. Income over 100,000 rubles. clean per month.
  • My parents started selling cereals on street market when I was 5-7 years old by investing some money in a product. Every year there was more money in circulation, more outlets, the range expanded and everything went only to increase. Now, of course, they have a staff, they tried other types of business, in general, they developed as best they could and continue to develop to this day.
  • The founder of the JivoSite service (an online consultant for websites) Timur Valishev invested 150,000 rubles in it, and now his service has thousands of paying customers.
  • The same situation is with almost all the founders of publics and sites. Little was invested in all of them, but now it brings a lot.

One conclusion can be drawn. Starting a business with minimal investment is more than realistic, you just need to want, think and do!

And here, by the way, is a video interview with Timur Valishev (JivoSite) and Sergey Baryshnikov (Bigpicture website). I advise you to look:

What types of businesses with small investments are relevant in 2018 and will work in 2019

Look towards those businesses that are on the market and are in demand. You say that there is competition there? Yes, and that's good. Where it does not exist, it will not work to enter with minimal investment, because people need to present your product and accustom them to it.

  1. Pay attention to the service sector! Services have less expenses, do not need warehouses, goods, etc. You can provide services yourself, without initially hiring staff. By the way, I wrote an article about this, how to start.
  2. Try to sell goods from China.
  3. I already once wrote an article about, and there is also a section about. There you will always find working ideas for business with minimal investment.
  4. will only develop, so you can pay attention to it. Also consider the option.
  5. Those who live in small towns can take a look.
  6. Pay attention to business on the Internet or, for example, freelancing. This trend will continue to develop for a long time.

25 Business ideas 2019 with minimal investment

Below I will give some business ideas with a minimum investment of up to 50,000 rubles that can work in both small and big city. Also, some ideas can be implemented without investment at all. These ideas are universal, they will suit both women and men. And inside them you can turn around to make your own unique product or service.

Remember that almost every business needs, but at first you can do without it to test the idea. After the test, this procedure is required.

And for organizing a business, an article will help you about - step by step plan from scratch!

Business Idea No. 1. Selling goods from one-page sites

This business is very relevant now and brought good money in 2018 and will bring in 2019 (and even longer). And it's realistic to start with minimal investment.

The bottom line is to sell goods on the Internet from one-page sites (landing page).

For this:

  1. a trendy product is selected from suppliers (in China or Russia), for which there is now a good demand;
  2. one or more one-page sites are created;
  3. advertising is launched;
  4. and there are sales.

My colleague Roman Kolesnikov successfully makes money on this. We even did an article with him on. Read it and understand the whole essence of this business idea with minimal investment.

Business idea number 2. Business selling goods from China

This profitable business I also tried it on myself and it brings good profit. It's no secret that now you can buy goods from China at very low prices and sell from us in Russia. This is now used by many and the business is gaining momentum.

The business idea is that you buy goods from China cheaply, and in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. sell more. On goods from China, you can mark up from 50 to 300% on average, which indicates a good profit.

I have a section on my site about . In it, I share my experience and business ideas with minimal investment in the sale of goods from China. There you will also find many instructions on how to order products, how to sell them, etc.

Business Idea #3: Dropshipping

This type of business can be started even without investments! It consists in the fact that you sell goods that you do not have in stock. Yes exactly.

Dropshipping is a direct delivery from a supplier to a customer. You act as an intermediary, collecting orders from customers and transferring them to the supplier. The supplier ships purchases directly to your customers on your behalf. As a result, you earn the difference between the price at the supplier and the price at which you sold the product to the client.

Difficult to understand the first time? Then read in detail about and how to make money on it.

Business idea number 4. Selling goods on Avito

This is the simplest business idea with minimal investment, or even no investment at all. Its essence is to sell absolutely any goods on the bulletin board.

It is good because it is suitable even for a beginner, and investments may not be required at all. To work, you need to purchase a product that you will sell on Avito. But you can start by making money by selling a few of your unwanted items. Thus, you will already have money to buy the necessary goods.

Business idea number 5. Inexpensive Chinese cosmetics

You buy inexpensive cosmetics in China and sell them in Russia. You can distribute such products both through social networks, online stores, and by offering them offline (i.e. in person).

Every woman dreams of a large cosmetic bag filled to the brim with decorative cosmetics. But this dream does not always become a reality due to the high prices for such products. You can help with this by offering a product a little cheaper than in stores. Thanks to this, you will have many customers who want to buy several lipsticks and other products at once.

In order for such a business to generate income, you need to analyze the decorative cosmetics market and choose the most popular products. Then compare prices on Chinese and Russian sites. Based on this, you choose the most popular and cost-effective cosmetics, order them at wholesale prices. After receiving the goods, you can start selling it in a way convenient for you.

The amount of profit directly depends on the sold cosmetics. If you buy an eyeshadow palette at a price of 400 rubles, and sell it for 900 rubles, then the income will be 500 rubles. from one unit of goods.

Business idea number 6. Organization of holidays

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you offer the client to organize a holiday for him for a certain fee. It can be a wedding, a birthday, a celebration on some special occasion, etc. The list of services provided (search for premises, its design, musical accompaniment, etc.) is negotiated in advance and prescribed in the contract.

This is a really profitable business that does not require huge capital. It will always be up to date, because. people have holidays regularly. You only need organizational skills, a certain amount of free time, the ability to find a common language with people.

The presence of an office is not a prerequisite, because. You can meet with the customer on neutral territory. Thus, with minimal investment, you can earn decent money.

To implement the idea, you need to create a team of toastmasters, a photographer and a DJ. To legalize such a business, it is necessary to open an IP. After that, find a client and offer your services.

Earnings from the organization of holidays can be unstable. It all depends on the number of celebrations, their scope and the specifics of the services provided.

Business idea number 7. Organization of non-standard tours

You create an interesting, unique travel itinerary, which is as different as possible from standard tourist tours, and offer it to the client. He buys a ticket, and you, in turn, deal with all organizational issues and support him throughout the trip.

Non-standard tourism has recently become very popular. Increasingly, people are choosing just such tours, because. they are tired of the usual and boring vacation. There will always be customers who love outdoor activities, eco-tourism, etc. Moreover, the creation of such a business requires minimal investment, experience in the field of tourism and organizer skills.

In order to organize non-standard tours, you need to rent a room, become an individual entrepreneur, hire employees (this is not necessary at the beginning of work), distribute advertising. In addition, you will have to make several interesting tours that are suitable for different segments of the population.

Monthly income depends on the number of tours sold, as well as their cost. Therefore, earnings at the beginning of such activities may be unstable.

Business idea number 8. Visage, makeup, hairstyle

The essence of the business idea is as follows: after training in specialized courses, you provide your hair styling services or different kinds makeup for everyone.

The services of a makeup artist and hairdresser have always been and will be in demand. All due to the fact that every girl wants to be beautiful, both on holidays and on weekdays. Thanks to this, hairdressers and makeup artists always have enough work.

To implement your idea, you need to draw up the necessary papers and become an individual entrepreneur. After that buy necessary tools and start offering your services to friends. In the beginning, you may have to work for free, but this way you will "fill your hand" and get a lot of customers thanks to "word of mouth".

Income from such activities can be unstable. In the summer there are always more clients, thanks to the wedding season, although there are many holidays throughout the year and you will not be left without work.

Business idea number 9. Santa Claus

The essence of such a business idea is as follows: you are looking for actors who will agree to play the role of fairy-tale characters, develop a script and find clients who are interested in the proposed service. On the specified day, Santa Claus visits the children and shows a performance.

No one New Year can not do without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They are invited home, to kindergartens and schools. The demand for New Year's performances is very high and often the actors are not able to provide services to everyone. Therefore, "Santa Claus" is the most profitable business during the New Year holidays.

To implement such an idea, it is necessary to find actors, or people with artistic talent, rent costumes, write a script and distribute advertisements.

This type of income is seasonal. The profit depends on the number of performances, the salary of the actors and other expenses. After the end of the winter holidays, you can continue to cooperate with the staff and perform at children's parties, but already as other fairy-tale characters.

Business Idea No. 10. Club "Mafia"

The essence of this business idea is as follows: you find 8-12 people who love and want to play Mafia, solve all organizational issues, and play the game. Each player pays a certain amount of money for participation.

The game "Mafia" is becoming more and more popular every year. All due to the fact that young people want to diversify their daily lives. And such a pastime allows not only to relax, but also helps to make new acquaintances, to have an interesting time. Such a business requires minimal investment, and income can be brought with enviable regularity.

In order to organize such a club, you need to issue an IP, find a quiet cafe and book a corner table for 10-12 people. After that, purchase 2 copies of the Mafia board game and find participants (often via the Internet). It remains to play the game and count the money earned.

Income from the organization of the club is quite simple to calculate. On average, participation in such fun costs about 300 rubles, and the number of participants is 12. 8 games are held per month. Hence, the monthly earnings are 300 * 12 * 8 = 28,800 rubles.

Business Idea No. 11. Photographer (children, wedding)

The essence of the business idea: you, having the talent of a photographer and all the necessary equipment, offer to organize shooting for potential clients. If agreed, conduct a photo session, edit pictures and provide the client with the finished product.

A photograph is a priceless memory that can last a lifetime. People try to capture the brightest moments of life. Therefore, the work of a photographer is always in demand. Especially if he specializes in wedding and children's shooting. Wedding photography is distinguished by its scale, and accordingly, it brings a large profit, and shooting of children is ordered regularly, because. the child grows and changes.

To start your labor activity necessary:

  • issue an IP;
  • buy professional equipment;
  • create a portfolio;
  • advertise yourself;
  • find clients.

Income from such activities can be both regular and irregular. In the beginning, profits will be unstable, but as the customer base expands, you will be approached at any time of the year with various offers.

Business idea number 12. Photo studio

The essence of the business idea is as follows: if you can and love to take pictures, edit pictures, handle a PC, then the ideal way to make money is a photo studio. You open it and perform various photo services.

Almost every document requires a photograph. Therefore, people regularly take photos for documents. This is the main source of income for such a business. In addition, a photo studio can offer a lot of services, from printing photos to creating photo books. Having such a business, you can be confident in the future, because of the wide range of services that will always be profitable.

To create a photo studio, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur, rent a room in a crowded place, acquire the necessary equipment, and hire staff. To increase customers, you can distribute advertising.

The profit that a photo studio will bring throughout the year may vary. During the period from May to October, the amount of income is slightly higher than in other months, due to the demand for photos for documents. But it can be equalized by increasing the range of services offered.

Business idea number 13. Manicure, pedicure, sugaring at home, or in an inexpensive small room

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you master the skills of manicure, pedicure, sugaring procedures, after which you acquire everything necessary materials, tools and start to give joy to clients. You can work from home or in rented premises.

Every girl and woman follows her own appearance. Therefore, he regularly uses salon services. Of course, nowadays there is a lot of competition in the beauty industry. But you can reduce the prices for the services provided. Thus, you will gain experience and expand your clientele.

For work you will need materials and tools. After that, you should think about where you will provide services. It can be your apartment or rented premises. Some masters for a fee go to the client's house.

The amount of profit from such an enterprise depends on the prices for your services and the quality of the materials used. Each city has its own price policy for manicure, pedicure and waxing. At the beginning of the working life, the income will be small, but it will increase with the appearance of new clients.

Business Idea No. 14. Luminous paint: cars, decorations, buildings, interiors, etc.

The essence of the business idea: you provide services for painting discs and other machine parts with luminous paint, paint and sell paving slabs, finishing materials that glow in the dark.

Modern people are very hard to surprise, but, nevertheless, there are those who always want to stand out. That is why many motorists paint individual parts of the car with luminous paint, and women, when choosing finishing materials for home renovation, prefer non-standard solutions.

Luminous paint is a new and promising direction. Competition in the market for such a product is minimal, so the profitability of the idea is guaranteed.

To create such a business, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, choose the specifics of your work. If you like car painting, then buy materials and tools for decorating cars. If you decide to make paving or decorative tiles, then you need to purchase the necessary materials for such an activity. After that, you can watch a few training videos and start creating already in your garage.

Business idea number 15. Repair of household appliances

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you know how to repair household appliances and offer your services to customers. For a fee, you go to the office, to your home and fix equipment malfunctions.

Household appliances always break down at the most inopportune moment. Very often, it is very problematic to repair large-sized equipment (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.), due to inconvenient transportation and high expenses for it. Therefore, for many people it is much more profitable to call the master at home. This significantly reduces the client's costs and saves time.

To start your career, you need to register an IP, purchase the necessary tools (you may already have them) and advertise your services by posting ads, distributing leaflets, etc. It remains to wait for customers and win a good reputation.

Income depends on the number of customers and the complexity of the repair. Such a business has no seasonality and may well become a source of constant income.

Business Idea No. 16. Creation and promotion of websites

The essence of the idea is as follows: you find a client who needs to create a website, "promote" and raise it to the top of the search results. After that, sign the contract and complete the order.

In the 21st century, most purchases and sales are carried out via the Internet. Sometimes it is even cheaper and more profitable than going to the store. Therefore, thousands of new sites are created every day, where a lot of goods and services are offered. It is beneficial for sellers to sell products in this way, due to the wide target audience. Therefore, they strive to create a good site and promote it.

In order to start working, you need to gain experience. To do this, you will have to work in such an organization for some time. Having gained experience, it is already possible to draw up an IP, rent a room, hire staff, advertise your company and fulfill the first orders.

The amount of income depends on the number of completed orders and their cost.

Business Idea No. 17. Bath Restoration

The essence of the business idea: you, having the necessary materials and tools for the restoration of bathtubs, find a client who is interested in this service. Discuss all the details, sign the contract and complete the order.

Replacing a bathtub is a costly and time-consuming task. Often people either do not have the opportunity to buy a new one, or do not want to dismantle the old bath. It is for them that there is a service for the restoration of the top coating. This saves the family budget, and also saves the owner from a lot of problems. Therefore, customers are much more likely to restore bathtubs than buy new ones.

In order to start working and give a second life to the bath, you will have to formalize the IP and choose a restoration method. It depends on what tools and materials you need to purchase. After all the acquisitions, it remains to spend advertising campaign and wait for customers to call.

The price of a standard restoration of one bathtub is about 2,000 rubles. The approximate amount of income can be 30,000 rubles. per month, provided that you complete 15 orders.

Business idea number 18. Making a cast of hands

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you find those who want to make a decorative composition with a cast of a hand, after which, using the available materials, you take a cast of the hand of a child or an adult, decorate and arrange the composition. All casts are made individually for each client.

Often parents and relatives want to “stop time” and admire small children. Now it has become possible thanks to the production of casts of hands. Such a service is at the peak of popularity and is ordered by loving grandparents, godparents, etc. For a moderate fee, relatives get a lot of pleasure, and the manufacturer has a decent income with minimal investment.

To organize such a business, you will need to issue an IP, rent a room (or just go to the client’s house), purchase the necessary materials and office equipment, and advertise yourself through advertising.

The income from such a business depends on the number of customers, completed orders and the location of the office. Successful placement is 50% of the success of your enterprise. His profit is easy to calculate. The cost of one composition is about 600-700 rubles, and the market price is 1300-3500 rubles.

Business idea No. 19. Private fitness trainer

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you help people lose weight, pump up muscles, draw up a plan for individual training. In addition, you advise on any issues, teach how to work on simulators.

Most people have long understood that sport helps to feel young and healthy. That's why they go to the gym en masse. Many choose group workouts, but they may not bring the desired result, because. designed for the average person. Then a private fitness trainer comes to the rescue. It helps to create an individual program, so that you achieve the best results in the shortest possible time. In addition, a private coach is very popular.

For productive work a trainer needs to be able to work on simulators, to know the characteristics of the human body and understand how weight is reduced and muscles are pumped up. After that, you need to rent a suitable space and advertise your services. You can train clients at their home. Then you don't need space.

The profit from such a business depends on the number of customers and the cost of the services provided.

Business idea number 20. Earnings on affiliate programs

The essence of the business idea is to advertise other people's goods or services and for this simply receive a percentage of the transaction or a fixed amount of money for the client brought.

This business can be built on the Internet and offline, but most often they earn on affiliate programs on the Internet.

Business idea number 21. Creation of an information site

You can, like me, create informational sites and make money on advertising.

The essence of the idea is that you create an information site, fill it with articles and other useful content. Then you promote it and get the first traffic. When the site traffic grows, you will be able to sell ads on your site.

Business idea No. 22. Sewing clothes for dogs

The essence of the business idea is as follows: thanks to the ability to cut and sew, you make clothes for dogs, and grateful owners buy them with pleasure. You can sew both universal models and to order. Custom tailoring will cost more.

Clothing for many breeds of dogs is not a whim of the owner, but an essential item. It helps protect your pet from the weather and prevents hypothermia. Therefore, the owners of short-haired dog breeds always buy new clothes for their pets in the cold season. Clothing for dogs is quite expensive, due to the specifics of the product. Although there is very little material, only a sewing machine is needed from the equipment.

To sew clothes for dogs, you need to have sewing equipment (scissors, threads, needles, etc.), material, a sewing machine, patterns (can be found on the Internet), a desire to work and some free time.

It is not difficult to calculate the approximate profit from 1 product. On average, one suit costs about 2000 rubles, and the cost of the material is 500 rubles. Hence the net earnings of 1500 rubles. If tailoring is individual, then the amount may increase several times. Income from such a business may be seasonal, because. clothes for dogs are rarely bought in the summer.

Business Idea No. 23. Handmade

The essence of the business idea: you turn your hobby into a tool for making money. If you knit, embroider with beads, make products from polymer clay etc., then such products can be successfully sold.

Every day handmade is becoming more and more popular. Millions of people tend to buy just such products as souvenirs and gifts. All due to the fact that each such masterpiece is unique and exclusive. Due to the great demand for such products, exhibitions and fairs of hand-made products are held in almost every city.

In order to profit from your own masterpieces, you need to purchase the right material and produce a product of high quality. After that, photos of your work can be posted on social media. networks, or sell products at various fairs.

The income that handmade can bring depends solely on you. If the products are labor-intensive, made of high quality from good materials, then by selling them you can get good money. It is very important to find points for the sale of finished products.

Business idea No. 24. Sewing handmade toys

The essence of the business idea: you make soft toys of popular characters and sell finished products. You can sell products both via the Internet and in stores, at fairs and exhibitions.

The target audience for which this product is interesting is very diverse. Soft toys are loved by both children and adults. It is this product that is preferred when choosing a gift or a souvenir. hallmark products is their uniqueness. Thanks to this, toys self made deserved the love of many people.

To sew a soft toy, you will need: a sewing machine, tools and materials. After that, choose the character that you will make, find the pattern (on the Internet or in a magazine) and proceed directly to its manufacture. Then choose the way to sell products.

The cost of the finished product can be calculated using the formula "direct costs + indirect costs x2 = market value" (these are approximate calculations). Direct costs (material) for one product is about 1000 rubles. Indirect - the cost of your time, electricity. Profit is the value of your work.

Business Idea #25: Pet Furniture

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you analyze the pet furniture market, produce the most popular models and sell them in a way that is convenient for you. It is possible to make furniture to order at a higher price.

Pet owners want to please their pets in every possible way and therefore they purchase this or that furniture for them. People with medium or high incomes buy furniture for dogs. Therefore, they try not to save. Competition in such a market is minimal, so if you produce high-quality furniture with a beautiful design, then you don’t have to worry about the number of buyers.

To create such a business, it will be necessary to issue an IP, get acquainted with all the fashion trends in the furniture industry, purchase the necessary materials and tools, create sketches on the basis of which furniture will be made. It is important to conduct an advertising campaign and find points of sale for products.

This is a fairly profitable project, because. pays off quickly. If the cost of one unit of furniture is 300-500 rubles, then its market value is 700-2000 rubles. Income exceeds expenses by several times.


My conclusion, as always, is positive. Business with minimal investment is possible! Think, start, try. You should always start small and business is no exception. Moreover, it is no easier to make a business for a million than for 50,000 rubles. It just seems that there is a lot of money, so everything is simple, but everywhere there are difficulties.

For example, I would not be able to manage entire factories or banks now, I have little experience. Therefore, I will continue to build my small businesses, turn them into medium ones, and there it’s not far to the big ones;)

Thank you for your attention! I look forward to your comments.

Doing your own business is always appropriate: in your student years, while staying in maternity leave, retired. The decision to receive income should not be hindered by the crisis in the country and the presence or absence of a small initial capital. You can earn without initial investment, at their summer cottage, at home.

What business can be opened with minimal investment

There are many ways to earn money that can bring good profits. Result entrepreneurial activity depends on right choice own niche, convenient for work. This means that you need to choose an activity:

  • in an interesting direction familiar to the entrepreneur;
  • where there are few competitors or they are weaker;
  • which is relevant and in demand.

When choosing business ideas with minimal investment, you must first conduct a deep market analysis. Highly profitable activities should be opened where there is a steady demand for it, a product or service. Business options with minimal investment are useful for private entrepreneurs:

A good example is a small business with small investment on:

  • installation of security systems;
  • creation of a mobile coffee shop or pancake shop;
  • provision of fitness services;
  • opening a store selling eco-products.

The most profitable business with minimal investment is the activity in the field of information technology. It helps to create a popular, highly profitable product for various industries: manufacturing, education, services (freight and passenger transportation). With the help of information technology, startups are created with minimal investment that help to effectively solve customer problems. Development software, ready-made service systems - ideas for business with minimal investment.

Business without investments in a small town

An activity in a small town can become profitable if it satisfies the real needs of people in the service sector and education. There are business ideas for a small town without investments:

  1. Does not require costs and will always be relevant opening a repair shop household appliances, computers.
  2. Photographer services can become an effective form of income. Minimum cost for expendable materials(samples) - and the amateur photographer will have money for orders for photo albums of school graduates.
  3. Without initial investment, you can get income from renting an apartment.
  4. Plumbers and craftsmen in small home repairs of furniture and electrical wiring can always earn money.
  5. Starting a small business can be done by organizing a school of dance, drawing, yoga, and music from scratch. A new direction for this activity is the education of older people.

Home business ideas with minimal investment

You can start a small business at home, without the additional cost of renting or buying premises. For this, there are business projects with a minimum investment:

  1. What is required these days is Kindergarten: now the longest queues are for the registration of children in municipal children's institutions. It is easier to organize such amenities for raising other kids and your child for the owner of a private house. The presence of a backyard area and several large rooms for arrangement playground, game room, sleeping rooms will be a guarantee of success.
  2. A successful business idea is with minimal investment at home - breeding expensive breeds of pets.
  3. Homemade preparations - dried vegetables, fruits, preserves - can be made in a small apartment. You can earn money by selling products to private stores, restaurants, via the Internet.
  4. Home cooking and delivery to offices is not a novelty in the business services market, but the demand for it is increasing every year.

Business ideas with minimal investment in the garage

For profit, you can use the empty space of the garage for production purposes. The list is very wide. Check out what business ideas exist with minimal investment in the garage:

  • if it is possible to equip the premises - a car wash, a place for polishing and painting, covering cars with liquid rubber;
  • production of foam blocks, paving slabs;
  • station organization Maintenance cars.

Business for women with minimal investment

To receive income according to the forces of a girl and ladies on maternity leave, and those who are retired. In search of their options, they can become useful business ideas for women with minimal investment. Some of them:

  • production of children's toys;
  • knitting, crocheting, embroidering pictures and clothes;
  • production of leather goods;
  • tutoring;
  • trucking dispatcher, taxi;
  • provision of accounting services.

Video: business ideas for beginners with minimal investment

Today, tens of thousands of people are looking for business ideas on the Internet without investment. But if you don’t dissemble, then you can’t start a business without investments at all. But we tried to select ten interesting business ideas that require the meager resources available to most of our fellow citizens (even students and alcoholics). A thousand rubles was taken beyond the border of the permissible! True, many of these undertakings will require rather big labor costs. Well, the presence of some means of production.

No. 1. Atelier at home or custom-made bow ties

If you have a sewing machine, your arms grow from a place closer to your head than to your feet, and you don't only cross-stitch, then this idea will suit you. And even a thousand rubles for the purchase of materials (fabrics and threads) will be able to meet. Do you have a machine? Well, we will manage with advertising in a fashionable way now - creating a group, publics on social networks VKontakte, Facebook (less competition), as well as on thematic sites dedicated to fashion. You can do not just fitting clothes or hemming curtains, but also quite fashionable now sewing butterflies, ties and handkerchiefs. And their 10-30 thousand rubles net income you can have in a month. Not bad for a student.

Labor costs
Advantages- Stability of earnings, quick start.

No. 2. Field computer administrator

Can you reinstall Windows? Do you know how to install an antivirus in ten minutes and what is safe mode? Can you imagine how to connect a mouse to a computer? No, you are not an administrator yet, but you can become one. It is advisable to have a laptop at hand. As well as the strength to place dozens of ads on sites ranging from aggregators like Avito to social networks. Yes, you will find clients quickly. The cost of one trip, depending on labor costs, is 1 - 5 thousand rubles (possibly more). The flow of customers has begun - do not refuse anyone, connect friends who are also versed in this topic. Monthly income can be 30-60 thousand rubles.

Labor costs- about 3-9 hours a day, depending on the number of orders and the success of the promotion.
Advantages- zero investment, a large number of potential customers.
Flaws- High density of competition, you really need to understand "the topic".

Number 3. Food delivery to offices

This is where your culinary skills come in handy. It is quite possible to buy ingredients for a complex lunch for 8-10 people with the starting capital (1 thousand rubles) - just feed a standard office. At the rate of 150-180 rubles per serving. Yes. Lunches with delivery are not such a high-margin business. But you can count on your 25-40 thousand rubles a month. And if you also connect other "cooks" ...

Labor costs- about 4 hours a day depending on the number of orders.
Advantages- customers will be exactly.
Flaws- it is necessary to conduct a real advertising "campaign" to attract customers in office centers.

No. 4. Photographer for anything

Do you have a good camera and a desire to take pictures? Do your photos make your friends vomit? You can become a photographer! Photo shoots, photosets, erotic photography, love story, wedding photographer and much more: everything is in your hands. Photoshop skills are highly desirable! But the work is quite free and multifaceted. It is better not to cooperate with the media - they pay frankly little. Monthly earnings range from 30 to 150 thousand rubles. You have to do a lot of self-promotion.

Labor costs- from 1 to 12 hours a day. It all depends on the flow of customers!
Advantages- zero investment.
Flaws- you need to be a real professional in this business, otherwise dissatisfied customers and competitors will do something bad to you.

No. 5. Husband/wife for an hour

More than 28% of families in Russia are incomplete. Moreover, if women need a strong male shoulder, then men lack comfort in their homes (and cleanliness). This type of business is not prostitution at all (or whatever you think there is). But to help women assemble this strange wardrobe not from Ikea, fix the bed, the faucet, replace the wallpaper ... Or tidy up the apartment of single men. Yes, there is a real demand for such services. The average check is 1000-1500 rubles. Monthly income can reach 60-70 thousand rubles.

Labor costs- 2-3 hours a day.
Advantages- business without investments.
Flaws- you really need to be able to do something with your hands.

No. 6. Vkontakte community

Do you consider yourself an advertising guru, friends and strangers like your posts, and acquaintances unsubscribe from you in an attempt to avoid the flow of news from your feed? Then, perhaps, you should try yourself as a cool smm manager. Your income (look real) can range from 10 to 200 thousand rubles a month, depending on the activity of the audience and the number of participants in the group.

Labor costs- 1-10 hours a day.
Advantages- complete lack of investment, flexible schedule.
Flaws- you must be a really cool smm-schik.

No. 7. real estate agency in person.

Search ads on city sites and open areas ads, a sea of ​​"positive" from customers, the need to knock out discounts, preferences and the eternal search for buyers or sellers - all this and much more you can get working as a realtor. Oh yes, dozens of calls are waiting for you. Get ready to be sent. But you will gain a huge experience in direct sales and work with objections.

Labor costs- 5 to 12 hours a day.
Advantages- you will definitely meet a thousand rubles and learn how to sell. Monthly income can be about 30 - 80 thousand rubles.

No. 8: Manicure at home

If you are a girl and are fond of manicure (or false nails), have experimented on your girlfriends, then you can be advised to open a beauty salon at home. For a thousand rubles, just buy expensive varnishes from Tiffany and or false nails. Feel like a beautician!

Labor costs- 3 to 8 hours a day
Advantages- high income. From 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month. It all depends on your skills and hours of work.

No. 9 Movers on call

Strong guys are needed by everyone and always. And really everyone - from private clients who just want to transport the piano, to small, medium and large firms who periodically or one-time need to lift something, move it, and so on.

Second important point You don't have to be a loader yourself. That is why the idea becomes twice as attractive.

To begin with, you are looking for people who could fulfill these duties. The good thing is that no one will require special education or a license for such work. With these people, whose informal base you can constantly change and supplement, you agree on a piecework payment option.

In the minimum case, the business is then ready. You just look for orders and implement them. However, this method will be too superficial and will not bring good returns.

It would be better to open a sole proprietorship and open a checking account. After all, if you plan to work with organizations, it is the account that will help to avoid difficulties. Cash firms are not too fond of, and so, there will be somewhere to transfer payment to you.

Now, a little about how to look for orders. After all, without orders, there is no meaning to all activities. There are several standard and simplest options:

  1. We go to the worldwide network and look for any organizations in our city. And then we just call ahead with an offer of our services right now and for the future. Be sure to leave contacts. We warn you right away, the exhaust from cold ringing will be small. But it will. On average - 100-200 calls will provide you with one order. And then - on the rise. Someone will remember you if necessary, someone will take note.
  2. The simplest ads on boards and social networks. Without it, nowhere. Let your company's contacts be visible. Usually people do not hesitate to call at the slightest need, if only to find out the price.

Don't forget to consider the price. And before that, monitor the current prices in your city.

Labor costs- about 4-8 hours a day, depending on the number of orders and the success of the promotion.
Advantages- There are always orders
Flaws- low rates

No. 10 SMS informing parents about school attendance by children

As they say, an idea worth a million, but with its own difficulties. And the safety of children is a topic that never ceases to be relevant.

The point is to install special machines in schools and provide children with cards. When a child comes to school and leaves it, he puts his card to the machine. Immediately, the parent receives a notification on the phone about this.

Income is based on the subscription fee for using the service. The service itself is completely voluntary and has nothing to do with the usual access system in schools.

The question arises - how to negotiate with parents and with yourself educational institution. Actually, it's a bit complicated. The school management will be interested in the installation if two conditions are met. First, the equipment for the school will be free. Second, at least some of the parents will support the idea.

It will be possible to agree with the parents if you immediately explain that this is a voluntary matter. And that no one will take too much from them. Only payment for the SMS messages themselves. In that case, many will agree that keeping abreast of the movements of your child for a small fee is a good idea.

Business, of course, will require investments, but, which is very good, they will be small and quickly paid off. So, the equipment itself for one point will cost about 20 thousand. One card will cost 30 rubles. Cards can be issued to parents on bail. For example, 100 rubles. But this is a pledge, not a purchase.

Next comes the monthly subscription fee. For example, the same 100 rubles. This will not hit the pocket, regardless of the level of family income. Now a pack of cigarettes costs the same. Only smokers spend 100 rubles a day on this, not a month. One SMS message will cost a few cents.

According to statistics, 30 percent of parents perceive the idea very well. But the biggest difficulty is getting them to pay on time and not forget about it.

After the launch, you will need to adjust your work in such a way as to respond in time to the change of numbers mobile phones parents to receive notifications. And also quickly and without extra costs to change the lost and broken cards of children.

Once launched in one school, the installation of equipment in others will go easier because there will be a good working example. To understand how quickly you can recoup this type of investment, take 1,000 children per school as a calculation point. This will give a rough idea of ​​the level of earnings.
Advantages- Relevance of the topic
Flaws- Difficult to negotiate

No. 11Sale of draft milk

Milk is one of those products for which demand never falls. Even during an unstable economic situation, when prices soar, leaving the income of the population far behind them. Therefore, creating a business for the needs of customers, simplifying the business with a competitive product, is not too difficult. Moreover, milk, for example, from a barrel, can really be sold cheaper than bottled milk in any network hypermarket.

To start, you can purchase a barrel, for example, 500 liters. And that will be the only significant cost. If you are trying to save money, it is more profitable to consider selling barrels from the hands, and not from the manufacturer. In this case, you can meet the 50-70 thousand rubles.

Such a barrel calmly clings to the car and is calmly transported from place to place. If you do not have a car, you can add to the scheme who can transport it by agreeing on some fixed amount per flight.

The next major step is to find a supplier. It can be any farmer, located not too far away. The scheme of working with him is simple - every morning you take milk from him and make the calculation on the spot.

However, it is important to remember here that milk must be taken to the laboratory for analysis in order for you to be issued a certificate. And when everything is done, milk and a certificate are “on hand”, you need to come to a specific point and trade (it would be better to hire a seller).

As for the price, it is quite realistic to buy milk on farms at a price of 15-20 rubles per liter. Of course, in particular cases, everything will depend on the volume of goods. You need to sell a little cheaper than the store, but not by much. Otherwise it will be unprofitable. For example, 30 with a little rubles.

What you need from the documentation:

  • IP registration
  • Labor contract with the seller
  • Sanitary book for the seller
  • Papers for renting a place of trade
  • Product certificate

rent better place near the market, or obtain permission from the city administration for a specific point.

Labor costs- about 8 hours a day

Advantages- Demand for the product is constant

Flaws- Requires a lot of permissions

№12 Rental of 4-wheel bicycles

4-wheel bicycles, or, as they are called, velomobiles, are an excellent kind of family vacation in any park areas equipped with normal paths. Naturally, such units will not be specially bought. But renting, as practice shows, is a popular idea. Moreover, up to 6 people can fit on one velomobile. Therefore, entertainment is interesting for both a family of several people and a group of friends.

For business, park areas, embankments in cities, and recreation areas may be suitable. As for the price, on average, about 50 thousand rubles will be asked for a Chinese-made velomobile. However, there is a cheaper way - to find a master who would make wheeled vehicles to order. There is nothing difficult in this. But of course you have to search.

For those who are very limited in funds, an option with installments or a loan may be suitable.

After you have decided on a place, you need to understand who is its owner. If it does not belong to a specific company or individual, then you will need to obtain permission from the city administration.

The rental price should be based on your costs, but in this case you can’t go too far, otherwise customers simply won’t respond even if they want to. For example, 100 rubles for half an hour is quite an adequate price for a more or less large city.

When organizing, remember that the client is required to take not only a fee, but also a deposit. Usually it is an identity document. Otherwise, you will quickly lose your “fleet”. If you want to protect yourself from theft completely, install a special device - a tracker that will show the coordinates of each velomobile.

If the rental is large enough, then it will be more profitable to hire additional staff who will work in shifts.

Labor costs- about 4-6 hours a day

Advantages- Wide audience
Flaws- AT major cities already high competition + seasonality

#13 Cargo transportation without costs

The idea is based on the fact that you do not need your own freight transport. Because you will be working with hired drivers who have their own trucks.

In fact, there are a lot of such drivers who could respond to your request. This is due to the fact that the search for customers is not the most pleasant experience, and many are limited to a simple announcement of the opportunity to hire themselves with their own transport. Not everyone also climbs into the advertising jungle.

How exactly to work with drivers is up to you. The main thing is to agree in advance. Some prefer piecework payment depending on the number of working hours. Others calculate mileage. It may be easier to set a "own percentage". That is, you find a customer and transfer it to a specific driver, who, having completed the work and received the money, gives you the agreed part.

Finding customers is not as difficult as it seems. There are several common options:

  • Calling organizations in your city
  • Paper advertisements around the city
  • Specialized sites on the Internet

When talking to a client, be sure to state your terms in full. And when the customer gives his consent, immediately discuss all the details - the place, time, the cargo itself, additional conditions and wishes, phone numbers and responsible persons.

Even if the client is “one-time”, save his contacts, in this way you will ensure that you will have your own customer base, which in the future will be able to re-offer your own services and report on promotions.

Labor costs- full time on the phone

Advantages- standing orders
Flaws- High density of competition.

No. 14 Sale of berries and fruits from Thailand

At first glance, the idea may seem strange. After all, for a long time we no longer live behind the Iron Curtain. And trips to exotic places where you can enjoy this are not so sky-high unattainable. However, in an era of economic crisis, as statistics show, many people prefer to postpone their holidays for the future. And in fact, a very large percentage of the population does not leave our country.

Therefore, organizing a business selling “specific products” from hot countries is a completely feasible task. The main thing here is to find a supplier. The problem is that those who constantly work with the delivery of goods from other countries and can help with the execution of all documents do not handle cargo in small volumes. And they will not take on small parties. Therefore, you will have to spend time and effort searching.

Another option is to find a person who will buy goods in a particular country and send them to you by air. Naturally, the payment will be negotiable.

The price at which you will sell products in Russia will have to be made up of several factors. For example, customs costs, prime cost, buyer's labor fees, postal percentage will be affected. But the most important thing is the period for which the product deteriorates. The smaller it is, the greater the percentage of the markup on the price tag you will need to add. Because the loss of part of the goods in such a business is an inevitable fate.

The assortment can be quite diverse, unlike the store, where often you will not find anything other than a couple of items. So, you can start selling such dishes:

  • durian
  • pomelo
  • Coconut
  • Banana
  • Rambutan
  • A pineapple
  • Darogonfruit
  • Mango
  • Guava
  • Mangosteen
  • Jackfruit
  • Longkong
  • passion fruit
  • Chempedak
  • Tamarind
  • Salak
  • Tangerine
  • sapodilla
  • Papaya

And this is not a complete list of what is possible. Naturally, over time, you will be able to optimize the assortment depending on the results.
Advantages- Unusual, the ability to focus on an audience with a high level of income.
Flaws - Possible difficulties with customs

No. 15 Sale of production waste and expired products

A strange idea for making money, however, has a completely working scheme. The fact is that many food products, when they expire, are simply disposed of. Naturally, factories and firms that have to throw away a product that has not passed the sale stage spend some money on these processes. It is necessary to pay for transportation, the disposal itself, the work of people involved in this business. Naturally, it would be more profitable for them to get rid of these expenses if someone took away or redeemed such products.

Question - for what? Everything is simple. If you take, for example, bread, which is already subject to disposal, then you need to keep in mind that it is still suitable. As an option - to feed livestock on numerous farms. The same is true for the confectionery industry.

Therefore, your task is to find a "supplier" of such products. If you go to the factory, you can stumble upon a refusal. Because, alas, some industries use an expired product, breaking it down into ingredients, which are subsequently mixed into a new fresh batch of the same product.

But, of course, not everyone does this. Therefore, among several plants and factories, you will definitely be able to find a supplier.

The question is better to start with accounting. This is where pricing takes place. It is also possible to agree on payment of a symbolic price on your part. Up to 1 ruble per kilogram of product. But there will definitely be a price tag.

Once a supplier is found, finding a buyer is easy. This will help a small price on your product. Start with ads on profile portals. You can also visit the farms in person to reach an agreement. Over time, regular customers will participate in this scheme.

Labor costs- about 8 hours a day

Advantages- Low cost of goods
Flaws- Graph Density

No. 16 Redecoration of the entrances of apartment buildings

The scheme of this type of business is based on contracts with management companies and housing offices. The fact is that the departments themselves often do not have their own teams of workers who will carry out the orders. And, considering how many houses even in small towns need to be monitored, the work is ongoing. The housing office is very likely to turn to hired brigades. Here is a hired team that will be ready to take on orders and you have to assemble. And that will be the first step.

Find a person who can perform certain construction and repair work, it won't work. If you do not have such among your friends, look for ads, there are a lot of them now. For starters, a small staff will be enough - 2-3 people.

The second step is to determine the price of the work. It is better if your team includes a builder or repairman who already knows the value of his employment. So you can immediately voice the price tags when communicating with a potential customer. This is important so that the client does not “fly off”. If you have difficulty with this, please contact construction companies. They usually provide free consultations.

After that, it remains to find a housing office that needs a team and discuss the conditions with it. It is important to conclude a contract after agreeing on the terms so that you can receive payment. Part of the funds will go to the salary of your team, and part - to you.

As an addition to this business or its expansion, you can earn money on the transportation and delivery of building materials.

Labor costs- Constant communication in person and by phone
Advantages- standing orders
Flaws- Competition and red tape

№17 Dry fog as a remedy for odors

Dry fog is so named because the device that is used to eliminate odors throws out a special air suspension that looks exactly like fog. In fact, the mixture has a special composition, which is sprayed in the form of microscopic crystals. They are able to penetrate even the smallest holes and gaps, simultaneously absorbing any odors.

The dry fog sprayer is by no means bulky. Like a vacuum cleaner, it can be dragged with one hand. The cost of such a unit varies between 20-30 thousand rubles.

In addition to the device itself, as a consumable, you will need to purchase the actual liquid, from which the “miracle machine” will generate fog. The cost of one bottle is about 100 rubles. It is enough for about 1 car as a whole, if the smell needs to be removed from the car.

The odor removal procedure takes about forty minutes. In experienced hands - even less. Dry fog is able to cope with many odors. For example, it calmly removes the old smell of tobacco in the cabin. According to statistics, you can not think about the appearance of this smell after the procedure for at least a whole month.

When building a business, you don’t need to overestimate the price tag for the procedure, so you will get more customers. 500 rubles at a time will be enough. The main thing to remember is that in order to achieve the effect, you must first remove the object - the source of the smell. So, if it is a spoiled rotten product, then you first need to remove it, and then proceed to the cleaning procedure.

Another important detail is the plaque. It can be formed during the settling of a mist suspension. Therefore, you should remember about safety precautions when covering important elements with a film.

The price for services is usually formed by area. The larger the room where you want to remove the smell, the higher the price tag of the procedure.

Advantages- Low competition
Flaws- Difficult customer search

No. 18 Sale of waste from livestock farms

We have already analyzed the opportunity to make money on the sale of expired products from food production to farmers. But these same farmers can also find goods for subsequent sale to another buyer.

We are talking about animal waste products from farms. Usually they are stored near the farm itself. Of course, there are those who are engaged in the export and sale themselves, but not everyone can allocate time.

In order to take out waste from the “supplier” to the customer, you will first need a suitable freight car. There are several options here. Firstly, in the village located next to the farm, there may be a suitable vehicle. And with the driver. And given that in the villages the standard level of income is less than in the city, it will be easy to agree on payment.

Secondly, you can buy a car yourself. And supported is best. Because you will carry manure and because it makes no sense to spend large sums on a new car from the very beginning.

After the issue with the vehicle is resolved, it will be necessary to negotiate directly with the farmer, who always has goods in stock. And since without such proposals the farmer himself has to take out the waste, it will not be difficult to negotiate with him.

The next stage of setting up a business is connected with the workers who will load the “material” into the car. Again, it is worth hiring people, either living in the nearby village or the farm workers themselves.

The last step is to find a buyer. Such waste goes well as fertilizer for plants. Therefore, the main audience to be guided by is the owners of crop farms and summer residents. In the second case, you can put a car with manure on the right days directly at the entrance to summer cottages. Then the clients themselves will be interested in you about the cost of the sold manure. Or you can use standard methods - posting ads and the Internet.

According to statistics, the cost of one manure machine varies within 2000 rubles. In successful cases, you can sell more than one car of manure per day.

Labor costs- Full time work

Advantages- There are always suppliers
Flaws- "Dirty job

#19 Acquaintances in the process of completing quests

This idea combines two services popular with people. Quest rooms are a popular entertainment and dating service, which, judging by the numerous dating sites, will never lose popularity.

The gaming environment and new sensations always encourage closer cooperation, even for complete strangers. Therefore, the idea deserves attention. Naturally, the search for potential customers in this case is primarily conducted through the Internet. And even if in the process of passing the game in real time people did not have the opportunity to find a mate, a good time will not leave them in a bad mood. Customers will still be happy.

Advantages- Combination of two popular ideas
Flaws- Competition

No. 20 Advertising on your own windows

We are all used to seeing advertisements everywhere for a long time - from newspapers to street ads on banners and even simple poles. Advertising today is the engine of any business and advertisers are constantly looking for new effective platforms. So, finding a client among those who need to place their advertisement is a matter of time and desire.

Recently, the idea has begun to develop to offer advertising space on their own windows and balconies of residential buildings. If you are a person who is ready to sacrifice his “glass” or a place on the facade for the sake of earning money, then you should think about this method.

It makes no sense to paint how to find a client, first of all you need to be able to offer and not be afraid to communicate. But for those lacking those skills, there's an easier way to subtly sell your space. You can organize a small billboard, where, before an advertisement from a particular company or person appears, your sign will hang about the sale of this very place for advertising.

It all depends on your creativity. Alternatively, you can write popular words: “here can be your ad.” And it is natural to add a telephone for communication under this slogan. In this case, it is more likely that the client will find you. Especially if the place that you offer is really well suited, that is, it is viewed from the side and will be visible to a large number of people.

Labor costs- Almost not

Advantages- Passive income
Flaws- You will have to sacrifice your windows or facade

Hello, dear readers of the “site”! In this article, we will look at business ideas with minimal investment, which small business ideas are relevant in 2019, and which business is in small town can be opened from scratch.

Many people who want to start their own business are held back by a lack of start-up capital. But in fact there are business ideas with little investment just not everyone knows about them. We wrote this article for those who are thinking about starting their own business, but are looking for ideas for their small business or money. We hope that this article will help many aspiring entrepreneurs get closer to their goal.

The article discusses promising business ideas with minimal investment, what business ideas exist in a small town, and what kind of home business can be opened from scratch for a novice entrepreneur

Your idea does not have to be so brilliant that it can change the world, although this is possible. No, first of all the idea must be relevant and profitable. But it is equally important that you like it yourself.

Even now, when many firms are failing or liquidating, there are profitable niches in the market. And you can take one of them.

A collection of such ideas, in fact, is this article. In it you will find small business ideas with minimal investment suitable for men and women, pensioners and students, residents of small towns and large cities.

We will also consider projects that can be started at home, without any start-up capital, production, or a car. Everything is possible if you set the right goal at the very beginning!

2. What kind of business can be opened with minimal investment in 2019 - 5 relevant business niches

There are areas of business where you can start your own business and earn income even in our time of crisis.

Profitable business niches include:

  1. Services sector;
  2. infobusiness;
  3. Resale of goods;
  4. Handmade;
  5. Internet business.

In all these areas, you can start with minimal investment, usually the amount of expenses less than 15 000 rubles, and may be even less. Such an amount, if desired, can be accumulated by any citizen of Russia and the CIS, regardless of income level.

For example To start earning online, a small amount of investment is enough. Alternatively, trading financial market. The main thing here is to choose the right brokerage company. Many successful traders work through this broker.

Tip 1. The thought up idea of ​​business should be pleasant to you

According to experts, with all my heart, you can only do what you really love. The same was said by the great Steve Jobs.

Tip 2. The business idea must also be well-sold

In addition to personal interests and preferences, there are market trends . Consider them when choosing an idea, because you open your business not only for the soul, but also for the sake of earning. You may be very fond of making models or knitting hats for hamsters, but it is impossible to earn a lot in these niches.

Tip 3. The idea of ​​​​creating a business must be unique

Yes, in 21 century it is difficult to invent something fundamentally new. But you must clearly understand how your offer will differ from the activities of competitors.

Worth considering! If you are not unique, you will merge with others in your niche. In this case, customers will not care who they buy from.

Your task is to interest customers, make them remember you and come back to you. This is the only way you can earn big money. Uniqueness may be for example, in the price or properties of the goods. We also recommend reading our detailed overview earnings without investments in the article - "".

Tip 4. Use personal experience and skills when creating a business

Already acquired competencies can help you in business, even if you do not like them.

For example, if you worked as a waiter, consider opening your own cafe.

Tip 5 Consider using the Internet to earn money

Nowadays almost every business is somehow connected with it. This quite often helps to save time and money for novice entrepreneurs.

The following situations can serve as an example:

  • If you love and know how to communicate, consider whether you should do online learning;
  • And if you are an introvert, you can do activities that do not require you to talk a lot with people, for example, website development or sale of hand-made in the social network.

Well, if your mood to create your own business is not knocked down, then we move from theory to specific proposals.

Starting a business from scratch - 5 business ideas with minimal investment

4. Which small business is better to open - TOP-5 business ideas from scratch for start-up entrepreneurs

Business idea number 1. Earnings on Avito

Every Internet user knows that Avito is the largest free classifieds site in our country.

Millions of users visit it every day, some of which want something buy, while others are sell. And you can make good money acting as an intermediary between the first and second.

Many people who have unnecessary things are too busy to post ads on the Internet and answer calls, much less travel somewhere for a meeting. You can help them by taking on the hassle of selling and get your percentage of the item's value.

You can also earn income by posting goods from China on this site. If your resale business goes well, in time you will be able to open your own online store.

Business idea number 2. Holiday agency

Despite the crisis, people continue to celebrate weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and graduations.

AT 2019 profitability in this area fell↓ due to cuts in event budgets. However, for a beginner, this will in any case be a good alternative to regular work. This business requires almost no investment.

A good option is to spend only children holidays . Children know how to have fun and are less demanding on the quality of organization. And for parents, the main thing is that the child is happy.

The most important thing in this business is to recruit a team professional artists and advertise themselves. For starters, you can hold several holidays for friends and acquaintances so that they start talking about you, and you collect your portfolio.

Business idea number 3. Advertising agency

If you have a rich imagination and minimal leadership skills, this option will suit you. The advertising agency team may consist of just 2 -3 people who can draw creative designs and come up with stories for advertising. Profitability in this area is quite high.

But while your business is still small, don't quit your day job. Fulfill orders in the evenings or in your free time. Experts recommend quit only when you have a steady flow of profitable orders.

As you already understood, you will work in this area from home via the Internet. It is desirable to have start-up capital , which can be spent on advertising to get the first orders.

Invest the first profit in technical equipment home office- buy the latest computer, laptop, phone, tablet etc. This will greatly simplify your life in the future.

You can also find information about PR techniques and creating a stable flow of orders on the worldwide web. Measure the effectiveness of your activities by the number of completed projects and regular customers. Compare data across months and quarters to see where you're headed.

Business idea number 4. Husband for an hour

Contrary to stereotypes, not only women, but also men use such services. At the very beginning of the activity, you will not need any expenses other than advertising your own services.

There are 2 ways to use this business idea:

Method 1. If friends and acquaintances call you "handyman", then you can independently search for orders and fulfill them . When the number of orders is consistently high, it is worth thinking about purchasing car if you don't already have it. Being on wheels, you will be able to quickly go to the call, as well as serve more customers living in different areas of the city;

Method 2. If you have leadership qualities, you may not provide services personally, but hire a team of craftsmen for piecework payment for the number of completed orders. In this case, your tasks will be the reception and distribution of calls, quality control of the services provided.

Of course, with the second method, you will earn more. However, if you are not yet confident in your abilities, start from the first. Many service owners "Husband for an hour" started as simple craftsmen.

Business idea number 5. Photo and video studio

Creation and discovery photo and video studios a very profitable business, since the scope can be very diverse.

Photo and video filming is often used during various celebrations (from private birthdays and weddings to large corporate parties).

What kind of business can be opened in a small town from scratch - 8 profitable and promising business ideas for a small town with minimal investment

5. Business ideas with minimal investment in a small town - TOP 8 business ideas in a small town with little investment

Next business ideas for a small town with minimal investment can be successfully implemented in settlements where the number of inhabitants is from 10 000 before 100 000 human.

Please note that the above ideas can be profitable and promising not only in small towns and villages, but also in large metropolitan areas.

Business Idea #1. Cargo transportation

Due to the increase in the number of online stores in recent years, the demand for cargo transportation services has risen. This idea will do to open your own business in a village or a small town, as residents of any locality that has the Internet make purchases there.

Contrary to the delusion you don't need your own car to get started.

You can earn more money by acting as intermediary, connecting transportation customers and auto couriers with each other and receiving a percentage from each transaction.

If you decide to buy a car for this business on credit, keep in mind that until the loan is fully repaid, your profit will be almost zero.

Opportunities for income growth are unlimited, over time you can invest profits in opening a branch in another city.

Business Idea #2. Breeding farm animals

In small towns, many people live on private plots. If you are not a staunch vegetarian, consider raising livestock and poultry.

As a rule, even in small villages, products Agriculture, such as meat, milk, eggs is in demand among summer residents and motorists passing through the village.

However, before starting such a business, you must:

  • make sure there is a demand and understand how big it is;
  • learn as much as possible about the business in order to further use it for your own purposes;
  • be sure to consult with a veterinarian or zootechnologist about the features of keeping, feeding and possible treatment of the type of animal you have chosen.

For example: Very profitable to breed rabbits . Their fertility has become the subject of many jokes. Rabbit fur, meat, and the animals themselves sell fairly well. Rabbit has a high biological value, as well as hypoallergenic. Therefore, families with children or just people who adhere to a healthy diet will be happy to purchase a farm product from you.

The price for a live rabbit starts from 800 rubles and can reach 4 500 rubles, the exact amount depends on its breed, size, weight and health status.

Business Idea #3. Small household services

In whatever city you live, you have definitely seen the tiny rooms in which they provide shoe repair and key making services . Surely, many of them more than once rescued in an unforeseen situation. Meanwhile, opening such an item is quite simple.

To open such a business, you will need:

  • room rental from 5 sq. m.;
  • shoe racks;
  • tool for shoemaking and metal work.

If you have golden hands, you can provide services yourself. However, it is better to hire 2 -x foremen to work in shifts while you develop the business.

Over time, you will be able to open several similar points in different places or even districts. While there is a crisis in the country, you will have a stable flow of orders - people with limited funds repair shoes instead of buying new ones .

Business Idea #4. Cosmetic services

Here is a good home business idea for women. Many of them can do haircuts, manicure, henna painting and other procedures to their girlfriends. Some consider it as a hobby, others as friendly help, and still others begin to advertise themselves and eventually find their regular customers.

The list of cosmetic services provided is as follows:

  • Coloring;
  • styling;
  • Braiding;
  • Weaving dreadlocks;
  • Solemn make-up;
  • Temporary henna tattoos;
  • Manicure;
  • Pedicure;
  • Massage, etc.

At the same time, you do not need expensive rent for a beauty salon. Most cosmetologists provide their services at the customer's home, which is additionally appreciated by clients.

In the field of cosmetology, it is easiest to build a cooperation between the master and the client, which lasts for years. At the same time, your business will not lose its relevance.- women take care of themselves even in the most difficult times.

In the future, you will be able to sell personal care products, open beauty saloon or lead master classes for women on the topic of cosmetology.

Business idea number 5. Tutoring

This idea repels many because of the apparent high competition. In fact, a good tutor is worth its weight in gold, his contacts are passed on to each other by the mothers of schoolchildren and students.

Even if you live in a small town, you can teach students from all over the country using Skype.

IMPORTANT! Easiest way to find a job during the period of preparation of schoolchildren for admission to universities.

At this time, the demand for such services increases sharply and even a tutor without experience can find students.

You can teach any subject that you know well yourself. Universities have a large selection of faculties and specialties, and there will definitely be a demand for your services. Having established himself as a specialist, for an hour of a lesson you can get several thousand rubles.

It is worth considering that it is possible to teach not only sciences, but also practical skills, for example , playing the guitar or roller skating. Every person who has a hobby can earn money by teaching others his craft.

Business Idea #6. Canteen

A business based on the sale of food will never lose its relevance. . In small towns, there is often a problem with catering establishments. Large chains restaurants do not pay attention to such settlements, and the quality of food and service in local canteens leaves much to be desired.

If you open a cozy place where delicious food and polite communication, then soon you will not end up with visitors. It is better to start with a small cafe, just 5 -10 tables. When you get a stable high profit, you can expand or open an additional branch.

It's important to understand that the opening of even a small institution requires the presence of start-up capital. However catering is one of the most profitable business sectors.

Therefore, if you keep the brand, monitor the quality of the prepared dishes and the level of communication with customers, then your establishment will become famous over time and all investments will pay off.

AT 21 century, more and more people prefer to earn money from the comfort of their homes. This applies not only to professionals providing services via the Internet, but also to businessmen.

Business idea number 7. Handmade

Every person who knows how to make beautiful things with his hands, can earn by selling their products.

The income of famous masters reaches several thousand dollars a month, people line up with them to buy an exclusive handmade item.

To start earning, you need the following:

  • exhibit your products Avito or Fair of Masters ;
  • place ads on social media. In contact with and Instagram best suited for this purpose;
  • participate in offline fairs that are held in each city;
  • print business cards and distribute them to customers and friends.

Invest part of the profits in yourself, in learning new techniques, buying materials and tools.

In addition to selling your products, you can also teach needlework to everyone by holding paid master classes .

Business idea number 8. Studio

In fact, this can be called hand-made, which we talked about above. So what's the difference?

  • Firstly, in the atelier not only sew clothes, but also repair finished ones.
  • Secondly, there is less creativity here, the seamstress often mechanically fulfills the client's order or works with him in collaboration.

To open home studio you only need sewing machine related skills and advertising. It is not necessary to purchase materials in advance, seamstresses buy them from an advance payment taken for the order.

The clothing business is also making good money in times of crisis, with people fixing clothes instead of buying new ones and ordering replicas of designer items they can't afford.

Best Ideas business at home - 9 attractive business ideas

6. Home Business Ideas - 9 Promising Home Business Ideas

Starting a home business is an attractive line of income generation. Such activities are perfect for those who, for whatever reason, cannot work traditionally in the office.

There are many options for such activities. Described below 9 most promising business ideas at home.

Idea 1. Services for animals

The niche of services for animals is quite wide. At the same time, the required investments are minimal. Usually enough to start a business 20 000 rubles.

Funds will be needed for the following needs:

  • purchase of various goods and materials;
  • organization of the workspace;
  • advertising their services on the Internet and in print media.

Among the services for animals provided at home, the most common are:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • tailoring;
  • organization of hotels for animals.

It is important to take into account that the provision of most services requires special knowledge and skills.

Idea 2. Atelier for repair and tailoring

Such services at home can be provided by anyone who has the appropriate skills. It is important to purchase quality equipment . This will require near 50 000 rubles.

As an option, clothes for repair can be picked up from customers directly at home, after which they can be delivered there. To reduce transport costs at first, you can take orders exclusively in nearby areas.

The important thing is to do your job. as quickly and efficiently as possible. Then, in the near future, the fame of the services provided will spread throughout the district. This will lead to an increase in demand.

Idea 3. Cooking courses

Today, many people attend various culinary courses to learn how to cook well. This can bring quite a serious income to those who conduct such classes.

To provide training services in the art of cooking it is not necessary to organize a studio, you can learn how to cook in your own kitchen. At the same time, if the area allows, classes can be held at once for several people.

On average, the initial investment in the organization of culinary courses is about 10 000 rubles.

Note! To organize such a business, you may not have a specialized education. It is enough to know how to cook well.

To conduct a cooking course, you will need:

  • purchase kitchen utensils designed for all participants of the courses. If your courses are popular, you might consider partnering with a kitchenware company. Thus, you will advertise their products and receive additional income from this;
  • keep track of availability necessary products to complete them in a timely manner. You should think in advance where you can buy products High Quality at the lowest prices;
  • organize the workplaces of students so that everyone can comfortably and clearly see the cooking process. You either have to take courses to 2 -3 person, or get additional cooking surfaces.

Idea 4. Growing various vegetables and fruits

The business of growing various vegetables and fruits is seasonal. Therefore, it is best used to generate additional income.

Such an activity would be most suitable for homeowners who like to spend time in gardens. Most of these jobs are done by pensioners.. Growing flowers, as well as seedlings, can be attributed to the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bhome business.

Experts recommend start a business with a small amateur cultivation. Only after the development of a high-quality client base, as well as the acquisition of serious experience, can one begin to expand production.

This kind of business has 2 main expense items:

  1. purchase and development of land. The acquired land must be suitable for growing plants and receive sufficient insolation. No less important is the territorial location, on which transport costs depend;
  2. purchase of necessary equipment : pitchforks, rakes, greenhouses, plant watering systems, as well as seeds and soil.

If you plan a large-scale production of vegetables and fruits, you should additionally purchase special equipment . To facilitate the work, you will need a tractor with various attachments, as well as a combine. Naturally, in this case costs will increase many times over.

IMPORTANT! In order to sell products to retail outlets, it is necessary to pass the state registration , as well as apply to Rospotrebnadzor for the preparation of documentation for manufactured products.

You will have to obtain certificates, declarations and other papers required by law.

Compared to products offered in the store, vegetables and fruits from the dacha have advantage , because grown with minimal fertilizer without the use of nitrates. And as you know, now many people tend to use environmentally friendly products.

Idea 5. Livestock

Animal breeding can also prove to be a lucrative business. However, for this activity large areas required. Therefore, it is best to engage in such a business in a village (rural area).

This business requires the entrepreneur to invest in:

  • The bulk of the funds will go to acquisition of young to be used for breeding. Its cost is largely determined by what animals it is decided to breed, as well as from the breed;
  • In addition, funds will be needed for associated costs (purchase of feed, as well as payment for veterinary services).

As a start-up capital, you will need at least 50 000 rubles. The upper bar is not limited by anything.

If you decide to breed cats or dogs , you will have to take into account the cost of participation in exhibitions, as a type of necessary expenses. To sell animals more expensive, you should provide for the paperwork for the pedigree.

Breeding rabbits is also popular. They require specially built cages, feeders and drinkers. However, such a business can bring considerable income, because you can get both meat and fur from rabbits.

It should be borne in mind that animal husbandry can bring good profit, but such an activity is quite complicated. It will require not only special knowledge, but also a large amount of physical strength.

Idea 6. Making fish food

The fish food business has a very high profitability level. There is no need to keep fish. You just have to find a reservoir in which live food lives: pipe makers, cyclops and others.

To increase the shelf life of the finished feed, you will have to purchase freezer . It is on it that the main funds of the initial investment will go. Besides , it will take a lot of time to carefully study the information provided on the Internet and understand how to harvest food.

Equally important is finding enough customers . But do not be afraid, because aquarists often trust private manufacturers much more than industrial ones.

Idea 7. Breeding fish at home

Today, there is a demand for fish products on the market, both large fish farms and private firms.

Breeding does not require a lot of time. Every day you have to spend no more 5 hours. If you have enough knowledge, you can not only quickly recoup your investment, but also receive regular high profits.

Take note! To avoid the problem of business seasonality, it is worth organizing breeding fish in artificial reservoirs.

Can be used at home pool growing method . This option is suitable for breeding pike, salmon, bream, perch and carp.

Sometimes businessmen organize mini-reservoirs directly in the basement of their own house, using barrels and small bathtubs for this purpose.

Idea 8. Breeding worms at home

Breeding worms is far from the most popular type of business. However, the possibility of organizing vermifarms at low costs and minimal labor efforts allow us to consider this business as quite promising.

There are several ways to earn income from breeding worms at home:

  1. Sales to fishermen. Many fishing enthusiasts do not want to spend time looking for worms. It is much easier to purchase them in specially created outlets. For quality fishing, about 50 worms, while the cost of each can reach 3 -x rubles. Accordingly, from each fisherman you can get up to 150 rubles .
  2. Sale of grown worms to bird and fish breeders, as well as pet stores for food. Some species of birds and fish are required to introduce live food into the diet. With their breeders, you can arrange regular supplies of earthworms.
  3. Sale to summer residents, farmers, as well as large farmers of vermicompost, which is the result of the vital activity of worms. It is an organic fertilizer with high nutritional properties. Collection of vermicompost is carried out 1 times every 1 -1,5 month.
  4. Supply of worms to pharmaceutical companies. Some of them acquire earthworms for the manufacture of medicines.

Idea 9. Breeding crayfish at home

How to breed crayfish home business in Russia has not yet gained serious popularity. However, the high efficiency of such activities has already been proven.

Crayfish breeding attracts entrepreneurs with the following advantages:

  • minimum initial investment;
  • low competition;
  • quite high demand;
  • minimum labor costs for breeding and care.

Among the shortcomings of the business, many call:

  • long payback period;
  • seasonality.

The last problem is solved by breeding crayfish at home. For this, they are used artificial reservoirs and special aquariums .

Moreover, at home breeding much easier to control the crayfish population. The only condition- you will have to fully control the quality of water, as well as its circulation.

Practice confirms that even in the presence of shortcomings, such a business can generate significant income.

TOP 10 home business ideas for men and women

7. What home business to open - TOP 10 home business ideas for men and women with minimal investment

At home, in order to generate income, you can engage in various activities. However, it should be borne in mind that some types of work are primarily suitable for men or women. Therefore, below are various business ideas for each gender separately.

7.1. Home business ideas for men

Home business ideas for men

In most cases, men are invited to engage in production and repair. Described below 5 ideas for men to start your business from scratch. As a rule, these are business ideas in the field of production.

1. Production of furniture without a frame

Today bean bags are used everywhere. They can be found in offices, apartments (in living rooms, children's and bedrooms), in summer cottages.

Such a business is attractive because the production of such chairs is not difficult. There is no need to make a special frame. To make a chair, it is enough to sew case and stuff it filler.

In addition to bean bags, you can offer your customers special granules, which allow you to independently adjust the stiffness in accordance with your desires. To increase demand, you can expand the range by producing various chairs - traditional, leather, in the form of toys.

Starting a bean bag chair business requires a small investment. The experts claim that you can start such an activity by investing near 5 000 rubles.

Most of the funds will be spent on the purchase of materials for the manufacture of chairs. However, for effective activity, you will also need a good sewing machine and overlocker.

2. Production of educational toys

The educational toy business is also capable of generating good income. Interest in such products on the part of parents is explained as environmental friendliness products received, and lower ↓ compared to stores at the price.

Particularly popular are bodyboards . It is not difficult to make them at home, while the price reaches several thousand rubles.

There is no need to create your own original design, because there are many examples of bodyboards on the Internet. At the same time, you won’t have to spend money on acquiring an idea, since all photographs are for demonstration purposes only.

The educational toy business is attractive due to the low amount of investment required. The experts claim that you can start an activity with just 3 000 -4 000 rubles. This is enough to create the first few toys, then you can expand the range, as well as work exclusively to order.

3. Manufacture of leather products

Leather products are in high demand. They are purchased by people of all ages. If at the same time the thing is made by hand, it becomes exclusive. This leads to a significant increase in demand for such leather products, because it is not easy to find an exclusive item in stores today.

It's important to understand that the organization of the production of leather goods will require considerable investment. They will be much higher than when implementing other previously announced business ideas and will amount to about 25,000 rubles.

Most of these funds will be required to purchase raw materials. To save money, you should try to organize cooperation with local farmers. In this case, you can use to make pig skin. However, if there is a desire to work with more exclusive materials, additional investments will be required.

The production of leather products can bring a good income. Profit in this business can reach 300 %-500 % . For maximum income, it is better to engage in the manufacture of accessories (bags, key holders, belts, bracelets, wallets).

Of course, you can try to organize production of leather shoes , however, certain skills are required here. If you take up manufacturing without experience, a considerable amount of material will be spoiled, which will inevitably lead to a significant increase in costs.

4. Production of metal structures

Today, the construction of residential buildings is underway. Their owners often use to create and decorate the interior, as well as the territory. metal structures . Therefore, the demand for them has been at a fairly high level for a long time.

As a result, the production of metal structures becomes a business that is able to regularly bring good income. This business idea is perfect those involved in construction. This will allow you to quickly find buyers and establish distribution channels.

The main buyers of metal structures can be construction companies, but do not ignore the opportunity to sell products consumers directly.

It is important to consider what the product range will be. You can engage in the production of a single type, or you can choose several directions at once.

The following metal structures are most popular:

  • gates;
  • gates;
  • bars on the windows;
  • canopies for houses.

5. Engraving

The idea of ​​making engraving on glass as well as cutlery attracts a huge number of people. At the same time, wealthy people make not only commemorative inscriptions, but also entire drawings.

To organize a business in the manufacture of engravings, you will have to purchase special equipment . Need compressor, as well as stencils.

Often there is not enough space in the apartment for making engravings. However, you can engage in such production in almost any room, including in the garage or in the country.

Experts recommend start doing engraving as a way additional income. When the business develops and begins to bring sufficient profit, you can do it all the time.

7.2. Home business ideas for women

Home Business Ideas for Women

Women at home can easily engage in the provision of various services, for example sewing clothes or selling the results of their own creativity. Below are 5 business ideas most suitable for the fair sex.

1. Tutoring and additional education

Women with a psychological and pedagogical education can organize own business at home with virtually no investment. Classes in your profile can be carried out not only at home, but also on Skype .

Particularly in demand today are various extra activities for children . Therefore, if you have your own author's methodology, or using modern teaching techniques, you can open home school of music and vocals, foreign languages, creative workshop and others training centers.

2. Home studio

If you have the appropriate skills, do not be afraid to start sewing clothes yourself. It is important to decide on a niche. Then, even if there are a huge number of dressmakers in the city, you will be able to find your own customers.

The most popular and profitable niches are:

  • tailoring of dresses for final balls and weddings;
  • tailoring of costumes for dance and other groups;
  • production of theatrical scenery.

3. Workshop for making gifts and souvenirs

People often wonder what to give a person. It is especially difficult to make a choice when a person already has everything. Therefore, the business of making original gifts can be quite profitable.

It is worth considering congratulation ideas for various categories, for example, for a wedding, boss, children. There can be a lot of options here: designer dolls, bags, interior items, postcards.

It is important to find an individual direction and use various creative techniques familiar to the craftswoman to create gifts.

4. Workshop for the manufacture of designer jewelry

One of the areas of creativity that generates income is jewelry making . Designer products are always in high demand, women are constantly purchasing new accessories for their outfits.

Before starting business development, it is important to decide what material will be used to make jewelry. Of great importance is the development of manufacturing techniques, as well as the development of one's own artistic taste.

5. Photo studio at home

Women can also set up a photo studio at home.

This will require:

  • beautifully decorate the room;
  • learn how to take pictures correctly;
  • master the skills of original photo processing.

An important success factor is the ability of the photographer to find an individual approach to each client in order to help him open up in photography.

It should be borne in mind what is required for such a business considerable investments. You will have to purchase the necessary equipment, as well as decorative elements.

Actual ideas for business with minimal investment (from scratch) and quick payback

8. What business is relevant now - 3 ideas for a business from scratch (minimum investment) and a quick payback

Everyone knows that business in the IT industry is now relevant. You can open your own business with little investment, especially since such a business pays off very quickly. Therefore, we present in this section a few ideas for online business.

Business idea 1. Web studio

If you love and know how to work on the Internet, this business is for you. Anyone can learn how to create websites from scratch and it's a very lucrative business.

At first you can take orders as a private master, and then open your own web studio , entrusting orders to freelancers or permanent employees.

Business idea 2. Skype consultations

About the benefits of working through Skype we have already discussed in this article. But now we will not talk about lessons, but about virtual consultations.

If you are a practicing specialist, you can receive clients not in person, but remotely.

The main professions whose specialists can give consultations via Skype:

  • Business coaches;
  • Lawyers;
  • Psychologists;
  • Therapists;
  • Stylists;
  • Nutritionists;
  • Fortune tellers, etc.

Skype consultations are beneficial for both the client and the specialist, since both do not need to waste time on the road.

Business idea 3. Profitable site

Creating profitable information sites can be called one of the most promising ideas for business in 2019 year.

It will take a lot of time to create a successful and profitable site. Investments will be minimal if all the costs of writing content and promoting the project are taken over.

The main indicators of creating an information project:

If you don't like the idea of ​​making money from it and you see yourself as an expert in another industry, start anyway. business card site or blog . This will help you:

  • Increase customer confidence, create a personal brand;
  • Advertise your services on the Internet;
  • Motivate you to develop and learn new things so that there is something to write about in the blog.

New business ideas - 5 the latest ideas for small business

9. Business ideas 2019 with minimal investment that are not in Russia - 5 newest ideas with a perspective

In the West, small businesses are treated fairly loyally. Even seemingly unrealistic ideas, if there is a bit of common sense are well received by the population.

In our country, buyers are more conservative. They consider many useful things to be superfluous and are in no hurry to acquire them.

Therefore, when implementing business ideas that are still not in Russia, it is important to take into account the mentality of the inhabitants.

Below are a few little-known activities that deserve your attention.

[Idea 1]. Storage cells

AT United States gain popularity organization of personal storage However, in Russia this type of activity is not yet developed. This service allows anyone who wants to rent a small box with an area of from 5 before 15 sq.m.

Most often, such cells are used as follows:

  • unnecessary things are brought here, using the room as a storage room;
  • in order to free the apartment as much as possible during the repair;
  • motorists store spare parts and a set of replacement tires here;
  • entrepreneurs rent cells as temporary warehouses.

The low popularity of such storage services in Russia is explained by the fact that many previously owned garages and basements. However, in modern conditions the number of new buildings is growing, and garages are often demolished .

New apartments rarely have large balconies or closets. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such a business idea.

[Idea 2]. Dating agency on quests

Today, it is difficult for many people to approach the person they like on the street, it is easier for them to do it on the Internet. However, it is not always possible to translate such relationships into real life. Can help solve the problem dating on quests .

The essence of the idea is to search through the Internet for those who want to meet and invite them to the game. By participating in the quest, people interact more closely. The result can be a real acquaintance.

When starting such a business, it is important to find the right premises, as well as decide what type of game to use. If people manage to create a couple using the service, they will definitely tell their friends about it. The result will be an increase in demand.

[Idea 3]. Attraction drunk bike

The amusement ride business can be very profitable. However, it is important to understand that it requires total control. If you hire a person who will look after the attraction, he can take part of the profits for himself.

Attraction drunk bike perfect for holding at various festive events and fairs associated with a large crowd of people.

Its essence is that:

  1. In a conventional bicycle, the design is changed; when the steering wheel is turned, the wheel turns in the other direction.
  2. The participant of the competition must ride such a bike on a small short track with several turns, never once touching the ground. For each attempt, the participant pays money.
  3. If he manages to reach the finish line, the organizers give him a prize. It could be soft toy, case of beer or champagne.

As practice shows, There are plenty of people who want to ride a drunk bike. At the same time, almost no one manages to reach the finish line.

[Idea 4]. Making toys according to children's drawings

AT Canada a new unique business idea was developed - sewing toys based on children's drawings . The creator of such a project opened a special studio. Children can come here, draw their own sketch and get a toy sewn on its basis.

In Russia, there are no more 3 -x studios offering such a service.

  • One side implementation of the idea is quite difficult, after all, for each product you will need to develop your own sketch so that it is individual. In addition, you will need a considerable supply of fabrics, accessories, as well as a multifunctional sewing machine.
  • On the other hand parents usually spare no expense for their children. They are willing to pay a lot of money for such a toy. Therefore, when priced at 100 % and total production 1 products on the day of investment can be returned after a month.

[Idea 5]. three dimensional sweets

Recently, overseas popularity is gaining printing sweets on 3D printers . For this, special food equipment is used, with the help of which figurines are made from chocolate or sugar thread.

Suitable for start-up entrepreneurs basic equipment, which allows you to create one-color products. Its value is within 50,000 -140,000 rubles.

professional equipment will cost significantly more from 850 000 rubles. It allows you to make multi-color figurines.

With the help of special 3D printers, you can produce:

  • chocolates, as well as lollipops;
  • pasta and spaghetti;
  • various design elements for decorating cakes;
  • cookies of exclusive designs.

First of all, such products should be offered to cafes and restaurants, to confectionery production, as well as to those who make cakes to order.

Additional investments will be needed to purchase raw materials. A spool of food thread will cost about 3 000 rubles per kilogram. However, finished products can be sold at a markup of up to 100 %.

[Idea 6]. Clothing that changes color

A British design studio has come up with a new business idea that is not yet available in Russia. It consists in tailoring clothes that change color under the influence of various factorsmoisture, temperature, lighting.

The basis of such a fabric is ordinary materials. Color change occurs due to the use of specialized dyes.

In production technologies there is nothing difficult, any suitable equipment can be used for this, for example sublimation printers.

In addition to equipment, you will need dyes . When ordering in China, their cost is near 15 000 -25 000 rubles per kilogram. This weight is enough for a huge number of products.

The cost of even an ordinary color-changing T-shirt reaches 2 500 rubles. With this in mind, you can achieve income from such a business. at least 50,000 -70,000 rubles per month.

Coming up with your own business idea can be difficult. Therefore, the introduction of options that are successfully developed abroad can be an excellent alternative.

But it is important to take into account the difference in the mentality of citizens, which can have a significant impact on demand.

What kind of business can you start from scratch and without investments

10. How to start a business in 2019 with minimal investment - 4 business ideas without investment from scratch

Not everyone has tools that can be used as initial capital to create a business. If even in such a situation there is a desire to develop your own business, you can use 4 ideas for starting a business without investments from scratch below.

Idea 1. Tutoring services

This way to organize a business from scratch and without investments can be called one of the most popular. The principle here is quite simple: You need to teach others what you can do yourself. By the way, we wrote about that in a separate article.

In most cases, tutors offer to master the following skills:

  • vocals;
  • playing music;
  • drawing;
  • foreign languages.

Also, tutors often provide assistance in mastering school curriculum , as well as in higher education subjects. In fact, the list of what can be taught is much wider. The main thing is to decide what services will be in demand.

Without the need to invest money, tutoring usually requires a significant amount of time.

However, there is a way to turn this business into passive source of income.

It is enough to record video tutorials and sell them. You can also create own channel on YouTube and earn from it.

Idea 2. Trucking and taxi services

If you have your own car, which is roomy and clean enough, you can do passenger and cargo transportation.

Such services are most popular in small towns, where there are not so many taxi companies, but public transport underdeveloped.

To attract the first customers you will need:

  • place a large number of ads in social networks or on free internet boards;
  • you can also create own website. True, if there is no relevant knowledge, this will have to be spent;
  • register for various taxi service providers. To work, you just need to install special programs on your phone.

Idea 3. Taking photos and videos, making money on YouTube

Many believe that today it is unrealistic to earn income in this area, because the competition is huge. However, with the necessary skills and equipment, it is enough to be smart to find your customers.

Experts recommend at the beginning of your activity, concentrate on some specialized type of shooting, for example can organize photo shoots in schools and kindergartens or engage exclusively weddings. So you can quickly become an ace in your business and win the interest of consumers.

To earn on YouTube just decide what skills you can demonstrate in your videos.

Important to remember, that you won’t be able to quickly start making money on YouTube. You have to start your own channel first. Subsequently, by periodically adding new videos, you can earn income from each view.

Idea 4. Selling at online auctions

Another business option that does not require initial investment is sale of goods on online auctions .

  • Initially can be used as lots only lpersonal things, which are no longer needed;
  • Another great option is to sell own creations.

If you have certain knowledge, you can create your own online store that will help everyone who wants to sell something.

Thus, it is far from always that serious initial investments are required to create your own business.

You can try to organize a business, without spending a dime. But do not forget that you will have to invest other resources - time, energy and knowledge .

11. Ingenious business ideas

Read these examples to understand that ideas that can make you millions and change the world can lie on the surface.


Everyone knows this resource. Meanwhile, this is one of the first online stores in the world, which thanks to a successful marketing strategy has now become one of the most famous, and its author Jeffrey Bezos now a multimillionaire.

Amazon's design and features are copied by thousands of copycat sites around the world, although this project, like many great brands, was created in a garage.

2) Atari

This company produces popular computer games , such as Warcraft, Counter Strike, Heroes, tanks etc.

Not even a gamer has heard at least one of these names. Meanwhile, if 1972 company founder Atari Nolan Bushnell would not realize that video games are not child's play, but promising area for earnings, none of the above would be.

3) Pampers

This brand belongs to the company Procter & Gamble . Diapers were invented in 1956 year as an employee of this company Victor Mills.

Their name comes from the English verb "to pamper" , which translates as "pamper, indulge" . The brand name has become a household name, and diapers have made life easier for millions of mothers around the world.

Many more such examples could be listed. At all times there have been enough people, the fruits of imagination and labor of which made our world the way we are used to seeing it now.

8. How to Avoid Failure

Most of the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs are not due to external factors, but to their own incompetence.

Therefore, to avoid failure, you need to:

  1. Create a clear business plan. No other action should start before this step. If you have free money, order a business plan from specialists.
  2. Be customer oriented. Remember, your profit depends on your customers. Fulfill the desires of customers, take into account their needs, be friends with them. And soon you will notice that new customers come to you on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances.
  3. Offer what they will definitely buy. If you open a branded bag store in a village with a population of 50 man - they will not appreciate. But the arrival of a mobile shop with the necessary household goods once a week will be as relevant as possible.
  4. Don't take loans. If you don't have business experience, get it using your own funds. By borrowing from banks, you risk losing much more than you planned to earn. About that, read our article right now.
  5. Set goals. Having determined what level of income you want to receive, you are more likely to achieve it in reality. This is pure psychology. At the same time, consider how you plan to spend the money you earn. Perfect option - reinvestment for business development.
  6. Set up a hierarchy. If you started a business in partnership with someone, decide who is responsible for what. Write it down in Charter.
  7. Don't put things off until later. You want your business to start generating good income as soon as possible, right?
  8. Do not risk in vain, but do not be afraid. Follow the golden mean in decisions.
  9. Do not give up. If your first attempt fails, Try again. But be sure to take into account the experience gained and draw conclusions so as not to step on the same rake twice.
  10. Don't expect instant results. Business develops slowly and gradually, just like children grow up.

9. Conclusion + video

We hope this article has helped you come up with an idea for starting your own business. profitable business with little investment.

Author of the financial magazine "", former head of a well-known SMM agency. Currently a coach, Internet entrepreneur and marketer, investor. I tell you how to effectively manage personal finances, how to increase them profitably and earn more.

On the pages of the site you will find a lot of useful information.

In the context of the financial crisis, when the number of jobs is declining, but at the same time the consumer and service industries remain in demand, ideas or even businesses from scratch occupy the minds of ordinary citizens.

The desire to find additional income opportunities is an important reason for looking for activities without capital investment. The benefit of such a business can be considered the minimum number of risks, and if a person believes that he is strong in some area, then this will serve as an additional guarantee of the success of a new undertaking.

Business from scratch - does it exist?

No, there is no such business. In any case, you will have to invest:

  1. Education.
  2. If there is no education - time.
  3. And, in any case, great enthusiasm.

There is a point of view that all the proposed ideas for beginners are not business, but handicraft. But there are no other options for a zero start. If there are no funds for employees, you have to be an employee yourself. And only with the growth of the business, one's own skills, abilities and income, it will be possible to delegate part of one's functions to someone else. Moreover, very often even “grown up” businessmen of a small sphere are forced to create an adequate replacement for themselves over the years. This is the nature of a small business. Small business is a way of life. Dreaming that in a couple of years the gears will spin without any of your participation is at least naive.

This material contains proven ideas in which you can still find your niche. Think over what is your highlight among the mass of the same, and go ahead. Each of these ideas fits perfectly into the requirements of a "low start".

Businesses You Can Start Without Big Investments

We will give at least 100 ideas that allow. There is no clear division into separate groups, but for a better understanding of the area in which you can go, we will accept a conditional classification by type:


Automotive Business Ideas

The best ideas in the automotive business include the following points:

Earnings on the Internet

For women

Review on video

This article from To Biz looks at the latest ideas of 2017, and the authors argue that these ideas are really promising, working, but have not yet become too competitive.


The manufacturing industry includes a wide variety of ideas, but you should be prepared for what is required. certain amount starting capital.

creative ideas

Some business ideas may be initially focused on achieving results, as they are distinguished by creativity and oddity.

Home business

You can also find ways to earn while sitting at home. Most of the home ideas are related to the hand-made industry.

Ideas 2017

Every year there are new types of business, designed to bring even a small, but income and able to meet the needs of society.

Ideas in Crisis

In the wake of a crisis, you should choose business ideas in areas that remain in demand even with the scarcity of opportunities for potential customers.

Ideas for business in Moscow

The metropolitan public is hard to surprise, and the market is so saturated that ideas are required that are either not yet well developed or have competitive advantages.

Some examples of investments and payback periods for business ideas

The main thing that will concern everyone who decides to open their own business is the amount of investment and the payback period of the project.

Business idea Investment amount Skills Payback period
Tutoring ——— Knowledge in a certain area, the presence of a diploma Depending on the number of students
Vending massage 1 armchair 35 thousand rubles Not required 1 person - 100 rubles, per day throughput 10 people = 1000 rubles. 30 thousand per month. Payback in three months
Mafia game or similar Rental of premises and organization of advertising (approximately 30,000) Not required Monthly income 28000, payback two months
Tailoring for pets Purchase of fabric, 1 meter = 300-500 rubles The ability to sew One ready-made suit costs from 1500 to 2000. Payback month
Home beauty salon 30000 rubles Knowledge of hairdressing 4-5 months

Opening your own business with minimal investment is real. The most important thing at the initial stage is to monitor the market situation, identify a niche area and draw up a business plan. Next, you need only perseverance and the desire to make a profit. You should not expect that the money will flow like a river on its own, in the first months you will have to “work hard”.


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